Using The English Langauge


Championship Contender
With all the incorrect use of langauge going on, and my current situation of being bored, I thought I might as well create this thread.

So, basically, I think correct punctuation is good in posting; mainly for the sake of appearance.

Yeah, I'm really bored. I stand by my point though, it wouldn't hurt people do use full stops, and if you want to trail off with dot points, then do it with three after the sentence... and then leave a space. It looks neater in my opinion.

I'm really bored.
I agree entirely. People need to start paying more attention to the quality of their posts.

Honestly, anyone who is at least in high school, I assume damn near all the forum members are, should be able to manage to post without serious grammatical errors. It's annoying when I see lack of capitalization, gross misspellings (note: misspell is one of the most misspelled words in the world, it's two "s"s, people), and poor punctuation. Maybe I'm a grammar Nazi, but anytime I see a post that just blatantly says "I'm too lazy to use proper grammar", I just won't read it. It's annoying.
The consequences of this thread are on your head buddy. I support the use of proper grammar, but the best decision is to keep the support to one's self.
I especially hate it when people mispronounce words. I remember for the longest time my Sunday School teacher kept saying something that sounded like "gardeen." Turns out he was saying "guardian".

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