Wasn´t Ziggler In This Position One Year Ago? What Has Changed?

Last year he needed Vickie to be over, now he doesn't. The biggest change for Dolph over this past year is his mic skills. Now when he cuts a promo, he sounds comfortable and natural, rather than a little forced like he used to. Ironically, it seems it may have been his excellent work on Z! True Long Island Story that brought his improvement to the WWE's attention. People suddenly noticed, myself included, that he could cut one hell of a promo, being funny, sharp, witty, and clever, while still being a #heel. Dolph's a major rising star in the WWE, and may be the company's future (along with a few others, of course). Now, he looks ready to branch out on his own, without Vickie, and be the main eventer he truly worked his way to being.
The key difference (other than the change of shows) he is more over by himself, than he was last year where had to basically rely on Vickie to get even a little bit of heat. Ziggler dosen't really need Vickie that much anymore considering his improvment on the Mic. (which he has a lot considering during a House Show in Melbourne Australia, he cut one of the worst promos I've have heard. People in the audience were actually embarassed for him, he did that bad.) and he now has a gimmick of being a show-off. I feel Ziggler could become a World Champion in 2012 (but not on Raw) since Ziggler has improved a lot since this time last year.
Ziggler is a future world champion in the WWE. The difference between now and last year is, Ziggler is main eventing Raw, which is much better then main eventing Smackdown.

Also Ziggler was pushed from mid card straight to main event on Smackdown, while now Ziggler has been a top mid carder for the last 4 months and has been in the main event quiet a few times, he has been built up bigger and better, and could win the WWE title.
He's about in the same spot. True, he has moved to Raw which is traditionally the flagship program but they don't necessarily have the loaded roster they used to. Truth be told Smackdown has more same-tier talent as Ziggles.

What's significant is that he's been able to hold onto that spot. Most guys in his position have already found themselves on Superstars jobbing out. Or just as bad, "developmental" oo-la-la...

Ziggy is a pretty awesome superstar and if you'll notice, however slowly, he is still climbing his way up, which technically isn't going down.
What has changed as this is not the B show. This is the top show WWE has to offer. This year he has had to work as hard as he could to get more noticed, To get higher up on the card. This time around he is on a show with people such as John Cena, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, The Miz, R-Truth, The list can go on. This time the competiton is much greater that last time.

As he has managed to get back up to the spot he has last year now on Raw, He is in alot better of a spot then last time. This time he has alot more support and has greatly improved on the microphone.

This being said, I also have to take into consideration that John Morrison was in this spot last year, and look what happened to him.

John Morrison had zero mic skills though, was only a decent wrestler outside of his impressive parkour spots. Ziggler is good on the mic and ever improving, and just plain great in the ring.

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