W.C.W. Was Hart-Less


[This Space for Rent]
So I'm checking out some older W.C.W. vintage Nitro tapes and Pay per views. And I've come across the Bret Hart/Ric Flair storyline when Hart first came in.

I also see a segment on a Nitro leading up to their Souled Out match, in which Jim Neidhart played a role. This made me come to a very serious question. Why was the Hart Foundation (for the most part) never in W.C.W.?

With regard to Owen Hart, they had 3 of the 4. Bret Hart could've been the leader, and the British Bulldog and Jim Neidhart were already a Tag team.. so why couldn't they of went with a 3-man stable? They could've went up against the n.W.o. even.

Furthermore, why didn't W.C.W. even play off another British Bulldog against Bret Hart match-up? These questions bug the crap out of me, because I honestly think even though they'd be reruns (so to speak) people would've liked to have seen them in a new setting.

So, what is everyone's thoughts? Hart Foundation - A lost opportunity for W.C.W.? Please be sure to explain what you feel on the entire situation. Thank You.
WCW hired Bulldog & Neidhart to appease theirnew multi-million dollar signing. They didn't want them. But they also didn't want to upest Bret. And from what I've heard that's a pretty easy thing to do. So they just hired them so Bret was happy.

There was no real reason to push them either. In WWE they were just hanging round Bret. But they had Owen & Pillman as well so it wasn't as obvious. Neidhart was the biggest hanger on of the bunch. If WWE valued him then he wouldn't have been who? in the mid 90's. And the Bulldog was a fucked up waste of space. Too many drugs had ruined him.
Vince McMahon told Bret Hart that WCW would have no idea what to do with him if he ever went there, and Vince McMahon was 100% correct about it. In WCW, Bret Hart was a shadow of what he was in the WWF. WCW had no clue what they could do with him. Reuniting a form of the Hart Foundation would have made far too much sense for WCW ever to have considered it...it was WCW, afterall. I am convinced that Hart leaving the WWF for WCW was the biggest mistake of his career, and it has nothing to do with the career ending injury he suffered.
WCW had a golden chance even with the Hart/Flair feud. WCW could of united the Hart Foundation to join Bret while Flair had the horsemen. During some point the feud could of taken a turn into the recruitting of Chris Benoit. Benoit being a horseman, trained by Stu Hart. In a feud that was more about Flair putting Brett over, this tug of war for Benoit, plus the many different tag and single matches that would of came about would of been a great story line. It also would of set up Bulldog/Anivl for future storylines, and elevate the HF to feud with the nWo. Brett would of had a better WCW run and who knows where history would be today.

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