War Games

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
How come there isn't a thread discussing the greatness of War Games. Best gimmick match ever. Why wont Vince just accept that he didn't come up with it and make some money off it? Why have TNA tried to re-invent it? Lethal Lockdown matches are good. But with one ring, and fireworks when the roof comes down, it just isn't the same imo.
I personnaly hope Vince sucks it up, and decides to use it again. I've only see two War games, and they were amazing. WWE could make a profit from this match. It's the mos interesting, innovative, and lethal gimmick match is the history of wrestling. I would love to see a War Game at a PPV that usually generates a low buyrate. That way we get to see a great match, and WWE earns money. Knowing Vince though, he won't make it happen.
I liked War Games as well, but there were some pretty horrible and embarrassing moments. (Shockmaster anyone?) What about Sid being completely inept to the fact that there was a ceiling a foot above his head, and dropping Pillman on his neck on a botched powerbomb. (Then again, I don't think I ever saw a Sid match that looked good) I would like to see it incorporated into Survivor Series but they seriously need to raise the roof on that mother. . . of course, then it would be Hell in a Cell, but with two rings. I really doubt the return of War Games, but if it did come back it would have to be re-tooled for the 21st century.
I've never understood why people think this is the greatest match ever. It's a cool concept, but it really got stale around 1994.

All of the War Games from 1987 up until 1991 were pure gold, timeless classics which I could watch over. This probably had something to do with the Four Horsemen, who worked so well as a stable.

I wouldn't mind it coming back, but I personally think it should be used for stables who are either established and work well together (such as The Four Horsemen) or a up and coming stable looking to make a name for themselves.
The issue I see with War games is the same issue I occassionally see with Hell in a Cell and the Elimination Chamber. Overuse. War Games is for LEGIT feuds ONLY. As Serious Professional points out, when random guys are plugged in to what is supposed to be the biggest match of the year, it scrubs off the shine.

WWE has also gotten away from factions, where as TNA still uses them logically. Honestly, in the days of the Corporate Ministry, DOA, NOD, Dx, etc - THAT would have been the time to capitalize. Now it will take some planning.
WWE has also gotten away from factions, where as TNA still uses them logically. Honestly, in the days of the Corporate Ministry, DOA, NOD, Dx, etc - THAT would have been the time to capitalize. Now it will take some planning.

I was honestly just thinking the same thing. Do you remember when the original Nation broke up, & Crush made the D.O.A., & Savio made the Los Boricuas? That would've been THE perfect time to use it. Or when the Nation & DX were feuding like they were.

The only War Games matches I've seen, are from 1995 on. I think my favorite one, was 1997.. simply because that was the ultimate demise of the Four Horsemen. It was when Curt Hennig turned on Ric Flair, & if anyone couldn't see it coming it was because they were blind.

The people involved kinda sucked, I mean.. yeah the Horsemen side was solid, but the n.W.o. side had Kevin Nash, Syxx, Konnan & Buff Bagwell.. & no offense to our current exclusive, but Konnan along with Buff, neither one belonged in that match.

If should've been more along the lines of Kevin Nash, Syxx, Scott Hall & Randy Savage, or even Hulk Hogan. I should've been the strongest group of n.W.o. members, or the most "loyal." (meaning from the very beginning) But I think due to other storylines & Hogan simply not wanting to work it.. that it had to be Konnan & Buff instead of any other combination.

I think the most exciting & yet WORST War Games, was the 3, 3 man teams.. where the winner got a title shot at Halloween Havoc.

Team Page: D.D.P., Roddy Piper & The Warrior
Team Wolf Pac: Kevin Nash, Sting, Lex Luger
Team n.W.o.: Bret Hart, Stevie Ray, & Hulk Hogan

This was the one that added a ninth man, but also didn't really have any "feud" to end. It was more or less, Sting/Hart, Hogan/Warrior, & that was it.
The problem is that you rarely have heels that group up on a regular or semi-regular basis unless they are a faction. And since Evolution there really hasn't really been a heel faction or face faction for that matter. Just look at Survivor Series where they just throw groups of people from the various shows together.
I look at the present WWE situation and i dont really like the idea of a War Games unless you get Edge and the Majors with someone else versus's four guys but even then it would be real hit or miss. The more i think of it, if the WWF could have done it in late 1997 it would have been great. Like the september october months. You could have had Heart Foundation vs. The Nation or vs. DX and then since Austin was mixed in the middle of all of that but couldnt wrestle at the time cause of the injury but was still raising hell every week by delivering stunners to almost anyone i say you put him in their as the special referree.
War Games was an awesome concept, even if some of the matches that took place in it weren't exactly gold (especially towards the end of its use). However, though, I do think that with the right tweaking, it could work well in either WWE or TNA. Like it was stated earlier, the roof needs to be raised somewhat on the top of the cage. I'd also make the cage less of a fence-type structure and more akin to the temporary grid-cage that WCW used back in the late nineties for about five minutes for a Macho Man/Hogan (I think) cage match. This way it doesn't get lumped in as another duplicator/imitator of Hell in the Cell (even though any self-respecting fan knows it's the other way around...especially when talking about The Thunderdome Cage) or the Elimination Chamber. I think it'd be a great way to do business every now and again and add some flavor to some larger feuds. The key, as was also stated earlier is that factions need to make a comeback in the company. The last faction that had any relevance was Evolution and that's been quite some time. It needs to be about the groups again and then matches like this will be tailor-made for usage again. TNA wouldn't be able to really make use of it because putting two hexagonal rings together would probably look too goofy and be too impractical to actually execute a dual-cage setup. Besides, they have their own signature matches that they work fine with.

Also, on a side note, I think that two rings should be used for the Royal Rumble (ala Battlebowl). This way, they could have more guys fighting at the same time with more space for spots and movement in the ring. Keep the number of entrants the same, but allow the match to be more than just three guys grabbing one guy who is stuck to the corner buckle and won't let go for five minutes because there isn't enough room to move when more than four or five guys are in the ring at one time. That kind of shit always bugged me. I'm kind of thinking of a happy medium between the Rumble and World War 3, which was overkill in the opposite direction, for my taste.
I'm one of the guys that really misses War Games. I really think that all of them were exciting matches, probably up until the point where Hogan and the Dungeon of Doom got involved which was 1995. After that the War Games concept should've been killed because the matches were not good.

However I'd love to see Vince bring this thing back. Imagine now on Raw if you had HHH, HBK, Flair and Batista in against Edge, Orton, Umaga and maybe Mr. Kennedy. Tell me you guys wouldn't pay to watch a PPV with that match as the main event? I know that I would.

I wish Vince would just stop being so stubborn and realize that there were some good things that came out of WCW, and that it is okay to use them. In the end it doesn't mean that WWE was inferior to WCW, because after all, WWE is the one that's still around.
War Games, Freaking awesome concept. The WWE has swallowed its tongue and, if the rumors are true, are beginning to break down their own walls about WCW. With a Best of Starrcade DVD in the works, and a Sting DVD also in the works, Vinnie Mac looks to finally, finally begin to capitalize on that other company.

It's a gold mine I think. I think the big problem is Vince's ego. Would Vince actually allow a concept he didn't create be showcased on one of his pay per views? Why not? No one is going to think any less of the WWE if the War Games main event was the feature match at Survivor Series every year. It makes so much damn sense to have this match at Survivor Series, that only an idiot would fuck it up.

The problem is money though. I mean, screw buy rates going up on pay per view every time a cage match is announced, that's beyond the point, it's seats in the arena. McMahon looks at Gates, and he's not willing to give up 100 floor seats to do this match right. It's irritating, because he wastes hundreds more seats on building ridiculous, over the top sets for each pay per view.
Personally, IMO with WWE visiting the troops every year and our fighting men and women dying in Afganistain and Iraq daily selling a wrestling match called War Games may be more difficult then you think!!!!!!!!!
Personally, IMO with WWE visiting the troops every year and our fighting men and women dying in Afganistain and Iraq daily selling a wrestling match called War Games may be more difficult then you think!!!!!!!!!

Not really. They have a PPV called Armageddon. Chris Benoit killed himself on the same night as a PPV called Vengeance. WWE has loeads of names like this. Unless something extreme happens in Afghanistan then the name wont be a problem. Hell they should bring back War Games for the troops. That would be more publicity for Vince.
War Games, Freaking awesome concept. The WWE has swallowed its tongue and, if the rumors are true, are beginning to break down their own walls about WCW. With a Best of Starrcade DVD in the works, and a Sting DVD also in the works, Vinnie Mac looks to finally, finally begin to capitalize on that other company.

It's a gold mine I think. I think the big problem is Vince's ego. Would Vince actually allow a concept he didn't create be showcased on one of his pay per views? Why not? No one is going to think any less of the WWE if the War Games main event was the feature match at Survivor Series every year. It makes so much damn sense to have this match at Survivor Series, that only an idiot would fuck it up.

The problem is money though. I mean, screw buy rates going up on pay per view every time a cage match is announced, that's beyond the point, it's seats in the arena. McMahon looks at Gates, and he's not willing to give up 100 floor seats to do this match right. It's irritating, because he wastes hundreds more seats on building ridiculous, over the top sets for each pay per view.

I agree Vince isn't going to give up seating unless the idea is presented right. Do it at Survivor Series or Summerslam, play the ideas as since the ring area is bigger to accomodate 2 rings plus the cage, you have more front row seats, then say since it's a huge event, again we're doing this at a huge PPV for the company you can up the first and second row ticket prices to accomodate your loss of second and third tier level seats since those now became first tier with the expanded ring area. Plus it's a great thing to hype the first war games match since 99 or 2000 (I don't remember what year) and build it with a huge fued, the caveatt being that you have to use top tier guys like HBK, HHH, Jericho, etc... so you can build it like no other War Games before. If you deliver with the build up and hype the preconcieved brutality of the match (like they do with Hell in a Cell) it will sell out and deliver huge buyrates almoste guarenteed. But it needs proposed like a business and financial standpoint not just a nostalgic wrestling proposal. After all Vince is like the rest of us, the right proposal that could make a lot of money and he'll take it.
I loved the War Games, but I think wrestling nowadays is missing major star power and showmenship, not to mention able to withstand the punishment for anyone to compete in it. WWE was inspired by it, which is why they have the Survivor Series. Plus, this event was an NWA/WCW event, it doesn't fit the style WWE currently has.
The good thing about WarGames is that you dont necesarilly have to have established stables fighting in it. It could be just a group of guys who dont like each other hears some I would like to see

Raw Wargames: Orton, JBL, Cade, Murdoch, & Umaga v.s. HHH, HBK, Cena, Kennedy (turned face), & Jericho

SD/ECW WarGames: Edge, Ryder, Hawkins, Chavo, & Bam Neely v.s. Taker, Kane, Batista, Finlay, & Punk

SD/ECW v.s. Raw WarGames: HHH, HBK, Cena, Orton, & Kennedy v.s. Kane, Batista, Punk, Taker, & Edge
i really loved the war games match. it really is a 20-30 brawl with lots of team work. a very brutal match that sometimes ended angles. 87-91 were by far the best ones in terms of the way they were worked. i dont think it would quite work now a days for the fact that stables have kinda become an after thought. sure every once in a while you'll see 3 wrestlers loosely band together but they dont last that long. but all in all i would love to see war games comeback. watch this vid as it shows what made it great and shows key moments.


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