Watching The Dark Knight Rises...Again

The Dark Knight Returns
The Dark Knight Forever
The Dark Knight & Robin

Just some ideas.
They ruined Bane at the end. My first watch through I was bothered but the rest of his scenes beforehand were good enough that I still managed to enjoy myself. Second time watching it though, knowing what was coming, I didn't like the movie at all.
Clearly that's what they were trying to go for. BUT, the thing is, they showed Batman in the ship, 4 seconds before detonation. Not to mention, the blast apparently had a 6 mile blast. He was...maybe a mile out to sea. Technically speaking, GGL and all the kids on that bridge would have been gone. The sea-side of Gotham...would have been gone. Even if Wayne had managed to get out of the plane, he was still RIGHT NEXT TO AN ATOMIC BOMB EXPLODING UP HIS ARSE.

I still love the movie, and I bought into the end just as well. But if you really think about it, the writer's didnt' do a whole lot to help suspend disbelief.

It's a Justice League tie-in. Superman saves Batman before the bomb goes off.
I thought the end very disappointing.

wht they had to show bruces face at the end that is. Sure, too many people would have draw reference to the end of inception, but in this case the film would have a much more bittersweet effect with leaving the mystery there... Even just simply focusing on alfreds face to end it.

Also, yeah, smashing around a nuclear bomb like a ping pong ball is stupid too.

Overall the movie left me wanting much much less, and this comes from a guy whose read over 44 years of batman comics. I love batman. The robin stuff was great, and the other two movies were brilliant (batman begins was better)

But when Christopher Nolan (one of my favourite directors) only comes out with the third or fourth best comic book movie of the year, you know something aint right.

1. Avengers
2. Dredd
3. Batman/Amazing spiderman
Still think Bane's death was the most anti-climatic exit for character.
Or equilibrium. That was a pretty anticlimactic battle.
Have you not seen war of the worlds?

Original or remake??

I haven't seen all of the remake, but I see where you're coming from, but that still didn't seem as bad as this to me.

Or equilibrium. That was a pretty anticlimactic battle.

Even if it was anticlimatic Christian Bale slicing of Tyrese Gibson's face is both awesome and hilarious

At least the aliens got a death sequence. Bane got pinged across the room and forgotten about. So many hilarious 'deaths' in that film.
Watched it second time few days ago. Still Dark Knight is slightly better but movie has it's value. Bane was perfect(except that ending of his) and story and ending was very well. Movie is got his moments and thats for sure and acting is good(Michael Cane is brilliant as Alfred). His grade on imdb was too high at one time and he didn't deserve that much but if I would grade it I would give it 8/10. Its not masterpiece but its good blockbuster movie.

I was just wondering, has anybody seen it since the original release, and changed their opinion on it?
Well, not too much. If you disregard few things on that story(like why they didnt just kill all those cops and similar(even dont really like all those evil takeover of Gotham)), its quit good movie.

Oh, and Ann Hattaway was very good. Don't know what is all the fuzz about that...
Watched the film 3 times in Cinema. Will buy it on DVD.

EVERYONE should get an oscar for that. Fucking everyone.
The Spielberg version? Elaborate.

I mean the aliens. Being killed off by simple earth flu, seemed less impressive than a missile to the chest. I still think it was a clever ending though, just it had no real climax, hence anti-climactic. Then again, I havent seen that in ages, maybe it's lost any impact it had through blurring.

At least the aliens got a death sequence. Bane got pinged across the room and forgotten about. So many hilarious 'deaths' in that film.
True, I'm no fan of bane's exit either.

lee said:
Or equilibrium. That was a pretty anticlimactic battle.

Equilibrium is maybe my favourite dystopian future action film of all time. Better than any other night alone. Didnt he blast that guy to shit? And slice the other guys face off? And the music was great.

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