Was the Raw Guest Host Timbaland drunk?

Doomsday Device

Pre-Show Stalwart
Slurred talk, rolling his eyes back for no reason, cant stand up straight, doesnt come out until the end, and on top of that has a hard time announcing the main event.

An 8 year would've had an easier time working as a Guest Host.

Your thoughts.
Well, if he was under any influence...we probably saw less of him than was originally planned, which is a good thing. Thank all things holy that we at least get a competent guest host for a week with Bret on 1/4.
I doubt Timbaland was drunk....................... He was probably just high as shit. His eyes were almost closed and when I saw the whites of his eyes, they were red. I don't this is a bad thing(I guarantee Snoop Dogg smoked before the show) I think he probably would have been worse if he wasn't high, he probably would have been nervous and would have messed his lines up just as much as he did when he was high.
He was probably blazed. That or he just really didn't give a shit about being there.
Thats what struck me odd. First time he was on camera he didnt appear 100%

Usually, Raw Guests Hosts appear in the first quarter of the show, and a few more times after that. Then he comes out to the ring for the remaining 10 minutes of the show.. I am not big into either Cena or Shameus, but Timbaland should have AT LEAST introduced Shameus as the WWE Champion. Didnt happen.

If he was under some kind of influence we'll know soon enough.

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