UWF: Mock Draft III - Round Two Poll

Who has the best show?

  • C.M.

  • Dr. Sam

  • SuperDerf

Results are only viewable after voting.

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Vote for who you think has the best show:

IWF Presents Gold Rush

Match 1
Loser Is Fired Match
Chris Benoit Vs. Carlito

Mr. McMahon is in the ring telling Carlito for interfering last time, he made a match for him against Chris Benoit and if Carlito loses,he's FIRED
Benoit is chopping away at Carlito in the corner He goes for a fourth chop but Carlito blocks it and strikes back. Benoit goes to squash him in the corner but Carlito ducks under dropkicks Benoit in the back, sending him face first into the turnbuckle. The crowd are getting behind Carlito as he steps up behind Benoit and goes for the backcracker but Benoit holds onto the ropes and Carlito drops flat on his back. Benoit turns around and drops a knee onto Carlitos leg as he cries out. Benoit goes for the crippler crossface &. Benoit has it in for a good minute and a half before Carlito finaly gets to the ropes and Benoit gets up frustrated.Carlito gets up and they start brawling and Benoit hits a clothesline on Carlito that sends him outside the ring.They start brawling outside and the ref counts to 10

WINNER: Double Count-out @ 7:13

Match 2
Singles Match
Jerry Lawler Vs Mr. Kennedy

Both men start throwing Right hands at each other. Kennedy gets the better and starts Forcing Lawler into the corner. Once in the corner Kennedy begins to deliver shoulder charges to the sternum area of Lawler Kennedy Picks Lawler up, Irish whips him into the opposite corner Kennedy charges towards him but Lawler moves out of the way.Lawler goes for the roll-up and Kennedy kicks out at 1.
Kennedy is beating down on The King, who's layed out on the mat. Kennedy points to the sky and knows the end is near. He irish whips The King into the turnbuckle. He lifts him up and now the King is sitting on the top rope, weakened. Kennedy climbs up but The King starts to fight back and strikes back at him. The King punches hard and then another again untill kennedy falls off the rope. The King jumps off the top rope, going for a double axe-handle but as he goes to land on the stumbling Kennedy, kennedy jumps up and grabs onto him, dropping down and hitting the greenbay plunge hard into the mat!! Kennedy covers

WINNER: Mr. Kennedy via pinfall @ 8:32

Match 3
IWF World Tag Team #1 contenders Match
Hardy Boys vs William Regal & Paul Burchill

The bell rings as Matt and Regal are starting things off. Both men lock up and Regal gets the power advantage shoving Matt off into the ropes and hitting a huge clothesline.Regal tags in Burchill they keep Matt Hardy away from his corner using their power advantage, keeping Matt Hardy on the ground. Hardy tries to fight back but its no use against Burchill. Another tag made to Regal and Regal whips Hardy into the corner. Regal runs at him, and goes for a clothesline, Hardy ducks and quickly tags in Jeff. Jeff with a clothesline to Regal and a dropkick to Burcill. Another clothesline to egal and punches to Burchill. The numbers gain comes into play but Matt Hardy jumps right in taking Burchill over the top rope. Jeff Hardy with a whisper in the wind to Regal. Cover, 1,2 KICKOUT! Both men to their feet, the referee quickly checks up on Burchill and Matt Hardy who are still down on the outside, but Regal with a lowblow to Jeff then Regal covers Jeff for the win

WINNERS & IWF World Tag Team #1 contenders William Regal & Paul Burchill via pinfall @ 7:26

Match 4
Singles Match
Ric Flair Vs Randy Orton

Orton and Flair lock up, and Flair uses knife-edge chops. Flair chops away at Orton, and takes him down with a back elbow. Orton turns the tables in the corner, and beats Flair down in the corner. Orton hits a back body drop. Flair uses and inside cradle for a two count. Orton continues with the beat down, stomping away at Flair. Orton misses a knee drop, but connects with a drop kick. Orton stands Flair up and hits another one. The champ slaps in a reverse chin lock. Flair fights out, only to get clothesline out of the ring. Orton follows and hits flair with a suplex on the floor. Orton rolls back into the ring, as Flair tries to pull himself up to the ring. Flair gets in on the eight count, and Orton hits him with a leg drop. The champ uses a side head lock. Flair counters with a back suplex, and then blocks an RKO. Flair hits a chop block, and then a shin breaker. Flair locks in the figure four in the middle of the ring. Orton is able to pull himself to the ropes to break the hold. Orton hits an RKO, but hurts his knee. Flair grabs the rope to break the pin. Orton punches away at Flair. Orton locks in a neck vice, but Orton is then distracted by Finlay. Flair takes advantage of the referee looking the other way, and hits a low blow on Orton. Flair covers for the win.

WINNER: Ric Flair via pinfall @ 12:15

Match 5
IWF World Tag Team Championship Match
APA vs Londrick

JBL is first for A.P.A against Kendrick. JBL gets the first punch then Irish Whips him to the
ropes for a Clothesline but Kendrick ducks under it and goes behind JBL and jump kicks him on
the back. Kendrick also falls but leaps right back up. JBL gets up and is angry he tosses
Kendrick to the corner and Kendrick tags London quickly. London goes to the top ropes while
Kendrick is holding on JBL’s legs so he can’t move and London Dropsaults him while he is still
standing. London goes for the pin but it’s only to 2. London quickly gets up waiting for JBL to
get up. JBL gets up and is welcomed by a Superkick. London goes for a cover but Simmons comes in
and kicks him out of it. The referee turns to Simmons and yells at him. With the referee
distracted JBL leaps up and gives London an unexpected low blow. London falls down and JBL grabs
him and gives him a Spinebuster. JBL runs to Simmons and tags him. When Simmons enters the ring
London is already up. Simmons Irish whips him to the ropes for a Clothesline but London dives
under his arm and runs to Kendrick for the tag. Kendrick jumps up the top ropes and lands a
Dropsault on Simmons. Kendrick goes for the pin but JBL attacks him from behind. Both Kendrick
and Simmons are slow to get up. As soon as Simmons gets up he runs and tags JBL. JBL tosses
Kendrick to the ropes and gives him the Clothesline From Hell. JBL is standing up getting ready
for the pin then London from the top ropes Suicide Dives right onto him. Kendrick with energy
left goes for the cover and wins the Match.

WINNERS & New IWF World Tag Team Champions Londrick via pinfall @ 10:36

Match 6
IWF World Championship Tournament Match
Bobby Lashley Vs John Cena

In the end,Lashley with knees to Cena's ribs and hits a standing suplex on Cena for a two count. Lashley then whips Cena into the ropes and nails a sidewalk slam for another two count. Lashley irish whips Cena hard to the corner. Lashley with a delayed vertical suplex for close two count. Lashley then misses a clothesline and Cena drives Lashley's head to the mat with a blockbuster. Cena goes up top and nails a standing leg drop for a two count! Lashley counters John with a gut buster and applies a reverse chin lock and body scissors. Cena fights out and Lashley turns it into a sleeper hold. Cena powers out and nails a spin out powerbomb not once but twice. Cena does the "you can't see me" and nails the five knuckle shuffle.
Cena pumps up his boots as he goes for the FU but Lashley counters Cena's FU with a running powerslam for a very close two count and Lashley cant believe it. Lashley then whips Cena into the corner and nails a running clothesline. Lashley with a torture rack and then nails a back breaker to Cena as fans boo! Lashley goes for the dominator but Cena counters and from nowhere Cena nails the FU! Cena covers but Lashley kicks out.Cena picks him up to hit him with the FU but Lashley escapes & starts punching Cena and then he hits witha clothesline then Lashley is stalking Cena & when cena gets up Lashley comes running to Cena and hits the Spear. Lashley quickly covers. 1...2..thre and Cena gets his foot on the ropes as the ref stop the count and Lashley thought he won but the ref tells him he didn't as Lashley goes crazy and waits for Cena to get up as Lashley signals for another Spear. Lashley goes for the Spear but Cena with a drop toe hold to Bobby and applies the STFU.
Lashley is trapped as he slowly tries to escape form the hold but Cena puts more pressure to it as Lashley tries hard to get to the ropes and Bobby with his body strength crawls to the ropes and barely makes it there. Cena looks disappointed and waits for Lashley to get up as Lashey gets to his feet Cena goes for the FU but Lashley gets out of it and pushes Cena who goes straight into the ref Cena turns around and Lashley goes for a second Spear but Cena gets out of the way as Lashley goes straight into the steel post. Cena quickly gets Lashley in a roll up pin but the ref is down then Mr. McMahon comes down and counts
the cover 1......2............3!!

Winner: John Cena via pinfall @ 14:15

Match 7
IWF International Championship Match
Ultimo Dragon vs MVP Vs Shelton Benjamin

MVP & Shelton start the match by double teaming Dragon.Dragon starts fighting back.Dragon is on the apron & MVP goes for a clothesline but misses and goes over the ropes.Shlton also tries a clothesline but Dragon moves the ropes down & Shelton goes over the ropes
Ultimo stalks his opponent carefully before standing on the apron and laying MVP & Shelton out with a perfectly executed Asai Moonsalt. MVP, Shelton and Ultimo both go down and stay down,Ultimo is up first and throws MVP into the ring at , before sliding in himself and taking some more time to recooperate.

Ultimo then points to the sky, signalling he wants to end the contest. He spin kicks MVP in the gut then walks backwards and goes for the Ultimo DDT but MVP elbows him in the face and Ultimo goes flying.Shelton then dropkicks Ultimo in the back which sends him into the turnbuckle, and as Ultimo bounces out, Shelton springboards off the ropes with a kick to the side of the head, sending Ultimo to the mat. Ultimo lies face down and MVP & Shelton start fighting because the want to pin Dragon.MVP takes out Shelton with the playmaker then Ultimo gets up & spin kicks MVP to the gut and MVP drops down to his hands and knee's. Ultimo then grabs his opponents limp body and catches him in the La Casita roll.

WINNER & New IWF International Champion Ultimo Dragon via pinfall @ 14:06

Main Event
IWF World Championship Tournament Match
Hulk Hogan vs Chris Jericho

Hogan & Jericho locked up in the middle of the ring.Hogan irish whip Y2J in to the ropes and bounces back & Hogan takes him down with a clothesline.Hogan starts stomping on Y2J then
Hogan tried to drop an elbow on Jericho early, but Y2J moved out of the way and smacked Hogan repeatedly in the chest.Y2J picked Hogan up and began to backhand chop Hogan
then Y2J irish whip Hogan and hit a missile dropkick & Y2J tried to pin Hogan with just his foot laying on the Hulkster's chest, but Hogan kicked out then Y2J hit the lionsault but Hogan kicked out at the 2 count then Y2J put Hogan in an abdominal stretch, grabbing the rope to gain leverage Hogan began to mount an assault, but Jericho countered with a bulldog and landed the Lionsault! Somehow Hogan kicked out and began to Hulk up. Jericho landed punches, but they had no effect. Hogan landed a big boot that sent Y2J spiraling out of the ring.
Y2J got back up to the ring & Hogan began to attack him with kicks while Y2J was on the mat.Hogan was going to bearhug Y2J but low blow Hogan but the ref didnt see it Y2J then hit the codebreaker.Y2J went for the cover but Hogan kicked out at 2.Y2J began to throw punches but Hogsn didnt sell them and began to hulk up and then Hogan irish whip Y2J anhd hit the big boot on Y2J.Y2J was on the mat & Hogan won the match with the atomic leg drop

WINNER: Hulk Hogan via pinfall @ 15:42
Mr. Sam Presents:


Match One:
Jeff Jarrett vs. Mike Awesome

Jarrett should have thought twice before insulting ECW. It wasn't RVD's rage he incited. It was, excuse the pun, the awesome force of Mike Awesome. Now he'll have to deal with the consequences.

There wasn’t anything on the line in this match, save pure pride. Both seemed to come to the realisation that, should they lose, they’d have a 100% loss record in SEI. This only served to spur them on as neither of them pulled punched, and went above the expected to put their opponent away, which gave unexpectedly cohesive and crowd-pleasing results.

Ultimately, it was Jarrett’s engine that ran out of steam first and Awesome battered him viciously, pummelling him until bloody. However, despite a massive advantage, Awesome was not able to put the resilient Jarrett away. Even an Awesome Bomb refused to do the trick. An unexpected Possum Pin sealed the win for Jarrett, as a shocked Mike Awesome was not left victorious.

Jeff Jarrett wins by pinfall.

Match Two:
The Latin American Exchange vs. Generation Next

The LAX were screwed out of a shot at the tag titles by Aries and Strong and now get their shot at revenge. The Motor City Machine Guns are banned from ringside, leaving nothing but four men and pure hatred left together.

LAX took brutality to a whole new level against the seemingly helpless Generation Next team of Roderick Strong and Austin Aries. It would appear that they needed the help of the Motor City Machine Guns. Unfortunately, the Detroit pair - the other half of the Next Generation Next - were barred from ringside. That being said, Generation Next were able to resurrect their plucky performance for New Era against the Steiners somewhat, allowing their teamwork to bring them back into it somewhat.

No matter how good Strong and Aries became though, Homicide and Hernandez found a way above it. Strong was left on the outside after a devastating Border Toss and it was lights out for Aries after a Gringo Killah. LAX seemed to have their revenge at last.

LAX win by pinfall.

Match Three:
Samoa Joe vs. Eddie Guerrero

The heritage of these two clash together in what many claim will be a show-stealer. Their ethnic backgrounds would certainly suggest so.

If ever there was a match that could be described as art, it was list. The two fought purely on wrestling talent, and the momentum swayed back and forth as it should have. There was still a definite hatred, no matter how subtle, running through this one though. The odd look and body language said it all. Joe attempted to keep Guerrero grounded with hard strikes and submission holds, but was only partially successful as Guerrero gave as good as he got.

It came down to Joe finally getting a decisive upper hand against his opponent, setting him up for a Muscle Buster, only to be kicked onto his back for a match-ending Frog Splash.

Eddie Guerrero wins by pinfall.

After the match, Joe shocked the crowd by refusing to shake Guerrero’s hand.

Match Four:
No Time Limit, No DQ
Triple H vs. CM Punk II

These two ran out of time and energy at New Era. Hopefully neither will be a problem with practically no rules whatsoever being enforced. Except for one: there must be a winner.

As was expected, this match raised the brutality stakes. Apparently, the hatred between these two had only grown since their last encounter, as symbolised by their very, very creative use of household (and not-so-household) objects. The match featured very few pauses and the action carried on almost continually. Blood flowed copiously, as did the sweat and the tears. It appeared that it would come down to which wrestler had the most endurance, the younger, fresher Punk or the more experience Cerebral Assassin.

The crowd were on their feet as the conclusion seemed to be nearing - Punk had Triple H set up for the Pepsi Plunge, but the Game battered him down and swapped the places, appearing to be stealing his opponent’s finisher for the win. However, Punk reversed it, literally flipping Triple H overhead as he switched the move into a pinning manoeuvre.

CM Punk wins by pinfall.

Match Five:
Ladder Match
Rob Van Dam vs. Colt Cabana

Both men had exciting matches at New Era, and an impressed Eric Bischoff put together this match. What dangles above the ring? A "special prize" according to the GM.

This match, the first ladder match in SEI’s short but celebrated history, had no immediate importance, at least, with no knowledge of what hid in the briefcase which dangled above the ring. And so the match began, with the two opponents almost teasing each other as they battled each other for dominance. However, as the ladder came into the match, and the possible significance of the situation came into focus as well as the obvious means to capture the prize above the ring, things got aggressive. Much more aggressive. Although Van Dam seemed more suited to the stipulation, he definitely underestimated Cabana, who fought valiantly.

The match came down to the final climb up the ladder, the two adversaries exchanging blows just centre metres below the metal briefcase. Van Dam eventually won out, knocking Cabana down to the floor below. Van Dam climbed onto the very top of the ladder and dived. However, at his peak he grabbed the briefcase, dangling for a moment as he unhooked it before splashing down on Cabana.

Rob Van Dam wins by capturing the briefcase.

On his way up the ramp, RVD unclipped the briefcase and pulled out his prize - the SEI Television Championship, much to everyone’s surprise - which he hurriedly draped over his shoulder.

Match Six:
“Motor City Meltdown” - SEI World Tag Team Championship Match
Steiner Brothers vs. The Motor City Machine Guns

Despite the Guns' interference, the other Detroit couple beat the other half of the Next Generation Next. Now it's up to the match that's been labelled the Motor City Meltdown to crown the first ever SEI Tag Champs. Will it be the youthful energy of MCMG or the veteran savvy of the Steiners that emerges victorious?

The stakes couldn’t be higher as the mini-tournament came to it’s final match. Two teams from Detroit, one young and energetic, the other experienced and strategic, both with a single goal. To become tag team champions, obviously. Although the Guns had played unfairly to get here, even they dared not to corrupt the sacredness of this event, wrestling the Steiner on even terms. The result was a thrilling, fast-paced, varied and crowd-pleasing encounter that went to-and-fro, the crowd even uncertain of who to cheer.

It came down to the Guns manage to separate the Steiners, taking Scott out with a devastating double team manoeuvre and Rick afterwards. A Cradle Shock by Sabin allowing Shelley to get the win.

The Motor City Machine Guns win by pinfall and become the first ever SEI World Tag Team Champions.

Match Seven:
Steel Cage SEI World Heavyweight Championship Match
The Rock © vs. Sting II

Things were just heated up at "New Era" and, try as they might, neither heaven nor hell could keep these two apart as they meet again...in a steel cage. Will things finally be settled in this brutal environment? Who will walk out as champion? Whoever does has the Heartbreak Kid or the Texas Rattlesnake in their sights next. Or vice versa.

From the way these two behaved inside the steel structure it would appear that - despite the title and position change - very little had been solved between the two. The Rock had set out to cleanly defeat Sting, after all, which he had been unable to do, and Sting had set out to retain his World Championship, which he had also been able to do. It would be understandable then, that the proportions of this match were just as epic, if not more so than it’s predecessor. The crowd were still into it beyond belief, and were still unsure who to cheer, despite the fact that The Rock was now the clear cut heel. The atmosphere was positively electrifying and the crowd “oooh”ed and “aaah”ed along with every blow struck and every drop of blood spilled, of which there were many. The two fought back and forth, although Rock only managed to keep in it with dastardly heel tactics. Any attempts to escape the cage proved fruitless.

It came down to the two, having delivered supposed match-ender aplenty, battling ontop of the cage, both close to completely their climb to glory. That was when the Texas Rattlesnake’s music hit. Obviously, Stone Cold Steve Austin was not going to wait to make an impact. Much to the crowd’s pleasure, he quickly ascended the cage and out-brawled with The Rock and Sting atop it. Sting dropped back into the ring, but The Rock - luckily or unluckily, depending on your point of view - was tossed to the outside, resulting in both a victory and a trip to the hospital.

The Rock wins by escaping the cage and retains the SEI World Heavyweight Championship.

Match Eight:
No. 1 Contenders Match
Shawn Michaels vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Two legendary superstars made their debut simultaneously and egos grated, to say the least. General Manager and SEI owner Eric Bischoff saw the money making potential, as always, and announced a main event of legendary proportions. The question being, who is the bigger superstar?

This match kicked off as soon as the cage could be pulled off of the ring, and the crowd had almost no time to catch their breath, although they still white hot. This was a match that had last been made over a decade ago and, if anything, both wrestler’s profiles had grown since then. This truly was a showdown of legends, and the crowd reacted as such. The two brawlers took it the edge, but it was clear that Austin had the very slight advantage over the Heartbreak Kid, although it was not an easy contest. If anything, the stakes were higher than the previous match, and the pace was even more incredibly quick, both wrestlers literally pulling everything they could think of to win the match, bending the rules so far it was amazing the rulebook didn’t snap in half.

It appeared that Austin, who finally had gained the majority of the crowd support, was about to rap things up; the momentum was on his side and his blood was boiling as he waited for a dizzy Shawn Michaels to turn around and be finished by a stunner. Out of nowhere, Sting runs down the ramp and comes down, distracting Austin. The crowd is unsure how to act. Sting suddenly smacks Austin in the face, who turns round into Michaels’ Super Kick. The match, and the pay-per-view, ends on a confusing twist.

Shawn Michaels wins by pinfall and receives no. 1 contendership.


Welcome to BCW's second PPV, "A Cold Day In Hell". Tonight, many men will fight for what they think is their rights. They will fight for what they think should be theres. And in their minds, it will be "a cold day in hell" before anyone else stands in their way of getting what they want.​

BCW TV Title Match
Santino Marrella VS Mick Foley

Santino comes out first and cuts a promo about how Mick Foley isn't hardcore anymore. He says Foley is "Washed a-Up". Foley comes out and they have a face off before Santino backs off and tries to "reason" with Foley. Foley tells Santino to get his ass in the ring or he'll come and get it. Santino tells Foley that he "shouldn't be TV Champion, he never should have been. There is only one great in this business, and that great is Santino Ma-" Foley cuts him off by tossing the title out of the ring and smacking him in the head. Santino becomes enraged, grabs a steel chair, and gets in the ring with it. The ref tries to get the chair, but Santino knockes the ref out and goes after Foley with it. Santino misses, hits the ropes, and smacks himself again. Before anything else can happen, Bobby Heenan comes out to the Ramp.

"You two guys wanna beat each other up with weapons? You got it! This match is now a "Hardcore match!" Santino turns around from Heenan, still groggy from the two shots to the head, only to get hit with his own chair by Foley. The two go at it for several minutes, and after a while, Santino gets out of the ring and grabs a table. He sets it up outside of the ring before getting back in. They brawl for a while more before Foley knocks Santino down and goes out of the ring. He looks at the table, then goes around to the other side of the ring. He pulls another table out and sets it up next to the ring. He gets back in and they brawl again. Finally, after a few minutes, Santino grabs the table he set up outside of the ring and brings it in. As he gets in the ring, he is greated by Mr Socko! Mick locks in the sock! Santino looks like he's going to tap, but instead low blows Foley, which is legal. Santino sets the table against the ring ropes facing the table Foley earlier set up. As he turns around, Foley smacks him with the same chair as earlier. He then goes out of the ring, reaches under it, and pulls somthing small out... It's Duct Tape?!?! He gets in the ring, Santino is out cold. Foley drags him onto the table against the ropes, and tapes him to it. He then slaps Santino, who wakes up and struggles to get out, but he's stuck. Foley then grabs the bottom of the table, lifts it and Santino both, and flips them over the rope, crashing through the table outside! Santino just got Table Sandwiched! Santino is out cold, Mick Foley crawls out of the ring, and gets the easy pinfall.

Winner: Mick Foley at 15:39(Still Champion)

As the referee was counting the pinfall, the medics were already on their way out to the ring to tend to Santino. Mick Foley simply walks to the back, shortly after Marella is wheeled back.

Backstage, Booker T is being interviewed by a Random Ass Interviewer. Booker comments on how at the last show, he showed what he can do when he writes his own outcome, not when some other company officials do. And now, tonight, he gets to take on the man that made him job out so much, Vince McMahon. Booker T says that Vince has no idea whats in store for him. Anything he ever saw in the WW* was nothing compared to the hurting he's gonna apply tonight. Booker says that this isn't Vince's company, and he can't back out of this match. He can't get one of his croneys to interfere. Tonight, Vince is all alone. And tonight, "Booker T will make you, Vince McMahon, a sucka! Now can you dig that!. . . SUCKA!!"

King of the Giants Tournament Match 1

The crowd waits impaitently to see who the first two guys are that come out. The first is Big Show. He walks to the ring, turns around and waits. After a breif moment or two, Andre the Giant comes out to the ring, so we have Andre the Giant VS The Big Show, one on one! They have a stare down, which is quite fun to watch as the referee stands inbetween them, but you can hardly tell. They finally lock up with Andre eventually getting the upper hand. He delivers a few hard punches, but Show starts to punch back. Big Show punches him into the corner, then signals for the crowd to "Shhh.." before delivering one of his signature chops. After flailing arounf for a moment, Andre battles back, gets Show in the corner, then mocks Show by delivering an even LOUDER chop! Big show is enraged by this, and the two begin to brawl, with Show getting the upper hand. They have a back and forth match for a while before Big Show goes for a chokeslam. He tries to lift Andre, but he's just to heavy. Andre laughs, punches him a few times, then lifts him and gives him a slam! Andre covers Big Show for the three count, and he advances to the finals later tonight.

Winner: Andre the Giant at 9:47

Andre is posing in the ring as Big Show leaves with a furious look on his face. After a few minutes, Andre leaves as well. As Andre is walking up the ramp, the Great Khalis's music hits, as he makes his way down the ramp for the next tournament match. They have a breif staredown at each other, knowing that they may be fighting later this very night.

King of the Giants Tournament Match 2

Khali finally walks away from Andre and climbs into the ring. He waits there as the music goes quiet, but the crowds exited to see who is mystery oponent will be. Finally, some music plays, and out walks a large familiar looking man. It's Brock Lesner! Lesner is in BCW! He walks to the ring and as soon as he enters, he goes right after Khali. They brawl for a while, each one having the upper hand at one time or another. Near the end of the match, Khali has the upper hand. Everytime Lesner tries to pick him up, he strikes out of it, and he does this again before trying the Khali Vicegrip on Lesner. He gets it locked in, and Brock is falling to his knees in pain. After a moment or two of having the vice locked in, he lets go. The ref goes to check Lesner by lifting his arm. First time nothing, but the second time he keeps it up. As he slowly gets to his feel, Khali signals for the double handed chokeslam. He grabs Lesner for it, but Lesner kicks him in the gut and gives him a DDT. He then lifts Khali back up, puts him on his sholders, and shows some super human strength by delivering an F5! Brock then goes in for the three count, giving him the win and a chance to go to the finals later tonight.

Winner: Brock Lesner at 7:46

Backstage, The Dudleys are all celebrating the fact that they hold the Tag Titles when Bobby Heenan walks into their dressing room. Bobby informs them that they may indeed be the champions, but there are only two belts. So next week, they will face of in a triple threat match, with the man being pinned not only excluded from the title picture, but he will be FIRED! He then reminds Spike Dudley that he now has a NO-DQ Triple Threat Match, and thats next!

No DQ Triple Threat Match
Spike Dudley VS Animal VS Kevin Nash

Spike shows up with the Dudleys in two, Animal with Hawk, but Kevin Nash shows up alone. Guess Scott Hall no showed again! As soon as the match starts, Animal and Nash both go after Spike. After multiple double teams, they toss Spike onto the other Dudleys outside the ring. They then stare each other down before battling each other for a few minutes. Then, while in a quick grapple hold with each other, all three Dudleys get involved, soon followed by Hawk. A huge fights begins before Heenan makes his way up the ramp.

"Thats enough, I wanted a Triple Threat Match, not a brawl! Bubba Ray Dudley. D-Von Dudley. Road Warroir Hawk. Get out of this building in 1 minute, or you will be out of a Job!"

The three of them all grudgently leave the ring, Hawk leaves the building through the crowd for some reason, and it just the three guys left in the match. Spike Dudley is in the ring, but can barely stand. Animal and Kevin Nash continue to fight for a while. After a few minutes, Animal gives Nash a DDT, but it too beat up to pin him. Spike then hops up, revieling he was playing Posum the whole time. He goes for the pin, 1,2... Someone pulls him out of the ring. It's Scott Hall! He actually showed up! He powerbombs Spike outside of the ring, gets in the ring, does the same to Animal as Kevin Nash is getting up. Nash then picks Animal back up and gives him the Jack knife before getting the three count.

Winner: Kevin Nash at 15:36

Hall and Nash pose for the crowd for a while as Spike and Animal walk to the back defeated. They finally go to the back as the Cage lowers for the next match. Bobby Heenan then walks to the ring, and stands by the announcers table. He's holding a breifcase.

"Ladies and Gentleman, what I hold here is a Garenteed Title shot. Whomever wants tis, all they have to do is escape the cage and grab it. I've piclked four of my finest superstars to fight for this, so this should be an exiting match!"

Money In The Bank
Fatal Four Way Cage Match
Batista VS Kane VS Umaga VS Monty Brown

Each of the four men walks down to the ring. Each one walks around the cage, looks down at the breifcase before eventually climbing into the cage. Umaga is out last, he don't look at the case, he just gets in the ring and charges Kane, and a brawl begins. All four men brawl throughout the match. At times, it seems like Kane and Batista are working together, but also against each other. One high spot featuresMonty Brown trying to escape the cage, but Kane climbs up after him and chokeslams him off the turnbuckle. After a short while, Umaga and Batista are climbing the same side of the cage. They get to the top and are sitting on the top exchanging punches. Monty Brown climbs onto the turnbuckle and grabs both their legs and starts pulling then with all his might. Umaga and Batista hold on as hard as they can, but when Kane pulls on Monty's legs with a quick jerk, all three men come crashing down onto each other! Kane then starts to climb the cage. He reaches the top, climbs over the cage, and jumps to the floor for the win.

Winner: Kane at 23:26

Kane escaped the cage farthest away from the breifcase, so he goes around to grab it. Just as he gets to it, smoke begins to fill the entrence ramp as voice is heard throughout the arena.

"You think you know me."

Kane looks toward the ramp, knowing who to expect. He then turns around to recieve a SPEAR from Edge! Edge is in BCW! He then takes the case from Kane and walks to the Announcers table. He grabs a pen, opens the breifcase, and signs the contract for a world Title Shot! Edge is Money In the Bank again! He goes around the ring to leave, and as Kane is getting back up, Edge cracks him with the breifcase, snears at him, then leaves.

Backstage, Vince McMahon is being interviewed. He says that he's fired alot of people over the years, amd Booker T was "not one of the ones he wanted to let go. But business was business, and Booker T couldn't learn his place. He always wanted to be on top. He never wanted to let anyone else be there or he'd complain." McMahon is sounding like Booker was the real bad guy, but then says "Booker T was a nobody trying to be a somebody, and I helped show his ass to the curb where he would be a somebody." The crowd boo'ed McMahon as Booker T's music blared in the background, as their match is about to start!

Booker T VS Vince McMahon

As the crowd was Booing Vince, Booker came out to a huge ovation, followed by Vince McMahon to a huge ammount of boos. They came face to face before coming to blows. a few back and forth moments. After a very short while, Booker T knocks Vince down. He then looks at his palm, and then blows everyone away with a Spinaroonie! As Vince gets up, Booker T kicks him in the gut, and goes to give him a sissors kick. But as he bounces off the rope, a masked man pulls him over it and starts to pummle him. The referee calls for the bell, disqualifying McMahon.

Winner: Booker T (by DQ) at 7:12

The man is huge and dressed in all black, head to toe. He continues to beat on Booker T, even going as far as to use a chair. He then gets into the ring and stands silently next to Vince, who's since gotten a mic. "Bobby Heenan, you may think that I don't own this company, but I own the loyalty of a few guys in the back, suck as this fine man right here. Try and fire him, I dare you." Just as he says this, the lights go out for a moment, and when they come back on, Vince is alone. "You will never know who is helping me, and yet you will keep signing his paychecks! Now thats just bad business!" Vince then goes into the back with no responce from Heenan.

They show a recap of the last PPV's main event and how Yokozuna won the BCW Heavyweight Title. As the video is coming to an end, they nicely mesh the music at the end of the video to his current entrence, as he makes his way to the ring for the next match.

Non Title Match
Yokozuna VS The Ultimate Warrior

Yokozuna makes his way to the ring, and then Ultimates music plays. At first he don't show up, but then he eventually comes running to the ring. He looks a little dayzed, still efected by the concussions he recieved at the last PPV. As the match begins, Warrior goes right to work on Yokozuna, landing multiple hits from all sides. He starts to tackle Yokozuna trying to knock him down, but on the third try, Yokozuna runs into him Sumo Style and knocks him down. He then begins a beatdown to the point that Warrior can barely stand. He picks him up and tries to toss him into the corner, but he falls near it and smacks his head of the middle turnbuckle. Yokozuna walks over, pulls him out a bit, then gives him a BANZAI drop for the three count.

Winner: Yokozuna at 7:37
After the match, medics come to check on Warrior again, and like last time they need to streacher him out of the arena. Yokozuna gets out of the ring and sits on a rather large looking chair waiting for him, as he awaits the main event and his first title defence.

Main Event
King of the Giants Tournament Final Match
Andre the Giant VS Brock Lesner

Andre makes his way to the ring first, followed by Brock Lesner. Each man gets a huge ovation, but it's no contest that Andres was much louder. As soon as Brock enters the ring, he goes strait to work on Andre. In the opening minutes, Brock even attemps to slam Andre, but as soon as Andres feet come off the ground, he falls on top of Lesner and nearly gets a three count. Brock has the quickness to get away from alot fo Andres attacks, but Andre is just to big for Brock to do alot of moves to. They continue to fight a back and forth match for a while. All the time, Yokozuna is still sitting at ringside, BCW title over his sholder. After close to a half hour, Andre reverses a bearhug attemped by Lesner and slams him to the ground, but only gets a two count. Andre looks frusterated, and starts lifting Lesner. Once Brock is too his feet though, he gets a huge burst of energy, punchs Andre a few times, then picks up the Giant and slams him! He goes for the pin 1...2...3? As the referee hits the mat for the third time, he see's the top of andres foot is touching the bottom rope. Brock gets up thinking he won the match, and immeditaly walks over to stare down Yokozuna, who stares a hole back at him. Andre gets up behind him and grabs his head and pulls it backwards to fling him across the ring. But as Lesner it being tossed he lossens the grip, escapes Andres clutches, and lifts Andre for an F5, and he hits it! Goes for the pin, 1...2...3! Brock Lesner wins!

Winner: Brock Lesner at 30:15
As Brock's music plays in the arena and he celebrates, Yokozuna gets into the ring. The two of them have a staredown at each other. Andre the Giant gets up behind Brock and grabs his sholder and pulls him around, but instead of attacking him, he offeres a handshake. Brock looks at Andre, then back to Yokozuna. Both men are staring needles through him. He looks at andre and extends his hand to shake Andres, but then pulls it back and shouts "the better man won, deal with it!" He then looks at Yokozuna one last time before leaving the ring. Andre the Giant and Yokozuna are left standing in the ring stareing down Brock Lesner as the show goes off the air.

I think to just round off the night I'll give my thoughts on just one of my opponent's shows. I'd also like to point out that, due to Cabowers dropping out, we'll all be going into Round 3, the Semi-Final, anyway.

Anyway, seeing as he's at the top, I'll give my thoughts on C.M.'s show first:

The first thing that struck me when reading C.M.'s show is how well-written it is. It's as concise as I personally think it should be but it still delivers enough detail to keep the reader satisfied and interested. As for the card itself, it's solid. Some good choices, but then there are some matches that I'm simply not interested in. The execution itself is fairly well done. Most of the winners seem to make sense (Hogan) while others are quite surprising (Regal and Burchill). One thing I didn't like is how the "Loser Gets Fired" match ended. I really wanted to see Carlito, seeing as he's not much of "draw", or Benoit, because of the controversy surrounding him, dropped. It'd have been a very strong start. Instead, I get something that's far too reminiscent of the WWE with a double count out. All in all, a solid, pleasing show. If it's better than mine or not, I'll let the readers decide.
I also liked the way CM did his thing, except for the few times where he started off saying "Finish" and then proceded to describe the match from the start, not the end.

And Sam, I liked your card as well, and I liked the way to presented it. It didn't give an in dept look at what happened, but it did remind me of what "Match Results" should look like. It was quick, and therefor, IMO, makes it easier for the readers to understand.

And just to those of you that are voting for us, I think you should all review our cards as well. Give us feedback, tell us what you think. What you like to see, not to see, hell, even who you voted for!
Despite the fact that Superderf has the greatest advertising sig ever seen. Ever. I think Sam did indeed have the best show this round. From start to finish, it was a damned exciting show. Liked the ending of RVD/Cabana where the title was in the briefcase. Good show, can't wait to read the final one.
I think Sam did indeed have the best show this round. From start to finish, it was a damned exciting show. Liked the ending of RVD/Cabana where the title was in the briefcase.

Thanks. That match could have gone either way, and it wasn't definitely going to be the TV Title in briefcase. In fact, I was going to have Cabana as the TV Champion, but I think what I'm doing with him at the next Pay-Per-View will be better for him. Anyway, I see that not many people are voting. And that's a bad thing.
I'm counting on not losing, but perhaps not winning. Meaning I'll get the two guys I want. Want to screw up my plan? Then VOTE!
Agreed. We all even have signatures promoting the thing! People need to VOTE!!!!! I don't want this to end, I'd rather win or lose, than call it a draw.
My thoughts on SuperDerf's show:

Again, I thought this was a really good show. Before I get into what was good about it, which was a lot, I'll note a few things that detracted it from it a bit for me. The writing is good overall, but at times it becomes slightly confusing and makes the event hard to follow. I didn't like how the TV Title match was the opener. In the mid-card, maybe, but I felt that it was just a bad choice of match placement and sort of spat on the prestige of the belt. I'm also not really feeling Santino/Foley. Other than that, it was pretty damn good. At first, I thought that Edge should have been in a match but I preferred the way you introduced him, with him seizing the Money In The Bank once again. I also applaud the choice of Brock Lesnar as no. 1 contender and I feel that Lesnar/Yokozuna will be a great match, so to speak.

There's just one question: is it better than The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels?
I voted for Dr. Sam's show as I found it the most realisitc and the most entertaining. All of the shows were great though. I just felt that Dr. Sam's show had more matches that I would prefer seeing. Although all of the shows were great.
Dr. Sam,looks like we're going to end up tie for now

Less than an hour to vote

CoMe on people VOTE & tell us who you voted for & get rep
Looks as if we're heading for a tie and nothing will break the deadlock. I'll explain the situation in roughly... six minutes time.
OK, I think this is how it should go as far as picks are concerned:

1. SuperDerf's two picks
2. C.M.'s first pick
3. Dr. Sam's two picks
4. C.M.'s second pick

How's that with you guys? Good? Good. SuperDerf, you're up.
Sounds good

I'll be leaving next Sunday & I'll probably wont have Internet access for 2 weeks

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