Velvet Sky & Angelina Love to possibly reunite?


Master of the Scorpion Death Lock
I apologize if a similar thread has been started, but I searched and couldn't find one.

I've been thinking about this since last week's episode of Impact (on 6/17), when it was announced that Angelina Love would be facing Madison Rayne for the Knockout's Championship at Victory Road.

Does anyone else smell a major swerve coming for The Beautiful People? I predict that Velvet will cost Madison the KO Title at Victory Road (or soon after), either on purpose (realigning herself with Angelina immediately), or on accident (causing conflict among TBP). If Madison holds on to the title at Victory Road, I still predict that some kind of turmoil will ensue regarding TBP.

If Sky turns on Rayne (or vice versa), then we have an instant feud in the making for the KO Tag-Titles (Velvet/Angelina vs. Madison/Lacey). With the obvious way that TNA revolves the entire KO Division around TBP this wouldn't surprise me at all.

Do you think that this angle is plausible, or do you think things will remain as they are (Angelina vs. TBP)?

If it happens, which way do you see it going down?
Do you know what i would love? if they reunited Love and Velvet the way they did with Hogan and Nash on Nitro when the Fingerpoke of doom happened. That would be EPIC.
Do you know what i would love? if they reunited Love and Velvet the way they did with Hogan and Nash on Nitro when the Fingerpoke of doom happened. That would be EPIC.

You're joking. Right? Secondly, how? Madison is the one with the belt. No. I would like to see them back together but not now. In a year maybe. Madison Rayne has been betrayed by the original Beautiful People twice already. Now you want it again? No. That would be the third time in less than a year. Keep them the way they right now. It's working. Why screw it with an overdone storyline?
Them re-uniting would be like Macho and Miss Elizabeth re-uniting. It would bring great joy to me. It would especially be epic if they kissed and made up. The new BP was really good, but to me it never seemed the same without Angelina Love. She was the leader of the group, now the leader is Madison Rayne? I want the original BP.
I would not be happy. Maddy Rayne is doing a great job as champion in my opinion, however she still needs the Beautiful People in order for her to stay over with the crowd. And like Riaku said, Maddy getting betrayed has been done way too many times. I'm all for Angelina Love rejoining TBP, but I don't want Maddy to get kicked out.
Originally Posted by Riaku:
Keep them the way they right now. It's working. Why screw it with an overdone storyline?

I agree, The "current" Beautiful People are working...but seeing as how these four (Angelina, Velvet, Madison & Lacey) are the KO "main-eventer"s, I can see TNA creative deciding to throw a monkey-wrench into the works. Whether or not that happens sooner rather than later, I think we can all agree that it WILL eventually happen. Considering that Angelina has a title-shot coming up, I can just see it happening sooner rather than later.
I like the way things are going at the moment..but I will always be open with Love & Sky re-uniting...they are the original TBP...When/if it happens, i think it will be good and they can fight for the KO tag titles aswell...all can be involved in a tag match e.g. Love & Sky vs Rayne/Lacey...winner gets to be called TBP..i mean it sounds like something TNA would do right??
A Thousand times no.

Look, the last thing TNA needs is another face going down. Angelina is the only face with some sense of credibility in TNA. Switching that with a Madison Rayne who to my knowledge has never played in TNA is pretty damn stupid. You're giving up what is a definite face for something you're not sure how it will end. I just don't like that notion.

Keep things as they are now, and maybe eventually, Angelina Love can join TBP when more Knockout faces are available.
Tenta, I definitely see your point and agree (to some degree). It might be stupid to have TBP play face/heel musical-chairs at this point, but this is just something that I can see happening soon. It's not necessarily an angle I want to see happen either, but from the way everything has been going down lately it seems inevitable. Call me crazy, if you must.
Personally I would rather Velvet Sky just be on her own if TBP disbanded rather than joining with Angelina Love again.

Because I really tired of seeing Velvet as part of a faceless group like TBP. She needs to be allowed to show that she can make it on her own without being associated with anyone.

But of course that's just my opinion.
With this new stipulation for Victory Road (if Velvet or Lacey get involved in the KO title match, the KO title will be awarded to Angelina), I can DEFINITELY see an angle like this happening even more than I did before.

Do you think it will be Lacey getting involved in the match? Do you think it will be Velvet? Do you think the match will have no interference at all? If so, how do you think it will go down? Will Angelina become the new KO Champ, or will she "retire"?

I originally thought that either Velvet or Lacey would inadvertently cost Madison the title, but now I see one of them costing her the title just by her mere presence. I think this will ultimately spurn a tag-match for the next PPV. What are your thoughts?
I'd be very happy with it because Velvet & Angelina ARE the beautiful people. Adding Madison was a decent addition but without Angelina the group has fealt just not right. I'd be very glad to see Angie and Vel Vel back together. But I have to wonder if they will be a face team or a heel team. Because you would figure they would feud with Madison who has done too much to just become a face overnight and the BP doesn't really work as a face group.
Originally Posted by Schizophrenic:
I'd be very happy with it because Velvet & Angelina ARE the beautiful people. Adding Madison was a decent addition but without Angelina the group has fealt just not right. I'd be very glad to see Angie and Vel Vel back together. But I have to wonder if they will be a face team or a heel team. Because you would figure they would feud with Madison who has done too much to just become a face overnight and the BP doesn't really work as a face group.

Schizophrenic, I totally agree. I think that if it were to happen, it would most likely be a face Angelina & Velvet vs. a heel Madison & Lacey. It would probably set up some kind of PPV match for who gets the right to call themselves "The Beautiful People" (like Ruthless-RKO stated earlier). The possibilities here are endless, especially because the current BP have the KO-tag titles. With the way TNA has centered the KO division around them, I can easily see the current BP group changing a bit (somehow) at Victory Road, with Angelina thrown in the mix.

If that is the way it goes down, I'd think that Angelina & Velvet would eventually turn heel again though. TBP could work as a face group, but it works much better if they're heels ("...we're more beautiful than you...", etc). Similar to CM Punk's straight-edge gimmick in the WWE. He was a decent face, but the angle just works better if he's a heel.

I know he probably meant it as a joke, but Phenomenal's idea of the "finger poke of doom" (nWo-style) could happen here too. This would also solve the problem of TBP not working as a face-group. I wouldn't put it past Bischoff & Russo to poke (pun-intended) fun at what happened all those years ago with Nash & Hogan. I can see it happening now: Madison literally handing the title to Angelina so that she can once again be the leader of the Beautiful People. Although, Hogan (& possibly Nash) would nix that idea in a heartbeat. A funny idea, anyway.
In all honestly, can we please get the title away from this entire faction? Why do female wrestlers need implants to be relevant? I mean. . .personally I want Hamada to show up and take everyone out and win the title. Of course, that's not going to happen so here's the realistic event I want to happen. . . .

I'm hoping either Lacey or Velvet (hopefully Velvet) turn on Madison Rayne and we have a tag feud thing going on or (considering Velvet and Love are the original TBP) for that title, ect. That might actually keep me interested, but right now, I'm over all four of them.
This seems like another dumb russo move, It looks like a lock at this point that Angelina will be reuniting with Velvet due to the fact that the whole your fired stipulation is in place.

TBH I would rather see this incarnation of the beutiful people then having velvet and angelina reuniting again because im getting sick of rehashed gimmicks, TNA is in real need to build its knockout division back to the level it once was not try to fix it by throwing old TNA groups together.
At this point, Angelina Love is pretty much the only one in the Knockout Division that has any credibility. There are better in-ring workers, such as Taylor Wilde & Sarita, but they're hardly ever used. We might go a span of a few months without laying eyes on them.

The Knockout Division is in shambles as it is and getting rid of the only remaining face with any degree of credibility isn't going to do it any favors. One reason why Angelina Love & Velvet Sky worked as TBP was because the Knockout Division had a much deeper and more versatile talent pool than it does now. At it's peak, The Knockout Division had monsters, charismatic faces, really good in-ring workers and a few that were just really good overall. The Beautiful People came off as the hot mean girls and had a lot more to work with. Now, there's even remotely of interest happening without Angelina Love feuding with TBP.
I do see Angelina and Velvet reuniting soon but as a babyface group this time, not heels. People seem to forget that Angelina and Velvet started off as babyfaces and then turned heel later on. I see Velvet screwing Madison this sunday, Angelina wins the title and original beautiful people get back together. Madison then gets pissed off, gets her rematch, loses and the Angelina moves on to a new fued with the newly turned heel SARITA!!!! pretty simple

Angelina turning heel and madison turning babyface is not going to happen since the fans don't give a damn about madison anyway, no one would cheer for her

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