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Unused Wrestlemania talent from the WWE?


Dark Match Winner
Who on the WWE roster was not used on wrestlemania that you tgink should have. There were a few guys that i thought deserved their chance on the grandest stage of them all.

One of the main guys that should have wrestled is Jack Swagger. He has terrific in ring talent and his matches are technically sound. Why would the wwe push him so hard as a hell on ecw yet not even let the champ fight at WM. He could have put on a great match against Evan Bourne. It would have been interesting to see there 2 styles mix. Also Tommy Dreamer would be a good choice too.

Is there anybody that you think deserved a spot on the WM card?
Obviously Swagger. What a slap in the face of ECW to not have their title defended at WM, yet we get a Kid Rock concert instead (please, tell me what he has to do with wrestling?)

The other obvious is Vladmir Kozlov. He had huge build being in the EC, and then defeating the Undertaker on Smackdown. He then lost to Shawn Michaels and everyone kind of forgot about him... I personally don't like him, but he is a main eventer.
I'm also gonna say Swagger. What the fuck is up with them not defending the ECW Championship & yet we get a boring ass Kid Rock concert instead & of course the damn divas match that nobody really gives a shits less about.
Not having the ECW champion defend his title on WM 25 was a bit of a travesty. The "Superbowl" of wrestling and Swagger is in the back working on his lisps. That ain't right. That move showed a lack of respect for the ECW.
As for the others such as Koslov and Bourne. I think he is a main eventer, just needs to work on a little more of his persona. Bourne will be a main eventer sooner than later, but I am not overly upset that he didnt make the show.
I'm going to agree with those who have posted before me: Jack Swagger. Seriously, how could the ECW champion be left off the card? How the hell is the ECW championship supposed to have meaning and purpose if it's completely ignored? Swagger hasn't had a title defense in weeks. There was certainly an opportunity to build a Dreamer v. Swagger match. Or even to throw together a Swagger v. Bourne match. Either would have been a much better option that the Diva Battle Royal or the JBL v. Mysterio match. Swagger is "supposed" to be the future of the company yet he's been swept under the rug the past month. It's disheartening, really.
I definitely agree with Swagger because there might as well not be ECW they way Vince has treated it. He is the champ and if you want him to develop into a superstar he needs to be used and he has talent even with his lisp.

Vladamir, it was good knowing you, you are being wasted in my book and they built up Umaga in the last month for what?

I am going to say the Divas were wasted last night because there was no point to Santino winning or even being involved in that match. The chance to have a fun match and create excitement for the Women's Division after Wrestlemania was blown.
Well hasnt Mr. Kennedy been healthy for months now?!
He should have been there.

Again, Swagger, Dreamer, Kozlov, could have had a 3 way harcore elimination title match!

and even though they were technically used, it wasn't televised, the Colons and Miz and Morrison match could have been one of the better matches of the night, yet they moved it to pre-show which was shocking.

oh, and obviously, Priceless, where the hell where they?!?!? they had about 3 seconds of screen time looking serious backstage! =S
I think Swagger should have been on the card in a non wrestling role.

The card was stacked but they could have carved out 5 mins for him to give a promo of how there is no competition for him and how hes enjoying having the night off.

They could then use this to have Bourne or Dreamer or Jamie Noble challenge him on ECW.
Yeah it's Swagger without a question. ECW was ignored last night. Finlay and Henry were in MITB and they were about the least two likely to win. Even throwing in a bullshit title match would have been fine. This was absurd though. Seriously, you can fit in all the other bullshit on the show but not a 4 minute squash match even? Swagger throws out an open challenge and I don't know, Jerry Lawler answers it. he loses in 5 minutes. You have ECW on the show, you get an extra title match, and Lawler gets to wrestle at Mania. Instead we get Kid Rock. Oh yay.
Everyone has said Swagger, and rightly so. But since they've said what I would say, I'll skip him. There's still a few. Evan Bourne could have been in that MITB ladder match easily, or in an ECW Title match. He's fantastic in the ring, really enertaining. Why leave him off when he could shine?

I really wanted Dreamer to have a chance at WM too. It would just be a great sight for him to win the ECW Title at WrestleMania 25. A real wrestling moment. It would have meant a lot to him, but they've missed on their chance. Fuck, just make WrestleMania a tad longer. Who would have complained?
First I would like to extend an apology to all the forum readers and writers for calling you all names that is totally inapproprate of me so I am sorry I'll be a better person and try to show my love and passion for wrestling without the childish name calling . now on to my post .

There is an endless list of talent but here are my top 3 guys that were left off mania these aren't listing in any kind of order
1. Hurricane Helms : He should have been in Money In The Bank instread of Kane / Mark Henry it would have made the match 10 times better .
2. Jamie Noble Should have been in Money in the Bank instead of Kane / Mark Henry it's a small wrestlers match and there is more for a small guy to do then what Kane / Mark Henry did in that match which equaled nothing .
3.Jack Swagger he is the ECW Champion for Christ's sake and he can't get on Mania ?? How does that even make any sense at all ?? They put Santino in drag in the Diva's bullshit battle royal but the ECW Champion can't get booked on Mania ??
Umaga could have been in the MITB match, or Evan Bourne as a last minute replacement for Finlay (who could have been "attacked back stage"). NO Ted D or Rhodes either? Of course Swagger should have been on it, at least a run in or something.
I think the ECW championship should've been on the line. Take out that stupid Diva Battle Royal. That right there was a waste of time. Well I'm probably more mad because they had "Santina" win...he's a waste of money, his career so far has been a joke. Is that how they are going to have Santino and Phoenix break up? Was that huge disappointment all to produce the break up?

IMO Swagger vs Tommy Dreamer in a ECW Rules match...okay maybe not ECW rules because that's extreme rules which is what the Hardys did, but yea. something with Swagger and Dreamer or even Christian.
I get that people like Swagger, but he's still a nobody. Being an ECW champion doesn't make you a somebody, it makes you no better than a nobody. So, I don't have a problem with him being left off the show. If we're taking the Kid Rock concert off, then the Colons vs. Miz/Morrison belongs there, not some random Swagger match. And who else are you going to take out? The Hardys? MITB? JBL or Mysterio? Edge? Taker? HBK? You see my point? So Swagger and the ECW title not being on is completely fine with me.

As far as who should have been there and wasn't? That's easy. Hulk Hogan. Here's the man that is basically the sole reason that Wrestlemania exists, and the WWE can't find a spot for him on the 25th Wrestlemania? I know he's injured, and if he just flat out can't walk, that's one thing, but if he can at least walk, then they needed to find SOME way to get Hogan on the show. How awesome would it have been for the WWE to have found way to have given Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan just a moment with each other on TV, just a brief staredown or something. A staredown in the ring, maybe sharing a beer in front of the 70,000 fans would have been completely historic.

So, Hulk Hogan is the one that should have been there and wasn't.
I am going with Swagger and Bourne. They could have put on a better match in 07:25, than the 25 diva battle royal. It would have helped both a lot, so they won't be afraid of the big stage next year. I mean if it is called a "World Title" why not defend it.
priceless. why werent they in a tag team unifacation match or face the mcmahons. these 2 are really talented nd have been push but to not be a part of wm is a disapointment.

r-truth, evan bourne, the brian kendrick all should have been in the money in the bank match. they should have replaced henry, kane, nd finly

kane should have faced umaga. what happen to him?
I think there might eb a nasty rumour going around that I like Jack Swagger. That's not true, I don't. But I do think that as the only champion on the ECW brand he should have been on the show. Squash, MITB, it doesn't matter. But he wasn't a necessity. Matt should have kept the ECW title or they should have gone with my idea of an ECW vs. US vs. IC title match for brand supremacy.

A couple of weeks ago I would have said Knox & Kozlov, but I doub they were missed. The better option would have been a male Battle Royal with legends over a female one.

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