Vice President of Talent Relations....


Dark Match Jobber
I’m from England so this may be an aspect of American business structure I don’t understand (and would gladly welcome clarification!), but who is the President of Talent Relations??

Every time Johnny Ace says he is the Vice President of Talent Relation I just think it sounds like he is someone’s deputy and doesn’t really have any power. I realise that this is not the case but that’s just how it sounds to me.

Anyone else think that or am I on my own?
I'm not familiar with the WWE's structure specifically but typically companies will have a President of the Company, then all of his executives are VP of So-and-So Department. It makes them feel good. Something like John Laur(spellcheck) exists because he has an assistant, so he is the Executive VP and will have an Assistant VP. Hope that helped.
The WWE has various Executive Vice Presidents. Such as Consumer Products, HHH is 'Talent', his wife is in 'Creative', and John is in Talent Relations. So while HHH manages the Talent themselves, helping them with characters, etc., John deals with them when contract negotiations need doing I think, and, as they've eluded to on Raw, he also is the one that fires the talent, and basically deals with them so that Vince doesn't have to all the time.
John is in charge or liasing with talent in the initial contract stages (ie recruiting) and in contract negotiations with existing superstars. laymens term, he essentially does the hiring and firing.

HHH has said to move into the recruiting section as well, but it is ultimately Johnny Ace's job to set up the contracts of anyone HHH seeks out.

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