Unscripted: WZCW World Championship Match: Joseph Rios vs DC vs Aaron Craig

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I used to be a big deal
Sunday, August 26th, 2007


Pinnacle Pursuit Finals for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship
Joseph Rios vs DC vs Aaron Craig

When Chuck Myles announced the Pinnacle Pursuit tournament, no one knew what to expect out of all the individuals announced as participants. Two weeks later, we know know to expect drive, competition, passion and emotional in all these mens' quest for the World Championship. Having eliminated their competition, struggled through firings, injuries, stipulations and outside attacks, Chuck Myles has decided that three men, Joseph Rios, DC and Aaron Craig, will battle for the greatest prize WZCW has to offer. Who will triumph at Unscripted? Stay tune for the answers!

Keep all RPs in here

RP deadline is Friday, August 24th 2007 at Midnight Eastern Standard Time
The scene opens in the Unscripted PPV arena. The fans are all going crazy with excitement at the debut PPV of WZCW. "If It All Ended Tomorrow" blast across the speakers and out comes Joseph "The Main Event" Rios to a chorus of boos. He stops at the top of the stage and smiles at the boos he is recieving before making his way down to the ring. He is dressed in an Black with Baby Blue pinstripe suit, black shoes, silver sunglasses. He motions for a mic from the time keeper.

Rios: You know, throughout the history of Professional Wrestling there have been the all time greats. I mean guys who have paved the way for guys like me to be in front of you all and entertain. Those all time greats all have one thing in common. No its not age, net worth, or even place of orgin. Its the fact that they have all won "The Big One". Thats right they have all held World Titles. Something none of you worthless pieces of crap would know anything about!

Crowd boos at the insult.

Rios: But I digress, back to what I was saying. Take for instance Pedro Morales. He was the first Triple Crown Champion, and a Hall of Famer.

Rios points at the tron to a picture of Morales


Rios: Fast forward a little bit to Bret The Hitman Hart. A true wrestling machine. There is no doubt that anybody can deny his technically sound presence and sheer dominance during his wrestling days. He was a 5 time Heavyweight champion during his run in the old WWF. He is also a Hall of Famer. I believe he was known as "The Excellence of Execution" Must of been nice.

Rios shakes his head in amazement as he points to the tron again to a picture of Bret Hart


Rios: Fast forward just a little bit more to 2 of the guys who trained me. 2 men that showed me that wrestling is more then a paycheck but its a way of life. I am talking about the showstopper, The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels and The King Of Kings HHH. Between the 2 of them is 14 Heavyweight Championships. That right there is something to be impressed by. No doubt they are both future 1st round ballot Hall of Famers.


Rios pauses for a moment and as he looks at the photos of his 2 trainers on the tron before looking back towards the camera.

Rios: You see of this has a point and in case you haven't figured out what that is by now let me break it down to you. The WZCW Heavyweight Championship is my step to greatness. That is the first step in my achieving the greatness that these men have already achieved. You see Craig, and DC tonight is not just a match for me. Tonight is my first step towards destiny. I did something to the 2 of you two weeks ago that alot of people wouldn't even dream of doing. I came down to this very ring and cost both of you your chance at greatness. I did that for the sheer fact that neither one of you have the right to hold my title over your shoulder. Neither one of you has the right to even be in the same ring as me. When you beat me Craig it was a fluke dammit! But you know what, I dont have to explain myself anymore, take a look at this.

Rios points to the tron, where a video begins to play.

OOC: This is where my video was going to be placed but since nobody could find a code for me I was unable to post it. If someone can find a dailymotion code I will edit it in

Rios smirks at the end of the video.

Rios: You see, that right there is the mark of greatness. That right there is the true posterboy for sheer greatness. Take a long look boys cause thats the closet that either one of you will ever get to being that great. When you both get old you can both sit in your 1982 Baraclounger and think back to the day that you were defeated by the single most dominant man in Professional Wrestling history. And you can imagine what it would have been like if you could have beaten me, but then you will snap back to reality, you will snap back to the fact that you are both washed up has beens, well let me rephrase that, you are washed up never was, cause you didnt have the talent, or the sheer determination to achieve greatness like I plan on doing tonight. Byt the end of the night tonight there will only be one man that will be victorous. There will be one man that will hold the title high above his head and your all looking at him. I plan on becoming the very first WZCW World Heavyweight champion. It will be "The Main Event"

Rios removes his glasses as the camera zooms close onto his face.

Rios: Take a good look into these eyes boys, I want you to see your future. These are the eyes of a man possesed. These are the eyes of a man that will stop at nothing to gain the Heavyweight Title. Now I know your scarred boys and thats ok, if I were you 2 I would be also. Cause the fact of the matter is that there is no Self proclaimed "Highlight" or "Highflyer" for that matter that can stop "The Main Event". So when your backstage tonight I want you to think about this, think about the fact that your career may end tonight if you step in the ring with me. Say your prayers cause God is the only one that can save your sorry souls now!

"If It All Ended Tomorrow" hits the speakers once again as Rios throws the mic down and climbs out the ring as the scene goes to a video promo hyping the main event of the evening.
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