Vince's First "Shoot"?


Once & Future Wrestlezone Columnist
So it was announced Stone Cold is hosting a version of his podcast on the Network next Monday and is promising not to shy from the difficult questions.

Will this be Vince's first "Shoot Interview?"

In some ways, no... there are going to be subjects off limits and as it's a WWE hosted production, they are gonna be calling the shots and giving the red lines out. We won't get many answers on the "holy grail" type questions like "What happened with Randy and Steph" or "Did you really lose a third of your fortune?"

But within the frames of the WWF, once the "work" aspect they have to fill is covered, I do get the sense this might be Vince opening up a bit on some subjects. I expect some kind of major announcement or similar during it, otherwise it's pointless. Either Austin get's offered the GM role or more likely, Vince announces Randy Savage as the first inductee into the next HOF class.

I can imagine Austin asking some "impertinent" questions, perhaps even calling him on some things and Vince responding.

What would YOU want Austin to ask Vince?

For me I'd want to know exactly why he "killed" WCW back in 2001, when conventional wisdom, logic and common sense said to keep both companies for at least a year.

I'd ask details on Punk. Even if it was confirmation that he didn't breach any contracts, if he took time off owed etc... It might be a good chance to put it to bed.

I'd want to know WHEN Vince is going to retire or if he is going to sell... and I think this is the most likely for Austin to ask. He is visibly aging and it's clear something needs to happen after the "rough year" WWE has had. Of course that's an obvious lead in to the aforementioned GM role announcement but I think asking if he'd sell his stake the company is a fair question.

So what do you guys think? What would you ask? If an announcement is gonna be made, what would it be?
I'd want him to ask Vince why he thought putting the title on Lesnar was a good idea, especially since he knew Lesnar's price tag. Or why he hasn't either split the titles or tried to put the focus on the other belts. Why doesn't he let things play out before stopping them or pulling a 180? Nah, I doubt he'd ask him that. MAYBE the Lesnar question. Either way, it should be interesting. I wonder how long they're putting it on for. Aren't the podcasts usually at least an hour?
Why would the WWE put something on the Network that's going to expose the negative parts of the company? Think about it for a second.

Stone Cold got his big dollar contract to do these podcasts, Vince gets to look magnanimous, and more people sub to the Network.
I know it's probably never in the cards, but man would I love a Vince McMahon tell-all autobiography. It would be so extensive you would have to make it a series of books, and I guarantee each one sells more than any book any WWE superstar ever released.
I, for one, cannot wait for this podcast special. Hopefully it would uploaded online Stone Cold's podcast1 page or YouTube.
I wouldn't ask him any questions along the lines of 'what were you thinking' or ask for any backstage gossip like the Steph thing.

More so I'd like to know who he thinks should have been a superstar but never quite made it, outside of the WWF/E who has had the most respect for in the industry and to name an idea he had that he didn't go ahead with that he really wishes he had.

I'd also love to ask him what would he do to compete with the WWE today if he suddenly found himself as the head of a rival company.

You're talking to the guy with the greatest mind for wrestling in the history of the industry here, talk about wrestling rather than mistakes he might have made or who his daughter has slept with
I'd love to ask him why did he really screw Bret, because it wasn't sure as shit about Bret taking the belt to WCW.

He must have got a thrill out of it.
Vince has given shoot interviews on at least four editions of TSN's Off the Record. Surprised y'all don't know about these.

Three of them are right there on YouTube.
This could be very interesting, depending on how open Vince is, and how much topics are indeed "off limits". Is he going to go the interview as himself or will he be playing the "Mr McMahon" character- I hope it's the first.

If so, I think we can probably expect a much more honest and open interview than anything we have seen from Vince. He'll probably go quite in depth about the Network- it's successes and failures, the problems we've had here in the UK and what we can expect from it. I think it's likely he'll mention next year's WWE Hall of Fame and hopefully announce the first or first couple of inductees (I hope Bulldog goes in personally).

I'd also like to hear his thoughts on the current roster- who he sees as possible megastars of the future and who the company has high hopes for. I hope Austin asks him about Kurt Angle, and why the company hasn't resigned him on a short-term part-time deal when he's definitely someone who'd boost the ratings. Finally, I hope Vince gives us a bit more information on the CM Punk situation- what were his demands? What has been discussed about Punk ever returning?

Vince is not going on this podcast to dish out mouthfuls of abuse to people who have screwed him over. He'll probably reveal a few tasty things, but let's be we really think he'll talk about whether Macho slept with Steph? Or any drug issues? nah, it'll be pretty tame but still very interesting.

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