Vince Russo Posting Shoot Interview With Chyna

During the SCSA interview HHH seemed a bit uncomfortable with the question and did not answer in his usual confident way. If I were to throw out a complete guess I would say that HHH isn't the one keeping her out. He's seems like a bury the hatchet type of guy in his out of ring life. He got over differences with Nash, Hall, HBK, and helped bring back Bret and Warrior.

So no intent to talk bad about Steph here, but I'd guess she's the one keeping her out.
And really who should blame her. Who would want to use their company to honor her husband's ex girlfriend?

Chyna is definitely worthy of the Hall though, just really sucks for her that she dated the dude that married the future heiress to WWE.
I find it funny that deep down Vince Russo wants nothing more than to work for the WWE again. Hes hinted at it several times. We all know Chyna wants to be in the HOF one day.

Then why the fuck are they doing this interview trying go bash the WWE? Either they gave up hope or they are complete dumb fucks.
Alright, just watched the earth shattering interview with Chyna and wow! what a giant waste of time that was. Chyna is doing ok, she is living a new life in a new country, and HHH kind of throwing her under the bus again was a bit unnecessary. Was it really throwing her under the bus? There is an argument to be made. Sunny, Sable, and numerous others have done nudes and yet no one seems bothered by that when it comes Hall of Fame time.

I don't think HHH's answer would've been the same if not for all the drama in his personal life that he has had with Chyna. Can we really blame him? The fact he hit her in the past could be damaging to his reputation but even she recognized it as something he wished he hadn't done and felt terrible about. Now, is Chyna one of these shellshocked women who was beaten up by the system then thrown out for scraps? I think she was, the personal life situation eventually ruined much of the rest of her life, and no doubt WWE didn't make it easy for her to move on.

I do believe that WWE, not just HHH, did all they could to make her life miserable which is completely ridiculous given that she had already been put through so much. Maybe they were trying to silence her by making her lose her mind? Who knows, I doubt they put that much forethought into it, but this is typical bullying by anyone who gets on the wrong side of the machine. Chyna seems like she was a nice person that HHH eventually found himself embarrassed to be with because she isn't a supermodel, and when he realized he could step up by getting with Stephanie he wasn't overly worried about hurting Chyna. If he was, he would have broken up with her and life could have moved on. Maybe he was afraid she would go nuts if he broke up with her and that is why he was so cruel so the break would be cleaner...again, only they know.

All that, in a nutshell, is the outcome of the interview. Nothing too surprising, nothing particularly interesting even, which I was a bit disappointed by. I was hoping there would be a sense of "you know what, they really hurt me but I'm over that crap" but she still seems trapped there. She is still trapped in that broken relationship no matter how far she has gotten herself from it. Which is really the saddest part of the whole mess, that she has fallen so far and seems unable to get back up. I guess that isn't too surprising, the Waltman sex tape must have been absolutely humiliating and, when she tried to take the reigns for herself by becoming a porn star, that ended up turning out poorly for her too.

If this has all seemed like a rambling mess I apologize but that's how I'm feeling about all of it. I'm not sure what to feel because it isn't my business, it has two sides (though I don't doubt HHH left Chyna high and dry, that is just a sad part of reality sometimes), and neither side seems to have ever told a full story about the events. Each wants to protect their own side and that makes it seem like a wash. But if the WWE really do trash their talents who leave like they did to Chyna then that is something worth being bothered by because who knows how many others the WWE actively attempted to squash when they left and how many they succeeded in ruining. It is just weird, very weird.
Other stars may have been in sex tape or nude pictures show but Chyna actually made professional porn .

Just googled chyna and this appears straight away on the right of the page along with a normal pic "Chyna is an American former professional wrestler, actress, bodybuilder, and pornographic film actress"

Note "pornographic film actress" a young teen would see porn and think ooo and google chyna porn and there we have it .

Lets face it ok you have the shit between HHH, Steph & Chyna , But she made several hardcore pornographic films including parody's with take on WWE superstars past or present , Including Vince.... (All this infomation i found out on google within 5mins so thats how easy it is )

Chyna the WWF Star deserve to be in the hall of fame yes no doubt . Problem is she is no longer Chyna WWF Superstar she is Chyna WWF Superstar & pornographic film actress and WWE caters to PG rating and kids as well as adults and all have accesses to the internet
As Mr_DNA says, can we please stop equating leaked sex stuff of Playboy shoots to being a paid performer in a porn movie? Not even the same stratosphere.

Also, I didn't see the interview, and won't, but the thing I think is funny is people like BigBomB did, and go on to say things like "the fact he hit her in the past...". Now I could be completely off base, and it may be confirmed as fact (would have to be by HHH himself, by the way), but since when is someone saying "x happened" in any way proof the "x" actually happened? If this is something that has been confirmed, than my point is moot, but as far as I can tell it is nothing more than an claim on Chyna's part.

Can we all stop taking as gospel the words/claims of one person that have not in any way been validated or corroborated?
Here's the thing, you cannot corroborate this... it either happened or didn't. Try telling the Cosby women to corroborate it.

Just because Chyna didn't raise it sooner does not mean nothing happened. Quite the opposite in fact, it is a red flag and both Russo's words and Austin's "calling Bullshit" as he did is another. We're assuming this is not "known" in the business, perhaps it is known, perhaps Paul has dealt with it, fessed up to "the boys and Vince" as part of his "skeleton check" for the role he has and only WE didn't know about it. Think about that for a moment.

Both Austin and Russo's words would support that, particularly Austin... here is a guy who went through the same thing... he's not gonna "blurt it out" but if Trips is spinning and he knows what really happen he's not gonna "play house" and he didn't. If Russo knew about it and was keeping it quiet out of respect for both parties, and indeed his words about Hunter then would back this up then he wouldn't blurt it out. No one who has a stake in the pro business would, just like no one would admit to knowing if Randy slept with Steph at 14 or Vince and Shawn had "a thing". Those that espouse the theories get branded crackpots and blackballed.

I met Trips around this time, when he was still with Chyna as I've mentioned in other threads... he was a very cool guy... but that doesn't mean I think he's incapable of hitting her in temper/frustration but he doesn't have that "fallback" of "the beer/drugs made me do it", only potentially roid rage. Austin could point to his abusing alcohol and painkillers as defenses, not excuses but Trips has always been portrayed as whiter than white... he can't claim the same redemption Shawn did.

Also remember how they portrayed Chyna in those days? As a multi-lingual, highly intelligent woman who had been on some UN scholarship... not the "crack ho, pornstar" they portray her as today... it wouldn't be the first time they bury someone to protect another.

It's hard to say if I hope it's true or not true, it's BAD either way. If true it means our "great white hope" for the business is not only human but now tainted by a scandal... perhaps this needed to happen but timing etc is not good with NXT doing so well and Mania so close. If it's NOT true, then I am bitterly sorry for Joanie Laurer, she's clearly in a very bad place with little joy in her life, even the random "engagement video" seemed like her "giving up" rather than being happy.

I'm not gonna make the call and no one should, WWE will lawyer up on you quicker than they "supported" Darren Young...

But don't dismiss this as "crazy Chyna" or "Scumbag Russo" that's what Cosby tried and how many of you would now on balance think he did it? Even Watergate (not that this is as bad) was broken by two journos people wanted desperately to disbelieve and discredit. If this is the only skeleton JPLV has in his cupboard then he's far better fessing up, apologising and making peace than trying to tough it out...
This is definitely scumbag Russo capitalizing on a 15 year old incident by exploiting a severely mentally injured person.

I mean, don't get me wrong, if it's true, than HHH is more of a scumbag than the rest in this situation, but GENERALLY, spousal abusers don't just strike once. I think it's highly plausible that it happened, just not probable.

The only victim here is Chyna/Joannie Lauer. She has had a rough 15 years, and she's severely disturbed, as based on her connection to a 15 year gone relationship and a life that never happened. Sure, she made decisions in her life, but I wonder exactly how much control she REALLY had, or how much control any number of mental conditions had over her. These aren't the actions of a mentally stable healthy person.

But Russo capitalizing on this is disgusting. Exploiting his "friend" to get back at the WWE for not hiring him back, for Vince McMahon not taking his calls, and not booking his fantasy booking is deplorable. Any more use of Russo as a "guest editor" on Wrestlezone will ensure that I no longer use the front page.
Here's the thing, you cannot corroborate this... it either happened or didn't. Try telling the Cosby women to corroborate it.

Just because Chyna didn't raise it sooner does not mean nothing happened. Quite the opposite in fact, it is a red flag and both Russo's words and Austin's "calling Bullshit" as he did is another. We're assuming this is not "known" in the business, perhaps it is known, perhaps Paul has dealt with it, fessed up to "the boys and Vince" as part of his "skeleton check" for the role he has and only WE didn't know about it. Think about that for a moment.

Both Austin and Russo's words would support that, particularly Austin... here is a guy who went through the same thing... he's not gonna "blurt it out" but if Trips is spinning and he knows what really happen he's not gonna "play house" and he didn't. If Russo knew about it and was keeping it quiet out of respect for both parties, and indeed his words about Hunter then would back this up then he wouldn't blurt it out. No one who has a stake in the pro business would, just like no one would admit to knowing if Randy slept with Steph at 14 or Vince and Shawn had "a thing". Those that espouse the theories get branded crackpots and blackballed.

I met Trips around this time, when he was still with Chyna as I've mentioned in other threads... he was a very cool guy... but that doesn't mean I think he's incapable of hitting her in temper/frustration but he doesn't have that "fallback" of "the beer/drugs made me do it", only potentially roid rage. Austin could point to his abusing alcohol and painkillers as defenses, not excuses but Trips has always been portrayed as whiter than white... he can't claim the same redemption Shawn did.

Also remember how they portrayed Chyna in those days? As a multi-lingual, highly intelligent woman who had been on some UN scholarship... not the "crack ho, pornstar" they portray her as today... it wouldn't be the first time they bury someone to protect another.

It's hard to say if I hope it's true or not true, it's BAD either way. If true it means our "great white hope" for the business is not only human but now tainted by a scandal... perhaps this needed to happen but timing etc is not good with NXT doing so well and Mania so close. If it's NOT true, then I am bitterly sorry for Joanie Laurer, she's clearly in a very bad place with little joy in her life, even the random "engagement video" seemed like her "giving up" rather than being happy.

I'm not gonna make the call and no one should, WWE will lawyer up on you quicker than they "supported" Darren Young...

But don't dismiss this as "crazy Chyna" or "Scumbag Russo" that's what Cosby tried and how many of you would now on balance think he did it? Even Watergate (not that this is as bad) was broken by two journos people wanted desperately to disbelieve and discredit. If this is the only skeleton JPLV has in his cupboard then he's far better fessing up, apologising and making peace than trying to tough it out...

Not dismissing it as anything other than what it is. One persons story. Everything you said may very well be true, but that doesn't change the fact that it is a bit crazy to just take what someone says about someone else as absolute fact. She could very well be telling the truth. I am not calling her a liar. I am just cautioning against running with a story that only has one side.

To compare to the recent Deflategate stuff. After the initial report (from confirmed sources) 11/12 balls were well under the legal minimum. Then a "person of interest" was seen going into a bathroom with the balls. The LB noticed the ball was deflated and turned it in to his equipment guy. 2 weeks later, the report is 1 of 12 was well under (the ball the Colts had), and the others were barely under. The person of interest is an elderly man likely just going to the bathroom. The LB turned the ball over as a keepsake and didn't notice anything weird about the ball. And in this case we are even talking about apparent confirmed and vetted sources.

I understand you can't go through life not believing everything unless you have proof notarized and in triplicate, but it just aggravates me when people take the word of one person and then refer to it as fact. Maybe it's just me.
I have no idea whether or not Chyna is lying. I mean, how could I? I wasn't a fly on the wall when this supposedly happened. Do I think it's possible that Triple H could have snapped in a moment of anger and hit her? Absolutely. Do I think it's possible that this is a baseless accusation made by a bitter ex girlfriend with a well documented history of making poor personal choices? Absolutely.

For me personally, I'm always a little suspicious of things like this. Again, I'm not saying the accusations are false because I've no real way of knowing, but I'm someone that needs more than he said/she said. As a corrections officer, I've seen some genuinely innocent people's lives ruined by bitter ex's making similar allegations. If Triple H did it, the guy's a scumbag, that's just flat out how it is. I won't condemn the guy, however, without some degree of proof and, frankly, it's not as if Chyna's particularly credible. As I alluded to, she has a known history of making bad choices, she's battled drug addition, her personal life at various times has been like something out of a sideshow her credibility isn't the strongest I've seen.
The worst thing that could possibly happen is for HHH to start answering these allegations. It would open a Pandora's Box that would be impossible to close.

Like JH said, if he did it then he's an asshole, plain and simple. But Chyna issn't the most credible witness walking either. I'm not saying she's lying but if it did happen then it happened a long time ago, why is she bringing it up now.

I feel sorry for her. She's been used over and over again, and now Russo is doing it as well. The best thing that could have happened here is for everyone too just keep their traps closed and let sleeping dogs lie. Austin should never have brought it up about the HOF, HHH should have avoided the question, and Russo can go straight to hell.
Folks, let us get real for a sec: Joanie Laurer was a jilted lover. Her man CHEATED on her. He was banging another woman while he was living with, and banging her. Guys, what do you think would happen to you if your significant other found out that you were screwing another woman? Add the fact that you live together, and add the fact you have been together for a while. How do you think she would feel? I know my wife would cut my nuts off if she ever thought I was cheating on her. What do you think your woman would do to you?

Ms. Laurer could not bring herself to cut Trips' nuts off. So, she decides to smear him, like many a jilted lover would. This is about getting even in her warped mind. This is how she gets back at both Stephanie and Trips. Will it work? Probably not. She should just let it go, and go on with her life. Trips and Steph are enjoying theirs. But, then again, many a jilted lover cannot, for the life of them, just let go.

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