warning this is a very dark what if thread

Jordan adams

Pre-Show Stalwart
This is about chris beniot and my stomach is turning while i am typing this. What do you think would have in chris showed up to night of champions after he killed his wife and kid. There was still time for him to catch a flight and make it to the ppv and won the ecw tittle. What would wwe have done how long do you guys think it woulded have taken for people to find out would he have gotten away with it. Im not sure what would have happened but I thought this watching is THS on youtube.
You're very right...very dark thread, but a great "What if".

Personally, I think that had he made it to NoC and been functional and won, it would have fueled the speculation even further that it was a 'roid rage incident since he was well enough to perform.

CM Punk may have quit wrestling altogether since even after the murders he had been open about being hit extra hard since Chris Benoit was one of his idols and in the company was his biggest mentor.

I don't think that for a second had he been found out during the match or during the PPV that officials wouldn't have had any problem sending police out even mid match to deal with it.

I think that had it got that far, it would be the undisputed darkest day in wrestling. Worse than the stabbing of Bruiser Brody, the Montreal Screwjob, the Mass Transit Incident, Ric Flair's plane crash, Adrian Adonis' or JYD's car accidents, or the stunt gone wrong death of Owen Hart. Not to say that it isn't a prime candidate already, but it would be clinched.

Knowing some of the good ol' boys in the back and the way old school backstage politics were handled, had he been backstage, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the vets backstage didn't beat him within an inch of his life or possibly worse...
Now stay with me here It might have been better for the WWE if that had happened.

reason is cuz then it wouldv'e shown even more cleary that he hid this side from his employer so well that the day it happened nobody could even tell, this causes more distance between the events and the WWE rather than it being so one shot blurred of him doing the events because he "lost his head" this makes him look more like a planned killer and I think it paints a more guilty picture on him.

now this all happens if the WWE knows nothing about it, if they suspect odd things happening and they dismiss or god forbid cover up, it gets 10x worse.
Well, I don't think the bodies of Nancy and Daniel would have been discovered in time for the PPV. So nothing really would have happened.

However, let's play along that IF their bodies were discovered during the event, then Benoit would have been taken off the show for questioning and to deal with the situation. And Vince would have had to find a replacement for the match.

Everything would have either went down exactly as did, with Morrison wrestling Punk, or Benoit would have wrestled Punk, and then would have sat down for questioning with the police, when their bodies were eventually discovered. Whether it be that night, or the next one, or whenever.
If this happened. Then anything could have happened to Punk...even the worst. It is established Benoit suffered from severe brain damage which means he was nuts on that day. If he was able to somehow control himself and go it the ring..he would have exploded in there and wrestling would have never been so real.
Benoit was slated to win the ECW Championship against CM Punk at Night of Champions. Could you imagine what would have happened had Benoit actually become ECW Champion after the horrific events...could it be possible ECW itself would have been tarnished and unable to continue? It would definately be a black eye and terrible PR for WWE (even if they had no clue at the time...we all know how much negative press they got for the 3-hour tribute show).

Also, since Benoit was replaced by Johnny Nitro (Morrison) in the ECW Championship match which resulted in Nitro's first ECW Championship reign (and ultimate name change to John Morrison)...what would have happened to Morrison? His push would have come later, or possibly not at all. (Although I believe his push was going to happen regardless...sometimes people are released while waiting on that push...)
That is a good what if...

First off I don't think if he was in the middle of the match, they would have sent the cops out mid-match. I think if the cops got there while the match was happening...they would've let the ref know, or made someone go out to DQ the match...just so Punk could win, or leave the title vacant...And then once backstage Benoit could've been grabbed.

WWE probably would've looked like shit, for allowing the match to continue, blah blah...but I doubt Vinnie Mac would allow them to interupt his PPV so easily. Even for a murderer.
Benoit was slated to win the ECW Championship against CM Punk at Night of Champions. Could you imagine what would have happened had Benoit actually become ECW Champion after the horrific events...could it be possible ECW itself would have been tarnished and unable to continue? It would definately be a black eye and terrible PR for WWE (even if they had no clue at the time...we all know how much negative press they got for the 3-hour tribute show).

I think you are being a bit melodramatic.

If Benoit would have become champion, then they would have stripped him of the title once WWE was aware he was being investigated, and announced that Chris Benoit is attending to "personal issues and unable to fulfill his obligations as ECW Champion".

Then, they would have likely set up a match between Morrison and Punk, which is exactly what transpired, and the winner would have gotten the title.

Something like that wasn't going to cause the Brand to "cease all operations" or anything like that.
Well seeing as how they had a tribute to Chris Benoit the next night on RAW I would have to assume that the show would have gone on as planned. He would have won the title.

If they found out mid match that his family was murdered, the match probably would have been cut short but he probably would have still won.

If they had found out that his family was murdered and that Benoit was the prime suspect, I'm sure they would have changed the outcome of the match. They certainly wouldn't give him a title if he were suspected of murder. However, I highly doubt that they would have the police come out on a live show and arrest Benoit would could legitimately put up a fight. All of that would have been handled back stage. I also really doubt that a beatdown of Benoit backstage would have been allowed. Whether his killed anyone or not, WWE is a public company and cannot have stuff like that happen.
The WWE would probably have stripped benoit of the title after he won the match, It would probably have given congress proper amunition to investigate the wwe and pro wrestling all together.

Benoit probably would have had his whole fan base turn on him and as you stated before have guys in the back give him a beat down to near death experience and perhaps hand him over bloody and bruised.

Benoit would have spent life in prison and the wwe as a wrestling company more or less would probably ha
ve advertisers pulling out, wrestlers leaving, and networks attempting to get out of the deals they made, the brand would be left damage and at near death all because they had a killer on their show win a title in front of millions watching at home and the thousands in attendance.

It would be a darker day for the WWE more darker then what actually transpired!
I think he would have been severely beaten to death by the boys in the back then carted away by the cops if Undertaker or someone like that didn't break his neck first.

I'm sure it would have severely damaged the WWE name even more so than the incident already did after the event. And they definitely would have done psychological evaluations on him to see if it was indeed roid rage or he was just fuckin psychotic.
The steroids were the cause of his brain damage. Roid rage or not, steroids were at the bottom of his breakdown and murder of his family.

The WWE would most likely not send out the police in the middle of a match, because that would look like it was part of the show, and people would think it would be a storyline starting, which would make the WWE look bad. They would have had the ref DQ someone and Punk would retain due to default. Then when Benoit came to the back, the police would get him there and take him in for questioning. IF Benoit snapped during the match, security would have pounced on him so fast it would be unbelievable.

Had Chris not commited suicide and acctually came to the PPV, I suspect they would have caught him, or at least brought him in, since he would be a suspect. It wouldn't have happened until after the match, or maybe even the next day, since there's no way anyone would have any idea unless Benoit was acting funky.

As far as all these statements go about how the boys in the back would have beaten him down, I think there would be some sort of intelligent control because someone would know that it would get out that they beat him down, and that would make WWE look terrible. Imagine if that had happened, and then they found out about the roids?? Congress might have incinerated the company because they would think EVERYONE was on the drug.

That's just my two cents tho.
As far as all these statements go about how the boys in the back would have beaten him down, I think there would be some sort of intelligent control because someone would know that it would get out that they beat him down, and that would make WWE look terrible. Imagine if that had happened, and then they found out about the roids?? Congress might have incinerated the company because they would think EVERYONE was on the drug.

That's just my two cents tho.

I can see how one would take an intelligent approach to it but you know one or two of them would just be in that right kind of mood and throw down with him in an instant.
Believe it or not, it may have actually been a GOOD thing for fans of the WWE.

Think about it - they would have found out what was going on and the whole tribute show never would have happened since 1) he wasn't dead & 2) he was being held on suspicion of murder.

The main reason why it may have been good for fans is because we would still see tribute-like moments on WWE programming - Test being the most recent example.

In addition, it may have allowed guys to be more upfront and vocal about the whole situation since we could have gained a much better understanding about what Benoit was going through. His so-called "roid rage" could have been disected to immeasurable amounts and it may have actually benefited the sports community a lot more.

Having Benoit kill himself left many questions unanswered and most theories or reasons are purely speculation. It would be the same if Lee Harvey Oswald had not been killed - instead of the magic bullet theory, we may have found out what truly happened.
i think those who think it would have damaged the wwe may be wrong. if they arrest him after the match and he is charged, he would likely play the steroids defense. but the wwes highly paid lawyers would have had a great defense themselves and i dont think the hit would have been any worse than what it actually was. one thing on one has touched on; what if he got away with it? say they found his family murdered, he put on a great act and the killer was never found. and later down the road he killed himself due to the guilt. now as dark as it may sound, this would have been highly beneficial for the company. if he kills himself, it will just look like it was out of depression instead of guilt.
Believe it or not, it may have actually been a GOOD thing for fans of the WWE.

Think about it - they would have found out what was going on and the whole tribute show never would have happened

Anyone think Vince wouldn't have brokenkayfabe and outedhimself the following night, after the limo explosion, and we'd have had a huge Who Killed McMahon story? Or possibly he would have ended it anyway, due to the links made between a killer in Benoit and a killer in the story.

Meh, I was excited for that story.
SuperKick36, the steroids didn't give Benoit brain damage. Benoit gave himself brain damage by risking his health with the bumps, flying headbutts, etc. that he would perform every night. But the roids certainly didn't help.
I first just want to say that this is a very thought provoking thread and the creator shouldn't be chastized for it.

Anyway... IF Benoit would have still caught a plane and performed, it really could have gone so many different ways. However, at no point would any of it have been good for the WWE. I can't fathom anybody arguing that this would have been good for the WWE at all. Look at what would have happened...

ASSUMING Benoit would have gotten a plane and gone to the PPV and performed to his typical great Benoit in-ring ability, he would have even less fans than he does now. I say that because it's obvious some people (well... all people) will never forgive him for what he did... but some people do still separate what he did for the business and in the ring from the tragedy that will forever be attached to him. People still respect his ring work and reputation backstage as one of the most respected and respectful workers to ever step through the ropes. But keep this in the back of your minds... if Benoit showed up and performed, I would think even less of him personally and here's why.

What if YOUR family was killed by somebody, and then whoever that somebody may be, was close to you, a coworker, a friend of yours, etc... and showed up to be around you, in your company and went on like business as usual until you found out what happened? Then you question how that person could show up somewhere around you and carry on like nothing ever happened? Everybody would hate Benoit so bad for carrying on what he did that fateful day, and then showing up at the PPV to perform for all the fans who were looking foward to his match with Punk that night. That match was actually the reason I purchased the PPV that night. But every single person in the back would have thought he was a disgusting snake for showing up to perform after he just murdered his family. A lot of people lost their respect for Benoit after what he did, but had he shown up that night, there would have been war.
If he would have made the plane trip and got there than anything freaky could have happened and the entire wwe would not be the same. It would have affected multiple different careers.

John Morrison : He would not have become ECW champ that night and may have stayed as johnny nitro, but if he were to make the change to John Morrison later then he would have to go through a tournament to get the vacated ECW title after Benoit is stripped of it when the bodies were found. Winning a tournament to get a vacated title that was vacated by a murderer would not have been a great launching pad for Morrison.

CM Punk: Anything could have happened to him. If Benoit came in there with murder on the brain then he could have looked at CM Punk and envisioned his wife or kid and attacked Punk and attempt murdering him. Punk may have been so disgusted with laying down for a murderer that he may have quit that day and then come back later. Taking a time of leave would have held him back from winning the ECW title and maybe even the MITB or WHC.

The Referee : A strecth but he could have been disgusted with raising the hand of a murderer and awarding him a title that he could have packed it in and look for work somewhere else (Big stretch but possible)

Vince McMahon : He wouldnt have carried on the who killed mcmahon angle on that much longer but he would be more active with his security for them not noticing a murderer was walking through the door.

ECW: The title itself would have been tarnished beyond belief and it would have made Benoit a bigger name by winning the title and thus harder to avoid talking about him.

It all could have been different if this actually happened. If Punk was discouraged and never wanted the ecw title then he wouldnt have had that title reign and edge may have had a longer title reign. So many what ifs. Very Dark Thread but also one of the most thought-provoking ones i have read.
Wow! I never thought of his ''What if'', but it's very clever and well-thought. I think the question is ''What did the steroids do to Benoit and his state of mind?'' If Benoit went on to kill his wife and son, then took a flight to the ''Night of Champions'' ppv and went on to compete for the ECW Championship, I really think that you would see a change in his ring behavior. I think Benoit would either feel very, very guilty in the match and not compete at his top level or he would show the aggression that he still had after the murders and look like he would kill Punk.

I'm answering to this thread, but it still hurts me to think that Benoit really did this. He was always in my Top 5 favorite WWE superstars and I love what he used to do in the ring. When I went on wwe.com for the match info and I read about Benoit having a family emergency... I felt fine. I thought, ''Ok, everyone gets family emergencies sometime. Then when I read that Johnny Nitro had won the title, I immediately thought, ''Cool, we can have a Triple Threat fued over the ECW Championship, with Nitro, Benoit, and Punk". Hours later, I read a headline stating, ''Benoit Found Dead'' and my heart completely dropped. I couldn't believe it and I still remember that till this day.

So, I like the fact you decided to think outside the box with this thread, and I will give you a rep for it, but this is definitely not something I can openly write about without still saying... ''I miss you, Chris Benoit''.
Wow. this is a helluva thread, well done by the author. Its almost unthinkable.

Well. I have NO clue. Obviously, the FBI wouldnt be waiting for WWE to write him off the show, they wouldve went straight in and arrested him. The WWE wouldve had to come clean, and just say what happened, I would guess. there is zero way they couldve spun it any differently. Another question, is could this possibly have had WORSE publicity for WWE? Especially if he had JUST won one of the world titles the night, or a few nights before he was arrested for double murder. I can see the headlines, and Nancy Grace's stupid ass face now, blaming WWE for something they couldnt have known about. It wouldve been horrible.
The steroids were the cause of his brain damage. Roid rage or not, steroids were at the bottom of his breakdown and murder of his family.

That's just my two cents tho.

I'm throwing your two cents right back at you for being so ignorant and misinformed. Steroids were the easy answer for a tragedy that has so many questions. First off it had been determined that roid rage didn't cause him to snap nor did it cause his brain damage.

From a FOXNEWS report
"There is no reliable scientific data that conclusively says that elevated levels of administered testosterone lead to excessive rage or behavioral disorders," Sperry said

What lead to his brain damage was from the amount of concussions he had and hit to the head. His brain was studied after by the request of Chris Nowitski and the head injury institute he runs.

So here are some links to articles so you don't jump to conclusions again.

I think you are being a bit melodramatic.

If Benoit would have become champion, then they would have stripped him of the title once WWE was aware he was being investigated, and announced that Chris Benoit is attending to "personal issues and unable to fulfill his obligations as ECW Champion".

Then, they would have likely set up a match between Morrison and Punk, which is exactly what transpired, and the winner would have gotten the title.

Something like that wasn't going to cause the Brand to "cease all operations" or anything like that.

I don't think he's being too melodramatic at all. I'd have a hard time believing SciFi would put out a program on which their star had just killed his family. I think they would cut their losses and get as far away from that product as possible. They'd also have a tough time getting sponsors for the show which is where TV channels make the bulk of their money. Once sponsorship money runs dry that usually spells the end for a program. Also, I remember back in 07 there was a solid chance that they werent going to renew their contract with the WWE. So i think the end of ECW on SciFi def wouldve happened and you'd have a hard time convincing me some other channel wouldve given it a chance.
It really all matters on when the WWE found out about the different details of the incident. The WWE would have probably gave Benoit the night off if they thought that someone or something else was the cause for his families death. If they had no suspision of him having any part of their deaths, they would have wouldn;t have had him compete and the same results that actually happened would have hapened. If they had any suspision of him being the murderer, I'm pretty sure that the WWE would be smart enough to report him to the police.

If the WWE didn't even know about the deaths of the Benoits and Chris showed up, it would have been business as usual. They would no nothing of the death of his family, so they wouldn't be suspicious. But what would have happened if they found out the truth while he was the ECW Champion. Of course he would have been stripped and released and turned into the police. But what about the business side? How would the WWE deal with having a man that just murdered his family the same weekend he won the championship?

I wish Benoit did survive. I want to know what was going through his mind and why he did it. I want to know if he really killed them over the course of a few days or if it was in one short rage.

I hope that whole thing made sense.
Everyone is saying, if they found the bodies after to arrived they would take him into custody midmatch or after the match. If you remember they only found the bodies in the first place because of the wierd texts Benoit sent out before he killed himself to his buddies made them suggest that someone should check the house. If you have Benoit show up to work like nothing happened and going with the excuse that Daniel and Nancy are just really sick no one is going to question it. Benoit is on the road like nothing happened, it was summer time if I remember correctly so it's not like school is gonna start wondering where Daniel is after a few days, there is a chance that it could have taken quite a bit of time for someone to discover that they were dead.

Benoit could have won the title that night from CM Punk and gone on for weeks as the face of the brand. McMahon's death storyline would have continued and no one would have been the wiser.

As far as Benoit going out to the ring with murder on his mind and trying to kill CM Punk, I guess that is possibly but I would say unlikely. If his brain was as much of a mess as they say it was and that was what caused the murders, my question is why didn't he snap before?

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