UWF Genesis (1/12) - Prediction Game

Mr. Book This Section

Getting Noticed By Management
Hello and welcome to the Prediction Game! This is how it works, I post the match card for my PPV and you predict the winner, if you predict the winner correctly, you will get a certain amout of points for your prediction! All your points will add up during each Prediction Game (1 game per PPV.) At the end of the UWF year, whoever has the most points will get a price! This is open to anyone and everyone. Anyone can start playing when they choose! However after the deadline, your predictions won't be counted so get them in as soon as possible! Here is the match card for you to predict.

40 Man Royal Rumble Match
Randy Orton v. Chris Jericho v. Kofi Kingston v. R Truth v. Evan Bourne v. Alex Shelly v. Chris Sabin v. Crimson v. Brother Ray v. Brother Devon v. Rhino v. Desmond Wolfe v. Homicide v. The Pope v. Cody Rhodes v. Abyss v. John Morrison v. Sheamus v. Christian v. Austin Aires v. Samoa Joe v. Mr Anderson v. Dolph Ziggler v. Kane v. Mark Henry v. Alberto Del Rio v. Bobby Roode v. James Storm v. Magnus v. Rob Terry v. Mick Foley v. The Rock v. Stone Cold Steve Austin v. Edge v. Road Dogg v. Shaun Michaels v. The Undertaker v. Bret Hart v. Batista v. Hulk Hogan

If you predict the Royal Rumble winner right, you will win 10 points.

UWF Championship
Jeff Hardy (c) v. John Cena

If you predict the winner of the UWF Championship match right, you get 5 points

UWF World Championship
The Miz (c) v. Wade Barrett

If you predict the winner of the UWF World Championship match right, you get 5 points

Fatal Four Way:
Kurt Angle v. CM Punk v. AJ Styles v. Daniel Bryan

If you predict the winner of the Fatal Four Way match right, you get 5 points

Motor City Machine Gun's Open Challenge for Tag Team Championships:
Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin v. Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas)

If you predict the winner of the UWF Tag Team Championship match right, you get 3 points

TV Championship:
RVD (c) v. Rey Mysterio

If you predict the winner of the UWF TV Championship match right, you get 3 points

The winner gets a contract:
Zack Ryder v. Ted DiBiase

If you predict the winner of the Contract match right, you get 1 point

Preshow - X Division Championship
Jay Lethal (c) v. Amazing Red
If you predict the winner of the X Division Championship match right, you get 2 points


Hey man, I've been reading your show just haven't fedback as of yet, I will hopefully though for the ppv. Here's my predictions:

X division title
Jay Lethal (c) vs. Amazing Red

Zack Ryder vs. Ted DiBiase

Tv championship
RVD (c) vs. Rey Mysterio

Tag titles
MCMG (c) vs. TWGTT

Fatal 4 way
Kurt Angle vs. Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk vs. AJ Styles

UWF World title
The Miz (c) vs. Wade Barrett

UWF Championship
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. John Cena

Royal Rumble
The Undertaker!
Checked out your stuff last night man but I figured I was so far behind I would just shoot you a review after you post Genesis anyway heres my predictions....My winner I put in bold.

X Divison Championship
Amazing Red vs Jay Lethal

Winner Gets A Contract
Zack Ryder vs Ted Dibiase

TV Championship
Rey Mysterio vs Rob Van Dam

Tag Team Championship
Motor City Machine Guns vs Haas & Benjamin

Fatal Four Way
Daniel Bryan vs Kurt Angle vs CM Punk vs AJ Styles

World Championship
The Miz vs Wade Barrett

UWF Championship
Jeff Hardy vs John Cena

40 Man Royal Rumble Match
Thanks for your votes! I can tell you that each person has atleast 1 point towards his score. Maybe it's more, maybe it's less! Tell the other Bookers to vote!
Thanks for your votes! I can tell you that each person has atleast 1 point towards his score. Maybe it's more, maybe it's less! Tell the other Bookers to vote!

I dont know if its possible but personally im hoping somehow Ryder and Ted ends in a no contest and both get contracts since im a fan of both.
TheCultOfPersonality Scored - 13 Points.
SXEnightmare Scored - 18 Points.
SXEnightmare - 18 Points
TheCultOfPersonality - 13 Points
There will be chance to get more points at Against All Odds!

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