Warrant Issued For Chris Jericho


iMPACT! Player From The Start
TMZ.com is reporting that an arrest warrant has been issued for WWE star Chris Jericho after he failed to appear in a Kentucky court today stemming from the recent public intoxication charges filed against him on January 27th. The story also notes that fellow WWE star Gregory "Hurricane" Helms paid his fine.

Reading the main page of WrestleZone I cam across that and apparently he did not make his court appearance today from the incident a few weeks back. So now a warrant has been issued.

All I have to say about this is how the hell did this not get resolved? He could have easily made it to court and WWE no doubt would have given him time off to pretty much make this situation just go away. No instead of having to pay a fee he will end up being arrested just to go before a judge and be released with a bigger fee and more bad publicity for both himself and WWE. I'm starting to wonder if Jericho isn't losing his mind.
I'm telling you, it's something in the water that the Canadians drink that somehow affects their mental capacity and neurotransmitters.

In all seriousness, what an idiot. All he had to do was to pay the fucking fine. Hell, even Helms paid the fine, and he was the more serious of the two cases, from the reports.

You mean to tell me that Jericho can't afford a fine with the money he makes?

What a fucking dumbass. I hope they slap the cuffs on him and haul him off to the station. Then, he can come in court in handcuffs all because he couldn't be bothered to pay a simple fine or make a court appearance.
I'm telling you, it's something in the water that the Canadians drink that somehow affects their mental capacity and neurotransmitters.

Naw, not even slightly prejudiced towards Canadians...

Anyway, I don't know what possessed him to not just pay the fine and get this over with. It's not like it takes a month to pay it off or something. This is definitely not going to end well...
According to Jericho himself on Twitter, he did pay, and he didn't have to be in court. Here's the message from him:

IAmJericho: Paid my fine on time and never had a court date. Im free to walk the streets.... Sorry TMZ wrong again.
Actually he did pay it. This is from his twitter account.

"Paid my fine on time and never had a court date. Im free to walk the streets.... Sorry TMZ wrong again."

edit: Yea what the guy above me said...haha
Why would Jericho, who last year was in a dispute over a fan altercation and that matter was resolved with no trouble, refuse to pay a fine? Its clearly B.S. in my opinion. Any site could post something, like TMZ, and it'd spark off rumours and heresay. Jericho is one of the top guys and whilst he's had troubles, well, two, last year and this year, he doesn't seem to have a problem settling disputes. And guys even pointed out he tweeted or twatted whatever its called that he paid his fine.
this is not nearly as big as you are making it out to be. whenever you fail to show up for something as simple as a traffic ticket you have a warrant issued for your arrest. My guess is it is either something as simple as a paperwork snafu, or poor reporting by TMZ. again, public intoxication not the same as dui
Meh seeing it now that he did in fact pay settles the whole thing. Once again shotty TMA reporting. Just going by what I heard from THIS site.
When I first read the story, one of the first things that came to my mind is TMZ is just trying to make him look bad. He's been bad mouthing them and even if they run a false story people still look down on Jericho. TMZ and him have a little fued going on.

Maybe they can settle it in the ring somehow.
Jericho is a dumb ass why the hell didnt he paid his fuckin fine.Now because of this im pretty sure that WWE will punish him,Cause im dam sure that WWE gave him one day of to fix that shit.

But hey hopefully he pays his fine and gets out of trouble from now and then.
As stated by a few posters already, Jericho says he paid his fine.

This isn't all that uncommon in the court systems. People fail to appear all the time - many times because they are misinformed by their representation. Whether or not they were misinformed, a failure to appear for the violations that Jericho has pending would not have resulted in him being hauled down to the station. They wouldn't have posted a man hunt, and the only way he would have even gone to the station would have been on his own or if he committed another crime (something as simple as a speeding ticket.)

Regardless of him paying his fine or not paying his fine, this incident was so minor that I can't believe it sparked any kind of fan debate at all.
Sorry fellas, us Canadians aren't bitches to our government.

Mr. Irvine probably had organization troubles, or travel difficulties. Or he could have just gotten drunk again. I don't think he'd do anything that stupid though. Still not a good role model...

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