Unscripted: Gauntlet Match for the Mayhem Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Gauntlet Match for the Mayhem Championship Match
Alex Bowen (c) vs. Johnny Scumm vs. Ale vs. S.H.I.T. vs. Sean Cruz vs. Jack Skinner vs. Armando Paradyse

Order of appearance to be decided by the WZCW Network

Alex Bowen has proven to be an unstoppable force in the Mayhem Division, overcoming all challenges thrown against him, but he never saw this one coming. Vance Bateman has declared that Bowen must defend his championship in a Gauntlet Match against six challengers, where advantage lies best for the person coming out last. The fate of that lies with the WZCW Network as they must vote on the entrance order of each participant. Will Bowen overcome these odds, or is the stipulation one to guarantee a new champion?

Deadline is Tuesday 18th October 23:59 EST
Backstage at Ascension, on the end of his Teams Loss in an 8-Man Tag Match, Johnny Scumm is making his way, slowly & surely through the Curtain. After being hit with the "Ride The Lightning" from Alex Bowen and being pinned to lose the Match, Scumm is neither pleased nor looking too great. He staggers backstage, where he's then approached by one of the WZCW EMT's.

Johnny, you ok? You got pretty beat up back there!

I’m fine, I don’t need your help. I’ve been through worse than this before and fought through it on my own, so why would I need a little man like you to help me?

I was just saying Johnny, you got pretty..

I SAID….I don’t need your help, now will you get lost before I show you the pain I’m feeling?

The EMT starts to walk away and mutters to himself;

Jeez, what got his goat?

Scumms eyes immediately flare up. He turns his head in the direction of the EMT.

What was that?! What did you just say?!

Nothing Mr. Scumm, you’re obviously hearing things after being beaten so badly.

Oh really? Hearing things? I’m pretty sure that YOU were being rude to me, thinking I wouldn’t here. Now, come here.

What do you think I am Johnny? A 5 year old? I’m not “coming there”

Come here. Now, and say it to my face. If not, I’ll come over there and make you.

The EMT approaches Scumm, hesitantly and looks him in the eyes.

Go on, say it.

It was nothing. I only said “What got his goat?”

What’s…. got my goat? Must be an American thing, surely? I think you would mean, what’s pissed me off? The answer, is you. I simply told you, I don’t need help & you carried on and on.

It’s my job! Surely you’d let a man do his Job?

Look, you ever try & cross me again, talking behind my back, you'll regret it. You're lucky I don't do something to you right here, right now.

God man! I'll get outta your way, if it makes you so happy.

WHAT A GOOD IDEA! Now, get lost.

The EMT goes off in one direction, still muttering to himself & Scumm starts to painfully walk himself away. He makes his way into the Locker Room, where his back gives him a bad pain. He shouts out in agony & kicks a Locker, leaving a large dent in the front of it. He proceeds to sit down on the Bench & again, puts his head in his hands.

You let down your Guard tonight Johnny, didn’t you?

He takes his head from his hands.

I know that! Tag Teams will be the death of me. Bateman knows I hate working with other people, but yet he insists on putting me into them. Why? I’d assume he wants me to try & look good, but ends up making me look stupid. Either way, you could give me any of them in a Singles Match & there’s no doubting that I would come out on top.

Putting his head back into his hands, he proceeds to converse with himself.

Well, you may get that chance Johnny, don’t you worry. Remember what was announced? Or were you too out of it to even hear? Gauntlet Match, where the WZCW Universe decides the order of entry. Bowen is in the Ring, then has to possibly face 6 other men to either defend or lose his Belt. You could be Number 1 in, or Number 6.

Scumm looks up again.

Well, Number 6 would be an advantage, ‘cos then it’d be an easy win. But Number 1! That would mean I could beat 6 men & win the Mayhem Title! Plus, my first win would be against Bowen & then 5 others to become Champion! Imagine what that would do for me?

Scumm finally stands up, throws on a T-Shirt slowly with his back in a small amount of agony, picks up his Bag & walks out.

This isn't the time to be talking Wrestling, I've had enough for one day. Time to head home, start planning some Mayhem tomorrow.

As he finishes his sentence, Johnny picks up someone elses Gym Bag & throws it against the wall, clothes spilling to the Floor. He laughs to himself & exits the Locker Room.


The next Morning, it's still breaking some sunlight outside and Johnny starts to get restless in Bed. He sits up in his bed and begins to look around the Room.

Bowen, Bowen, Bowen, Bowen... BOWEN! BOWEN! BOWEN! BOWEN!

He jumps out of Bed, still repeating the name of Bowen over again. He slips on some Jeans & a white Vest, the name not leaving his lips.

Unscripted. Next Sunday. I will be the NEW Mayhem Champion. I can guarantee myself that everyone doubts it, but I'll show them what I've got. I've lived through Mayhem. That's what all this Fighting in the Backstreets does to you. I can give Bowen mayhem 24/7 if he wants it & come the Pay Per view, I'll bring it. Who knows though, I may not even have to face him to become Champion. I could be the last man in & just pick up something easy. But I'd love to show everyone that they've always been wrong about Johnny Scumm, with their stupid doubts. But then, am I there to please them? No, simply myself.

Scumm moves to the Living Room. He sits on the Sofa, but jumps back up again.

BOOOOWEEEEN! Your time is up. Over. Finished. Fin. Now begins the time of Scumm. Who knows, I might even request that they rename the Title just to consider the fact that it'll never leave my Waist after I've won it!

Scumm stands at one end of his Sofa, puts his hands underneath it & flips it. It ends up landing against the Wall. He moves to the Kitchen & picks up pots & pans, throwing them at the Walls, and begins to smash his Microwave & Oven.

You want Mayhem?! I'll give you Mayhem!

Scumm runs to the bathroom & headbutts his Mirror, cracking it even more than previously done. His head has a cut on it, which is trickling blood down his face onto his White Vest. At this moment, there is a knock at the Apartment Door.

Get lost! I'm busy!

The knocking however, continues and refuses to stop.

Johnny shouts out & decides to answer the Door. He wipes his face with a Towel, but there's still Blood on his Vest.Scumm makes his way to the door and pushes his hand down onto the Handle as tough as he can be & swings the Door open. His Landlady, Barbara is stood there.

Oh. It's you. Didn't you hear me tell you I was busy?!

Well, Mr. Scumm, I had someone come & complain to me just now that you're making a lot of unnecessary noise this early on in the morning & that they'd like you to stop.

Who was it?! I bet it was that Ol' Harry across the hall.

I'm afraid I can't tell you Mr. Scumm. Now, if I can, I'd like to ask why you were even making so much noise this morning?

I'm..... redecorating Barbara. You're more than welcome to have a look. Please, come in.

Reluctantly, Barbara decides to comes in.

Here, have a Seat!

Scumm points to the floor & Barbara, with some hesitation takes her place on the Floor. She looks around the Room a bit.

Certainly a unique way of "Re-decorating" Mr. Scumm.

Thank you Barbara. Give me a minute won't you?

Scumm goes to his own Bedroom & picks up a Baseball Bat. He walks from his Room, behind Barbara in the Living Room, back to the Bathroom. He then proceeds to smash his Shower Door & shout out again. He comes back into the Living Room, where Barbara has stood herself up.

There, all done for now. Was there anything else you wanted Barbara?

Not really Mr. Scumm, I just wanted to...

Well, goodbye then.

..Erm, goodbye?

Johnny opens the Door & allows Barbara to exit, before slamming the Door behind her.

Bloody woman. When will she learn to leave me alone?

There's is another knock at the Door. Scumm turns round to answer it. It's Barbara again.

I forgot to say Mr. Scumm, your Vest, you've got red on it.

Scumm looks down at his Vest & then back at Barbara. He simply closes the Door in her face & then sits down in front of his Television, with the Remote in hand. He switches the TV on & begins to flick through the Channels.

"We move onto a Game called "Scenes From a Hat!"




"Live on Pay-Per-View! WZCW, Unscripted! We've have the Mayhem Champion Alex Bowen defending his Title in a GAUNTLET MATCH! He will potentially be facing another 6 Competitors, that's if he can put up the fight! We have a huge change of seeing a new Champion Crowned on this night! But who could it be?!

Johnny gets drawn into this Ad and starts talking to himself, repeating his name over and over again.

Johnny Scumm! Johnny Scumm!

"Could it be Armando Paradyse? Jack Skinner? How about S.H.I.T? Sean Cruz or Ale?! Or how about Johnny Scumm?!

YES! Johnny Scumm!

"Whoever you think it could be, remember, the WZCW Universe picks the entry order of the men, so the way it all ends up could be completely..down...to...YOU!"

Scumm shuts off the Television. He pulls his Sofa from against the Wall and slams it back down to the Floor. He sits down, hands on his Knees.

It's going to be Johnny Scumm. Me, the new Mayhem Champion. I mean, have you seen my Opponents?

Scumm stands up and starts to walk around.

First off, S.H.I.T. Which is what he is by the way, shit. He's nothing more than a man believing that he's a Robot. To fight, he needs to be in "Match Mode". What's to stop whoever's in the Ring with him from turning "Match Mode" off. We've seen it happen before, we can surely see it happen again! That and the fact he's an idiot. What man believes he's a Robot, seriously? Give me a break! An actual Wrestler would be nice. Talking about people who think they can Wrestle, let us move onto Jack Skinner. A man, who thinks that knowing the basics will make you a Champion. I've got news for you Mr. Skinner. Go back to Wrestling School. Learn something & then maybe you'll be in with a chance. Let's just say, whoever you're in the Ring with come this match, you're gonna be the quickest man to beat.

Scumm enters his Bathroom and looks into his cracked mirror.

Then, Armando Paradyse. YES EVERYONE! He's back! After being away for so long, he thinks that because he was a Tag Champion, he can comeback & get a Title Shot. Now, I do hope I'm in the Ring with him, because I've got a lesson to teach him. He thinks that his Parkour Style & Lucha Libre styles are going to win him this one, but I know for a FACT, that I'll keep him grounded. Once grounded, pounded. Beaten to a pulp because let's remember Paradyse, this is Mayhem! There is one man in this Match I could call "Mayhem". His name is Ale. He stands a 7 foot 1 inch, and is, well, a beast. However, I've come across men like him before, back in my days of being a Fighter & all you have to do, is find their weaknesses & take them down to your own level. From what I've seen, he's quite thin skinned, so that may be a help, but the fact he's so big and heavy, must mean that I could outwrestle him, be quicker than him & well, believe me, I must be smarter as well.

Moving from the Mirror, Scumm goes into the Kitchen. He takes out a Biscuit from the Cupboard and shoves it in his mouth. Before he can finish eating it, he's started talking again.

So, the last two men. Sean Cruz & the Mayhem Champion, Alex Bowen. Who knows, I may not even have to come across Bowen in this match, because the first man in may take him out. Unless it's me, then I'll be the one doing the killing. Cruz on the other hand. Am I fighting a man or a woman? He's too girly for me. I usually don't hurt girls.....much. There's no denying that he's a good Wrestler. However, we're in a Mayhem Rules Match. How much are you going to need your Wrestling and how much are you going to need brutality & a thick skin? Which is where the main man comes in. The Mayhem Champion, or soon to be EX-Champion, Alex Bowen. He looks like he's seen some beating in his days. Scars on his body, a Cauliflower Ear, looks like a brutal fucker as well. Unfortunately, there's always someone that's more of a brutal fucker and that brutal fucker is me. He hit me with the Ride The Lightning on Ascension but Bowen, if you're in the Ring when I come out at Unscripted, you're gonna feel the Facebreaker, then you're gonna lose your memory. Painful huh? It will be.

He pauses and sits back on the Sofa. Putting his hand on his Head, he sighs.

Let that be a message to all 6 of you in the Gauntlet Match actually. If you're in the Ring with me, you're going to be facing true Mayhem. You'll be taking a beating like no other you have felt before. Whether you're going to be able to walk, or move is up to how bad I want to make this beating. But Bowen, you're my main target. Wanna know why?

Scumm stands up and puts his hands up in the air.

BECAUSE! You are looking at the new Mayhem Champion!

Scumm picks up his Jacket and puts it on. He walks towards the Door and opens it.

See you at Unscripted guys, but don't look forward to it, you'll only be disappointed. Unlike me.
The scene is in a frenzy, Alex Bowen is at his house. The house is strewn with broken items of various sizes and shapes. Bowen is sweating as he yells at someone in the house. The camera fades over to him and the person who he is fighting with. Alex is in a button up shirt with half of the buttons ripped off or hanging by a thread. His face is turning purple and spit flies from his mouth as he yells as his much larger brother. The 7 foot tall behemoth stands sternly in front of his older brother taking everything he can throw at him. The objects laying on the ground behind the man are now obvious. Casualties of this fight that the Bowen's are having.

Alex- Don't tell me how to run my life David. I'm done with being told how to run it. I'm done with them, and if you don't stop spouting your shit I'll be done with you to.

David- It seems like you're giving up, Giving up on everything you've ever worked for.

Alex looks up at the brick wall that is his brother. He cocks an eyebrow at him and spits out a retort.

Alex- Giving up David? This is just the start, last week was the opening show. It went all to plan, I'm done. Just like I said last week my plan has all come forth with time. Vance played straight into my hands. No one deserves my title, and in one swoop I'm going to take out the whole Mayhem division. One stone, six birds.

David- You're life is falling apart in your hands again isn't it. I know you have the scars to prove it. But don't take it out on the other guys in your division.

Bowen has a manic stare as he looks on into David Bowen’s eyes. His head is shaking as he leans into the wall next to him we can see the vein in his neck pump blood.

Alex- Take it out? I'm giving them a taste of what it's really like in hell. They want to take my title?

Bowen’s eyes are now almost rolling into the back of his head as he laughs. His laugh is cold as he leans his head back, squatting down he is overselling the laugh as if he told a funny joke. He snaps out of his fit of laughter as if someone snapped their fingers in his head. He yells

Alex- NEVER! I'm going to end them all. I'll be the only thing that is ever spoke about in the Mayhem division after Unscripted.

David walks to his brother and slaps him once with a catchers mitt sized hand. Bowen reels at the assault of his brother and looks sternly at him and spits in his face. He raises his hand to strike his blood, but David grabs his collar and lifts him off the ground. Alex's nose is now level with his brothers.

David- More and more, you're demeanor looks like quicksand Alex. Quit putting on a show and just get back to what you know best. It's pulling you under! It's gripping around your throat. Life can be overwhelming, I know this. Don't turn your back on the strongest crutch you've ever had. They've always been there to brace your fall.

David lets go of his brother and Alex starts to pull down on the bottom of his shirt. He looks up at his little brother with wild eyes and points a finger at him.

Alex- To hell with the fans! Look at what they've done for me David! I'm stuck down here, they can put an item out for everyone else other than me. Saxton is now being marketed into the main event, Saboteur, Black Dragon, and Baller! What the hell did they do to deserve to be higher than me on the card. I'm overlooked and overused David. Everyone else gets a free pass until the pay per view? Since the last one I've destroyed two men in title matches, and put my body on the line by accepting that tag match. Kampa was left in a pool of his own blood after a foolish attempt to take me out, I laughed as he rolled around on the ground before I shut the lights off in his head.

David- What have you done to yourself Alex? Who are you.

Alex looks around and then up at David, the look on his face would make a rabid dog think twice and turn tail.

Alex- They call me the butcher. Myles and Bateman think this is an act? They think this is what I'm doing for T.v? They attacked me after that match David... Now they are all going to suffer. The final act of the six men that are facing me soon will be to walk out with nothing less than pink slips. They had better pray that's all I do to them, because each of them are facing me one on one. No nonsense, no numbers. Just one on one, I can run this all night, and I plan on punishing each and every one of them for signing on in this match.

The man that is looking at Bowen no longer has a straight face. He has a look of worry, he is shaking his head.

David- Why are you doing this to them Alex? Weren’t you just like them at one time? They are just trying to make it in this company. Saxton is the only one who has made it out from under your grasp. He just gave up trying to fight you. Just take a win, you are taking this way to far.

Alex- I don't care about anyone, or anything other than my title and myself. If you want to stand with them, then fine. I won't stop you, but I have shit to do. Thank you for ruining my button up, see yourself out of my door.

Alex points with a stern finger to his large front door. David has tears welling up in his eyes as he tries to reason with his brother.

David- After mom died you said you would always be there for me...

Alex- You're a grown man, as am I. You chose your path, and it's not to support me. I no longer see the need to carry dead weight David. I won't have you talking me out of my ways. There is the door, leave.

David almost in tears turns around with the floorboard creaking under his feet. He walks to the door and turns the knob without looking back and walks out into the light. He lightly closes the door, and a few second later we hear a car engine start and the scene fades out.

The second scene opens up with Alex Bowen walking down an empty hall. He has on his ripped button up from before, but it is on under his Leather studded jacket. Both are open as we can see his Mayhem title around his belt line. As he gets closer we can see a now blackened crown setting on top of his stubbing head. But a huge bruise is smack dab on the left side of his face. No doubt what it's from, as we saw his monstrous brother try to smack some sense into him. He walks to a corner where a camera setting on a tripod is waiting for him. He pulls up a chair and waits for the interview to start. Bowen is waiting for about five minutes before his usual interviewer Leon Kentsworth hurries onto the set fixing his tie. He is panicked as he reads over the script of words before him. He smiles as he looks at once was his old friend. But time has passed and Bowen is distant as Leon slaps him on the shoulder asking him this question.

Leon- Are you ready champ! I've only just been given the script, nothing to new in there though.

Leon smiles as the champion raises out of his seat and walks to the pre fabricated set. Wooden beams rise above a flat screen TV that is covered around the edges with barbed wire. Random nails are pounded at right and acute angles, all willy dilly. The set is more than typical of the Mayhem champion.

Alex- This isn't a curtsey call Leon, I'm here to make a statement.

Leon shrugs his shoulders and does a countdown from five with his fingers.

Leon- Hello all this is Leon Kentsworth here with the Mayhem champion. Since our last pay per view Mr. Bowen the newly proclaimed King of Mayhem has been on one hell of a tear. Two title Defenses and a tag team match are now under your belt and with the Match that Vance Bateman made last night it looks like you have some very stiff competition.

Alex- A very Vulgar picture is being painted for the Mayhem title indeed Leon. Vance tossed his weight around sufficiently this past show. I now once again have to put life and limb on the line to defend this title. That suits me just fine, this is no longer about just the title. This is more so about creating something new. After the pay per view people will look down at me as usual, and see a fool. My competitors will look up at me and see something new, their lord. Their king, and all the others will finally understand my complete misanthropy.

Leon looks taken back by the last statement.

Leon- Misanthropy? I don't understand that Alex, what are we talking about here?

Alex- It's born hatred, I put trust into the leaders of this company to do whats right. Don't trust anyone when it comes to matters that are out of your hands. I don't believe in a good man, God nor Devil. I hate the whole damned human race, including each of the six men that will face me in the ring. I will pray upon the weak, the harmless and the unsuspecting. This lesson I was taught by others... Might makes right. If that's what I have to do to keep this title, then so be it.

Leon- What are you talking about?

Alex puts a quick hand up to his head, he is trying to rub the headache that is sure to come away.

Alex- You don't see it? I am going to destroy Wzcw's race of faceless liars. Be it Ty Burna or all six rookies in this match with me. I am lord Divine, and I'm breaking my silence. I will walk alone on the winds of the plagued streets that are Wzcw. I am bringing down the hammer crush the final nail into the coffin.

Leon- All this over being put in a match with a few rookies?

Alex looks at Leon with bulging eyes. His blood is starting to pump, his face reddens as he leans into the interviewers mic.

Alex- This isn't about rookies, this is about blatant disrespect for my title. They throw anyone in here, now they've thrown the whole division in with me. What about future planning? What about booking, how do you book a rookie with two matches under his belt against a veteran that's destroyed men ten times the stature in this company.

Leon- While that might be true, you can have different matches. One on one, and triple threat matches with all the men involved.

Alex- After I’ve beat them? Shit this is Saxton all over again, and Jones, and Cooper. They are sending Ale and Cruz in with me again after I've already proved that I can smack them around. I am the King of Mayhem. This is no way to treat The only real King in Wzcw.

Leon looks annoyed with Bowen's constant arguments. He throws an easy question his way.

Leon- Focus on your match and not the management, you're a wrestler. What are your plans for this match?

Alex- This isn't a Mayhem scramble, thank god. That is just about as bad as it gets. This is more about redemption for me than anything. I make my statements during my matches, not after them. All six of them are just as bad as each other. Even if they didn't touch me, they all tried to make the same statement. I'm a depraved reflection of our inhumanity Leon, I'm their warped and lost darkest dreams. They wanted to make a name, sure. I'll stand over their tombstone with my chisel and engrave it for each of them. This isn't going to be a gang fight, this is going to be each man standing across the ring with me. I will break their will. Then take their dreams away from them, and leave it in a pool of their own blood.

Leon looks at the camera man and receives a nod to continue.

Leon- That is a very serious statement Bowen. What lit the fire in you?

Alex- It's been burning for a long time Leon, a long time indeed. I crowned myself King of Mayhem for one reason. This title, it deserves more than just a champion. I've proved time and time again that I am the best. If Burna can be the King of Darkness. Then I will be the King of Mayhem, I earned that much. This is the Regime of Bowen, this isn't a title reign anymore. This is a complete dictatorship of the entire division. I crowned myself King to seal that in. This is the shot fired over the ship, after the pay per view each man in this company will bow to the King of Mayhem.

Leon- Well that sure is new, I don't believe we've ever had a dictatorship here in Wzcw. How about this! The fans are picking the order of the entrances. How do you feel about that?

Alex lets a now out of character laugh break his lips. He looks at the camera and mouths really?

Alex- Of course I knew Vance would do something stupid like that. Oh sure I have a few people that still follow me. But at the end it doesn't matter who they chose. Be it the Robot, a giant, two punk rock jobbers, or the Menudo boys. I really don't care. Like I said, they are all going to meet their maker soon enough.

Leon- And who would that be?

Alex- The King of Mayhem. It's not about my beliefs, it's about personal choice. They all crossed the line, now I will hear not another word from them. Their cries for pain will only be heard by the crowd. I won't end it until all six of them know their place. Before you ask another pointless question Leon, that place would be right back at home setting on their asses like they were six months ago.

Bowen stretches his arms out from his body and tilts his head sideways to the camera. Dull lifeless eyes are staring back at the camera.

Alex- one man enters, and six men follow him. I am the ultimate escape artist, I am the King of mayhem. No one can ever claim to know the Mayhem division better than me. Not Steamboat Ricky, The Maxx, Or My brother Cory. I am the only thing that should ever be wrote about in the Wzcw history book. Everyones title reigns were a joke! I brought real Mayhem into this company, and that's what I'm about to show six rookies at Unscripted Leon.

Bowen stops and looks quickly at Leon then reaches back and unstraps his belt. He holds it up beside his head.

Alex- This isn't a matter of getting better, or getting the staff to notice you. You want to take my title from me, my legacy. You've all crossed the line. You're all the straw that is crushing my back. You're the salt that burns in my wounds. But after Unscripted, no one will ever want to stand in this ring with me. I will crush all of you like the ants you are. I will be the one and only in this division, I’m going to make an example out of each and every one of you. So each person that walks in after you can see what awaits them when they stand toe to toe with me. When I'm done with the lot of you, the whole of Wzcw will know why I call myself the King of Mayhem.

Leon is shaking as he turns to Bowen after looking at the camera. You can see the tremors shaking his arm as he puts the mic around Bowen’s face after asking this question.

Leon- And why... is that?

Alex- Because none of these guys ever even had a chance.

Bowen leans back and with the title still in his hand he reaches up to his throat and cuts an imaginary slit across his neck. He tilts his head back down and stares at the camera with an Iron glare. The scene fades out.
Jonny Klamor is walking through the backstage area of WCZW, it appears to be after (or possibly before hours) as the place is not very busy, he see’s Stacey Madison prepping an interview area and gives her a polite nod, which she returns with a scowl. Klamor could understand that, even in WCZW journalism is a competition, a competition he had far more experience in.

Speaking of which, that annoying little robot man’s box is standing with all of the other equipment getting ready for use, Klamor didn’t really like S.H.I.T but he was certain he’d get to the bottom of that little mystery before any of the others, he walks up to the box and knocks on it.

Nothing, fine.

Suddenly the front of the box comes flying off hitting Klamor and knocking him down, he throws the cover off of him and looks up to see a pair of red eyes staring at him from the gloom. Momentarily taken back Klamor manages arguably the most stupid question of his career.


As he climbed back to his feet he thought about how really despised having to say that name.

S.H.I.T Unit 1 is online.

Do you spend all your time in that box?

Gustav usually unloads S.H.I.T.

Right, well, can you come out of there S.H.I.T so we can have a quick interview?

S.H.I.T would exit the box if it had an interview or a match scheduled, or if Gustav asked, or if S.H.I.T’s employers Mr. Bateman or Mr. Myles demanded it. None of this is the case, you are insignificant, S.H.I.T will stay in the box.

Klamor looks annoyed at being called insignificant, but the wiley old journalist wasnt out of tricks.

Herr S.H.I.T please exit zat box, if you vould be so goot.

S.H.I.T can see you human, you are not Gustav, and your accent is terrible.

Klamor shrugs, pretty sure that his German accent is better than Gustav’s was, but is keen to continue trying.

Can I ask you a few questions anyway?


How do you feel about your Mayhem Championship Gauntlet Match at Unscripted?

S.H.I.T does not feel anything about it, S.H.I.T will compete and hopefully defeat the other competitors involved. Winning its first Championship in WCZW as a bonus.

All of them?

If necessary, S.H.I.T will start the match and finish it.

I don’t think you can decide that.

It is a Gauntlet match, S.H.I.T has decided it will start the match with the deranged Alex Bowen, and it will defeat the deranged Alex Bowen first, then it will take on all other competitors as they come, beating them all with their own move sets. The fans will see a master class of two competitors using the same moves on each other, and lucky them, they will see it 6 times over.

Speaking of the fans, they’ll be deciding who starts the match. Not you.

S.H.I.T doesn’t move for a while, for a second it seems to Klamor that it has almost sagged, its master plan having been thwarted.

Humans are unpredictable. Just look at Gustav’s disappearance.

Exactly, you might be picked to go in last. What if Alex Bowen makes it until then? You’d never have a better chance of winning the Mayhem Championship than then.

S.H.I.T doesn’t perk up at all from this news, just looking from side to side. Klamor realising he wont get an answer decides to change his tact.

Do you really think you could win if you start that match?

Affirmative, one match is the same as another, what is the difference if they are right after one another?

Mayhem Rules?

Work for both competitors.

Fatigue, you getting beaten up while the next opponent is fresh?

These things have no influence or bearing on a wrestling machine. S.H.I.T does not tire like humans. S.H.I.T knows no pain, S.H.I.T knows no fear, S.H.I.T will taste man flesh.

Err. . . I think I’ve heard that somewhere before.

Gustav made S.H.I.T watch Lord Of The Rings before he left.

Your going to eat your opponents?

S.H.I.T does not eat, and Gustav said its a barbaric practice to eat your opponents.

Do you have any idea where Gustav has gone?

S.H.I.T has not been able to exit its box to look, S.H.I.T wrestles, does interviews and that is all.

You have spent some ring time with most of your possible opponents, what are your thoughts?

The contrast is incredible, S.H.I.T could have to face Jack Skinner again, whom Gustav described as a “skinny little bitch” although S.H.I.T sees few similarities between him and a female dog. Or the bad Ale, who is far too overweight as was proved by S.H.I.T’s last encounter with him, an overweight human can have some serious health issues later on down the line, do you suffer because of your weight? This is another thing a robot doesn’t suffer from.

Or the deranged Alex Bowen, or Johnny Scumm, one will do all he can to physically dismantle S.H.I.T, the other will probably knock himself out on a mirror before the match even starts.

Klamor moves to cut S.H.I.T off, a dangerous move with most of the roster, the robot doesn’t seem to care however.

You’ve just named some dangerous opponents, and you still want to start the match against that lot?

It would be an interesting encounter, S.H.I.T is built to wrestle, S.H.I.T wants to wrestle as much as possible. Win or lose, fat or thin.

Klamor while picking up on S.H.I.T "wanting" to do something decides to call it a day, as David Frost proved, sometimes the best interviews take a long time.

Thank you for your time S.H.I.T.

Please step back.

Klamor steps back as S.H.I.T leans down and pulls the front of the box back on, Klamor suddenly finds himself staring at a box again, he decides to leave, hoping to get to his computer to write this interview down before old age steals some of the important bits.
The camera cuts in at an Unscripted press conference. WZCW stars are taking pictures with fans and signing autographs. Armando is sitting on stage with the other six men in the Mayhem Gauntlet match. Vince Bateman walks over to the podium and begins to hush the crowd.

Vince Bateman- Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls, I am Vince Bateman and welcome to the Unscripted Press Conference.

The crowd cheers and begins to chant "WZCW".

We are less than twenty-four hours away from one of the biggest PPV's in WZCW and joining me on stage is the stars that will destroy eachother for the prestigous Mayhem Championship. These seven men will put there opponents through alot of pain and hopefully end up winning the Mayhem Title from the longest reigning champion of all time, Alex bowen! Bowen, would you mind coming up here and saying a few words about the match?

He turns around to see that Bowens chair is empty and notices that he has walked backstage.

Bowen? Where are you going? We are not done here!

He turns back to the crowd and quickly apologizes for Bowens rudeness.

Armando since the Champ refuses to take part in this celebration, how about you come up here in his place and say a few words about the match.

Paradyse gets up and walks over to the podium. All the women in the crowd are going nuts.

Paradyse- You can quit aploding me now. I don't want it. It's a waste of my damn time. When I first came to WZCW, you fans were all that mattered to me. Not winning. Not titles. Just you. But then, why I was injured, how many "get well soon" cards did I get from all of you? Zero! Shows me how much you really love Armando Paradyse.

The crowd boos and Armando puts his hands up and tells them to be louder.

Armando, Whats you're thought on the Mayhem Gauntlet Match?

Leave it to Vincey to change the subject, but I'll play along. This match is going to be dangerous. Probably the most brutal in the history of WZCW. Plus, there is so much talented wrestlers in the match. I mean, you have me.......well you just me who has any talent at all in that match.

The crowd boos and starts to chant for Sean Cruz.

Go ahead boo me! But boo me even louder each and everytime I step into the ring holding the Mayhem Champion!

He turns around and glares at all of his opponents on stage. He meets eye contact with Ale.

Ale, You walked out of the match this passed week. You lost us the match. I don't like you and you don't like me. But you don't walk out of a match. It's something a coward does.

Ale stands up and walks off to the back laughing.

Scared little puppy. More muscles then brains and his muscles are small. All that is just fat. He don't have what it takes to carry the Mayhem Title. Jack Skinner? You are not even a wrestler. I feel bad for you. I'm going to actually kill you. You take what I do for a living and make a mock out of it. You see that chair you are sitting on. That is going across you're face a few dozen times before I hit the Paradyse Plunge on you. You ever been through a table? You will find out how much splinters actually hurt when you have a thousand in you at a time. And how much do you weigh? one hundred and fifty pounds? Thats Pathetic! Tell you what, go lift some weights and eat you're greens and when you grow up big and strong, come back and Papa Paradyse will teach you a lesson. S.H.I.T? It makes no sense why you are here. I mean, you can't wrestler to save you're pathetic life and you have a weakness. You have a damn off button. Are you off right now? I haven't seen you move in like two hours. You are exactly what wrestling fans want. Something to laugh at until the real exciting performers like Armando Paradyse comes on. Why don't you go with Mr. Anorexic and learn some moves, run the ropes a couple time, and when you think you're ready I'll take you both on.

Sean Cruz stands up and begins to walk over to Armando.

Sean-That's enough Armando. What the hell is wrong with you. What happened to my friend. You are nothing but a bully. And you are in a major need of a butt-kicking.

So now that you got a few wins and a couple of title matches under you're belt you think you can kick my ass? I'll drop you faster than I did you're sister. After I got what I wanted from her I dumped her. You should have seen her crying Sean, it was real sad and depressing. It made me laugh. And please, tell her to quit calling and begging me to take her back. Can I let you in on a secret Sean? It wasn't that good.

Sean tenses up and looks as if he is about to punch Armando. Security runs out and grabs both men taking Armando off stage. He is forced to sit in a chair with security blocking his way back to the stage.

What the hell Armando? You were suppose to talk about the match not make fun of you're opponents.

I did talk about the match. The match I'm going to win. All those guys got nothing on me. They are Scumm between my toes. Get it? Scumm? Worst wrestler on the roster. I'm the real King Of Mayhem. Bowen is just borrowing my title. I will take it back even if I have to decapitate him. Alex will bow down to me.

The screen fades to black.
Johnny Klamor: So, you've gone soft, eh?

Klamor stops Skinner dead in his tracks, as he leaves an orphanage after meeting with some sick kids. Skinner puts on his shades, and attempts to leave, pretending to ignore Klamor.

I see through this, y'know. This isn't you, Jack. You're an egomaniac. Always have been, and always will. Shaking some hands, and taking some pictures, with some dying kids won't change that.

Jack Skinner: You don't get it, do you? This isn't a publicity thing. I'm not doing it for selfish reasons.

So, you're telling me you want to be here? What? You got a sick brother, dying of leukemia, or something?

Jack is clearly annoyed, but takes a deep breath before responding.

What if I do? I spent a lot of time caring about only myself, and it didn't do anyone any good. It got my ass handed to me week after week. I'm a new man, Johnny.

You're a new man, huh? And what does that have to do with...with this? With the sick kids?

I got a call last week, from my agent, telling me that I had some new fans in town, near the Unscripted site. I took it upon myself to drop by, sign a few autographs, and try to lift their spirits a bit. These kids don't have anyone else. Now, they have me.

A lot of guys have tried the "hero" role, and it got them nowhere. You wouldn't see Ty at a place like this. Or Alex Bowen.

You're right. You wouldn't. But, you would see a Titus. Or a Steamboat Ricky. They're the guys I need to look up to, if these kids are going to look up to me.

Pardon me, but do they have gold, Jack? Is Titus in the main event? Where's Ricky? Swabbing the deck? Ty is the face of this company. Bowen is becoming one of the most violent champions we've ever seen. I thi...

There you go, bringing up Bowen again.

Jack removes his shades, and stares Johnny right in the eyes. His face is turning red, but he's planning his words, to control his anger.

You're right. Bowen has a belt. What else does he have? Honor? HA! Respect? Fear, maybe, but not respect. And, I'll tell you what. I don't fear him.

Klamor laughs at this, but is cut off again.

Yeah, he outweighs me, and yeah he's stronger. I have the heart though. You know what? I don't want to come out last. I want him one-on-one, fresh and at one-hundred percent. If I can't beat him then, I don't deserve the belt.

And what about the other guys? Scumm? Ale? Paradyse? Cruz?

What about them? If I can topple Bowen, I can topple them. They don't have anything that he doesn't. Don't think I'm taking this match lightly. I'm hitting the gym. I'm fighting tooth and nail, right now, to prove myself. Let them underestimate me. Let them think I'm a pushover. They'll see. They'll all see. Sometimes, it isn't all about the size of the dog in the fight, but...

Yeah, yeah...the size of the fight in the dog. We all know it. You may be singing a different tune when Bowen comes at you with a pipe in his hand.

Jack lets the thought sink in, and his demeanor changes.

I'm not scared, Johnny. I know this match is going to hurt. It could end my career. It could end anyone's career. But, I can't back down. I'm in this for the long haul. I'm doing it for me, for these kids, and for all the people, like you, that are telling me I can't do it.

Famous last words, Jack...Famous last words.

Are we done? I have a title match to prepare for.

I'm done. Let's hope your career isn't. Maybe a steel chair will knock some sense into you.

Johnny turns, and leaves, as Jack looks on, clearly aggravated by the exchange. He slips his shades back on, adjust the collar of his shirt, and leaves.
The scene opens up to a small park in a small town called Peru, Indiana. It is a sunny day, and there is a small breeze of wind going across the park. There are plenty of trees filled with multi-colored leaves, and a few benches along the sidewalk of the park. The camera now moves close to a huge forest of trees within the park, and starts to enter in to the forest of trees. The camera continues to go through many trees, until we reach a small river about 15 feet below the edge of the ground. Past that river, there are more trees surrounding a small hill. The camera zooms in to find that two men are sitting on that small hill, which now brings the ground about 20 feet above the water. There are two men seen sitting on that hill; the camera zooms in to find none other than George and Ale sitting alone on top of that hill. George is in his normal suit and tie, but Ale is in an unusual outfit. Along with his normal black sweatpants, he is wearing a number 85 San Diego football jersey. The camera zooms in on the two men who are sitting about 8 feet away from each other.

Ale: Unscripted. One word that stands for more than it is intended. One word that can change lives for both the good and the bad. One word that will determine the careers of 6 men and one monster. I am that monster, and I will step in to the very same WZCW that I make my living for, in front of 10,000 plus peasants who pay my bills for me. In front of the hypocrites known as my bosses Vance Bateman and Chuck Myles.

Ale pauses for a quick moment, before he wipes his mouth.

Ale: In front of the man who I used to consider a friend, but than I realized that friends get you no where except down in life. That’s right, number 85 right here. Some call him the best at his position now. Some call him a future hall of famer. I call him trash, and nothing but a failure. A guy who has played for so long, but has nothing to show for. No rings, no MVP’s, no anything but shame.

The camera turns to George, who is simply nodding his head, before he stands up and goes over to his son, Ale, who is still sitting down on the hill.

Ale: He’s silent because all that he needs to say has been said for him already.

Ale points up at George.

Ale: Antonio, I took 4 weeks away from your career. While I was making a name for myself by taking apart a King of an entire nation and EARNING my way to a Mayhem Championship shot, you were sitting on your couch, resting your foot, only hoping that you would be able to step out on the football field again.

Ale stands up.

Ale: Last week in my “tag” match, I proved that only I can control myself. Jack Skinner knows that Johnny Stink knows that, and Armando Paradyse knows that.

George whispers in Ale’s ear.

Ale: Johnny Scumm, whatever, it doesn't matter. Just another waste of a wrestler trying get his 15 minutes of fame. Come Unscripted, his name will just be another one who's name will be lost in the WZCW record books.

George whispers in Ale’s ear again.

Ale: That's right, like it's in there there now.

Ale starts to walk around.

Ale: I know that I’m usually silent, but the impact that I make on WZCW at Unscripted will be the loudest anyone out there can only imagine. When I step in to that ring, and one by one take apart each of my 6 opponents, and claim that Mayhem Championship that I deserve, I will have something that Antonio doesn’t have, and won’t have……… A championship, something that Antonio has been so close to he could literally taste it, but then just fell off.

Ale, who is already up, rips the jersey he is wearing right off of his chest, and starts to go down the small hill, and move towards the river. Ale gets to the river, curls up the jersey in to a ball shape, and throws it straight in to the river. Ale turns around with a straight face on, and spits behind him, before he turns back around, and sits down on the edge of the ground that leads to the river. Ale’s feet are hanging over the small 15 foot cliff, were he can see the jersey start to sail down the river, as the breeze of wind starts to become faster and louder.

Ale: A title is something that Antonio can’t say that he has, or that he will have………. Come Unscripted, I will enter that ring, and handily defeat 5 men, and then slowly; manically take apart Alex Bowen. That’s right, I want the foolish WZCW fans to vote me as the number one entrant in the gauntlet match. I want Bowen in as 7 as well, I don't care what Bateman said, I want to be in first, and I want to see Bowen last. Screw the rules, screw what Bateman said, because when I already take apart and bloody 5 other men. The pain and destruction that I cause to that small shell of a man Alex Bowen will only make the dominating victory even better. I guess I'll settle beating the life and hope out of him first if I must do that.

Ale takes a long pause, and then a gigantic deep breath.

Ale: Unscripted is more than a word, it’s when the name Ale cements his place in the WZCW record books.

Ale takes another deep breath, as the camera takes a look at the river, were the jersey is not seen, as it is already well down the river. The camera starts to zoom out, as it goes back through the trees that led it to where Ale and George are. The two men start to fade out of sight, as we see George stand next to the sitting Ale, as the camera starts to go back the way it came from. After a few more trees, we go back to the sight we saw earlier in the seen. Now, the camera starts to fade back, as we see the small quiet town of Peru, Indiana.
It’s a brisk autumn evening as we bring our focus to Sean Cruz, a bright young star in WZCW. The stars are out and in clear view, but Sean can’t seem to enjoy the spectacle. He is visibly upset by something, and sensing her new love’s agony, Nikki Almark walks out onto the patio at his home to see if she can nurse his intangible wounds.

Nikki: It’s a beautiful night and you’re just sitting there twiddling your thumbs. Usually you would be dancing or shouting some poetry. Is there something you wanna talk about?

Sean: It’s just…

Sean lets out a deep sigh before he divulges his woes

I don’t like how they’re going about this whole Mayhem Title match. I know Alex is a strong guy, but that’s way too much for one person to contend with. On top of that, look at who he’s up against besides me. S.H.I.T isn’t even human. He’s not gonna show any sympathy for Alex, and suppose he the final draw? He’s gonna slaughter him! Then of course there’s my “good buddy” Armando. He’s gonna be like a vulture out there, just picking apart what’s left of a wounded lion. I’m sure this is right up his alley.

Nikki: I think you’re stressing yourself out about this way too much, Seanie. It wasn’t your call to make. All you can do is participate in the match and—

Sean: Wait. What if I just lay down? It’s one title match, and I really don’t wanna be a part of this senseless contest.

Nikki: Don’t be such a bleeding heart! This is the Mayhem division! If it was gonna happen anywhere, it’s gonna happen here. And I’m sure Alex knows the risks. He also knows that if he comes out of this on top, there’ll be no end to his reign. He’ll truly be the King of Mayhem.

Sean: Well it’s a title rightfully earned. He’s a true warrior if there ever was one. But I still don’t think this is right. If anyone asks, I’m fighting this thing. Alex shouldn’t have to defend his title this way.

Nikki can tell that Sean is adamant about his feelings toward this match. She can only think of two things that will bring his focus into the present and ensure that he participates and gives his all in arguably the most important match in his career.

Nikki: I have an idea. How about we go a few rounds, you and I? It’ll be fun.

Sean: Wait, you want to spar with me? What, do you feel like a quick self-esteem boost or something?

Nikki laughs in a patronizing manner and denies Sean’s inquiry. Since Nikki had joined Sean’s corner it had been revealed that she was once and amateur kickboxer. Excited at the prospect of having a fighting rival so close to home, Sean often challenged her to friendly fights, but with little to no success on his end. This time she had an ace up her sleeve. Nikki knew that in order to boost Sean’s spirits and get his mind off the “unfair” match stipulation, she would have to throw the contest in Sean’s own environment. Sean’s eyes lit up in anticipation as her spotted Nikki grabbing two wooden swords from his rack in the bedroom.

Sean: You’re sure you wanna do this, Nikki? You know I’m a champion of sword fighting!

Nikki: Oh yeah? Well the way you were swinging at Alex in that title match I figure I’ve got to be the odds on favorite to win.

Sean: You just had to go there didn’t you? Alright, I’m gonna show you what it’s really like!!!

After a few rounds of playful sword fighting and a long discussion over dinner, it had seemed that Sean’s worries had been lifted.

Nikki: Look, if it’ll make you feel better, maybe you should go and talk to Alex tomorrow. If he’s okay to go on with the match then there shouldn’t be any problems, right?

Sean: I suppose so. I still think it’s a bit much. I mean, we’re trained professionals, no bloodthirsty gladiators in an arena.

Nikki: Oh, but you are. Things are just a bit more sophisticated these days…

Following Nikki’s advice, Sean seeks out his friend Alex in attempt to gauge his feelings about the upcoming match. He happens upon Alex just outside of the arena, but Alex isn’t the same as he was before. There’s a look in his eyes akin to a live war zone. His rage can felt in the air as if it were as tangible as raindrops.

Sean: Hey Alex, I was wondering if you had some time to talk about our upcoming match?

Alex: My match. Your death sentence. Same thing. What do you want?

Sean: Erm, I just wanted to know how you felt about the stipulation of the match. I really don’t think it’s fair to you at all—

Alex: I’m gonna stop you right there before you embarrass yourself any further. I’ve made it this far without any handouts, so made you think your little bit of meddling would help?

Sean: What? I’m on your side here, I just thought—

Alex: That’s right. You thought. But here’s some facts for you, maybe they’ll help clear things up. I don’t need anyone on my side, I don’t need anyone’s help either. All I need is for you and those other rookies to be there on time for your executions. I’m gonna take you all down one by one, like little rookie ducks in a row.

Sean: Well I can see I’ve made a fool of myself by coming here. I don’t know about the others or how they feel about you, but I considered you a friend and mentor. Had I known you were gonna kick this “loner” persona up a notch I would’ve clubbed you a little harder two weeks ago. I’ve wasted my time coming here. I’ll see you in the ring.

Alex: And I’ll see you BURIED!!!
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