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VKM, Steph & HHH "dream" segment


Getting Noticed By Management
Very suprised there isnt already a thread on this. OK- heres the clip:


EDIT: WTF: why isnt the video loading?? So I guess i'll put in a link also, just in case

First of all- Its great to see Steph again! Looking mighty fine, if I must say so myself. Funny segment out of VKM. Coming out of the 'coma' when the 'doc' mentions $50mil being spent by Linda- haha!

I remember as I watched, I was thinking: Why are the tryin to make me forget that I know Freddie Prince is an actor? But then as you hear a lackluster/weak scream & Stephanie popping out of bed. OK- it was a dream- that explains the F.Prince as a doctor situation. But now onto what I really wanna talk about:

Steph wakes up in a fit about the possiblity that her father is out of his coma. (could someone tell me how VKM ended up there? was it the nexus? I forget) Anyway...She asks a off camera (under the sheets) HHH if VKM is still in a coma? HHH says yup & claims he may even be brain dead.

OK so: the only reason Steph would be this worried (not happy) about VKM waking up out of a coma- is because herself and HHH must be involved in the mystery GM angle. I've had the idea for a while now that HHH was somehow either the RAW GM or the 'higher power' of Nexus. Now after this segment- Im of the belief that Steph and HHH are both involved in each. Either its the combo of them as the RAW GM and the higher power of Nexus...OR- Steph is GM & HHH is running Nexus. One way or another I think Steph & HHH are up to something behind VKMs back.

This is daddys little girl & her hubby tryin to take WWE or RAW away from Vince. Rather then wait for Vince to give WWE(or at least RAW for now) to Steph when he 'retires', she(and HHH) wants to take it away from him. Nexus(ordered by HHH) takes out VKM & the new mystery GM(Steph) takes over. Steph is worried about Vince waking up & realizing what she is doin to RAW. Cuz at that point: "its on". Instead she is releaved to find out from HHH, that VKM is still in his coma. & she is able to go back to sleep, and continue to control WWE/RAW as she and HHH have been for the last few months.


1. Is anyone buying what im selling here?? Does it make sense?
2. Would u enjoy the "takeover" angle that I believe is happening?
3. I really dont think this was just a way to get Linda votes. Is there more to it then that? Or do u really think this segment was all about Linda and votes?

Please feel free to agree with me, OR give me shit for being an idiot. Its all about discussion!!

I think im right...what say you???
Your reading too much into this. This was nothing but a damage control segment and trying to make lite of the fact they've just binned 50million on nothing.
The segment was pretty horrid. It wasn't cute, funny, or appropriate.

Not to mention blatant (possibly illegal) vote-grabbing for Linda.

I almost wish I lived in CT so I could vote for Blumenthal.
I really don't think that Triple H or Stephanie are trying to control the WWE. I don't think that either of them are the Raw GM or orchestrated the attacks on Vince. This was a corny segment to poke fun at the media for taking wrestling or "entertainment" seriously. Vince was able to poke fun at the media and secretly promote his wife and ridicule her opponent. Since it was all a dream and Vince is "brain dead" and in a coma then it really didn't happen. There is Vince McMahon and Mr. McMahon. Vince McMahon is alive and well while Mr. McMahon is in a coma.

If any of that makes sense. I think this had little to do with Stephanie and Triple H and more to do with WWE cheap humor to send a message to the media that WWE is family entertainment. While they poke fun at Dick Blumenthal and promote Linda at the same time.
The segment was pretty horrid. It wasn't cute, funny, or appropriate.

Not to mention blatant (possibly illegal) vote-grabbing for Linda.

I almost wish I lived in CT so I could vote for Blumenthal.

I agree totally. I watch wrestling to escape from reality. I don't want to turn on Raw and be bombarded with propaganda. (stand up for WWE) In the grand scheme of things it made little to no sense because a viewer like me from another state has no way to either vote for or against Linda, not to mention the question of how he got in the coma to begin with???? I will be glad when all this election mess is over.
The segment was pretty horrid. It wasn't cute, funny, or appropriate.

Not to mention blatant (possibly illegal) vote-grabbing for Linda.

I almost wish I lived in CT so I could vote for Blumenthal.

It isn't illegal. It falls in the freedom of speech. It's the same as a commercial slandering an opponent.
That segment had NOTHING to do with Nexus, or Steph taking over, or anything whatsoever. It was mearly a last minute, cheap attempt to get some wrestling fans to vote. And while I found it quite humerous, I also found it uncomfortable to watch knowing the purpose of it, and I'm not even american.

If anyone votes for Linda because of that segment alone, shame on you.
I think the OP might be onto something. If she were really alligned with her dad her reaction to him being out of a coma (even in a dream) would have been hope and relief and HHH wouldn't have flippingly said "I think he is brain dead too". It was obivously to poke fun at the political landscape as well, but I think there is more to it than just that.
There's an old saying that goes:" Don't take yourself too seriously. Nobody else is." That is what I see with the segment. I thought it was very funny and current. Yes, I do believe Steph and Trips will be involved in the GM angle. It would be a great way to bring her back on TV for a while. Vinnie Mac is no actor but what the heck, this is a wrestling entertainment show after all! Lighten up guys!!!
I thought it was hilarious. I am from the UK and don't care about the politics of it, but it was a funny segment with some really funny lines in it. And the HHH bit at the end was great. It is like they are taking the piss out of themselves and was a segment for the marks, but also the kids will enjoy it too.

They take the piss in that people know about HHH and Steph, but it isn't on WWE TV, so something like that is a moment for the marks, rather than for the kids.

The WWE aren't taking themselves seriously and are coming out of kayfabe for that segment, and who doesnt like it when that happens? It's just a fun segment that marks should enjoy as you don't get that too often in the kid friendly stuff we see these days.
I will also add that it is like when CM Punk was on commentary for NXT the other week, or what Michael Cole does all the time on there... he shoots straight, and doesn't enter the kayfabe world of wrestling, they basically broke kayfabe numerous times with comments, and again, it's about WWE realising this NXT seasons sucks, so not taking it seriously and letting Cole and Punk rip it.
There is nothing to look into here. As had been said by Kenny Powers, nothing more than Vince's corny humor mixed with Linda promotion. I also agree that had to with the media's portrayal of the WWE, and Vince making fun of that. But there is nothing else behind that video other than that. And it was a pretty bad video.
This is why I started another thread about the hypocrisy of the WWE regarding this whole campaign. The WWE had to know that their company was going to be used against Linda in this campaign. They should be doing their best to separate themselves completely and not address the issues of the campaign on their TV. This whole "stand up for wwe" and the segment last night are their cheap attempt to convince wrestling fans in CT that voting for Linda is supporting WWE as a product. This is shameless, if she can't stand up on her own without the company than she shouldn't try.

Some people will say this is the WWE standing up against a media who is against them. But this isn't new, this hasn't "changed" anything? The media has been against VKM for years. Have their ratings changed dramatically as a result of this campaign? Has it changed their demographics? How has anything that has been said hurt the product? If it hasn't, than there is no reason to make up this holier than though "stand up for wwe (aka vote for my wife)" propoganda machine.
ok folks I live in CT so I have seen the whole campaign up and personal.

I thought the bit was Hillarious...Let me guess Daniel Bryan is US Champ...well.ugggg.

It was ment to be funny. The Bulmenthal banner on his ass had me in hysterics.

From Day One they have used the WWE to influence votes to Not vote for Linda. They made a big stink that Vince has a boat named Sexy Bitch tried to make that into a political Issue about 2 weeks into the campaign. I mean come on. The Democrats, and yes I am a Democrat, brought the WWE into the political picture not the other way around.

That being said. When Linda asked ole Dick how do you create a job when he went on about how jobs are needed in CT he gave a 5 min run around and never answered the question and at the end said " Its nice to see the WWE is Hiring now that times are Good"....what does the WWE have to do with the question and how are times now Good we are still in a recession.

Then the Democrats tried to Ban anyone who was wearing ANY WWE products from voting...whats next you dont have a college education so you cant vote? A Federal Judge found that unconsitutional so they dropped the issue. Fact is Ole Dick is a slease and when Linda would in debates try and face the issues he would in one way or another bring up the WWE.

One add had how when Linda was in charge they Laid off workers from the WWE...DUH so did every other company in the Country when the recession hit and or they sent jobs to China and Mexico. The whole campaign has been a smear fest with the start on the Democrats side..made me ashamed to be a Democrat.

I for one voted Linda Today not cause of her affiliation with the WWE and Vince but because she tried very hard to talk issues when old Dick would try and bash and smear her contacts with the WWE instead of the issues.

So yea Vince took a crack at dick last night BFD.....The line of the night tho from that segment was " I think he is still Brain Dead" from Trips off camera.
Seems like the majority (almost all) of you think this whole segment was to get Linda votes. I see what your getting at- But I dont think VKM is that stupid. There has to be some kinda angle to this. If it was just to get votes- why bother using Steph & HHH in it at all? I find it hard to believe that VKM just throws Steph & HHH in there for no reason. If he wanted it to be a 'joke' or just a slam on the media or government or Lindas opponent... then why not have it be Hornswoggles dream? Or even Vince having his own dream?

The fact that Steph woke up 'screaming' out loud- thinking or having the look of: "OMG- my dads out of his coma...what are we gonna do?" (thats what I saw) MUST mean something. If it didnt mean anything...then why wouldnt Steph be happy that her father is out of the coma?

I respect all of your opinions- but I think your looking over things in this segment. I too am very sick of this "stand up for WWE" bullshit that Vince has been spewwing all over his shows for the last month or so. But- I think theres more to this segment then just getting votes for Linda. I felt there was storyline attached to this "stand up for WWE" segment- unlike all the others

EDIT: please dont turn this into ONLY a political thing. I understand the opinions of everyone that is sick of seeing VKM promote his wife like this. Im sick of it too!! This is more about the Stephanie & HHH part of that segment. I dont get into political shit in real-life....so im not gonna get into it here on a wrestling forum. I also understand that I asked for comments on: If you think its all political or if its a possible storyline also. So- I have no problem hearing you say you think its political & only to get Linda votes. But PLEASE dont just turn this into ONLY a "bash vince for supporting his wife" thread. Its about the wrestling/TV show. After all: this is a wrestling forum- not CNN. Thanks for your understanding
I changed to Monday Night Football as soon as I saw Vince's face. I don't want to see political commercials when I watch wrestling. And Prinze is an awful actor, so I never have any interest to see him.
You know thinking about it why couldn't it mean both. Ofcourse Vince is trying to get votes for his wife and I thought him walking out with the other guys poster on his rear was funny. Then stephanie woke up "happy" about VKM still being in coma. I think it could work both ways because that can show that they are running Raw and Nexus. I think this would call for a very interesting storyline.
It isn't illegal. It falls in the freedom of speech. It's the same as a commercial slandering an opponent.

Actually if Mcmahons opponent can prove that it is a political ad for Linda than yes it is illegal. If you notice at the end of all political ads it says something to the affect of "THis ad has been paid for and endorsed by the campaing of ....." that is said for a reason as all ads are part of the budget for campaings which must be accounted for. So now if all of a sudden it can proven what the WWE is doing is an ad campaign for Linda, but not paid for by the campaign than yes it can be considered illegal.

I do think that it would be difficult to prove that it is a campaign ad for Linda seeing as I don't beleive either this skit or the Stand up for WWE actually mention Linda or her opponent.

As for what the OP was asking, I've thought for awhile that HHH was the mysterious GM (depending on how hurt he really is), but I don't think this skit had anything to do with it, as most people mentioned I think it was just to help Linda (but of course difficult to prove in court)
That was horrendous, not funny, nor did Stephanie look hot, fat maybe, hot? No!
Anyway after watching one of the worst Raw episodes ever, then having to watch the WWE try to gain votes, I wonder why I still try to watch Raw. It is not made for us fans, just for the McMahon's on wealth and personal gains.
wow lol people get friendlier and friendlier! i mean yes, i thought the campaign was stupid, but kinda funny. I do miss how wrestling used to be, but we can't change how it is now! If you want wrestling like how WWF/WWE was, watch TNA and stop complaining! If you don't like what you're watching, change the channel! It's not that hard people!
It was a political stab at....something.....the same reason a few years back the show opened with Shelton in the locker room and Trish came in---apparently at THAT time, it was something to do with the NFL and lockerroom. Nonetheless, it's sad that the whole WRITERS have to blatently rip off Bob Newhart and how he awakes at the end of "Newhart" in a dream and Suzanne Pleshette is laying next to him....it's sad. If that is their idea at originality, I DEFINATELY am staying put on TNA.
I thought the segment was pretty funny for the most part. I think it was as much a political statement as it was a self-deprecating skit, which is what the McMahons need in order to get past the political stink of what's going to happen today, either way. They (the McMahons) have really irked me in the past few weeks with the "Stand Up for WWE" shtick and the WWE merchandising-PR situation. That being said, last night was a much needed light-hearted mixture of politics and humor. I'm not a fan of such skits appearing every week because there is a ton of talent in the back who need the air time. But at the same time, for business, this was a smart move just to acknowledge the political situation and the business itself.

On to your other questions, I think you might be reading a little more into this than is there. I don't see Stephanie and Triple H doing a hostile takeover... yet. Nexus and the Raw GM angles don't need Triple H or Stephanie's involvement. This isn't TNA (that's not a slap to TNA and its fans (which I am one of), by the way). Stephanie and Triple H are already the heirs to the throne once McMahon decides to retire and/or dies from being shoved up the Big Show's ass again. The fans are pretty aware of that fact, and I don't think the McMahon-Helmsley faction needs to be reborn with that bunch of pencil necked geeks being their lackeys.
This segment is obviously not original. And whats wrong with the segment in the first place? It was funny and it only took a few minutes to do, and it's basically just an Ad for the election. And it was a "PARODY". Is that word familiar with you? Obivously it's copying that one dream video you mentioned. I don't care if you watch TNA or WWE, because I like both brands. But what idiot would switch brands for one stupid segment that won't be played out to a storyline. I don't see the big picture.
This segment is obviously not original. And whats wrong with the segment in the first place? It was funny and it only took a few minutes to do, and it's basically just an Ad for the election. And it was a "PARODY". Is that word familiar with you? Obivously it's copying that one dream video you mentioned. I don't care if you watch TNA or WWE, because I like both brands. But what idiot would switch brands for one stupid segment that won't be played out to a storyline. I don't see the big picture.

Exactly I don't see why some people are getting upset over one small Segment of RAW. I was laughing the whole time with Vince in a Coma to Freddie telling him Linda spent 50 Million on her Campaign to Stephanie waking up and asking HHH if he was still in a Coma plus even Vince having her oppenent's sticker on his backside. Like it Rammsteinerteen said it was a "PARODY" and why can't WWE have a little fun on the side sometimes? They have been doing it for years now.
I don't care if this was parody or a political campaign ad or whatever else you want to call it. That whole segment was plain stupid. Is Edge still fighting his crusade against stupidity, if so he should come back to raw and give Vince a few of his thoughts.

Yes this is sports entertainment and not real life but its suppose to border between the two realms in some degree. Am I suppose to watch this and believe I just peered into a dream of Stephanie McMahon. Does the wwe have some crazy technology that allows them to do this. If so I have a few dreams I would love to play back on the big screen.

I could deal with the undertaker digging a grave or hornswoggle living under the ring because you could make it look like these things are actually taking place. But how the hell does the wwe see into peoples dreams. This is some shit i would expect on a cartoon or an episode of barney. Then why the hell would there be a camera at Steph's house, in her bedroom no less to capture her reaction to this dream when over the past year she has had no involvement on screen in any way.

Just Stupid.

PS- I dont hate the wwe...things like this just piss me off

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