UWF: Mock Draft III - Round One Poll

Who has the best show?

  • Superderf

  • Cabowers

  • C.M.

  • Mr. Sam

Results are only viewable after voting.

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Vote for who you think has the best show. It's that simple.

Welcome to BCW, Behemoth Championship Wrestling! This is the place where size DOES matter, and the bigger you are, the bigger the competition! This evenings Main Event features not 2, or even 3, but 4 of the worlds largest wrestlers of all time. From France, to India. From Japan, to Americia. Andre the Giant! The Great Khali! Yokozuna! The Big Show! These four monsters will meet and do battle for the BCW Heavyweight title. May the greatest Monster win.

Hardcore Match
Mick Foley VS Umaga

Mick Foley makes his way out to the ring first to a loud reaction, followed by Umaga. A star down occurs before Umaga pummles Foley. Umaga basically dominates Foley for the first half of the match before he finally desides to go out of the ring and grab a chair. While he's out, Mick Foley rolls out the other side of the ring and under the apron. Umaga gets back in the ring and see's that Foley is gone, and starts to freak out. Smashes the ring posts and shouting before he finally gets out and starts to look for Foley under the ring. When he looks under the ring by the Announcers table, he gets smashed in the head with a Barb Wired Baseball bat, and Mick crawls back out, but he's dressed different. He's got a mast on and a nice white shirt. He's transformed into Mankind! Mankind gets into the ring with Barbie and starts to beat the sh*t out of Umaga before Umaga gets the upper hand again. After knocking Mankind down, Umaga goes for a table. He sets it up, then lifts Mankind onto it. He then grabs another table and places that on top of Foley, then goes to the top rope and goes for his splash, and he hits it! Goes for the Pin, 1-2-Kick out!
Umaga, furious with this result, grabs the chair and wallops Mich a few times so hard, the chair breaks in half. Umaga decides to to look for another one, and while he's outside, Mankind slowley gets up and takes the mask off. He's cut pretty badly. Umaga gets back in the ring as Mick simply stands there. As Umaga swings at Mick, he ducks the shot and low blows Umaga, then takes the mask and pulls it over Umagas face backwards. Umaga can't see! Mick takes the chair and goes to smack Umaga with it, but Umaga simply shrugs the blow off. He grabs the mask, rips it off his face, and tosses it at Mick. Mick grabs the chair again and runs at Umaga, but Umaga grabs Foley by the throat and Spikes him. Goes for the pin, but another kick out. Umaga lifts Foley up and gives him another spike, and another, and one more before going for the pin and the win.

Winner - Umaga by Pinfall at 10:26

After the match ends, Umaga goes to the back. Shortly thereafter, Foley finally gets up to a standing ovation and slowly makes his way to the back. While he is on his way, Monty Brown makes his way out for his match, followed by Kane, with his usual Pyro.

Singles Match
Monty Brown VS Kane

Good back and forth match, with alot of offence. at one point, Kane goes under the ring and grabs his Hook and Chain from his movie "See No Evil", but the referee see's it and takes it from him. As the Ref has his back turned to the outside, Brown nails Kane with a Low Blow and a Pounce and goes for the pin, but only gets a two count. Monty dominates the rest of the match untill he decides to go for a second pounce. As soon as he turns around, Kane grabs him by the throat and nails a chokeslam. Kane goes for the pin, but only gets a one count. As Brown gets up, Kane signals that the "end" is near, and then delivers a Tombstone Piledriver to brown for the 3 count.

Winner - Kane at 8:49

Backstage, Bobby Hennen is talking on his phone when Bubba Ray and D-Von come in. They start yelling, and D-Von tells Heenan that they shouldn't have to beat two other teams to become the first ever BCW Champions. They've done so much, they should be awarded the championships. Heenan tells them he hopes it'll be a cold day in hell before a Dudley wears BCW gold. He says the match is next, so they'd better get out there.

Triple Threat Elimination Tables Match
The Dudleys VS The Outsiders VS The Legion of Doom

All three teams come out to the ring. As Bubba and D-Von come out, they shout somthing as they're coming out of the curtains before heading to the ring, grabbing a table on the way. The matchs starts, and a Huge 6 man brawl begins. The table the Dudleys brough in is still lying on the floor, and as yet to be set up. D-Von sets up a table while Bubba is brawling with Hawk. Animal, who had been knocked out by Kevin Nash earlier, comes in and attacks Nash and Hall at the same time. As Animal turns around after a double closeline to the Outsiders, he's launched into the air and givin a 3D through a table. Animal is eliminated. On his way out, Hawk attacks D-Von and lifts him onto his sholders. Animal gets back into the ring and delivers the Doomsday Device through another table, eliminating D-Von. It's now Bubba Ray, Hawk, and both of the Outsiders.All four men brawl, and Hall throughs Bubba to the outside of the ring onto another table, but the Table doesn't break. Now Hall and Nash are double teaming Hawk. They have a Table set up, but they are stalling to use it. While they are waiting, Bubba sets up numerous tables all the way around the ring. Finally Bubba gets in the ring, and instead of attacking the Outsiders, he helps beat on Hawk before Nash powerbombs him through the table in the ring. LOD is now eliminated, and it's 1 on 2. As soon as Nash eliminates Hawk, Bubba grabs him from behind and tosses him over the top rope, and he goes crashing through another table. nash is eliminated, but he refuses to leave. The Outsiders beat the crap out of Bubba Ray before Scott Hall grabs a table from the outside of the ring. As he's out of the ring, D-Von comes back and all four men brawl. Scott Hall grabs a steel chair and knockes both Dudleys out, and then simply gives Bubba a Powerbomb for the win.
Bobby Heenan comes to the Ring with the New Tag Belts and presents the Outsiders with the belts. They both get on the top ropes and pose with the belts. Suddenly a Fan with a mask on gets in the ring with a Briefcase and hits Scott Hall with it, causing him to fall of the top rope, outside the ring, and through a table. The fan then removes the mask to reveal it's Spike Dudley. He grabs a mic and explains that the contract for this match said it was "The Dudleys", therefor, they are the winners of the match, as Spike was the only one standing. Kevin Nash, who was standing there listening to Spike, attacked him, but he got a 3D for his troubles.

Winners - The Dudleys at 14:26

A Cage begins to lower from the ceiling, but this cage looks different than others. Instead of Meshing steel, this has long black metal bars, hence the name of the next match.

Prison Cell Cage Match
Vince McMahon VS The Ultimate Warior

Warrior runs out to the ring to a thunrerous ovation, does his usual ring stuff. Vince slowly walks out to the ring, but before he gets in the cage, he gets on the Mic.
"Ultimate Warrior, there is no way I'm getting in that cage with you. I'm Vincent Kennedy McMahon Dammit! I don't have to do this!" Before he could go on, Bobby henan comes onto the ramp.
"Vince, this isn't the WWE. Your not the all high and Mighty Vincent Kennedy McMahon around here. Your just another old guy trying to make a buck. So get your ass in that cage!" Vince looks at Heenan as if he could kill him, but without noticing, Warrior has gotten out of the cage, grabed Vince, and pulled him in, and the match has now begun. Warrior gets a huge offence to begin. After knocking him down, he goes for his splash, but Vince gets up and low blows him. He then delivers a second low blow to keep him down before trying to escape the cage. However, theres nothing to grip, as it's just long black bars. Vince keeps making it so far up before sliding down. Finally, he manages to reach the top of the cage, but only for Warrior to grab him and pull him back in. More Warrior offence before finally giving Vince yet another splash. He goes for the Pin, Vince breaks it up. Warrior lets Vince get up, and when he does, he goes for a spear like move, but Vince moves and Warrior slams the metal bars hard and just falls to the ground, not moving. Vince stares at him for a few seconds, then starts to climb the cage. After about a minute, Vince finally reaches the top of the cage and climbs out, making him the winner.

Winner: Vince McMahon at 16:47

After the match, Vince just walks to the back. Medics come out to check on the Ultimate Warrior as the cage is being lifted off the ground. After a good 5 minutes, they get Warrior onto a strecher and roll him to the back.

Bobby Heenan is backstage interviewing Booker T. Bobby mentions that he's got legit heat with Batista. Booker says this isn't the WWE. This is the BCW. Theres no one to sugarcoat batista and make him look like the good guy. He says the whole wrestling world knows Batista is a phony, and that Booker T is one of the all time greats. He says tonight, he's gonna expose Batista as the fraud he is, more than once. As he says this, his music starts to play, and as he walks away, he says "Now Can you dig that?"

30 Minute Ironman Match
Booker T VS Batista

Booker T makes his way out to the ring to a standing ovation, followed by Batista to a flow of Boo's. They lock up. After a few minutes, Batista rolls up Booker for a quick 3 count. Booker is shocked, but they continue the match for a while. Finally, Booker lands a Sissors kick for a three count. But as he gets up, Batista quickly gets up and grabs Booker, giving him a Batista Bomb, but he knocks Bookers head into the mat head first. Batista goes for a pin, followed by a second. It's now 3-1 for Batista. After a few minutes, Booker T slowley gets up holding his head. He gets in Batistas face. The share some heated words before an all out brawl starts. After a minute, officials come down to the ring to break it up, and the referee calls for the bell for a No Contest, due to the ammount of closed punchs and low blows.

Winner: No Contest at 21:32

After about 5 minutes, Booker T and Batista have been lead out of the ring. Suddenly, Santino Marella comes out to the ring. He cuts a promo saying if everyone here was his hight, he'd kick all their asses. But everyone here is so fat, they would all "swishy him". He then goes on to complain that it's the first night of BCW, and he's not in a match. Bobby Heenan comes out and announces that Santino does have a match tonight, and it's right now. It's the Battle Royal for the BCW TV Title!

BCW TV Title Match
Battle Royal

One by one, each of the superstars that had earlier matchs come out to the ring. It's announces that this is an over the top battle royal. The last person out to the ring is Batista, and as soon as he gets in the rng, an all out brawl occures with everyone fighting the people they fough earlier in the evening. Because there are so many people in the ring, it's hard to see where everyone is. From someplace in the middle of the masses, Spike Dudley gets literally launched out of the ring onto the ramp. Someone punches the Ultimate Warrior in the head and he is knocked out again, due to a cuncussion he suffered earlier in the evening. The outsiders pick up his motionless carcase and dump it out of the ring, only for the Dudleys to eliminate both of them at the same time. The whole time everything is happening, Batista and Booker T are still fist for fist. Kane grabs Umaga by the throat and is about to eliminate him untill Monty Brown comes and Pounces Kane over the ropes. ut he lans on the apron, gets in the ring, grabs Monty, and tosses him out. Santino is cowering in a corner. Vince in another. Umaga attacks Hawk and tries to eliminate him, but Animal saves him and they both eliminate Umaga. As Booker T and Batista are still brawling, Batista gets knocked over the top rope. He's eliminated, but he gets back in the ring and continutes to attack Booker T untill Booker is also eliminated. Security comes to the ring to break up this brawl. Mick Foley notices Vince in the corner and decides to go after him. They brawl for a bit. Animal lifts Bubba Ray Dudley up onto his sholders as Hawk goes for the Doomsday Device, but D-Von knocks Hawk down. Animal, who still has Bubba on his sholders, drops hm backwards, and knocks him out as well. Animal and D-Von brawl for a bit untill Kane grabs them both and tosses them both out.
It's down to 4 people. Kane, Mick Foley, Vince McMahon, and Santino Marella. Kane goes after Santino, and out of shear fear, Santino hopes the top rope and eliminates himself. As Kane stands at the ropes laughing his evil laugh, Vince McMahon and Mick Foley both eliminate him. It's down to two. After a bit of a brawl, Mick Foley reaches into his tights and grabs Mr Socko and tries to give it to Vince. Vince kicks him in the gut and tries to run away. He climbs over the ropes, but then remembers he could get eliminated, but as he turns around, Mick delivers Socko. Vince slowly falls onto the ring apron before rolling off and onto the floor, making Mick Fley the winner and first ever BCW TV Champion.

Winner: Mick Foley at 34:61

They then air a ideo package featuring some of the best moments of the 4 main eventers for the eveing. it's that time of the night folks!

Main Event
Fatal 4 Way for the BCW Heavyweight Championship
Andre the Giant VS Yokozuna VS Big Show VS The Great Khali

All four men stare each other down before brawling with one another. Khali with Yokozuna, Big Show with Andre. They battle like they have always battles, with shear force and brutality. After Andre knocks Big Show out of the ring, and Yokozuna gives Khali a Samoan Drop, Yokozuna and Andre have a staredown before brawling with each other. Andre tries to give Yokozuna a Bearhug, but he can't get his arms around him. Big show gets back in the ring and, with the help of Andre, they double chokeslam Yokozuna. They then turn on each other as Show tries to give Andre a chokeslam as well, but he can't lift him. Andre sorta laughs and slaps Show on the chest, so Big show chops him back, and it's the biggest Chop Battle ever! As they're chopping away, Khali gets back in the ring, as well as Yokozuna, and they all brawl each other. Khali gives Yokozuna the Khali Vicegrip and knocks him to his knees. Andre and Big show are in opposing corners. They stare each other down, then both run and tackle each other, knocking each other down. Khali see's this and tries to pin Show, but gets a two count, so he tries with Andre, and another two count. Show and Andre get up and try to give Khali a double chokeslam, but Andre instead attacks Show from behind and gives Khali a bearhug. Khali chopes Andre in the head, causing the hug to be broken. Andre stumbles around the ring for a monent, and Khali grabs him and gives him a double handed chokeslam. As soon as Andre hits the ground, he turns around and Yokozuna tosses sand in his eyes. As Khali is stumbling around the ring, Yokozuna gives Andre a BANZAI drop and goes for the pin. 1...2...3!!!

Winner, and FIRST BCW Champion, Yokozuna!!!

Bobby Henan comes down to the ring to hand Yokozuna the new Title. Yokozuna holds the title in the ain and celebrates with it as the show goes off the air.

And thats my debut show.:)

[CENTERMain notes from all the matches]

Golden Run Round 1[/CENTER]

• Rey Mysterio vs. AJ Styles
Styles and Mysterio lock up, and AJ immediately grabs a headlock, Mysterio shoots him across the ring as AJ nails a shoulder block on the return to send Mysterio to the mat. Styles charges for the ropes as Rey leap-frogs him then hits a monkey flip but styles lands on his feet, both men are on their feet smiling at each other. Another lock up this time Rey grabs a headlock, and then into a hammer lock, AJ reverses it into an arm wringer, as Rey rolls and flips his way out of it.
At one point AJ charges at Rey but is low bridged and goes flying out the ring, Rey then goes high risk going over the top rope but Styles is too quick and gets back in the ring, Rey does manage to adjust in mid air and lands on his feet only to see AJ running towards him as he hits the Fosbury flop ending with both men on the floor
The finish comes after Styles dominates after the flop, Rey is staggered in the middle of the ring as AJ goes for the springboard forearm from the outside but is met with a dropkick to the stomach send AJ sprawling onto the middle rope, Rey calls for it and hits the 619. Styles is on his feet in the middle of the ring as Rey vaults up and goes for the west coast pop, lands on Styles shoulder’s and flips backwards, but AJ blocks it and hits the Styles Clash, and gets the 123.
As Styles celebrates Rey gets up and stares at him. AJ walks towards him and offers his hand, Rey shakes his hand and the two embrace, and leave together.

TV Title Battle Royal Semi Final​

Abyss vs. Psycho Sid vs. Petey Williams vs. Ken Shamrock

All four men are in the ring, Shamrock and Williams are looking slightly worried, having to face both Abyss and Sid who will obviously be on the same page, Mitchell is wandering round outside the ring then gets up on the apron next to Sid and Abyss and whispers to both of them, suddenly they both exit the ring and start walking towards the back, as the referee remonstrates Shamrock tries to find out what is going on, as Williams takes the opportunity to attack him from behind, Williams continues the attack focusing on Shamrocks neck, using neck breakers and headlocks to weaken him for the Canadian destroyer.
It appears as though it is all over as Williams calls for the destroyer, and has Shamrock in position, but Shamrock blocks the first attempt and the second, but seems to hit the third but somehow Shamrock rolls through grabbing the ankle as he goes, synching in the ankle lock in the middle on the ring, Williams is writhing in pain trying to get to the rope but shamrock sits down on Williams leg making it difficult for Williams to move, eventually Williams taps for Shamrock to advance to the final

Steamboat walks off with AJ and Rey looking on.

Golden Run Round 1​
Kurt Angel vs. Ricky Steamboat
Both men stand in the middle of the ring with the crown ready to explode, collar and elbow tie up and we are underway, headlocks, shoulder blocks and back body drops are exchanged.

The finish occurs as Steamboat is in control but spends too long up top and Angel is able to sprint up and hit a suplex off the top rope. Angel then stalks the dragon and hits the Angel slam as soon as Steamboat is up, but only gets a 2 count, a second and third slam eventually yield a 3 count but Angel is not happy and his frustration at not getting the job done quicker boils over as he attacks Steamboat after the bell, he locks in the Angel lock but Styles and Mysterio hit the ring and Angel bails, both AJ and Rey check on Steamboat as Angel makes his way to the back.

TV Title Battle Royal Semi Final​
Great Muta vs. Lex Luger vs. Robert Roode vs. Jushin Liger
Roode and Liger are in the ring as the Great Muta makes his way to the ring minus James Mitchell, before he even gets halfway down though Luger attacks him from behind throwing him into a guard rail, they brawl into the crowd and eventually to the back, back in the ring Roode and Liger are beating the hell out of each other, as the ref has went to try and separate Luger and Muta. Liger gains the upper hand but doesn’t notice Petey Williams making his way to the ring with a hockey stick in hand, Liger goes to bounce off the ropes but gets a hockey stick broken across his back, this allows Roode to hit the Payoff, as another ref heads to the ring and makes the 3 count, meaning it will be Roode vs. Shamrock in the TV title final.

Tag Team match to crown the first ever FPPW Tag Team Champions​

AMW vs. New Age Outlaws

“Oh, you didn’t know, your ass better call somebodyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!” blares out over the loud speaker as the crowd erupts as for the first time in years, the New Age Outlaws are back at the top of the Tag team division. Road Dogg has the mic in the ring.
“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages. FPPW proudly bring to you, the soon to be tag team champions of the worlllllllllllldddddddddd! The Road Dogg, Jesse James, the Bad Ass Billy Gunn. The New Age Outlaws!!”
Storm and Harris then make their way to the ring. As four of the best tag team wrestlers of the current generation are stood in the ring.
The finish comes after AMW have dominated but Road Dogg gets a hot tag and cleans house, Gunn and Harris both go over the top and continue to brawl on the outside. James sets Storm up for the pump handle slam as Harris whips Gunn into the steel steps outside. Storm floats over the pump handle and hits the super kick on James who stumbles into Harris and is nailed with the Catatonic, Storm covers Road Dogg for the 3 count.
AMW are the first FPPW Tag Team champions, they celebrate up the ramp as Gunn checks on his partner in the ring.


Golden Run Round 1​

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart
The Hart family is in attendance as it is brother vs. brother for the next spot in the semi-finals.
Both brothers are in the ring face-to-face exchanging words, Bret nails Owen with a sucker punch as the referee starts this thing.
The finish comes after Bret works over Owen’s leg and lower back, Owen manages to fight back with both men ending up on the outside. Owen looks to Irish Whip Bret into the steel steps but is reversed with Owen catapulting over the top of them his knee impacting the steps on the way, Bret rolls back in the ring with Owen writhing on the floor in agony as the ref continues the count, 8...9...10. Owen is counted out, allowing Bret to advance, but Bret is not done.
He heads to the outside, and start berating Owen about letting the family down and how blood should be thicker than everything. Bret grabs Owen and throws him back in the ring and soon follows. Grabbing Owen by his injured leg he drags him towards to corner positioning Owens legs either side of the ring post. After wrapping Owen’s injured leg around the ring post three times, Bret locks in a figure four around the ring post. Owen is screaming in pain as referee’s empty from the back and eventually force Bret to break the hold. Bret walks to the back looking back at the ring smiling at his handy work as EMT’s attend to Owen.

TV title final​
Robert Roode vs. Ken Shamrock
Roode and Shamrock both bring company to the ring in the forms of Luger and Williams both waving their respective flags.
However before the match can start the referee orders both men to the back allowing it to be a 1-on-1 match as it should be.
The finish comes after the match ahs shifted back and forth many times. Roode goes up top but is cut off by Shamrock who hits a superplex from the top, both men land and grab each other’s legs with their own, the ref starts counting and counts to 3, ringing the bell. Both men celebrate thinking they are the ones who have won, as the ref looks confused, he heads over and instructs the ring announcer the following:
“The winner of this match and the first FPPW TV champion, Robert Roode!”
Roode bails from the ring grabbing the belt as he goes as Shamrock is livid in the ring. Luger runs to the ring to calm his friend down but Shamrock is not happy.

“So far our plan has went nearer enough to plan, we are all together and ready to bring our Wrath to our most hated foe, Goldberg, soften him up and then we will end finish him off.”

Golden Run Round 1​
• Goldberg vs. The Undertaker

Goldberg makes his way to the ring first and stands dead centre waiting for taker.
The arena goes black and smokes billows down the entrance ramp as druids begin to march towards the ring, they surround the ring apart from a gap right in front of Goldberg, then right in front of Goldberg, Taker begins to rise from the floor, but Goldberg does not move, Taker enters the ring and goes toe-to-toe with Goldberg, neither backing down. The bell goes and they both start to brawl.
The match goes back and forth, Goldberg dominating using his raw power, then Taker using his power. Taker hits old school, and calls for the chokeslam. Taker grabs Goldberg around the throat, but Goldberg hits a low blow unseen by the ref followed by a spear. Goldberg is stalking Taker looking to hit the jackhammer, Taker gets up as Goldberg grabs him and puts him up for the jackhammer, down they come as Goldberg makes the cover, 1...2... kick out! Goldberg cannot believe it and start shouting at the ref. Taker is pulling himself up in the corner as Goldberg charges in looking for another spear, but taker side steps as Goldberg finds nothing but ring post. Taker then grabs Goldberg and sets him up for a Tombstone, and connects. The cover 1...2... DING DING DING!!!! Before the ref can count the three the bell goes.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the time limit has expired; therefore the result of this match is a draw!”
Boos echo around the arena as Taker backs the ref into the corner. Then Mitchells Horsemen hit the ring and start attacking Undertaker, he tries to fight them off but cannot handle all four. Eventually Muta, Sid, Abyss and Goldberg gain the upper hand. Goldberg hit another spear as Abyss and Sid go under the ring. Sid comes out with a table and Abyss with a bag. Abyss empties the bag in the ring and it was filled with glass, he shoots taker off the ropes and hits the black hole slam right onto the glass. Sid sets up the table in the centre of the ring as him and Muta then hit a huge double powerbomb sending Taker through the table.
The horsemen leave and stand at the top of the ramp looking at their handy work Goldberg and Mitchell in the middle smiling, then suddenly Taker sits up.
The show ends with the camera alternating between a bloody Taker sat in the ring and Goldberg staring back towards him.

IWF presents Road To Glory

Londrick Vs William Regal & Paul Burchill
IWF Tag Team Title Tournament Match

At the seven minute mark, London drills Regal with his patented dropsault maneuver. London then crawls over and covers Regal 1.…..2.…..Burchill enters the ring and breaks up the pinfall. Kendrick enters the ring and begins to brawl with Burchill. Kendrick backs Burchill up with several stiff forearm shots. Kendrick then backs up and charges at Burchill. Burchill bends down and sends Kendrick flying over the top rope. Burchill then begins to attack London.Regal & Burchill begin to double team London. Regal & Burchill shoot London off of the ropes. London comes back off of the ropes and gets drilled by a double flapjack. Burchill exits the ring as Regal covers London. 1.….2.….Kendrick enters the ring and breaks up the cover. Burchill re-enters the ring. All hell breaks loose as all four men are in the ring at the same time brawling with each other.and ref gets hit by Regal in accident the ref is down JBL and Faaroq enter the ring with steel chairs in hand. JBL lays out Regal by accident when London moved out of the way with a nasty steel chair shot,then Faaroq lays out Burchill London took out JBL as Kendrick lays out Faaroq with a chair shot to the face. Kendrick wakes up the ref and counts 1.2.3 as London pin Regal
[Winners: Londrick via pinfall at 10:51]

Carlito Vs Shelton Benjamin
IWF International Championship Match

The bells sounds and both men lock up in the centre of the ring. Shelton takes Carlito down to his side with a standing headlock. Carlito pushes Shelton into the ropes and Shelton fires back with a shoulder barge. Carlito hit’s the mat. Shelton runs off the ropes and Carlito rolls onto his back. Shelton steps over Carlito and Carlito gets to his feet and Shelton nails him with a flying clothesline. The fans erupts as Carlito gets back to his feet and Shelton takes him over with a side headlock take over and into a side headlock on the ground. Carlito is held for a minute or so and begins to roll to his feet. He gets up and slips out of the headlock and grabs Shelton in a hammerlock. Shelton tries to escape. Drop toe hold by Shelton from the front taking Carlito to the amt. Shelton rolls over the back of Carlito and locks another side headlock.
Carlito tries to wriggle free but Shelton changes his position to a front face lock keeping Carlito grounded. Carlito gets to his knees but Shelton lifts up keeping Carlito in a front face lock.
They are both on there feet and Shelton has Carlito. Shelton hooks Carlito’s arm and drops Carlito with a massive suplex. Shelton pins.

Carlito kicks out. Shelton lifts up Carlito and whips him into the ropes. Shelton ducks his head and Carlito kicks him in the face and Shelton stumbles backwards. Carlito runs at Shelton but Shelton fires back with a dropkick taking Carlito down. Carlito bounces back up and Shelton arm drags Carlito who hit’s the canvas and then rolls to the outside. The ref starts the 10 count as Carlito catches his breath.

Carlito climbs up the steps and climbs in the ring. Shelton and Carlito circle each other and they lock up again but this time Carlito knees Shelton in the gut. Carlito taunts the crowd and then snap-mares Shelton to the canvas. Carlito locks in a chinlock with his knee in the base of the spine of Shelton. Carlito breaks the hold and rolls backwards to his feet and then dropkicks Shelton in the back. Shelton screams in pain on the floor and Carlito rolls Shelton onto his back. Carlito pins.

Shelton gets a shoulder up. Carlito complains to the ref and then lifts Shelton up to his feet. Carlito body slams Shelton. Carlito runs off the ropes and nails Shelton with a knee drop. Carlito pins.

Shelton gets a shoulder up again. Carlito locks in a headlock to keep Shelton down ………..

40 seconds later and Shelton is getting back to his feet as the fans get behind Shelton. Shelton gets to his feet and hits Carlito with a side elbow to the gut and it takes Carlito off guard and Shelton hits another one and Carlito has almost released the grip. Carlito hit another elbow and the grip is released. Shelton runs to the ropes at Carlito but Carlito catches him and powerslams him to the floor. Carlito is down too and he takes a breath before covering Shelton.

Shelton gets a shoulder up and Carlito rolls over in exhaustion. Carlito is first to his feet and he kicks Shelton in the gut who is still on the canvas. Carlito stomps again. Carlito then picks up Shelton and whips him into the corner. Carlito runs at Shelton and nails him with a shoulder barge to the ribs. Carlito pulls back and rams Shelton again. And again and again. Shelton falls to the canvas in pain and Carlito stands over him cockily. The fans boo as Carlito signals that it is over. He lifts up Shelton and goes for the Backcracker but Shelton runs Carlito back and Carlito goes into the turnbuckles. Shelton fires an elbow hitting Carlito in the cheek. Carlito drops to his knees holding his cheek as Shelton turns around and lifts up Carlito. He whips Carlito across the ring but Carlito reverses it and sends Shelton into the corner but Shelton leapfrogs onto the top rope and dives off turning in mid air and hitting Carlito with an Axe Handle Smash. Carlito hit’s the mat and Shelton goes for the cover.

Carlito manages to somehow kick out. Shelton gets to his feet and whips Carlito across the ring into the other turnbuckles. Shelton runs at Carlito and Shelton Monkey Flips Carlito out of the corner!! Shelton rolls on top of Carlito.

Carlito gets a shoulder up. Shelton gets to his feet and is setting up Carlito for a Superkick. Carlito gets up an Shelton launches the kick but Carlito ducks it and kicks Shelton in the gut and hits him with a DDT!! Both men are down.

Carlito and Shelton both get up at 8 and Carlito launches a punch at Shelton and Shelton fires one back. Carlito throws another one and Shelton blocks it and hits Carlito with another one. Carlito staggers back and Shelton walks over to him and whips him across the ring but Carlito reverses the whip and sends Shelton into the ropes. Carlito ducks his head and Shelton rolls over with a Sunset Flip. Shelton has Carlito pinned!

Carlito pushes out of it. Shelton gets back to his feet and Carlito gets to his feet. Carlito swings a punch at Shelton. But Shelton ducks. Shelton hits the T-bone suplex and pins Carlito

[Winner:Shelton Benjamin via pinfall at 12:35]

APA Vs Hardy Boys
IWF Tag Team Title Tournament Match

The bell rings as Matt and JBL are starting things off. Both men lock up and JBL gets the power advantage shoving Matt off into the ropes and hitting a huge clothesline. JBL tags in Faaroq as they keep Matt Hardy away from his corner using their power advantage, keeping Matt Hardy on the ground. Hardy tries to fight back but its no use against Faaroq because of his size. Another tag made to JBL and JBL whips Hardy into the corner. JBL runs at him, and goes for a clothesline, Hardy ducks and quickly tags in Jeff. Jeff with a clothesline to JBL and a dropkick to Faaroq. Another clothesline to JBL and punches to Faaroq. The numbers gain comes into play but Matt Hardy jumps right in taking Faaroq over the top rope. Jeff Hardy with a whisper in the wind to JBL. Cover, 1,2 KICKOUT! Both men to their feet, the referee quickly checks up on Faaroq and Matt Hardy who are still down on the outside, but JBL with a lowblow to Jeff! Off the ropes, A HUGE CLOTHESLINE TO JEFF HARDY! Cover, 1,2,3!

[Winners:APA via pinfall at 7:15]

Chris Jericho Vs Finlay
IWF World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Match

The match starts off with a collar elbow tieup. Clean break by both men. They follow up with another, Finlay gets the upperhand. Finlay pushes Jericho into the ropes and lets go of him. Jericho runs up to Finlay, but Finlay catches the head of Jericho and applies a side headlock. Finlay with a snapmare, holds onto Jericho in a headlock. Jericho rolls over and pins Finlay's shoulders down, 1.. kickout. Jericho rolls over through and applies head scissors on Finlay. Finlay flips over and pins Jericho's shoulders down, 1.. kickout! Both men get up and stand off to the crowd's pleasure. Finlay runs towards Jericho, Jericho grabs the arm of Finlay and flips him over for an armdrag. Jericho gets up and Finlay runs again, into another armdrag! Finlay quickly rolls out of the ring. Jericho looks around and runs towards the ropes, flips over, SUMMERSAULT NO! Finlay catches him in mid air and rams Jericho's back into the steel post, again, and again! Finlay puts Jericho against the apron, Finlay gives a few shoulder thrusts. Finlay grabs the arm of Jericho and whips him into the steel steps, back first! Finlay picks up Jericho and rolls him into the ring. Finlay follows. Finlay clubs the back of Jericho and throws him onto the ground. He drops his knee into the lower back of Jericho and a cover, 1.. 2.. kickout! Finlay picks up Jericho and gives him a Firemans Carry and he follows up with a senton! Cover, 1.. 2.. kickout! Finlay hits a legdrop and he hooks the leg, 1.. 2.. kickout! Jericho gets onto his knees and Finlay runs off the ropes and gives him a straight kick to the face! Cover, 1.. 2.. th.. kickout! Finlay grabs the leg of Jericho and applies an elevated Boston Crab. Jericho yells in pain as he tries to reach the ropes. The fans chant Jericho as Jericho tries to make his way to the ropes, and he does! Finlay breaks the hold. Finlay lifts Jericho up for a Celtic Cross! Jericho struggles out! Jericho goes behind him and plants him with an inverted ddt! Arm over, 1.. 2.. kickout! Both men get up. Jericho goes for a kick to the gut, Finlay catches the boot, Jericho with an enziguri! Cover, 1.. 2.. kickout! Jericho runs off the ropes, flips up, lionsault. Cover, 1.. 2.. kickout! Finlay gets to his feet. He pokes Jericho's eye and goes for a short arm clothesline, Jericho ducks, Jericho with a soinning heel kick to the face! Finlay is down and Jericho goes for the walls of Jericho.finaly tries to get ot the ropes but doesnt and taps out.
[Winner:Chris Jericho via sumbission at 15:06]

Bobby Lashley Vs Mr. Kennedy
IWF World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Match

Just as Bobby Lashley enters the ring, Kennedy goes right at him. He starts hitting him with lefts and rights. Continuous blows to the back of Lashley. Lashley pushes through and shoves Kennedy across the ring. As Lashley recovers, Kennedy comes running towards Lashley, again, putting lefts and rights across him. Kennedy really wants this win to face Orton for the title. Kennedy pulls Lashley to his feet and irish whips him to the ropes. Kennedy runs at him trying to attempt a clothesline, but Lashley over powers and knocks Kennedy right off his feet. The crowd really gets behind Lashley. Kennedy gathers to his feet, and Lashley gets a kick to the stomach on Kennedy and puts him in for a suplex. Lashley raises Kennedy in the air, who somehow manages to reverse it, lifting Lashley into the air, but thats all reversed by Lashley who lands on his feet as well and re-lifts Kennedy into the air. He hold him up there for a while all before bringing him down and crashing him on the ring mat. Kennedy screams in pain, as Lashley goes for the cover. Kennedy kicks out at an early 2 count. Lashley puts Kennedy to his feet, and whips him into the ropes. Kennedy bounces back, and Lashley does an impressive jump right over him, turns around and hits a good, hard, belly to belly. Kennedy pulls himself to the corner, as he draws Lashley in. Kicks to the gut and Lashley has to step back to collect himself. Kennedy takes the chance and puts Lashley in a head lock hip toss, and puts him to the ground. The ref. checks to make sure Kennedy is not illeagaly choking Lashley. The crowd chants for Lashley giving him momentum. He rises to his feet, still with Kennedy holding on tight. But Kennedy keeps his upper hand and hip tosses Lashley back to the ground. Kennedy still with the lock held tight on, screams for Lashley to tap. He refuses to give up, so Kennedy gives hard punch to Lashleys face, releasing the hold. Kennedy spares no time, and stomps on Lashley. Lashley tries to avoid it, but Kennedy soon enough pushes Lashley out of the ring, making him crash on the outside mats. Kennedy gets a breather, as the ref. starts the outside count. Lashley makes it to his feet and back in the ring by the 7 count. Kennedy throws Lashley into the ropes waiting for him to bounce back but Lashley held on to the ropes. Kennedy decided to charge, but Lashley gets a boot up, hitting Kennedy in the face. Lashley comes off the ropes and hits a shoulder block onto Kennedy knocking him off his feet. Lashley spends no time at all as he pulls Kennedy up, but Kennedy plays dirty and rakes Lashleys eyes. Kennedy slides out the ring, and pulls Lashleys legs, tripping him in the ring. Kennedy pulls him out of the ring, and shoves him into the crowd barrior. Lashley lays on the floor, but not for long as Kennedy pulls him over to the announce table, and smashes his face onto it. It never connected as Lashley gave an elbow to Kennedys stomach, and he smashes Kennedys face into the table. Then whips him into the side of the ring. Kennedy screams in pain, and Lashley gives Orton, who sits at ring side, a great big stare. He turns his attention back to Kennedy, who recovered and gives a punch to Lashley. He pushes Lashley head first into the ring post. The ref. count is at 8 as Kennedy slides in the ring, and back out, to re-fresh the count. Kennedy looks at Orton, as he signals for the title around his waist. Lashley recovers and runs at Kennedy, who see him and ducks the move, and pushes Lashley into Randy Orton. Lashley and Orton get in a small arguement, and Lashley turns his attention back to Kennedy, who at the time was on the top turnbuckle, and already jumped in the air. Lashley makes a dodge, and Kennedy comes crashing into Randy Orton also. Orton appears knocked out, and Kennedy just does not care. Lashley pulls Kennedy into the ring, and goes for the cover. Kennedy luckly got his foot on to the ropes, releasing him from the pin. Lashley gets pumped up and the crowd gets behind him as he gets in the postion for a spear. Kennedy rises to his feet, turns around, but dodges the spear, and Lashley goes into the ref. knocking him out. Kennedy takes this opportunity to make his move. He climbs out the ring, and grabs himself a steel chair. He jumps back into the ring, and waits for Lashley to rise to his feet. The crowd starts cheerin loudly, as Jeff Hardy makes his way to the ring. He runs in there and tackles Kennedy to the ground. He starts hitting him with punches. He gets to his feet and grabs the steel chair. Kennedy gets to his feet, and Hardy hits him with full force, cracking his head. He puts Kennedy on the steel chair and jumps to the top rope. He leaps off connecting a swanton bomb onto Kennedy. Lashley starts to get up, and Hardy pulls Kennedy to his feet. Lashley notices whats going on, and spears the holy hell out of Kennedy. Hardy helps the ref. to his feet, and then flees into the crowd. Lashley gets the pin over Kennedy, and the ref. stuggles with the 3 count.

[Winner: Bobby Lashley at 19:16 via Pinfall]

Ultimo Dragon Vs MVP
IWF International Championship Match


The bell rings and the two men quickly lock up. MVP uses his cheap tactics to quickly back up into a corner to break the hold. Clean break, MVP quickly kicks the gut of Dragon and gets on the offensive with clubs to the back on Dragon. Dragon gets on his knees and MVP kicks him right in the face for him to fall over. MVP mounts Dragon and starts jabbing him across the face. MVP gets off and drags Dragon to the ropes and chokes him against them. MVP breaks at a 4 count. MVP starts working on the back Dragon, using power moves to wear down Dragon. Dragon tries to fight back, but MVP stays on the offense. MVP applies a camel clutch in the center of the ring. Dragon is desperate trying to reach the ropes, and he gets to them! MVP gets back up and kicks Dragon right in the stomach and stomps a mudhole. MVP pulls up Dragon and whips him into the ropes, Dragon comes back and gets hit with a back elbow. MVP covers, 1,2,KICKOUT! MVP gets up and runs off the ropes, and stops right at Dragon. MVP does his signature Ballin' taunt and drops and elbow, but Dragon rolls out of the way just in time. Both men are down, but slowly gets up. Dragon gives MVP some forearms and some stiff kicks to fight back. MVP off into the ropes, backdrop by Dragon! Dragon fired up, picks up MVP, but MVP fights out and whips Dragon into a corner. MVP runs and lifts up his leg for a big boot, Dragon sidesteps and shoves MVP into the corner. Dragon backs up, RUNNING HIGH KNEE! FOLLOWED BY A BULLDOG! Cover,1,2,TH.. KICKOUT! Dragon gets up goes for the dragon sleeper on MVP but MVP fought his awaya out of the dragon sleeper.Both men are up lock up and MVP hits a knne to the gut of Dragon and quickly hits Playmaker but Dragon kicksout.MVP starts stomping on Dragon then picks him up and again goes for the playmaker.1.....2.....Carlito took the ref out of the ring when he was about to count 3 & starts to attack both MVP & Dragon.
The ref gets up and calls for te bell.MVP finally hit him with the playmaker
Vince McMahon comes out and demands an answer from Carlito for his actions. Carlito says he attack them both because he deserves to be in Championship match but Mr. McMahon thinks otherwise and makes a Triple-threat match for the IWF International Chapionship at the next show and IF Carlito attacks anyone at the next show he's FIRED!!!

[Winner: No Contest at 10:36]

Hulk Hogan Vs Jerry Lawler
IWF World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Match

Both men are in the middle ring lock up until hogan irish whip Lawler and hit a clothesline. Lawler gets up and starts punching Hogan but Hulk doesnt sell and hulks up and starts punching Lawler. Hogan goes for the bearhug Lawler fights himself out of the bearhug and Lawler hits the brainbuster.Hogan is on the mat and Laler starts to stomp on him. Lawler bounces of the ropes and hits the elbow drop. Lawler picks up Hogan and tries a back suplex but Hogan escapes and Hogan tries to clothesline Lawler but Lawler gets out of the way and turns around to a big boot by Hogan. Hogan covers Lawler for the pin but Lawler kicks out.Both men get up,Lawler starts punchin Hogan and hits the back suplex on Hogan.Lawler goes to the second turnbuckle and hits Hogan with the diving fist drop.Lawler picks up Hogan and hits a spike piledriver. Lawler goes for the cover but Hogan puts his feet on the rope before 3rd count.
Both men get up,Hogan starts running towards Lawler and hits axe bomber on the king.Hogan gets and hits the atomic leg deop on Lawler for the win

[Winner:Hulk Hogan via pinfall at 9:47]

John Cena Vs Randy Orton
IWF World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Match

We are just over 10 minutes in to this physical contest and Orton is playing to the crowd, trying to make the crowd boo Cena as much as possible, which they are doing, putting Cena off of his game. Orton applies a side headlock to Cena and forces him in to the corner, grappling with him, the crowd are getting to Cena as Orton knees the chest of Cena, winding him and leaving him slumped up against the corner, Orton backs away at the referee’s command but hastily kicks Cena when the referee’s back is turned, Orton then walks over to the other corner and takes his time, walking over to Cena again before sprinting towards the corner but Cena catches Orton off guard and drop toeholds Orton in to the canvas, Cena then hooks his leg around the body of Orton and goes for the scissors grip, squeezing the air out of Orton but Orton manages to turn over for the pinfall as Cena’s shoulders are on the mat.

Cena kicks out but Orton is physically dominating this match and Cena gets punted in the head by Orton, though not as hard as he normally punts legends. The referee tells Orton to back away but Orton keeps stamping at the fingers and chest of Cena, the referee now forcefully takes Orton out of the way and he receives a warning from the referee. Cena has rolled out of the ring to catch his breath but Orton has followed him to the outside. Cena sees it coming and hits a fast open palm shot to the chest of Orton, sending him in to the edge of the ring, Orton bounces back but Cena catches him with a massive clothesline, nearly knocking Orton’s head off in the process. Cena rolls inside the ring and back out again, stopping the count. He then throws Orton back in the ring; Cena then starts posing to the crowd, getting a thunderous amount of boos. Orton clips the heels of Cena before fully taking down the knee that he has been working on in previous weeks and in this match. Orton tells Cena to get on his feet and Orton applies ANOTHER headlock. Cena wrestles out of it and goes for the sidewalk slam but Orton lands on his feet but Cena kicks Orton in the mid section and turns him around and combats the fans’ chanting of ‘You Can’t Wrestle’ by hitting a picture perfect fisherman’s suplex, Cena then goes for the quick cover, without hooking the leg.

Cena not hooking the leg obviously cost him as Orton easily kicks out at 2 without any discomfort. Cena then climbs on to the top rope as Orton staggers to his feet. Orton rushes towards the ropes, shaking them and Cena wobbles and his legs get caught between the ropes as the crowd laugh at Cena. Orton then gets on to the top rope and starts punching at the face of Cena, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Orton has cut Cena’s face open just above his left eye and just as Orton is going for the 10th punch he decides to spread his arms and pose but this occurs the wrath of Cena who powerbombs him off of the top rope. Cena then exclaims that ‘No-one can see him’ and goes to shake his fists and brush his shoulder before jumping in to the air and hitting a flying 5 knuckle shuffle on the fallen Orton before pumping up his Reeboks and pulling Orton on to his feet and forcing Orton on to his shoulders but Orton slips out of the F-U and pushes Cena in to the corner and as soon as Cena comes back again Orton grabs Cena and applies the headlock but goes towards the corner and leaps on to the ropes and hangs Cena on the third rope, guillotining him and sending him flat on the floor. Cena’s legs are then grabbed by Orton who puts on a sinister smirk and pulls Cena’s legs straight in to the steel pole and Cena’s nuts collide with metal, surely making them shrink even further. The referee pulls Cena away from the metal and gets Orton back in the ring. Orton then goes for the cover,

Cena manages to get a shoulder up but looks in tremendous pain and as he slowly gets to his feet, winces and collapses to the floor again. Orton pulls Cena up and Irish whips him towards the ropes and bends down for the back drop but Cena kicks Orton square in the face. Cena then Irish whips Orton in to the ropes and mirrors Orton’s actions by bending down again, near the opposite rope instead but Orton can’t counter this move and Cena back body drops Orton to the outside. The referee starts counting and as soon as he counts to 5 Orton gets to his feet and grabs Cena’s legs, tipping him over and forcing him outside of the ring, Orton then decks Cena with one punch before proceeding back in to the ring and waiting for Cena to be counted out. Cena manages to get on for 7 which incenses Orton who forces Cena straight in to the corner, Orton takes away the turnbuckle pad which forces the referee to go in to the corner, Orton then places Cena in the corner, next to the referee and Orton dropkicks Cena straight in to the referee, the referee is knocked out cold after being hit with 240 pounds of Cena branded meat. Orton then goes outside, towards the announcing desk, which is literally a desk now after being demolished in the last match they have set up a small desk with television monitors encased. Orton then proceeds to get a Television Monitor,. Orton then quickly pounces in to the ring, like an animal, waiting for his prey to get to its feet. Cena gets up and turns around, he is hit straight between the eyes with the TV Monitor, Orton quickly dispatches of the evidence before hooking the leg of Cena, as soon as the referee gets to his feet, the referee starts slowly counting,

gets a foot on the rope but Orton doesn’t notice and rolls straight out of the ring and grabs the WWE Championship and holds it in the air but the referee takes it away from him which frustrates Orton who berates the referee but he can do nothing about it so Orton rolls back inside the ring, looking rather diminished. Orton is waiting for a bloodied Cena to get to his feet, Orton grabs the neck of Cena and goes for the RKO but Cena drops him right on his back. Cena then kneels on the floor, gaining energy after that heinous assault on the Champ. Orton is furious after being put on his ass and runs straight for Cena who grabs Orton and puts him on his shoulders but Orton quickly holds the ropes and tries to get off Cena but Cena F-U’s Orton over the ropes and to the outside but Orton lands on his feet and climbs up to the top rope and goes for a crossbody but Cena catches him yet again and hoists him on to his shoulders, Cena then hits the F-U to the outside this time. The crowd are firmly on Cena’s side now as he seems to have won them over. Cena then gets on the top rope and goes for a crossbody which connects, knocking Orton straight to the floor. Cena rolls in and then out of the ring, breaking up the 10 count, he then throws Orton back in the ring, flat on his back, he then knee drops Orton and climbs back up to the top rope, Cena tells Orton to F-U before taunting to the crowd but Orton leaps to his feet and goes on to the first rope where Cena is standing. He punches him in the chest and Cena falls back but still holds on. Orton goes up to the second rope and kicks the knees of Cena to make him immobile. Cena tries to fight back but Orton headbuts the chest of Cena before finally climbing up to the top rope and slapping the face of Cena before saying ‘You can’t see me’ right in Cena’s face before hooking the neck of a downed Cena around his arms and Orton hits a flying RKO sending Cena crashing down to the mat as the crowd chant HOLY SHIT. Orton goes for the cover,

Only a miracle could save Cena from losing the WWE Championship and in that case Cena is not Superman he is the Son of God as he just kicked out but still looks in severe pain after those series of moves from Orton. Orton is certain he has this one so just wants to inflict more pain on The Champ so he lifts a shaken Cena on to his feet, Cena can barely stand and his face is cut open but Orton just stares a hole through him and Orton kicks him in the mid section and Irish whips Cena to the ropes, Orton then gets the arms of Cena and wraps them around the ropes, keeping him in the same position. Orton rapidly kicks Cena before unleashing a flurry of punches on his opponent Orton then relinquishes the ropes from around the arms of Cena but Orton. Don’t worry Orton isn’t going to be showing any remorse anytime soon he just simply hits a massive clothesline to Cena, sending him straight over the ropes. Orton goes to the outside and goes towards the steel steps and basically begs Cena to walk over, Cena goes towards the steel steps but Cena starts kicking him to the floor, Orton then grabs the head of Cena and wraps his arm around Cena’s head before forcing it down on to the steel steps with a massive DDT. Most of the crowd look confounded as their hero has been brutally picked apart. Orton picks up Cena who is definitely out of this one but he still stares blankly at Orton, Cena refuses to give up and Orton knows that but Cena wants to keep the title so much he is willing to go through that much pain. Orton cockily slaps Cena but then something inside Cena just snaps and he unleashes hell on the Legend Killer, brutally punching him in the face and abdomen before throwing Orton on the steel steps and then lifting Orton on to his shoulders and hitting a monstrous F-U on to the steel pole on the outside. Cena then quickly rolls in and out of the ring before continuing the onslaught on Orton. Cena finally throws Orton back in the ring. Orton scarpers out of the way and takes off another turnbuckle pad, the referee goes to fix it and whilst the referee’s back is turned he low blows Cena and hits a body slam. Orton walks up to the ropes and back again before pumping up his boots and brushing his shoulder before raising his arms and hitting the 5 knuckle shuffle. Orton then waits for Cena to get on his feet and looks like he is about to go for the RKO but trips Cena up and locks his leg in and locks the STFU in. Cena is fighting valiantly and goes to reach the ropes but can’t as Orton is pulling back with extreme force, Cena manages one final lunge at the ropes and grasps it with full intent, the referee forces Orton to let go. Orton has had enough and signals for the RKO and goes for it but Cena grabs Orton in mid air and lifts Orton on to his shoulders and crashing Orton back down to the mat, Cena then hooks the leg and goes for the cover,

[Winner John Cean via pinflall at 20:29]

Sports Entertainment International Presents:


The introductions had been made and the wars have begun and history is to be made. With this in mind, the event kicked off explosively by going straight into the action.

Match 1:
No Disqualification, Tag Team Title Tournament
The Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Latin American Exchange

A fast-paced, crowd pleasing match with two tag teams whose styles mixed perfectly. Initially, it was about athleticism and sportsmanship, but inevitably - due to the stipulation - the match received a good dose of crude brutality, with all four wrestlers shedding copious amounts of blood. The Guns attempted to keep the big man Hernandez out of action so that LAX could not employ the obvious power advantage but Homicide - and his signature fork - denied Shelley and Sabin the power to take away the Latin American’s power element. However, the teamwork of the two from Detroit ensured that neither of them would be put at a disadvantage.

As the match grew into the later stages, both sides engaged in a stubborn stalemate, each pulling out something unexpected and extreme in order to try and overrule the other. Finally, it would seem that the Latin American’s skills as militant thugs would grant them victory, a bloodied Shelley and Sabin finally appearing to spent. Suddenly, Roderick Strong and Austin Aries - Generation Next - hit the ring and beat down LAX. The referee can do nothing but look on as the scales are unfairly turned in the Guns’ favour. Strong knocks Hernandez outside as Aries hit’s a Brainbuster on Homicide before dragging Shelley ontop of him. The referee reluctantly counts to three and MCMG further themselves in the tournament.

The Motor City Machine Guns win by pinfall and advance in the tournament.

As the dust settles, MCMG and Generation Next gather in the ring. Aries grabs a microphone and addresses the crowd:

Austin Aries:
“Tonight, you will see the crowning of a new era. A new era of tag team wrestling, and a new era with the Next Generation Next!”

Match 2:
Samoa Joe vs. Mike Awesome

These two powerhouses tore up the textbook and wrote a complete new one in a possible show-stealer and surprisingly fast paced match. Although Joe’s power wasn’t quite on par with Awesome’s, he made up for it with his agility speed and technical prowess, although Awesome didn’t lay down and let Joe roll over him. In fact, for a portion of the match Awesome dominated the stubborn Samoan, and only began to lose out when the latter took it to a new level.

Out of what seemed to be desperation, Awesome delivered three Awesome Bombs in a row, but Joe would not be pinned. As Awesome attempted to deliver a fourth, Joe forced him to collapse, and then hooked in a Muscle Buster, just about scraping a three count.

Samoa Joe wins by pinfall.

Match 3:
Jeff Jarrett vs. Rob Van Dam

A conflict in styles and one that produced a pleasing outcome, with Jarrett playing the classic heel role, using dirty tactics to get ahead, and Van Dam using his unorthodox style to get the crowd on side. Jarrett was obviously frustrated by Van Dam’s apparent superiority and used every rule in the book and then some to get the advantage. In fact, during the middle portion of the match Jarrett was completely dominant, but the fans support seemed to allow RVD to work his way back into it and get it on top, although Jarrett refused to go out with a whimper.

As the match drags on Jarrett drags his guitar from ringside towards Van Dam as the referee lays unconscious after some foul play from Double J. Jarrett pulls back and swings but RVD literally jumps to his feet, kicking the guitar back into Jarrett with a Van Daminator. The referee regains consciousness enough to count the 3.

Rob Van Dam wins by pinfall.

Match 4:
Tag Team Title Tournament
The Steiner Brothers vs. Austin Aries and Roderick Strong

Surprisingly, Generation Next (or the Next Generation Next) were very worthy opponent’s for the Steiner’s return to world class form, or perhaps that was the surprising part. Both teams fought tooth and nail for the win, but also thought intelligently and with a strategy. In fact, Aries & Strong fought cleanly for the most part, apparently sensing history in the making if they could beat the Steiner’s fairly at their own game. They did well to go in that direction, but ultimately, the Steiner’s momentum proved too much and they ended up the back foot.

After Aries got hit with the Steinerizer it seemed all over, but the Motor City Machine Guns stormed the ring, attacking the Steiners and ruining their rise back to form. Apparently, they either didn’t realise or didn’t care they were in the full view of the referee and so it resulted in NGN’s streak being cut short, but the Steiners got a vicious four man beat down for good measure.

The Steiner Brothers win by disqualification and advance in the tournament.

Match 5:
Eddie Guerrero vs. Colt Cabana

Guerrero and Cabana seemed to determined not to have the first bad match of the card, and they avoided this spectacularly. Not only was the match fast-paced and technically sound, the two had a fun energy that came through not only in their less honest moments but also in their on/off sportsmanship. Cabana initially seemed outweighed by the returning legend - much to the crowd’s delight 0 but he managed to pull himself back into the match - which didn’t displease the spectator’s either.

The match seemed to be coming to a close when Cabana stopped a charging Guerrero and pointed towards the ceiling, expecting Guerrero to look up. Cabana did, and even the referee did, but Guerrero chose to hit a low blow and go for the Three Amigos instead. The first two suplexes were successful but as a third was attempted, Colt blocked and hit his own, followed by another. As he attempted to complete the three, he was surprised to find Eddie completing his sequence instead. However, it was only good enough for a three. Seeming desperate, Guerrero went up top for the Frog Splash, only to find Cabana - who was apparently play possum - catch him and twist him into a small package. Guerrero refused to be beaten at his own game, reversing into his own, victorious small package.

Eddie Guerrero wins by pinfall.

After the match, the two celebrate together.

Match 6:
Triple H vs. CM Punk

This match was, to put it simply, brutal, blunt, bloody and brilliant. Never has the term “fighting tooth and nail” been more true in this match, where, against science, neither competitors lost any teeth. The blood definitely flowed in copious amounts though, as did the sweat and the tears, Punk had never been more focused, whereas the Cerebral Assassin seemed surprised the Straight Edge superstar was almost managing to outlast him. The match soon delved into mere “fisticuffs”, taking turns to see who could hit hardest, quickest bluntest and most brutally. The Game used his power to beat down Punk, who wouldn’t have survived if it weren’t for his remarkable resilience.

The match came to a close as Triple H laid a prone Punk - the result of a pedigree - up on the turnbuckle and began to climb it himself only to be clubbed in the back. Punk pulled him forward and hooked him in a Pepsi Plunge, smashing both competitors down to the floor. They both lay down as the time limit was reached, but not a decisive decision.

The match is a draw as the time limit is exceeded.

Match 7:
SEI World Heavyweight Title Match
Sting © vs. The Rock

A match of monumental proportions, the crowd was surprisingly undecided on who to support. One half wanted Sting to win, although he was generally considered a “traitor” for siding with Bischoff, and the baby face Rock was cheered by the other half, perhaps the more traditional fans. It was a true WCW vs. WWE showdown, one that will go down in legend. Comparable perhaps to The Rock’s showdown with the immortal Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania 19. The two fought a tough, balanced, back-and-forth match, Sting only resorting to dirty tactics during the early going before realising his independence from them. Finisher after finisher was delivered, both bodies were beaten, batter and bloodied, false finish after false finish occurred and the crowd’s were so far on the edge of their seat they were forced to stand.

In an act of desperation, aggression and mockery, The Rock locked in a sharpshooter, a identical move to Sting’s Scorpion Deathlock. The icon writhed in pain, screaming, unable to get towards the ropes, for a moment, it looked as if he was about to tap, but he used the last of his reserves to reverse the manoeuvre and lock in the real Scorpion Deathlock. The Rock writhed and writhed, similarly to how Sting had done before him. During this time, much to the crowd’s disapproval, Bischoff comes down to ringside, presumably to help and support Sting. After a long struggle the Rock finally gives in and taps out , again making the crowd give off a mixed reaction.

Sting wins by pinfall and is still the SEI World Heavyweight Champion. Read on:

Bischoff snatches the title from ringside and brings it in the ring, apparently to reward it to Sting, who still has the hold locked in. Out of nowhere, Bischoff smashes Sting in the face, laying him prone on the floor. He manages to drag the Rock to his feet and drape him on the ropes, on which his blood and sweat drips. Bischoff gives a microphone and addresses the spectator’s all around the world:

Eric Bischoff:
“Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby reverse the decision made by the incompetent official, stripping Sting of the title, naming The Rock as the new SEI World Heavyweight Champion!”

As the world looks on in shock, New Era goes off the air.
Yes. I hope people are at least skim-reading all the entrants. I didn't make mine so accessible just for people not to read it because it's the furthest down!
I read all 4 shows...is everyone who is in the vote qualified to win bc it is down to 2 people i have in mind.
Yes. I hope people are at least skim-reading all the entrants. I didn't make mine so accessible just for people not to read it because it's the furthest down!

I know, Mine is right above yours so I hope people at least skim read all of them
I have voted, and let me tell you, it was tough. I admit, Mr. Sam's show was good, but I really enjoyed SuperDerf's, and so that's where my vote went. Hoping BCW continues my friend.

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