Wanted: Whoever The Hell Was Attacking People Backstage

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
They started by taking out the MCMG. Then they moved onto Rhyno. Then they finished up with Beer Money Inc. This takes two top teams out of the tag division for at least a week or so, and even though Rhyno hasn't done much lately, he has worked at putting over young guys.

The two attacks that concern me are the ones on Beer Money Inc and the Motor City Machine Guns. There's been lots of talk just around here, that these are two teams that need to split, and now this happens to them.

Who do you think the attackers are? That's the real point of this thread...Also, what effect do you think it has on the booking?

I'm in agreement with just about everyone from the LD that it was Hall and Waltman, and it would really piss me off if I'm right. They need to just go away, and attacking the top teams like that is another reason for them to be hated.
They more or less said it was the NWO...oh sorry can't call them that. Hall, Waltman and Nash. They attacked Foley, meaning they're the ones that attacked everyone else. The thing is though: they never said it which is the problem that they had all night. All night long whenever these people were on TV they never actually referenced what they were talkign about. What old gang and what old times? We know it's the NWO but what about fans that are new to wrestling and have never heard of the NWO? it's not fair to fans to ask them to research a show for three hours just to understand promos. It was those three, but you would never know it unless you had researched it, which is stupid as all hell.
I'm in agreement that it was Hall and Nash and Waltman. Now, with them attacking Foley at the end of the show with Hogan walking in on it. There's a few signs that point to what could happen.

A) Hogan was rocking the beard from his nWo days, so to that's a hint that he is with them, sorry to say as I loved his promos about having the young guys be put over.

B) If Hogan is with indeed with them, will we see Beer Money and The Guns team up once more and take on these four men, thus " the young guys" being put over by them?

C) Was it actually Bubba the Love Sponge, who just wouldn't take that damn ladder off of Roode!!

No, in all seriousness, as much as I'd like for it to be someone else, it all leads to Hall Nash and Waltman, and if it wasn't them, I'd be quite surprised. I wouldn't mind seeing Waltman stick around, but Hall is just a no, a big no.
What if it's not "The NWO" behind these attacks, but (god forbid) the Nasty Boyz. They are a team and what better way to establish themselves than to take out 2 top teams in TNA. As for the Rhyno attack, he's been hanging out with Team 3D, who the Nasty Boyz also targeted near the end of the show. Hrrm.
I would go for a different route and say how about TNA's newest acquisition, The Young Bucks.

Think about it, The young bucks are new to TNA, they want to prove themselves as a force and want tag teams to take notice of them, and what a better way to debut, with attacking the most established team on the roster, and a team who represents an obstruction to your dreams of becoming Tag team Champs.

Of Course, this will give them a major heat and will be the perfect way to make them debut as a major heel tag force, with a big swerve to the fans, or they could go the expected route and announce it was all done by the nWo or whatever they will name them, anyway they left us wondering who did it, which is a good thing, though, they need to do an explanation for it to make the angle work completly.
What if it's not "The NWO" behind these attacks, but (god forbid) the Nasty Boyz. They are a team and what better way to establish themselves than to take out 2 top teams in TNA. As for the Rhyno attack, he's been hanging out with Team 3D, who the Nasty Boyz also targeted near the end of the show. Hrrm.

the Nasty Boys got in the building after the first few attacks didn't they? which wouldn't make sense. i'd have to say the "NWO" did it. think about it: this woulda been old school nWo beat downs. remember when they'd beat up guys with bats and run? same deal this time. by Hogan's reaction at the end it was kinda like "man these guys won't stop, they're doing the same thing they did back then".
I think the big question here is why the hell are the Nasty Boys on the TNA roster? I hope it's just a one time deal to fight the Dudleys and then move on. They are past their primes and I can't see them contributing to the company whatsoever. But all signs lead to the nWo as it just makes sense. I mean I can't think of anybody else unless it was the same masked man who tried to attack AJ Styles.
Hey Yo....it was probably the Fat Guy and X-Puke. But who knows? With Hogan and his goons on board it was probably Brutus Beefcake and the Mouth of the South.

The Nasty Boys are easily two of the worst wrestlers on all time. Right up there w/ the Bushwhackers and the Great Khali.

And Orlando Jordan? How in the blue hell is that guy still around?
I would go for a different route and say how about TNA's newest acquisition, The Young Bucks.

As good as it would be to entertain this thought and nullify any further whipping of a long-dead horse, all the evidence does point to another nWo revival.

And as much as I was a mark for the nWo back in the day, the thought of it coming together in TNA now just makes me sad in the pants.
here are my thoughts:
A.)nWo, but i think that would be two predictable
B.)I dont think it was the masked guy attacking AJ because Tomko would have no motive
C.)I didnt even think about the young bucks, but that would be a good idea
D.)What if it was world elite/british Invasion, they have the tag gold so it gives them motive
E.)Finally what if it was scott steiner, he still thinks hes in MEM and those are MEM like attacks
I reckon it's the nWo fellas. But as KB pointed out they never mentioned anything or referenced them. It was weird, but I think the ending where they beat the shit outa Mick Foley proved they'd been making the attacks all night. It's gonna be another lame storyline about the old guys vs the new guys.

If it's not the nWo then I'd be very suprised.
It better be the nW- Hall, Waltman and Nash. Because if it's those fucking Nasty Boys, then I'm going to go smother a puppy. Okay, I won't do that because thats cruel and douchebaggy. But it would be so fucking stupid if it was the Nasty Boys. I can see why WWE and TNA are reviving the nWo and D-Generation X. The whole factions consist of former main eventers and former World Champions. nWo was actually very entertaining at one point, although that remains to seen if it is the case with this rebirth, and DX is occasionally in a good feud. But The Nasty Boys literally looked like two fatass old guys you would see at the bar. They belong nowhere near a wrestling ring. The Hulkamania Tour was truthfully the first time I had heard of these wankers. If it's the Nasty Boys behind these attacks, then I'm taking a bag of dog shit to every TNA Creative Writer's house, and lighting it on fire. Nasty Boys? How about the Fat Ass Breakfast Buffet Cunt Boys.
Edge Head, I believe it was Tomko...There was a post on here a while back saying it was him and then he showed up in TNA before it was even on tv. It really did look like it could have been Hall and Waltman but that is kinda obvious...and TNA storylines are not always such the case. my money is on Tomko...they will find some creative motive why he did it to AJ I think. Who knows I could be way off, just my .02 cents.
Yeah I think it was Hall and Waltman attacking people because Hogan and Bischoff told them they had to earn their position like everyone else. I could see this turning into an NWO thing with Hogan heel, and that would be pretty lame like another poster said. They have already been there and done that. I think there is going to be some WCW vs NWO like angle or something. It kept showing Dixie Carter concerned a little when Hogan and Bischoff were talking. Probably Hogan-Bischoff will act like faces and then turn heels and Jarrett-Foley-Dixie will be faces or something. And Tomko was probably the one that attacks AJ all the time.
Who do you think the attackers are? That's the real point of this thread...Also, what effect do you think it has on the booking?

Like most of you guys, I too think that Hall and Waltman are behind the attacks because during the promo with Hogan those two made it sound like they wanted to be the nWo again. Obviously they would have to use a different name since Vince owns the name of the original stable, but Hall and Waltman's characters seemed very eager to get the group back together, as did Nash. Bischoff might be in on it too I think. I don't think Hogan is because he seemed to be brought in as a face. So I think that it is possibly any combination between Hall, Nash, Waltman, and/or Bischoff when it comes to who is behind the attacks. I don't really know what effect it has on the booking though because I think it might be too early to begin predicting that when we don't know "for sure" who it is yet, since TNA might surprise us. You never know.
Other than the MCMG, both Beer Money and Rhino were scheduled in matches that got ditched by Bischoff tearing up the program. Abyss was supposed to wrestle Rhino. Rhino gets jumped. Beer Money's supposed to wrestle TBI. They get jumped.

Young Bucks could have jumped MCMG to start a feud, but what if someone who wanted the matches rewritten jumped BMI and Rhino?
This has all the makings to be a major swerve.

The obvious candidates are the Band/nWo. That is their signature having back stage attacks. But the last segment showed them trashing Foley. However Foley is the one who set things off by going after their boss, Eric Bischoff. That attack would probably would have never happened if Foley didnt start to attack Bischoff. They could play it off as the only thing they were involved with.

Next would be AJ's mystery attacker. With some nut running around backstage attacking the champ for how long? There maybe some new victims?

Here is another possibility. With Jeff Hardy coming out of nowhere and attacking Homicide. Could it be Jeff Hardy and Shannon Moore trying to establish themselves? There had to be at least two attackers or one might strong guy to takeout beer money.

I remember along time ago when sting turned into the crow sting. He didnt talk to anyone, started hanging out in the rafters. Then randomly started attacking people with a baseball bat. Sting is now saying nothing and hanging in the rafters with a baseball bat again. That could be another person of interest.

The Nasty Boyz were stuck outside most of the time, so I would say that counts them out.

Perhaps it is the Young Bucks making an impact, It would be a good setup for Hogan blaming the band for their same old stuff and suddenly there was another mystery attack backstage.
Obviously it was Nash, Hall and Pac. I have a feeling the NWO 2010 will feud with the Outsiders and Foley/Jarrert. But its The Outsiders that are doing the attacks on the superstars. They done the samething in wCw. And a Outsiders/NWO feud will be decent atleast if done the right way. And Jarrert/Foley stable would fit right into this whole thing aswell.
After rewatching Impact on Thursday, it was pretty obvious to me that it was the "nWo". Eric says that everyone needs to prove themselves, and earn their spot, and Kevin Nash just kind of agrees and leaves the ring.

They figured they'd take out some guys, make their statement, and Hogan and Bischoff would change their minds and allow them in. Hogan didn't look happy though, since he told them it's different now, so we'll have to keep tuning in to see what's going on.
I honestly think that it's Tomko.

He's signed to TNA, and he hasn't done much since his return, a match and a promo. Heres my theory:

Tomko took out the teams because he "sent a warning" to the tag division, that Angle and him will enter the Tag division. I assume that Angles gonna lose at Genesis, and him and Tomko will remain in the tag division, fueding with the younger teams.

I think that this could work, cause Tomko and Angle are no stranger to each other, and it would be a great way to repackage Tomko.
It was clearly Hall, Nash and Waltman. Bischoff said that everyone has to earn their spot, to which Nash agreed and exaggeratedly said they'd go earn their spot.. then the attacks backstage happened, leading up to Foley in the office being attacked by the three of them. It was obviously those three who did the attacks, and clearly it seemed Bischoff knew and was in on it. If not they did a horrible job writing the show and making it still seem like Bischoff wasn't with Hall, Nash and Waltman by the end of the show.

And the ending with Hogan was just hilarious (in a bad way).
I think Bischoff is gonna go heel in some way pretending to be a face for a while. Maybe its gonna have something to do with taking control of TNA. Similiar to WCW/NWO angle like i mentioned before. You could see how they had some weird closeups of Dixie when Hogan and Bischoff were talking, she was making sort of concerned looks. I dunno where Hogan stands on this he could be either face or heel. Maybe he will think Bischoff has reformed but be wrong, or he is pretending to be face. Hogan was getting some boos during his promo against Jarrett so its possible they could be testing out Hogan as the heel. As far as Tomko goes again I don't think he laid out everybody. I think he only attacked AJ. That would be a huge push to give to Tomko if he is laying out people everywhere lol.
That would be a huge push to give to Tomko if he is laying out people everywhere lol.

If it was him, It would really build him up. I like Tomko, I always thought that he was incredibly underrated, he has decent in-ring skills, a good look, and he plays the bodyguard/enforcer very well. (Christian Cage, Angle/Styles)
the young bucks would be a great idea but most likely it the xpuke and the fat boy aka the nwo aka the band. and your right the should shit can the nasty boys now before the screw up the whole tag team division with their lousy wrestling and crappy promos
Well guys, it was Tomko.

This is fantastic, I always thought that Tomko was underrated, it'll be interesting to see how this will turn out, probably some kind of "I'm jealous of your success" kind of thing.
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