US Title - Ryder or Ryan?


WZCW's Brent Blaze
The question is simple, Who will be the next challenger for the WWE US Championship help by Dolph Ziggler, Zack Ryder or Mason Ryan?

Zack Ryder has defeated Dolph Ziggler twice on Raw and Once on SmackDown.

Mason Ryan has had a few great moments against Ziggler, including on the latest addition of Raw.

They both are getting Major pushes.

Ryder is way over with the fans.

Ryan is getting there.

My pick is Zack Ryder. He has earned it and he deserves it!

So, my simple two questions are:

Who do you think will get the next shot?
Who do you want to get the next shot?

Ryder or Ryan? :shrug:
Are you serious bro? Ryan has two weeks of build, Ryder has been on his show for 30+ weeks now. Mason Ryan should establish himself as a midcarder first before getting a title.
there is no doubt that the wwe is high on mason ryan and they want him to be the next big star so in order to do that they got to give him a mid card push and tittle if they want him to be in the wwe tittle pic after wrestlemania. i would love to see ryder as u.s. champ but i think he will get it after ryan drops it and moves on to bigger things
I think they should go with Ryder. Mason Ryan may be on his way there but I don't think they want to rush on that right now. Ryder can sell merchandise and he's bankable right now so I can see him be a more entertaining champion than Mason Ryan.

If they really want Mason Ryan to be the next big star. Let him earn it through a series of matches and allow him to have a winning streak to make him look more credible. Another thing is they would want to consider changing his entrance and look to make him more credible as a next big star.
Ryder pinned Ziggler for about 3 times? (not sure)
Ryan pinned Ziggler I believe once and lost to him last RAW via DQ.

So technically Ryder should be given a shot. He hasn't lost to Ziggler as of late, and besides he pinned Swagger in 30 secs in their match.
Personally.. I always felt disgusted by Vince and his love for big guys.. the fact he loves to give big guys pushes..

Ryder had the "outsider push" by fans and Vince should seriously consider giving people like him a push than pushing his "fetish" to the top..

Fans had showed him what they want.. if he doesn't let Ryder gets the title.. all I can say is Vince is getting more and more out of touch than anticipated..
First thing first, I see Dolph and Swagger winning the tag titles at Vengence setting up a feud with Ryan and Ryder. Eventually losing the tag titles to Ryan and Ryder. Then, I see Ryder trying to take the USC. from Dolph, perhaps ending in a fatal 4 ladder match at the T.L.C. ppv event. In the match would be USC. Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, Mason Ryan and Zack Ryder. I would say Zack Ryder wins the USC. and Dolph then moves into main event status.
I want to see the US Title keep its prestige, so why would Ziggler be dropping it at all to either guy who is still very GREEN. Have Ziggler build a feud, not over weeks but months and have him go into Wrestlemania 28 as the US Champion. There will be different guys in the title hunt by then, maybe Ryan will be up to it. Ryder is a comedy act in the Santino Marella mould. If her gets the US Title, it buries the belt and makes it equally as useless as the Internet title he gave himself.
I want to see the US Title keep its prestige, so why would Ziggler be dropping it at all to either guy who is still very GREEN. Have Ziggler build a feud, not over weeks but months and have him go into Wrestlemania 28 as the US Champion. There will be different guys in the title hunt by then, maybe Ryan will be up to it. Ryder is a comedy act in the Santino Marella mould. If her gets the US Title, it buries the belt and makes it equally as useless as the Internet title he gave himself.

I bet you have never see any of Ryder's youtube show.. Ziggler and Ryder had been feuding on Ryder's youtube show for quite a while already.. although you can say it's just Ryder's own show.. apparently WWE has allowed and endorsed that youtube show officially.. so basically the feud between Ziggler and Ryder is technically legit..

I don't understand why being comedy act meant winning any title will lost its prestige..? Because people won't treat the champion seriously..? Let's just put it bluntly.. there's not such thing as prestige anymore.. the championship belt is meant the superstar is legitimately being pushed.. if WWE title itself lost its prestige.. I don't see why USC should kept that..

Besides.. one difference between Ryder and Santino.. Ryder is a legitimate wrestler and his in-ring performances are way better than Santino..
Ryder has had build up for several weeks now. His stock within the WWE has been on the rise, he sells merchandise so hes the rational choice to be pushed into a feud with Ziggler.

Ryan needs more time, sure he has the body builder look that Vince loves, he's a monster but he doesn't have anything else. He hasn't been tested in the ring, he not very good on the mic, hes already had an injury thats put him on the shelf, and he needs a lot more time before he's ready for a real push.
After seeing Ryder in action over the past month or so, I can understand why WWE never pushed him.

I hate to hate on the guy, but outside of his Youtube show, the guy is drab. He's not that great in the ring, and his mic work is just the same thing over and over and over.. don't get me wrong, I get it, that's his gimmick. But to be honest, when I see him on TV he just comes across as if he's sick of his own schtick.

Really, I'm justified in saying this considering he's said himself that he's going to drop his Youtube show because he's gotten the exposure he wanted from it.

He's just boring to me.

Now Mason Ryan, that guy is a tank. Everyone compares him to Batista because of his look, but really he just has the "pro-wrestler" look.

He's been really impressive in his time back, and when he grabbed the mic on RAW, he was BELIEVEABLE. I actually enjoyed his one line calling Ziggler back to the ring.

He was a FCW Heavyweight champ, and looks great in gold. I see big things in his future.

Hell, he's already at the same level as Ryder (title picture wise) and he's been around a quarter of the time that Ryder has been.

To answer your question; I'd like to see Mason Ryan win the US title from Dolph. That way Dolph can go on to the main event scene, because he is ready, for sure.

Basically, I think Ryan would be more fitting/believeable as any type of champion than Ryder would be.
After seeing Ryder in action over the past month or so, I can understand why WWE never pushed him.

I hate to hate on the guy, but outside of his Youtube show, the guy is drab. He's not that great in the ring, and his mic work is just the same thing over and over and over..

He's just boring to me.

Now Mason Ryan, that guy is a tank. Everyone compares him to Batista because of his look, but really he just has the "pro-wrestler" look.

He's been really impressive in his time back, and when he grabbed the mic on RAW, he was BELIEVEABLE. I actually enjoyed his one line calling Ziggler back to the ring.

If you find Zack Ryder boring in the ring compared to Mason Ryan, we must be watching different matches. Mason Ryan's one liner was hardly anything to be excited about considering it was bland.

Zack Ryder albeit not the best wrestler would run laps around Ryan when it comes to in-ring ability. I'm not trying to take anything away from Mason Ryan but he's still very green and doesn't deserve a title shot just yet.
I honestly think Ryder has reached his limit. He's relevant in the midcard, possibly ready for a run in the tag division with Ryder, but any more than that? The guy's entertaining, but he isn't on the main event level, or anywhere near to be honest. I see him being the midcard title contender who never quite reaches it; maybe he'll get it once, but he'll always be the chasing underdog. MAYBE he will win the US Title. But if he does, in my opinion it will only be so Ziggler can go to the main event. And I think that Swagger would soon take the belt off of Ryder.

This isn't a fan hating on Ryder btw. Ryder is solid in the ring, and entertaining on the stick (a bit repetative, but so is the Rock with his catchphrases in my honest opinion), but lets be honest, is Ziggler woth any sort of main event run? Would you really wanna buy Wrestlemania with Ryder vs ??? top of the card? Be honest.

I know it's been said to death, but Ryan is WAY too green. I actually like him; his look is good, he no longer makes me thing of Batista, and some of his big power moves look impressive. Maybe he'll be due a US title run soon, but at this point in time, Ryder would be a safer choice.
Mason Ryan will most likely get the first shot. WWE likes their big guys, there's no denying that, and Mason Ryan is somewhat over there's no denying that either. Zack is someone who's been enjoying a push as of late, but I could never see him as a mid-card champion, or anything above, mainly because I can't stand the guy.

Mason Ryan however has the microphone work (His accent is a little heavy, but he can work the microphone), he's build as hell (Batista v2.0!) and he's able to work in the ring fairly well and able to move like a true powerhouse. There's no denying that Mason Ryan is a part of the future of WWE, he will get pushed, sooner or later, so the very fact that he's getting to work somewhat of a program with Dolph Ziggler and the 'faction' they got going on there, is more than enough to show that Mason Ryan will probably get the title shot first, or very soon after Dolph has defeated Zack Ryder, and Mason Ryan will most likely also be the next United States champion.

As for Zack, I do think he'll get the title shot, but I don't think WWE will book him to becoming a champion, and if so they'll book it very briefly (R-Truth 2010 anyone?) only to give the championship back to Dolph Ziggler. Being over isn't always the key, it helps a lot but Mason Ryan just has the somewhat total package advantage over Zack Ryder, and it will help him in the long run much more, so why not start now?
Lets be honest. We know Vince, we know what Vince wants. Ryder deserves the title run but Ryan will get it first because he's a big guy. Simple as that.
I can see Ryder getting a title shot but losing then around the time of the TLC/New Year they put the title on Ryan and build Ziggler up for something bigger.
US Champion - Ryder or Ryan?

Hopefully neither. They are both very lackluster - and, most importantly, getting the US Title right now wouldn't help them.

Those midcards titles need more credibility, not less. Giving the US Title to a joke character like Ryder or to a still-nobody like Ryan will just hurt the title, and won't really help them.

Ziggler should hold on to that belt for many more months. While the WWE Champion belt keep changing hands all over the place, let the US Champion and the Intercontinental Champion have lengthy reigns in the hands of Ziggler and Rhodes. Heck, let them compete for the main titles while holding the midcard titles. This will make those belts seem more valuable.

And then, when someone finally manages to get one of those belts, it will actually be something useful for that person.
Mason will be the guy to beat Dolph, Ryder just doesn't scream championship material, he's over kind of like Santino but as a singles champion I don't see it.

Mason on the other hand is big, strong, young and reminiscent of Batista who most of the fans can remember and known creatives lack of coming up with new ideas, he's pretty over give him a new theme song and look and he'll be a star in the making, so have him beat the current and long-term US champion to get him over and allow Dolph to progress on to the Main Event scene.
I see Ziggler going onto something big soon, maybe in the 12-18 month timeframe. I mean he is a former World Champion... okay a tainted run earlier this year but still I reckon in the future he can be someone and get up the card from where he is now, I would no way put him in the same league as Santino.

Ryan's look is impressive and if he stays injury free the next 12 months will be big for him and I do see the US title being a part of that.
wwe wants mason ryan to get it...he embarrassed dolph ziggler last night tossing him around like a rag doll almost. zack ryder however needs this belt as a milestone.
Mason Ryan just has the somewhat total package advantage over Zack Ryder, and it will help him in the long run much more, so why not start now?

i saw the words total package and i remembered lex luger, god i don't want to remember lex luger....

first you have zack ryder a guy who elevated himself so the people can get to know him, he has done good work on that, and some people in the wwe universe are starting to connect with him, so good job there, he has proven to be entertaining so i think he deserves a mid card title run or chase...

on the other hand ryan is a happytista, that's his character, i can understand vince wanting to elevate him because of his looks, but it has to establish an in ring arsenal to make him more noticeable, he has some power moves but i doubt he has any real strength, he almost stumbled while picking up guys who are lighter than him, he hasn't developed any mic skills yet and on top of that he has to work around that damn heavy accent that he has, his words sometimes can't be understood (look for some FCW promos), so certainly he's not ready for a championship yet...but hey they have sin cara in the mid card squashing guys and he doesn't even talk, so anything can happen...
Ryder or Riot Bro!!! Honestly though, they've been building Ryder up with wins over Ziggler and Swagger for a few weeks now, I would hope that they wouldn't slight him by dropping Mason Ryan into his spot. Plus, who's going to move more merchandise, the guy with the T-shirt, shades and headband, or the one who doesn't even have his own T-shirt to wear to the ring? People actually care about Zack Ryder. For now, Mason Ryan is still a bit of a sideshow, "Hey, look how HUGE that guy is...what's his name again?"
Ryder is a survivor. He put himself over by himself and blew up his fan base in the process. If the WWE has any clue, they'll at least give him a title shot at a PPV. Mason Ryan is not ready yet. WOO WOO WOO!!
Of course the giant gorilla bodybuilder guy will get it. Vince can't help himself. He pushed Big Zeke not too long ago in a failed effort and here he goes again.
Ryder's got the crowd behind him, sells merchandise, and has been doing pretty well in the ring and the mic. I would go with him over Ryan and give him a chance to run with the title. Yeah never know it just might work out better than expected.

As for Ryan - It may be his time one day but not now. Right now all I see a big bodyguard and I think he should have been put into that role a bit longer to build up his skill set. Right now he's just mechanical and needs to improve.

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