Here's one for the English

Eh ... monarchy doesn't rule anything. I'm all for respecting Her Majesty and the Royal Family but why should I treat her as being particularly more important than any other human being I come across? That gives her an inflated sense of her own importance, and me an unnecessary sense of obligation. And it causes situations like this, where everybody takes it too seriously.

Besides, it's Ireland. They don't owe us shit, and they know it.
Besides, it's Ireland. They don't owe us shit, and they know it.

This statement is simultaneously correct and incorrect. Most Irish, north and south, have no problem showing respect to the Queen; an extremist section see her virtually as a war criminal with violence carried out against them in her name whilst another section is perhaps the most fervant royalists anywhere in the world.
Барбоса;3439489 said:
This statement is simultaneously correct and incorrect. Most Irish, north and south, have no problem showing respect to the Queen; an extremist section see her virtually as a war criminal with violence carried out against them in her name whilst another section is perhaps the most fervant royalists anywhere in the world.

Acknowledged and agreed. I've met Irish people on both sides of this heavily-opinionated fence. But I still think, even as a unionist Briton, that they don't owe us. But then I'm an English guy who grew up in Wales; I've seen some bullying but not really any kind of extreme hate.
They owe us quite a bit actually.

Fucking bailout.
To be fair our country is fucked financially unlike England. You know Ireland is corrupt when our head of government get's a higher salary then the president of America.

... Shit, really?

I would have expected the Irish to, I don't know, have a revolution or something in a situation like this. Perhaps I'm just stereotyping you guys though. My bad
... Shit, really?

I would have expected the Irish to, I don't know, have a revolution or something in a situation like this. Perhaps I'm just stereotyping you guys though. My bad

They've just got over fighting eachother about religion. Give them a rest before they start revolting over a corrupt government.
If the focus on economics in the Republic has proven anything in the past 20 years, it is that whether Sinn Fein or the SDLP like it or not, there is no chance of a United Ireland. Not only is the Unionist vote too strong in the north but the south do not want us.

You, Greece and Portugal can have a party.

Throw Italy and Spain into that party as they are equally fucked. The Germans might get their Mediterranean empire back simply by buying up real estate
We haven't gotten over "fighting" over religion and i don't think we ever will. We owe too much money to England and Germany to have a revolt over our government.

I was thinking more about the whole bombings and other such decidedly lethal occurances that used to happen during The Troubles rather than any ongoing tension.
why?, he just placed his hand over his mouth, people need ot get over themselves....:/

We're talking the twat who has refused to show correct etiquette and has both hands in his pockets snubbing the queen.
I was thinking more about the whole bombings and other such decidedly lethal occurances that used to happen during The Troubles rather than any ongoing tension.

Oh that still goes on albeit on a much smaller scale then the troubles. For instance over the summer a catholic man born in the south got a job working for the Northern Irish police. So the IRA bombed his car as he was apparently a traitor.

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