Spent a day in the cells.

They probably would if their community wasn't made up of 40 overweight wiggas with an affinity for their mother's makeup.
I called up there and they said court was at 9:30 AM but I can just go pay my fine which wasn't nearly as much as I thought it would be. I only have to pay $73. Either that or I can go to court on the 30th. I think.
I know the feeling all to well. Shit I got held overnight once in New York for a bench warrant that had been cleared up years ago in Rhode Island while I was on my way to meet up with IC, Norcal and D-Man last year. All I got was a damn written apology.

Spent 8 months in training school/juvenile detention when I was 15 as well. The opposite of fun times.

Atleast you're out Hans.
Lulz, the man didn't want that much awesomeness in the one place.

Can't imagine why you were put in jail. You seem like such a respectful, and kind adult.
Yeah about that...
Why were you in a Detention Center? That sounds shitty....
Knowing X? possession.
They throw you in jail for that, yet 2 guys here killed one kid, almost killed another, and stabbed a third all in a matter of 5min.. they been locked up for 2 years, trial just took place, they plead guilty to all charges. They have 25 months left to serve. That's it. Now how the hell is that a sentence??
Get to go to court on Friday cause I'm being sued over shit that's not my fault, not looking forward to it one bit

I swear to god, I'm never getting another roommate as long as I live

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