Vince Russo's return TNA interview; Candid words for Hogan & Bischoff

Basically, what we're going to see will be a lot like what we saw from Foley and Flair last night. They are going to bring up real-life subjects (in a total kayfabe manner) and real-life problems. They are going to scream and talk over one another for about 15 minutes, and it will be over with.

How is it "over with?" They are having a match next week.

Am I complaining? No, it's going to be entetaining as hell, just like Foley/Flair was. Does it help improve TNA in any way, shape or form? No.

How does something that is "entertaining as hell" not help a company, that has a primary goal of entertaining people, in "any way, shape or form?" This is probably one of my biggest pet peeves of nonsensical TNA thoughts. The whole this is going to be enjoyable and good but "won't help" idea. Since when did everyone in the IWC become soothsayers and experts on the business of wrestling?

The myth of the Russo is so insanely exaggerated at this point that it would almost be foolish for TNA not to exploit the natural irrational hate that exists for him.
Attention... your attention please... The End of Days has arrived, wide-spread panic, looting and debauchery may now commence....that is all

Yeah... I got a real funny feeling bout this, I hope it goes REALLY well... but something in my head keeps saying "you've seen this before haven't ya... how well did it play out last time? think, damn you, think!" ...I'm scurred

sorry to tell u my man but mostly everthing in wrestling has been done before but some things more enjoyable to watch than others im a wwe and tna fan but tna is the better company right now but thats another post back on topic the nexus aint nothin but a rookie version of the nwo same tactics and everything so aint nothin really origainal now days so enjoy the good times like tna and the end of that pg foolishness:worship:
I'm going to write Dixie and TNA's creative a letter in their praise since they are working you all over good. You all actually think Russo is taking over and TNA is going to be like 2001 WCW? come on now.

Dixie says change will happen as time goes on. Now, Russo and Bischoff are having a confrontation Live...It doesn't take a genius to figure out whats going on and what's to come.
How is it "over with?" They are having a match next week.

Not Foley/Flair, I was clearly talking about Bischoff/Russo.

How does something that is "entertaining as hell" not help a company, that has a primary goal of entertaining people, in "any way, shape or form?" This is probably one of my biggest pet peeves of nonsensical TNA thoughts. The whole this is going to be enjoyable and good but "won't help" idea. Since when did everyone in the IWC become soothsayers and experts on the business of wrestling?

How does Bischoff/Russo further any storyline? Why does something that happened in the late 90's have to be brought up again (as usual with TNA)? It might be ok in the short run (like, next Thursday), but in the long run, it means nothing. No one cares about the problems between Bischoff/Russo/Hogan anymore, if anyone ever did.

When did we become experts? We didn't. You're posting on a wrestling site as well, so don't get all high and mighty about it.

The myth of the Russo is so insanely exaggerated at this point that it would almost be foolish for TNA not to exploit the natural irrational hate that exists for him.

Who cares about Russo??? I didn't knock him, nor did I praise him. But since you bring it up, fine. He should keep his ass backstage. What did he ever do, on-screen in WCW, that was worth a damn? Nothing. Will he hurt the show? I can't predict the future, and I'm not an expert, but I can easily recall what happened to the last company he took an on-screen role with..and it wasn't pretty.
It was very surprise to see Russo on the last ReAction. The last time I saw him was during the Bash at the Beach incident in 2000. Having said that, I am not sure what to make out of his appearance. The reason is that his interview did not seem to be in place. What I'm trying to say is that we haven't seen this guy at all since Hogan and Bischoff came to TNA and suddenly now, out of the blue, he breaks his silence? Why now?

Anyway, it appears that he will play some role in 'they' or 'deception' storylines. Soon we will find out what his role is. I just hope that he will not become next TNA champion.
Not Foley/Flair, I was clearly talking about Bischoff/Russo.

Basically, what we're going to see will be a lot like what we saw from Foley and Flair last night.

Define clearly again?

How does Bischoff/Russo further any storyline? Why does something that happened in the late 90's have to be brought up again (as usual with TNA)? It might be ok in the short run (like, next Thursday), but in the long run, it means nothing. No one cares about the problems between Bischoff/Russo/Hogan anymore, if anyone ever did.

Is this a serious statement? Did you seriously say people never cared about those issues? Call me crazy but the reaction to the whole thing proves precisely the opposite. If people do not care about Russo anymore they sure have a strange way of showing it. What is your basis for saying in the long run it means nothing? Your convoluted opinion? That is why I made the expert reference. Not to be all mighty but to point out our opinions are anything but fact. To portray them as such, like you did, is foolhardy. Especially when it is impossible to know how the future plays out.

IMO the main reason Russo became the face of the demise of wcw was because he was too good at his on-screen role at the time and many could not separate kayfabe from reality. When it came time to assign the blame it is hard to be frustrated with faceless suits, the real prime culprits, so people latched onto a dislikable guy. Even so, it is an incredibly poor argument to pretend that what happened in wcw is going to happen in tna just because Russo would have an on screen role. I fail to see how Russo's on screen role was even in the top 100 reasons why wcw failed.

People hate Russo irrationally, thus he is a natural heel. People obviously are not over what happened in wcw and a storyline playing on the legend of his destruction there would fit nicely into what tna is doing now, if they chose to go that route. Kane vs Taker w/ Paul Bearer, McMahon-Hart, can we quit pretending that people do not care about the stuff from a finer time in wrestling, kayfabe or actual conflicts, and that TNA is the only one playing to this audience.
Define clearly again?

Ok, here:

Basically, what we're going to see will be a lot like what we saw from Foley and Flair last night. They are going to bring up real-life subjects (in a total kayfabe manner) and real-life problems. They are going to scream and talk over one another for about 15 minutes, and it will be over with.

If I were talking about Flair/Foley, it would have been in past tense. Seriously, this is something you really want to argue about??

Is this a serious statement? Did you seriously say people never cared about those issues? Call me crazy but the reaction to the whole thing proves precisely the opposite. If people do not care about Russo anymore they sure have a strange way of showing it. What is your basis for saying in the long run it means nothing? Your convoluted opinion? That is why I made the expert reference. Not to be all mighty but to point out our opinions are anything but fact. To portray them as such, like you did, is foolhardy. Especially when it is impossible to know how the future plays out.

It's an opinion question. You stated your opinion, and I stated mine. In my opinion, Vince Russo is not an important on-screen character when it comes to the history of professional wrestling. When he was on-screen in WCW, they were in the toilet. They couldn't sell PPV's or fill arena's. Was that all his fault? No, not at all. Was it even somewhat his fault? Not really, it was going south before he arrived. But how does being the "man in charge" on television during such a crappy period make you anything worth remembering? It doesn't.

IMO the main reason Russo became the face of the demise of wcw was because he was too good at his on-screen role at the time and many could not separate kayfabe from reality. When it came time to assign the blame it is hard to be frustrated with faceless suits, the real prime culprits, so people latched onto a dislikable guy. Even so, it is an incredibly poor argument to pretend that what happened in wcw is going to happen in tna just because Russo would have an on screen role. I fail to see how Russo's on screen role was even in the top 100 reasons why wcw failed.

Seperate kayfabe from reality? Because WCW wasn't jam-packed with real shoots on national television at that point, right? It happened all the time under Russo, and more times than not, he was involved. So not only is he an unimportant on-air character, he's a liability.

Kane vs Taker w/ Paul Bearer, McMahon-Hart, can we quit pretending that people do not care about the stuff from a finer time in wrestling, kayfabe or actual conflicts, and that TNA is the only one playing to this audience.

People care about Kane/Taker. People care about Hart/McMahon. I shouldn't say that no one cares about Russo/Bischoff. But, I'm willing to go out on a limb and say that not nearly as many people care about Vince/Eric as Bret/Vince, Taker/Kane, etc. Kane, Taker, Vince, and Bret are much, much bigger names in professional wrestling than Vince Russo, and to say otherwise is ridiculous.
You stated that like Foley-Flair it would be over with after the promo. I merely pointed out that Foley-Flair clearly was not over after the promo.

It's an opinion question. You stated your opinion, and I stated mine. In my opinion, Vince Russo is not an important on-screen character when it comes to the history of professional wrestling. When he was on-screen in WCW, they were in the toilet. They couldn't sell PPV's or fill arena's. Was that all his fault? No, not at all. Was it even somewhat his fault? Not really, it was going south before he arrived. But how does being the "man in charge" on television during such a crappy period make you anything worth remembering? It doesn't.

That by itself does not. But clearly there is much more to Russo's history in the prowrestling industry and TNA than just his on screen role in WCW. I'd also point out that the bash at the beach promo was one of the more memorable on screen things he did in that role. That just happens to tie in perfectly with what they are doing right now. I think it is amusing when you talk about "name value" you conveniently do not mention Hogan is a big part of this whole thing. Clearly there are plenty of people that find Russo worth remembering. Isn't it a testament to his staying power that so many still detest him in spite of as you claim him never doing something worth remembering? This obvious contradiction is where I feel your opinion fails.
Coem on people this will be great....Russo may be a bad writer but he is good on he really interesting what he hs to say....he was godo on the mic when he was in wCw ad was on screen before in TNA. This is the most exciting thing about Impact this week minus the Flair/Foley match which will be a grindhouse style fight.
We don't need this. It may be nice, but with the stuff going on, this will only continue to take airtime on iMPACT! for other people. It's bad enough as it is with guys being left out for months. We don't need this and I'm hoping it's a one week deal. If not, keep him on Reaction.
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2479695]We don't need this. It may be nice, but with the stuff going on, this will only continue to take airtime on iMPACT! for other people. It's bad enough as it is with guys being left out for months. We don't need this and I'm hoping it's a one week deal. If not, keep him on Reaction.[/QUOTE]

Im thinking theyll do a thing similar to when Bret Hart was GM with HBK.
I personally have nothing against Russo personally but I never got why he became an on-screen personality. He is the creative writer of a show in which the fans are suppose to perceive as real. It just doesn't make any sense. Vince McMahon didn't let Russo or any writer do this and for good reason, it insults the fans intelligence. The only reason why McMahon is on screen is because he has the character of a boss, which he is in real life but has a separate character playable on screen. Russo has no separate character...he goes out to the ring as the creative writer and complains about stuff the fans are not suppose to ever know about such as backstage politics, booking mishaps and so on.

Now Sting/Nash and Pope may be discussing backstage politics but they are doing so in a storyline. Now if Russo is there just to back this deception story I may be cool with that but when Russo comes out why would a care what he has to say. What credibility does he have. Is he going to say hes the head of creative and booking in a world in which we are to believe that these men are really feuding and each match could go either way. This guy just really gets me feeling down.

-Russo should not be part of "they".That could possibly be a bigger let down then the already expected hogan/Bischoff turn
-Russo should not be a major part of the Deception storyline
-Russo should not become World Heavyweight Champion

Russo should of just stayed in the back continuing to write the good television hes been writing for the past few months. Now I'm having doubts as to whether or not i actually want to order bfg.
Insult the fans intelligence? Give me a break. First off it is kind of insulting to suggest the fans not realize that prowrestling is scripted. I don't flip my shit when I see Woody Allen in a Woody Allen movie. Why this is so different I have no idea. Vince did use Bischoff to an extent and definitely Heyman and Stephanie in the role you are saying he never did. Second, why does he have to just come out as a creative writer? He has held on screen roles of authority in TNA already and we know he did in wcw. Pure kayfabe is dead anyway. The majority of TNA fans know Russo is backstage, and his history, so why avoid talking about it? TNA has shown a willingness to take the chatter about non-kayfabe developments and work with it. Why would he be not talking about it in a storyline?
Lol Vince insults fans intelligece all the time with the whole HBK and HHH going under the ring and entering a midget world and all the supernatural crap. And I like Vince Russo on screen character because he is good onthe mic and entertaining as hell. The rants that he put on and getting into wrestlers and managers faces beefing with them is funny and fantastic. Hope its not a one week thing and Russo keeps appearing on Impact!
It's insulting the fan's intelligence whenever they "break kayfabe." You're supposed to stay invested in a story that acknowledges what happened moments/months ago as fake?

When literary and TV characters started "breaking the fourth wall" (acknowledging that they were actors/characters in a work of fiction) it was a bold innovation, opening new avenues of storytelling and creativity. That was about a hundred years ago in literature, and about ten years ago in pro wrestling. The device is played out and done to death.

Now, if Russo is going to assume the onscreen authority role, going from "backstage matchmaker" to "commissioner," that's fine. He's a very good heel character, he has good reasons to dislike Hogan and Bischoff, and has a resume that makes him a plausible President of TNA.

Wrestling stories can bring real elements into them, but the cardinal rule has to be that the matches are real competitions. When Scott Hall no-shows a PPV, Samoa Joe can justifiably call out Hall as a useless druggie has-been trying to cash in on the blood sweat and tears of the young TNA talent, and can dare TNA management to fire him for his comments. In real sports, people are disciplined all the time for "comments detrimental to the sport." Wizards/Capitals owner Ted Leonsis was just fined $100,000 by the NBA for commenting on the next labor agreement. Michael Cole can talk about his contempt for what Brian Danielson accomplished "in the minor leagues." A baseball star out of Japan faces skepticism of whether he can cut it in the big leagues. Sometimes real talents (Samoa Joe, Kevin Kolb) get overlooked because management has a more marketable guy. (Ken Anderson, Michael Vick) Those things happen in real sports, so why not in a simulated sport? The cardinal rule--what can't happen in a non-scripted sport can't happen in wrestling. (This means that the Undertaker has to retire, but this is a TNA thread)

If this becomes all about "worked shoots" and using insider language and trying to build interest in today's feud by admitting that what happened yesterday was scripted and fake, that's a formula for chaos and catastrophe, like WCW's death spiral of worked shoots, vacated titles and collapsing ratings and buyrates after Bash at the Beach 2000.
Lol Vince insults fans intelligece all the time with the whole HBK and HHH going under the ring and entering a midget world and all the supernatural crap. And I like Vince Russo on screen character because he is good onthe mic and entertaining as hell. The rants that he put on and getting into wrestlers and managers faces beefing with them is funny and fantastic. Hope its not a one week thing and Russo keeps appearing on Impact!

I agree. I for one am totally behind breaking kayfabe to an extent. I mean come on, wrestling's been around for GOD knows how long, no reason to act the exact same way we did for the last who knows how many years. TNA is doing a fine job at breaking kayfabe and keeping it at the same time. It's fresh and interesting. It's one of the reasons why ReAction is such a compelling show. I can't remember the last time someone showed the guys backstage, preparing for fights, after fights, giving comments about their matches and management and whatnot in the fashion TNA does. I like that approach, it's different.

But hey, I'd much rather see someone break kayfabe and do something real, than, like you said, go under a ring and have a court with midgets, or some old fart appearing and disappearing in thin air, shooting lightnings and what not. I know it's "entertainment", but anyone who says the midget segment was funny is either a moron or under the age of 10.

Anyway, Russo can always be presented as some sort of producer or whatever. I even think they called him "Executive Producer" one but I may me wrong.

The guy is not nearly as bad as people say he is. Russo started working for WCW in October 1999. He came at the worst possible time. As you can see in TNA, the guy's not done ANY of the crap he used to do. He's helped the product much more than he's hurt it.

Should be fun to see how they play it out and who he joins, if he does it.
Since i think i stated this little discussion a few comments ago i will respond to my original thought. Both Vince Russo and Vince McMahon have insulted fans intelligence, but Russo does it in a for more dameaning way. McMahon will have a guy like the undertaker that dies every five years, appears at will and has magical powers but in the end is just a character. Do I think if i get into a fight that Orton he is going to slither and coil and then beat the ground. No not really but at least these guys are characters. Characters to some degree that are actually suppose to fight and have feuds which could go either way.

Fans are suppose to believe what they are seeing to a certain extent. If someone asks me who is the TNA world champion is I'm not going to respond with "Well RVD is the champion but in reality he really isn't champion of anything because wrestling is fake."

Russo comes out and rants about how he has booked matches where the outcome was not as creative planned(ex: anything in wcw with him and hogan). So hes saying who was really suppose to have won...I thought i was to believe that these guys were actually fighting as opposed to a very choreographed dance with no music. This is my problem with Russo's character.

NOTE: I really don't have a problem with this guy behind the scenes. I mean we wrote creative for wwe at the beginning of the attitude era but he is breaking kayfabe in a way that it should not be broken.
Ex:You never hear a reality show executive come on television and say there show is actually scripted.
It's insulting the fan's intelligence whenever they "break kayfabe." You're supposed to stay invested in a story that acknowledges what happened moments/months ago as fake?

Breaking kayfabe doesn't necessarily mean an acknowledgement of "fake." In modern times kayfabe is more about omission than anything. Kayfabe is where they omit to mention a variety of real things that happen. Because of this, breaking kayfabe is often actually about bringing up these real happenings or issues. Thus, IMO this type of breaking kayfabe actually makes things more "real" opposed to less. Prowrestling is an interesting situation because it is frequently referred to as fake even though they clearly have to actually go out there and do these things. Like someone mentioned already the way TNA uses ReAction shows this. They show the wrestlers doing what they really do backstage just more or less in character. Once it ceased to be prowrestling, and became entertainment, the need for strict kayfabe went out the window. No one invests in a story because they think it is actually happening, they invest in it because they are entertained by it. This era is going to be about showing just how real some elements of prowrestling are while still entertaining with compelling stories.

TNA for the most part is not working straight shoots. They are working the audience's perceptions of what happened in non-kayfabe instances. Which is why Russo is a perfect presence to use to draw some interest. TNA works in the grey area where the internet, or others, get a hold of some information and distort it into a new "reality." Russo just might have the biggest fake reality of all surrounding himself.

Russo comes out and rants about how he has booked matches where the outcome was not as creative planned(ex: anything in wcw with him and hogan). So hes saying who was really suppose to have won...I thought i was to believe that these guys were actually fighting as opposed to a very choreographed dance with no music. This is my problem with Russo's character.

Matches? It was basically one incident and now you want to say that was all he ever did on camera? That incident was also supposed to be a work where Hogan came back later according to both Russo and Hogan. It just never came to be because some exec double crossed hogan because they did not want to keep paying him big money. It is also somewhat amusing you want to blame Russo for how he "acted" but he never would have had to if the wrestlers didn't refuse to do it in the way you mention in the first place. He wasn't ranting for no reason before a "real" match. He was ranting precisely because he had to explain why there was no real match to be seen.
Breaking kayfabe doesn't necessarily mean an acknowledgement of "fake." In modern times kayfabe is more about omission than anything. Kayfabe is where they omit to mention a variety of real things that happen. Because of this, breaking kayfabe is often actually about bringing up these real happenings or issues. Thus, IMO this type of breaking kayfabe actually makes things more "real" opposed to less. Prowrestling is an interesting situation because it is frequently referred to as fake even though they clearly have to actually go out there and do these things. Like someone mentioned already the way TNA uses ReAction shows this. They show the wrestlers doing what they really do backstage just more or less in character. Once it ceased to be prowrestling, and became entertainment, the need for strict kayfabe went out the window. No one invests in a story because they think it is actually happening, they invest in it because they are entertained by it. This era is going to be about showing just how real some elements of prowrestling are while still entertaining with compelling stories.

TNA for the most part is not working straight shoots. They are working the audience's perceptions of what happened in non-kayfabe instances. Which is why Russo is a perfect presence to use to draw some interest. TNA works in the grey area where the internet, or others, get a hold of some information and distort it into a new "reality." Russo just might have the biggest fake reality of all surrounding himself.

Matches? It was basically one incident and now you want to say that was all he ever did on camera? That incident was also supposed to be a work where Hogan came back later according to both Russo and Hogan. It just never came to be because some exec double crossed hogan because they did not want to keep paying him big money. It is also somewhat amusing you want to blame Russo for how he "acted" but he never would have had to if the wrestlers didn't refuse to do it in the way you mention in the first place.

Couldn't have said it better myself. For months I read posts about how TNA is like WWE or WCW or ECW. People wanted TNA to be different than these companies - well there you have it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that certain approach has not been tried in WWE, has it?

TNA will be the company that offers that sort of product. Above average to great wrestling, a variety of gimmicks, variety of storylines, thinking outside the box. WWE is WWE, they'll keep doing what they do best and that's keep things simple. If it works - it works. Personally, I think that WWE wouldn't last a year if it was running on TNA's resources. The only thing keeping it alive are the money and the way it's presented. Picture WWE's current product without all the flashy stuff, without the huge arenas, without the pyro, without the sets, without the awesome production videos, without the fluff, and you'll see my point. The product isn't light years ahead of that "second rate" show TNA, and it should be.

Two companies, offering two distinct product - take your picks.

I enjoyed Russo on iMPACT. Actually, they showed him on last week's ReAction too. Don't know if anyone noticed. Bischoff was running his gums about something and Russo just walked behind him. It was kind of blurry but I can always recognize that goofy walk. He was also wearing the same yellow t-shirt he did on this week's ReAction. Give the guy a raise to buy some clothes...geez.
Lol Vince insults fans intelligece all the time with the whole HBK and HHH going under the ring and entering a midget world and all the supernatural crap.

And THAT'S BAD. Vince gets away with it, that doesn't mean that your promotion is going to get away with it.

It's one of the reasons why ReAction is such a compelling show. I can't remember the last time someone showed the guys backstage, preparing for fights, after fights, giving comments about their matches and management and whatnot in the fashion TNA does. I like that approach, it's different.

That's not breaking kayfabe, as long as it's presented as background action to real competitive matches. ReAction does for pro wrestling what Hard Knocks does for the NFL--shows you the behind the scenes action. Showing a wrestler's training regimen is not breaking kayfabe unless you show the parts where they practice faking things. "Tough Enough" didn't really break kayfabe when the trainers yelled at the trainees. They broke kayfabe where they showed the trainees practicing taking bumps.

But hey, I'd much rather see someone break kayfabe and do something real, than, like you said, go under a ring and have a court with midgets, or some old fart appearing and disappearing in thin air, shooting lightnings and what not. I know it's "entertainment", but anyone who says the midget segment was funny is either a moron or under the age of 10.

That's all stupid crap, but it doesn't mean that the answer is to write segments that acknowledge that the matches are scripted and that the wrestlers are cooperating rather than competing.

Russo comes out and rants about how he has booked matches where the outcome was not as creative planned(ex: anything in wcw with him and hogan). So hes saying who was really suppose to have won...I thought i was to believe that these guys were actually fighting as opposed to a very choreographed dance with no music. This is my problem with Russo's character.

Ex:You never hear a reality show executive come on television and say there show is actually scripted.

^^^^This. Even on shows like American Idol, where there have been accounts of the horrible contestants being coached for days about how awesome they are, so that they can film the breakdown.

Breaking kayfabe doesn't necessarily mean an acknowledgement of "fake."

Yes it does. Anything else isn't breaking kayfabe--it's kayfabe, 2010 edition. Showing the wrestlers training, talking to them in the locker room LIKE THEY'RE REAL ATHLETES--is fake. Kayfabe. Just updated to the world of 2010, showing pro wrestlers just like we're used to seeing NBA players, NFL, Survivor contestants, and, of course, MMA fighters.
Yes it does. Anything else isn't breaking kayfabe--it's kayfabe, 2010 edition. Showing the wrestlers training, talking to them in the locker room LIKE THEY'RE REAL ATHLETES--is fake. Kayfabe. Just updated to the world of 2010, showing pro wrestlers just like we're used to seeing NBA players, NFL, Survivor contestants, and, of course, MMA fighters.

I disagree and think you are contradicting yourself. You say something like Joe's shoot is ok but that is the very definition of breaking kayfabe. That was a real conflict that developed from an issue with the "fake" conflict they were about to have. When they later bring that real conflict into storylines it certainly does not make things appear to be more "fake." It is easy to believe a legit conflict is still real. It is harder than ever to make the "fake" conflicts appear real just through sheer denial. To me that is an antiquated way of looking at it. For instance wouldn't WWE be "insulting" everyone simply by including entertainment in their name?

We know there is real history between Russo and WCW, TNA, positions of authority, Daytona, Bischoff, Hogan, Jarrett, even the rumored Joe incident recently and in fact Pope back when he lost to AJ etc. Thus, he can absolutely be an asset in this deception storyline.
You say something like Joe's shoot is ok but that is the very definition of breaking kayfabe.

Remind me--did anything in Joe's shoot contradict the idea that the matches are real? I thought he just went off on Hall as an unreliable drug addict and hyped up the young TNA guys who had been busting their asses. What in that promo couldn't have been said if wrestling were real, and a veteran with a drug problem no-showed a major event? Did he say anything about the matches being scripted, or management picking winners and losers, or "putting over" anybody?

If I'm wrong, it's not the first time. I just don't remember that from Joe's shoot on Hall. I remember "You don't like what I'm saying? Fire me. Go ahead" That's something that Terrell Owens or Allen Iverson might say.

EDIT: I just watched it again on Youtube. Joe doesn't say anything that couldn't be said in a world where pro wrestling is real. He talked about TNA wrestlers who bust their ass for the fans, and "superstars" who coast on their old reputations.

Joe wasn't "breaking kayfabe." "Breaking kayfabe" happens when someone says "this isn't a storyline--this is REAL!" THAT kind of comment sacrifices the credibility of everything else on the show to whatever feud you're in right there. That is destructive.

In kayfabe, Vince Russo is a very credible candidate for CEO or President of TNA Wrestling.
Vince Russo was the reason Ted Turner's wCw died. And I remember when he made Double J lay down for Hogan and then said you'd never see that piece of sh*t again or I'll go to my grave. And supposedly it wasn't a work? The fingerpoke of doom was one of the worst ideas in the history of wrestling. Goldberg the only undefeated superstar gets beat by Nash (who has three moves; big boot, elbow drop and jackknife) because Scott Hall interferes. Then the "BIG" return of Hogan and he's supposed to face Nash, then Nash lets Hogan pin him. What a joke! Vince Russo was completely full of crap, he killed Ted Turner's wCw and he's going to kill TNA. Two things need to be done, keep Dixie Carter OFF TV for good, and quit using guys 45-65

You do realize that tuner company merged.The people who was running Sh*t after didn't like wrestling.
I enjoyed this thread and arguments back and forth. I am a fan of Russo and most of his work in WCW, WWF, and the exciting entertaining shows that are on TNA (when they occur)

I was just wondering where you found this information that Russo will be returning on the live edition of Impact this week
I enjoyed this thread and arguments back and forth. I am a fan of Russo and most of his work in WCW, WWF, and the exciting entertaining shows that are on TNA (when they occur)

I was just wondering where you found this information that Russo will be returning on the live edition of Impact this week

Yeah I thought about that for a second but figured that if someone's making a thread about it they know better than I do. I download iMPACT and I re-watch it whenever I'm bored cuz I'm a mark, and I never heard an announcement about Russo being on next week's iMPACT. All the narrator said about Russo is "Stay tuned for TNA EXECUTIVE" -- they never announced him as creative writer as some peopel say -- "Vince Russo reveals shocking revelations about Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan for the first time in a decade." Or something like that. Never anything about the live show.

Can we get some confirmation please?

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