Video game Generation

Arkham Noir

With black birds following me
*This isn't about video games so please don't relocate this thread.*

My Dad used this term once to describe the generation that is coming up. My generation. I'm 19, and I can already see the ridiculous shit that is called the futur generation. Whether it be the complete dependency of social networking, or the fact that most can't save their money for more than a few months. Society today and the society that will arrive in about the next fifteen to twenty years troubles me to no end. Most girls my age are attention ****es that feel the need to post pictures of themselves online to satrisfy their need for attention and most guys are so obosessed with porn and suffering from massive egos that how and the hell are we supposed depend on this people to run our society?

The term I used as the title to this thread is meant to allude to the fact that most people don't realize the effort it takes to accomplish things in life.Many are used to things being like a video game where if you put in maybe twenty hours of effort you'll beat it, and as a result don't fathom that it can take years to accomplish things in life.Its all about getting things fast without hardwork. I'll use an example that might not be the best, but relates well to the topic. MTV has a reaity show called "Jersey Shore". The people on this show went from average people to celebrities in the course of a year. All because they are morons and allow people to film this behaviour. This really sums up everything.

I know that the likelyhood of our society crumbling with the coming generation is unlikely, but that doesn't hange how bad things are getting. So what do you think?

Am I way off base here?

Do you think things are going to get worse and that my generation is total crap?

What do you think the future will hold?
Interesting thread, but I think you're way too presumptuous. I'm 18, I enjoy social netorking sites, pictures, and shopping. None of that means I'm an 'attention ****e who can't be trusted to run society'. You're creating a link between those things which doesn't really exist - certainly not in a finalised way that means we should assume things are getting really bad.

Not everyone is intent on 'not being able to save money', either. The fact many of us go to work to GET that money seems to go against what else is being mentioned here. If I'm saving for something I want, I'll work extra hours at work. If I'm not, I don't need to. If I have nothing else to spend my money on, and want to buy a pair of boots for £150 just because I like them, I will. I've worked for that money, and the fact I haven't saved it shows nothing about my character except that I realise if I want to buy the things I want to, I have to work for it.

For years now, there have been panics about what the youth of that generation is going to turn out to be. In years gone by there have been massive moral panics about 'teenagers' - yet society isn't about to crumble. The older generation ALWAYS assumes youth aren't as good as they were and therefore society will get worse. Yet, while I may sit at home on Facebook in some of my spare time, think about some activities in the past that may have been worse. In 20-30 years people will realise there is nothing wrong with a majority of this generation and start worrying about how the latest trends and technology are effecting THEIR children - it's almost how society works now.
I know my views of right and wrong are a little extreme, but that's what I belive.I'm not asking anyone to believe the same. Your right HBK-aholic, I may be a little too presumptuous. I'm just concerned with how people act at this point in time.

I hope I'm wrong on what I think the future holds.
I don't think that the current and coming generation(s) are going to contribute to the crumbling of society just because they like to spend a lot of time on social networking sites or using electronics in general. We just have more technology than older generations did. Video games have somewhat replaced novels, just as MP3's replaced records. If people in my parents' generation had facebook or XBOX then you better believe they would have been all over it just as we are. It's a matter of having more technology. Are some people too dependant on it? Certainly.... but that doesn't mean everyone in our age group and younger does.

Generation X & Y are not as bad as some people seem to think. We just have far more technology than our ancestors did. That's all there is to it. Great thread which raises some questions, but not all of the stereotypes are necessarily true because we are all human and our ancestors would have acted just the same if they had the opportunity to when they were in their teens and 20's just like us.
I'm 21, A responsible young adult, That works hard to attain what I want in life, If you asked my mother i've been A responible young adult since I was 16 lol. Anyway I see a big difference in my generation, And my youngest brother's, Yet he's 18. It may just be him, And his friends but it seems to be the same story all over the country(England) at the minute. I'll just give you a quick example of the differences in our lives.

- Got an average grade of B at GCSE level, At the age of 15.
- Carried on with my education via sixth form(A levels), And starting a part time job as an industrial cleaner the day after my 16th birthday, Sixth form didn't work out because of my attendence record(caused my a host of medical problems).
- At 17 I was still working at the same place, And enrolled into college to study mecanical engineering. Also learning to drive, And buying my own car.
- 18 and i've completed the course, But didn't continue down that path because of the expenses, So I get a full time job at a call center, As well as still cleaning, And going to night classes for food technology. Also have a full time girlfriend, And still managed to have a social life too.
- 19 continuing with both jobs, And after completing the chef's course I go and get a doorman's, And security license(Mainly because of having more options.). Move into my own flat, And as my relationship starts getting serious my G/F moves in with me. Plus i have a MASSIVE car crash.
- At 20 i've moved from being in a call center, And an industrial cleaner into security, After getting an easy, Well paid gig at the same factory I used to clean, And then later on to the security manager on site. Then 24th December I propose to my girlfriend, And she accepts.
- Now, Still security site manager, still engaged, And also working my way through all of the possible driving licenses I can.

My brother.
- 16 leaves school, With average grade D. Does nothing but get drunk with his friends and generally become a drain on socioty,
-17 Same as the year before, But he gets a G/F. Constantly fighting and starting shit while getting fat. Has no drive what so ever, Even though when he applies his self he can do anything he wants.
- 18 He got a dead end job at MacDonalds, His girlfriend gets preggers, but instead of talking to each other they avoid each other for like 2 weeks, His G/F had a miscaraige, And after that tradedy now realises he's wasting his life. Starts getting fit with the intentions of joining the army, And get's engaged with he G/F.

It might just be the company we keep, but my friends generally have the same drive, And determination as I do, Maybe not with the same luck I've had, But still. My brothers friends are actually a lot worse than he was, As the majority are just state deweller's in one way or another.

It's not just their attitude's towards life either, There seem to be a gang mentality too, I would never think of cussing some random people out just because I didn't like the way they dressed, Or looked. Yet its now constantly in the news that gangs of kids have savagely beaten for next to nothing.

They can't seem to rationally overcome a confrontation either, If I had beef with someone I'd try and talk it out, The only I was violent as a youth was when someone had put their hands on me. I got in an argument with my brother who owned a game, The first place he went was intimidation, When that didn't work he got in my face and headbutted me, Literally screaming like animal, But soon shut the fuck up when I took him off his feet and pinned him to the floor with his throat in one swift move.

Obvisiously i'm generalising, But most of the example's i've given is what i've personally experienced.

My main concern isn't whether the next gen can effectively run the country, Because there is always good in every generation. My main concern is the "Fuck it, It's too hard." mentality the majority of kids have. Which will most likely lead to more kids turning to crime to sustain themselves in the world.

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