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Wade Barrett - The time is now!


Dark Match Jobber
With the recent changes with the WWE title, WHC title from HIAC,

Thinking about creative decisions, now could be a good time to re-introduce Wade.

1) Paul Heyman guy, with Ryback and Axel not really pulling up trees with there respective roles, perhaps Heyman can re-introduce Barrett as his new guy:

Logically, he could then feud with Punk, it gives him something to do until he can get involved with the WWE title picture or perhaps take the IC belt off Axel and feud with Axel (Axel being the face).

We have not seen these feuds for a while and would be somewhat fresh.

2) Feud with Cena for the WHC. This would be fresh and the work they both did with the Nexus time was great for both and could be fresh once more. This could be the boost that Barrett finally needs.

I understand Barrett is like Marmite amongst the IWC (Either love or hate him), but he is still relatively young and feel that he warrants so much more than what he has got so far. His push to stardom (apparently) was halted by his injury that crushed all his momentum as being a top heel.

Anyone's thoughts on the time for Barrett and what he could do should he be re-introduced. Its a shame to see a good talent wasted.
Wade Barrett is a pretty decent talent. However he has some stale promos at time. In addition, he needs some much better booking. He is a big guy, good built. Should be more valuable.

As always though, the mid-card booking is tough to bare in WWE. Wade Barrett and Sheamus should of been a great feud. Instead, it was non-sense. Maybe he can be a hired gun for Triple H.

No face turn for Barrett yet. Be a bad move. He has a natural heel look. He needs to be a bruiser. Somebody that goes beyond hurting someone.
I've been a Wade Barrett fan since the Nexus days. His move-set is really good. His finisher is solid. He has the promo and build Vince usually looks for in a World Title contender. IMO, The injury and really bad storytelling as well as booking killed Barrett in 2012-13. Barrett's IC title run was very forgetable. Solution? Book Mid-card talents as able to beat a main event guy as it will give them credibility with the fans. I don't know how they plan to re-introduce Wade Barrett to the audience, but it better be good because having him lose to Mark Henry, Big E Langston and Big Show is not an option. Why not build him up as a heel Goldberg-type? Have him run roughshod over the lower-card and mid-card guys for a while. When he faces a mid-card champ have him take the match to the outside and win the matches by countout. Then, have him cut a promo how he's already been IC champ and he's not looking to focus on past achievements and begin to discuss his role of bringing it to the world title holders. Then, when he faces a Sheamus, Mark Henry, Big E have him do what heels do cheat to win, w/o the face getting pinned EVERY time. Break out the brass knucks, throw something in his opponent's eyes, etc. Wade is also missing a good submission move. The guy can be salvaged.
I think they are plenty of good options for someone with Barett's talent. He is good in the ring, on the mic and plays the role of a heel very well. When he returns they really need to utilise him because he should be doing a lot more.

Joining Heyman would have some plus points but I don't think it is necessary. Barrett is good on the mic and I think he would be better on his own. Moreover, it would interfere with Axel and Ryback who need to have their careers furthered.

A feud with Cena would be a good option but does one match at TLC really make a huge impact on his career. Del Rio has to get his rematch and there is no chance the WWE will put the belt on Barrett. Although, if they wanted their next champion after Cena than Barrett would be my one of my first choices.

I quite like the idea of Barrett aligning himself with HHH. I think this was somewhat foreshadowed when Barrett was made to shave Bryan and I see him as a perfect candidate to fight with the regime. After Orton and The Shield they are outnumbered. Something might be happening with regards to Kane/Wyatt Family but Barrett would be a great choice to help Triple H.
It's the right time to push him, it just is - Wade Barrett should have been a World Heavyweight Champion by now and there is absolutely no doubt in my mind of that. If we are going from the current grade of wrestlers, everything about Wade Barrett screams an A+ player. He has a good background, he's charismatic, he's a great worker and knows how to use the basics very well, he's a fantastic talker - so why on Earth isn't this guy getting the Alberto Del Rio treatment?

He's a guy that could be a huge draw in the UK easily and I just don't understand, I really really don't. I like Daniel Bryan as much as the next guy, I like CM Punk as much as the next guy, but none of them has that "it" factor that Wade Barrett possesses and that made him look like a star in less than a month on the main roster.

The problem was the big storyline being used in every single show and they couldn't find anything to put him - but right now you have Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler and The Miz has glorified midcarders that aren't doing anything worth watching - so what is the problem on making them feud with Wade Barrett? You just need to give them less than 20 minutes PER WEEK to do their thing. Use Wade Barrett the right way aka let him talk, let him be a villain and let him be a vicious brawler.

It should be a crime what they are doing with Wade Barrett, because everyone they tried to push after Wade Barrett in 2010 has come and gone, pretty much everybody aside from CM Punk failed to stick up and Wade Barrett had the ball and he didn't fail - the booking team failed by not exploiting his strengths and let him be a star he should have already be.

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