[Victory Road] Sting (C) v. Jeff Hardy [TNA World Heavyweight Championship]

Who wins?

  • Sting

  • Jeff Hardy

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Obviously TNA dropped the ball with letting Sting win, but the heels need someone to go against them that actually has credibility. Yet the NWO 2.0 is having the same person face them.

Super Sting, woohoo the fans so love him for ditching the chance to go to WWE for the same ancient, very typical(for him), storyline. And what, we're supposed to accept that the 52 year old beat Jeff Hardy in his home state just because Jeff is a heel and Immortal needs a main hero to fight.

I don't know why Sting got swayed in by this promise of the TNA Title. WWE World Championships will always mean more. And I truly believe Sting would've been given a reign. In any case I think Sting takes this match, but Jeff takes the title back next month after his hearings are done.
Sting, Sting, Sting!!! I love the Stinger! I hope he tears through Jeff Hardy in this match just like he did to win the title. Sting is still fun to watch, and I hope his reign as champ isn't too short. I would hate to see Jeff Hardy get the title yet again so quickly after losing it. Sting still has a lot left in the tank and like Hogan+Flair I am looking forward to watching Sting go for as long as he wants to go. Sting returns to PPV this Sunday and I can't wait!

On a side note, it is great that Sting stayed in TNA as if there ever was any real doubt he would go up north. Between Sting, Angle, and Double J, TNA is and has been building a legitimate legacy using said veterans as a foundation. People piss and moan cause Sting isn't going to the WWF and tarnishing his legacy. That is right Sting would tarnish his legacy wrestling matches against guys like Cena and Miz. I am sick and tired of people whining about Sting staying in TNA. Sting stayed in TNA for what to me is fairly obvious, WWF sucks, has sucked for quite awhile, and is going to continue to suck for quite awhile. The production quality, the money, the size, Vince McMahon, none of these things can change the fact that the WWF's best days are long gone and not coming back any time soon. Sting was smart enough to see this and he chose to stick with the plucky TNA. Kudos to him.

So let's all enjoy another title run for The Icon. A reign that I hope continues through Sunday and at least until Lockdown if not longer. Stinger Splash, Scorpion Death Lock, Scorpion Death Drop....1-2-3, here is your winner and still TNA World champion...The Icon STING!
And what, we're supposed to accept that the 52 year old beat Jeff Hardy in his home state just because Jeff is a heel and Immortal needs a main hero to fight.

I don't know why Sting got swayed in by this promise of the TNA Title. WWE World Championships will always mean more. And I truly believe Sting would've been given a reign. .

And we are suppose to believe a 50+ year old man is suppose to come into a organization that he has never been and win a title come on thats the most contradictory statement every
Man, I really hope TNA doesn't completely F*** up this match. Even at 52, Sting can still go. Hardy can still go. Would I much rather have seen this match ten years ago? Absolutely. But I'll take what I can get.

This match needs to be longer than ten minutes, and I hope it is. Russo has a tendency to care more about furthering a storyline, or even beating a dead horse, as opposed to focusing on the action. This match can work, if it's given the right amount of time, and a clean finish.

Hardy doesn't need to win this match. Both men are past their prime, and Hardy is as established as they come. So Sting doesn't need to give him the rub here, seeing Jeff doesn't need it. I'd like to see Sting win this match, and have somewhat of a lengthy title reign. I didn't have a problem with Sting winning the belt, it was the way it all went down that bothered me. Beating Sting is, and always will be, a big deal. The guy who goes 20 minutes with Sting, beats him, and takes the title will be better for it. I don't think it needs to be Jeff Hardy.
Sting can still go, BUT I must get this off my chest.
WHY does Flair have to Bleed like a stuck animal each match????
OK OK Now Sting I think TNA feels they played tug o war with wwe n won now they gonna danglle sting in the air for a bit then have him lose on some bs n go back to who ever left wwe last n give them the belt.
I think Sting will take this.. and I hope he does as well.. TNA have put this title on 3 different people in like a month and it's not good seeing the title beein thrown around like that.. I wasn't so sure Sting would get the title, but now he has, there is no need to get it of him right away, I think we're going to see a Sting vs. RVD match because I think RVD will defeat Anderson..
Sting stayed in TNA for what to me is fairly obvious, WWF sucks, has sucked for quite awhile, and is going to continue to suck for quite awhile. The production quality, the money, the size, Vince McMahon, none of these things can change the fact that the WWF's best days are long gone and not coming back any time soon. Sting was smart enough to see this and he chose to stick with the plucky TNA. Kudos to him.

Have you been smoking RVDs pot ? Yeah the WWE does suck but the build up and stories going into WM27 have been pretty decent,the best at leat for a number of years.Im not a TNA or WWE hater or fanboy but your saying he did the right thing by sticking with the "plucky" TNA? TNAs creative is worse than the WWEs writers and the majority of story lines have no logic in them whatsoever.

Going onto the topic of the match i see Sting winning this as they wont change the title hands so quickly again.Sting will go 4-5 months with the title and i reckon someone who hasnt won the title yet will win it to get them over.Either that or we will see AJ win it off Sting later in the year.
the belt will go back to Jeff Hardy. I mean come on They buried Hardy on Impact in one of the worst matches I have ever seen... So naturally they will give him yet ANOTHER title run.. They have this obsession with stacking championship reigns on people regardless of how meaningless said championship reigns are, As long as they stack people up before WWE does it's all good! What failures...

Tna= Terrible Narcissistic asses.
This match could be either be great or terrible. If TNA decides to put the title back on Hardy so soon after Sting captures it, I won't be able to take the title serious anymore. Well, I haven't been able to take the title serious for a while now anyway. Hopefully these two will gives us a decent match with no turns, screwjobs, or anything else. I am hoping for a lot, but maybe we can actually see a clean main event match for once. Interference, bad refs, or whatever else comes into play, I can't see Sting losing the title so quickly.
I fully expect Sting to retain the title here. TNA wouldn't take the belt off of him after such a big win and return. I enjoyed the match these two had last week on Impact, and I do think Sting and Hardy can deliver a solid main event. I just really hope we can see a good clean World Title match for once. Recently, every other pay per view title match has involved some kind screwy finish, and I do think it would be refreshing to see clean World Championship match for once.

It'll be interesting to see where TNA will go with Hardy after this pay per view. We all know his legal troubles are still hanging over his head, so I wonder if TNA will decide to keep him in the World Title hunt.

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