Vince Mcmahons wins ECW Championship

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TNA Smark

I'm watching the PPV and Vince Mcmahon just became ECW World Heavyweight Champion. I am suprised. I thought Lashley was going to win. IMO, Vince is going to give the title to Umaga or Elijah. Most likely Elijah since there are plans to put Umaga in the tag division with Rikishi. If he doesnt give it up his reign will be like David Arguettes, very short. I'm not that pissed becuase I honestly dont care about WWECW any more. Vince has held the WWE Championship but he gave it to Triple H or something. Thats why I think he is going to give it away. But this just hurts the credibility of the championship. Well at least people could stop bitching about Lashley champion. Thats the best thing that came out of this. What do you think of the title change?
Better than Lashley. Vince match's are always entertaining so I'm not bothered. I would prefer Punk or RVD. But that aint going to happen. I don't really have an oppinion. I honestly couldn't give a shit. Hopefully they don't have Lashley/Vince as the main event of ONS.
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Has The Final Nail Been Hit into ECW's Coffin? With McMahon as Champion, then Yes, It Is.

I Could've tolerated Shane as Champion Not Vince, ANYONE BUT VINCE!

Most likely Vince will hold it until One Night Stand.

Backlash, so far, has been shit.
i have mixed fealings about this match. Glad Lashley lost but I'm mad cause I bet on lashley! I thought they would have him win!
I think ratings this week will go up to see exactly what Vince is going to do. I am tuning in to WWECW just to see what he does to the title and how it affects the storyline with the New Breed and Originals. Do they move on if Elijah gets the title? There are so many questions unanswered and people are going to want to tune in. On the announce team Joey Styles kept repeating everyone thought Lashley would retain somehow. I think this is exactly what Mcmahon was aiming for and if so he is succesful imo.
Vince probably had him self win just to spite Heyman.I wonder what his reaction is to this.

I really dont even care that vince won .i stopped watching this ecw a long time ago and dont really care what happens anymore.I just hope that on raw tommorow theres no 30 min promo of Vince saying how extreme he is.

This just further degrades the ecw title.It's starting to seem like a joke title to me kind of like how the hardcore title was in the end.
Guys, just relax. He just won the title, we don't know what he's going to do yet. If you remember correctly Vince won a Championship once before and it didn't hurt its credibility at all, but people were bitching and moaning back then too. if you ask me this was a great twist, no one expected this. And most likely he'll drop the title almost immediately, even Vince knows it can't be good for him to hold the belt long term, he's not a complete idiot.

Great idea to boost ratings if you ask me.
Wow, I can't believe that Vince was going to win. I thought that this would be a simple prediction, but in this case, it's not. Now this proves that the Vengeance poster is 100% fake. I THINK that this will have to do something with Summerslam and Mysterio, but I wouldn't count on that.
Where did you read that Rikishi was coming back to the WWE? Those rumors are false, by the way.

I'm just glad as all hell that they've taken the belt off of Lashley. Lashley will move to RAW now to continue his feud with Umaga probably, while hopefully ECW has a tournament for the title. Of course the odds of that happening are slim to none considering that would be entertaining and something the fans would want to see, something that seems anathema to how Vince does business.
It's probably unlikely, but do you think Lashley was scheduled to win, but Vince changed it when RVD decided he didn't want a new contract with WWE?

It must be real tough for Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Sabu and RVD to have to watch Vince rub it in their faces.
I wonder whats gonna happen now..honestly for the first time i feel intruige to watch ECW...I wonder if this could even possibly end up with the new breed and the originals banding together to get vince??? or will vince use the new breed to crush the originals??? Vince may be a more respectable champ than lashley even was lol becuase at least we know vince is down for some crazy ass extreme rules shit lol....good to actually see a SUPRISE out fo the wwe, it almost gave me hope that kennedy would come out at the end, but that would be way too much for one show in the wwe haha only one suprising thign every like 10 months, thats all thats allowed lol....It would be great to see mcmahon hold onto it by cheating an schemeing until ONS and then wrestle some orignal and jus get DESTROYED...maybe the returning foley??...I think Vince would be down for it...contrary to the beleifs of many on the IWC vince really does care about making fans happy, but needs to keep his cash cow in cena, but besides that, he will do anything..act like he didnt know exactly how ridiculoushe looked in that do rag hahaha...and BTW the best ever anouncer of all time and history, according to all you ECW marks, joey styles TOTALLY fucked up on umaga's win loss he forgot umaga's two matched with cena i guess...OH MY GOD!!! I JUST SAID SOMETHING STUPID AS FUCK!!!! I LOOK LIKE A MORON!!! haha...
well hopefully that little interaction between vince and the originals leads to something. maybe vince doing a swirve by saying that he is gonna give it to elijah, but ends up havin cm punk getting it. then maybe one of the originals (rvd) vs punk.
but i dont think that will happen until rvd re-signs.
i hope lashley leaves ecw.
i would hope to see the 4 originals and the 4 new breed members in a KOTR tournament style for the title
When its all said and done and the smoke clears.. it was said earlier, this will give ECW a huge ratings boost... BUT, ECW is only an hour, and Vince McMahon's promos last neary 15 min. at a time. So there for... Add the Extreme Expose, and other talking scenarios into the mix. ECW will now be showing about 20min of actual wrestling... each being a squash match, where the Originals get their asses handed to them, but the New Breed, because they will be Vince's lap dogs... or, Lindsey will use his "re-match" clause in his contract and beat Vince Tuesday night on ECW.
i think that the new breed should turn on elijah burke and then side with cm punk so they will have a match for the ecw title at one night stand so hopefully the will have a good feud and a good main event (WITHOUT LASHLEY!!!!) to pump some freakin life into the screwed up ECW
Well, now that Vince has spent the last year burning the house of ECW to the friggin' ground, he saw fit tonight to sufficiently piss on the ashes. The one-dimensional, "let's retrace our footsteps" booking is absolutely f*cking atrocious. The rational part of me says: "Kasey, just let it go. ECW is dead and you should move on." The other part speedily quips: "F*ck that. They're wasting boatloads of talent. IT SUCKS. Scream your feelings from the highest hill." Yeah, I'm going with option B again. Vince! You're an ass! And a moron! And the booking squad needs to have their collective nuts mashed in a vice for this kind of crap. We just swapped a young, bald, lemon for an old, bald, lemon wearing the ECW strap. It's like every time I see a faint glimmer of hope start to seep through the chinks of the ECW armor, I'm quickly reassured that everything in ECW-Land blows the proverbial goat. Damn.
What more can you say other How can Vince McMahon be so damn arrogant. Honestly, it's no wonder that guys like RVD and Heyman are leaving when they see this kind of stuff happen. It is beyond belief that he would actually think so high of himself and so low of whatever credibility there was left in ECW. This is beyond spitting in the face of ECW and McMahon is pobably the exact opposite of what ECW was for. We should comet to expect this crap but it is just astounding what McMahon does to put over himself. There is just no reason for him to be champion and I know the ECW today is stepping in a different direction entirely to the original one but this is too much. Honestly...
Wow you guys are treating this like the end of the world. Vince got the WWE title after he beat Triple H for the Title when Triple H first won the Title. He then dropped the belt the next night. I think he may go and drop it after a couple of weeks, then they will probably have a Battle royal to determine the new Champion unfortunately. But Vince won't hold the title too long, he is a smart businessman, even if he acts like a jackass and seems to have the agreement span of Kaiser Wilhelm II.
What a fricking Ego Trip. That's all I can say. Vince not only knows jack about what the fans want, but he doesn't seem to know what he wants out of the product. Oh and he needs to make up his mind, wrestling or movies. All 3 of the movies the WWE made have bombed but that's another issue. They just put the already useless belt on an even more deplorable candidate and I don't mean that in a good "heel" way. I would rather watch Khali hold a world title for 5 years than this. This is worse than what WCW did with the United States title by giving it to David Flair and having Buff Bagwell and Chris Benoit job to him. Correct me if I'm wrong, didn't we hear Vince say he wanted to have ECW focused on Bobby Lashley and making him seem Unstoppable? Well so much for that one. Two rules with world titles. 1) You can't have a championship on a guy in a roster with no competition. 2) You can't have the owner hold the same belt of a brand you're trying so desperately to make believeable.

Let's let the count down beging tonight people. Let's all count down to the downfall of this fake ECW. And not only will I not be crying when somebody puts a bullet in the head of this disaster, but I would love nothing more than to be the one to pull the trigger on this horrible creation made by in my honest opinion, a blind, senial, ego obsessed, horrible old man.
I used to watch ECW when WWE first brought it back and let haymen have part control over it i thought it was better when haymen had it then it is now i stoped watching it when they got rid of haymen... but now i'm just going to tune in tuesday to see what vince is gonna do. then probally wont watch it for awhile heh
Wow you guys are treating this like the end of the world. Vince got the WWE title after he beat Triple H for the Title when Triple H first won the Title. He then dropped the belt the next night. I think he may go and drop it after a couple of weeks, then they will probably have a Battle royal to determine the new Champion unfortunately. But Vince won't hold the title too long, he is a smart businessman, even if he acts like a jackass and seems to have the agreement span of Kaiser Wilhelm II.

This is different though. ECW was the anti-WWE and it just shows how bad it's gotten ever since McMahon bought it out and now the shit has hit the fan. It's just disgraceful that Vince actually does this to a show that is basically just dead right now. It's beyond salt into the gaping wound for ECW and whatever credibility it has left to see McMahon holding the title. Whether or not he drops the belt soon, which I doubt he will, it's still a disgrace that he'd actually go ahead and stick it to every single ECW fan there ever was. It's not the end of the world but it's a damn hard kick in the teeth to see a man who only brought about the death of this company to try and dig it further into the ground. You can at least find some reasoning behind McMahon winning the WWE title, seeing as he created the company but to do it to ECW after every single thing he's done is just astounding and that's why it's so aggravating to see what he does. It damn sure doesn't benefit ECW if he holds that title and he is only champion so he can parade around like the jackass he is, knowing that he is infuriating loads of people, and that arrogance is what makes us hate that man. At least with Lashley you had a wrestler, not McMahon. The business sense in him winning that is beyond me, as this is pure biggotry by a man who thinks he's bigger than God.
I can see him Dropping the title tonight or tomorrow to someone, or to have a tornament on ECW. The New Breed/Origionals is getting to a closing point, they've done what matches they can do. Vince will show up Tuesday to drop off the title to Elijah, Punk will come out and say he deserves the title too, and RVD will follow, setting up a three way dance at the next PPV for the title, where ___ Wins the match. Lashley, who has sucked what potencial he can get out of ECW, will be goinging the RAW brand tonight to continue this feud with Vince McMahon, which will end at Judgement day with Lashley pinning Vince in a 1 on 1 match. Shane will retreat to the sidelines again, and I believe that Umaga will find some new beef someplace, maybe trying to make a superstar out of Santino Maralla, since they've already ruined Ymagas Streak. Thats just my thoughs though...
Vince > Lashley. Believe me, I knock the new WWECW as much as anyone, but anyone knows that Vince or Shane with the belt is a 1000 times better then, as The Donald calls him, Bubby Leslie, with the belt. Lashley is on Raw half the time, so just let him stay there.

Vince is hell bent to get this thing to succeed. I don't like it,b ut I won't knock th guy for trying. When it comes to wrestling, Vince won't fail, period. Now movies, XFL, and Bodybuilding Federations is something else.

Look, Vince is a despised heel, but he gets people to watch. He'll show up on Raw with the ECW title, say something, and get people to tune into ECW. He knows what he is doing. Whoever takes that belt off of him is going to get over huge, and hopefully be a launching pad for ECW. We need to realize, our ECW is Dead, this is the new ECW. It sucks they use the same lineage as the old titles, but that's what happens when you have a guy like Paul E. bounce checks like a basketballf or years. That won't happen here.

Hell, imo, the ECW title now has more credibility then the WWE title.
Before Backlash, I would have agreed. Unfortunately, this was the last thing they should have done with the belt. The WWE title had already been established and is now decaying because of the reign of one John Cena. The ECW belt is one they're trying to get off the ground but have now driven it right into the ground. The thing that sucks is nobody is going to take the belt from Vince except probably Lashley. Why? Because Vince has no faith in any of the ECW alumni who are the only ones who understand what that belt once stood for. I reiterate what I had once said in calling Vince McMahon poison and a cancer to the wrestling business. Ever since ECW went down and WCW was bought by Vince, it's been a slow agonizing existance. The WWE can't stand alone without competition. And Vince doesn't have the flair for the business and it's evolution. He feels that staying the course with it is the best solution. And yeah, like "staying the course" has ever worked!.

( P.S. Sorry to get political with the last remark )
Before Backlash, I would have agreed. Unfortunately, this was the last thing they should have done with the belt. The WWE title had already been established and is now decaying because of the reign of one John Cena. The ECW belt is one they're trying to get off the ground but have now driven it right into the ground. The thing that sucks is nobody is going to take the belt from Vince except probably Lashley. Why? Because Vince has no faith in any of the ECW alumni who are the only ones who understand what that belt once stood for. I reiterate what I had once said in calling Vince McMahon poison and a cancer to the wrestling business. Ever since ECW went down and WCW was bought by Vince, it's been a slow agonizing existance. The WWE can't stand alone without competition. And Vince doesn't have the flair for the business and it's evolution. He feels that staying the course with it is the best solution. And yeah, like "staying the course" has ever worked!.

( P.S. Sorry to get political with the last remark )

I think your right about Vince not caring about what the fans want now. Now I think that Vince knows he doesn't have competition because TNA is still getting low 1.0 ratings weekly. He just wants to have fun in his old age. But you got to agree the wrestling on WWECW is good. That elimination match last week was amazing. It could of been on Survivor Series but with more time of course. There's only one squash on WWECW which includes Snitsky and then 2 good matches with the rest of the time going to promo's. RAW is the weak point of WWE imo. It's more like a soap opera than a wrestling show. Vince does provide us with crap but thats because he know's we will keep on watching no matter what. That's how most promotions fail though. They dont expand and try to get different people to view the show. Hopefully he gives the title to someone else.
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