Unscripted - Baez vs. Steven Holmes - Mayhem Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

What seemed like forever, we finally discovered the identities of the culprits who stole the Mayhem Championship. It was finally revealed that the Crashin Movement was involved after learning that Steven Holmes was responsible for allowing the Mayhem Division to dissolve into chaos without the prized championship. However Chuck Myles has deemed that his actions will not go unpunished as current Mayhem Champion Baez will meet Holmes in a match to reclaim his property. There will be a Viewer's Choice input on the match, this time via stipulations. The choices being Standard Rules, a Strap Match and and "I Quit" match, it's also been confirmed that the Crashin Movement is banned from ringside at risk of suspension. What will the British Aristocrat do now he's backed into the corner at the mercy of an angry Mayhem Champion?

Deadline is Tuesday 24th August 23:59 EST
We open in the locker room area of an arena. A WZCW event is taking place, all the stars are on the card, apart from one person; The #1 Contender for the Mayhem Championship & New Member of the Crashin Movement, Steven Holmes. Becky Serra is looking for him. She has several questions for Holmes and feels tonight is the perfect opportunity. Suddenly she spots him, but he isn’t alone. Accompanying him is a set of bodyguards. They all look rather intimidating and just down-right scary. She approaches Holmes & company looking rather worried. Holmes spots her. Holmes signals to the bodyguards to wait where they are. Becky notices that Holmes has some sort of envelope in his hands. He approaches her.

Holmes: Ah Ms. Serra, a pleasure to see you here, I assume you’re looking for an interview?

Becky: Yeah, that’d be right. What’s with the Bodyguards?

Holmes: What’s with the bodyguards? I assume you do watch Meltdown & Ascension? You did see Baez attacking me after the historical events that took place?

Becky: Yeah, but I didn’t think you’d need bodyguards, I just assumed you’d hang around with Kurtsey & Crashin.

Holmes: Yes, well I thought that preservation was in order; you see that’s also the reason that I haven’t been seen on House Shows much recently. I felt that I had to put all my focus on Baez for our match at Unscripted.

Becky turns her attention to the envelope.

Becky: What about that envelope? Is that some sort of secret strategy you have concerning Unscripted?

Holmes looks at her not knowing if she’s joking or not but then realises that she’s serious. He begins to laugh.

Holmes: Very funny. You’re a very funny woman Rebecca. These are actually photographs.

Becky: Photos?

Holmes: Yes, Photographs. You see in anticipation of being interviewed, I thought it would be neat to compare some photographs of myself and Baez. You see I want to show you Rebecca & all the little people the difference between me and Baez.

Holmes pulls the photos out of his envelope.

Holmes: First off, this one.


Holmes: I must say I do like this photo, it shows me in a serious mood and I like that. It shows just how serious I can be. Now this one...

Holmes switches photos.


Holmes: This one is one that most fans will recognise; it’s the photo people see in all the previews of my matches. Another really, very nice photo. It’s really a photo that personifies just who I am. It shows me as the person who is better than all of the people out there.

Becky has a disgusted look on her face as Holmes once again switches the photos.


Holmes: Now here is a more fun photo. It shows I’m ready for action and also up for a good time. It also shows off my lovely watch. Now let’s compare these marvellous photographs with the one truly God awful one I found of Baez...

Holmes switches the photos one final time to show a photo of Baez.

Holmes: This photo just shows you everything that is wrong with Baez. The man is simply a disgusting human being. He has dreadlocks, wears a mask and calls himself the Master of Mayhem. Dear God, he’s simply just one repulsive creature, I’m not even sure if he is human.

Holmes puts the photos away and hands them to one of the security guards.

Becky: Moving away from that, you were revealed as the third man in the Crashin Movement, simply put; why did you join them?

Holmes develops a cheesy, yet sinister grin.

Holmes: Why? Because it was the right thing to do. The fact is all of us have the same feelings towards to the Mayhem division. We find it to be a problem, a major problem with our sport. Simply put, that division is a tumour, and we’re here to cut it out. This is actually WZCW managements fault, you see on multiple occasions, I begged them to not put me in matches with these Mayhem buffoons, but still they did. They pushed me & pushed me until one night, I said to myself, enough is enough. I talked to Steven Kurtsey & Doug Crashin and it was that night that the Crashin Movement was really formed. We believed in a greater cause & a greater purpose and we were going to fight for that at all costs under one banner; The Crashin Movement.

Becky: But how will you survive the wrath of Baez with no help from the Crashin Movement?

Holmes: I’m a resourceful man Rebecca, you must trust me when I say I have a game plan, and unfortunately for you & Baez, you’ll just have to wait until Unscripted to find out what it is. Dr. Kurtsey & Mr. Crashin need not worry about me, I’ll be just fine.

Becky: Speaking of Steven Kurtsey, he won a battle royale to secure a spot in the world title match at Unscripted, have you talked over strategy with him concerning the match?

Holmes: But of course. As much as my victory would mean, and it would mean a lot, we have to focus on Dr. Kurtsey also. The man has an opportunity to bring us the World Heavyweight Championship, that’s huge. If he were to win that then we would have accomplished one of our main goals in a matter of weeks being together. The other focus must of course be on myself destroying the Mayhem Division. I hope that we can let those other fools, like Gordito & Jones, realise that there is much more to wrestling than Mayhem, there is a bright, pure future ahead. Call what we did to them on Meltdown, tough love. They can all be shown a different path, but Baez, he has no future. He must be stopped at all costs. He is the sole heart-beat of the Mayhem Division and we need to destroy him in order to finish that division. His downfall will signify the end of an era. Much like the Berlin Wall coming down, his defeat will mark a turning point in history.

Becky: Just one final question before I leave you, do you have any preference of match out of the options?

Holmes: But of course. All of you out there will assume that I want the standard wrestling match but you are wrong. You see I have a special plea for you out there. I want you to put me in a strap match. You see, once upon a time, Great Britain ruled a large portion of the world; we called it the British Empire. It was built on slavery and they used to whip those slaves quite mercilessly, and I want to take Baez back to that bygone age. I want to whip him with that strap, I want to shatter not only his body but his mind & soul too and it will be the strap match that does that.

Becky: But I thought you were above the ‘petty’ violence of the Mayhem Division.

Holmes chuckles.

Holmes: This is my parting gift for the Mayhem Division, I thought I’d give it one last outing before putting a bullet in its head. I’ll end it at Unscripted but that doesn’t mean I can’t have some fun with it before that. Now, if you people want to go for the standard match then that’s fine by me too, because I’m more than happy to out-wrestle Baez, but if you want that I-Quit match, I can’t say too much, but I’m going to beat Baez so savagely that he won’t know who or where he is. He’ll be nothing more than a shell of his former self. What I do to him will be, pardon the pun, Unscripted.

Holmes begins to lick his lips with anticipation.

Becky: Thanks Very Much for Your Time Mr. Holmes.

Holmes: Thank you Ms. Serra.

Holmes walks back to his bodyguards as Becky leaves him.

End Scene.
Heavy rain falls on the gate of an underground parking lot. In the distance a large figure can be seen walking in from the rain. It's Mayhem Champion, Baez with his empty hands on the pockets of a trench coat and his head held low.

He heads towards the camera as Johnny Klamor comes on screen microphone in hand.

Klamor: Ladies and gentlemen here with a WZCW.com exclusive, I have an interview with the Mayhem Champion as we head to Sunday's Uscripted Pay-Per-View. Baez will face the man who stole his title, Steven Holmes of the Crashin Movement.

Baez reaches Klamor with his head still low and all soaked from the rain.

Klamor: Baez, you unprofessional twit. You stay under the rain like that you'll catch a cold. I've seen wrestler perform with colds before. The results can break necks.

Klamor stops and waits for a response from Baez, but he just keeps his head low. Klamor looks at the camera a bit and continues.

Klamor: Well... You now know who took your title. Steven Holmes. Your opponent this Sunday with the stipulation yet to be chosen. To quote the good doctor, how does that make you feel?

Baez slowly begins to give out a maniacal chuckle that startles Klamor. Suddenly Baez swings his head back, throwing his hair back and sprinkling the area with the wet hair.

Baez: Klamor, you're a smart guy, right?

Klamor: Yes. Why?

Baez: Do you read some comics?

Klamor: No. I used to when I was a kid, though.

Baez: Good. Batman, Spiderman, Superman? Stuff like that?

Klamor: Well, yeah. I kinda prefer Archie, but I read those too.

Baez: Archie? Never mind that. Let me ask you something. Why does Peter Parker hide his identity as Spiderman?

Klamor: To protect his loved one's from danger.

Baez: And Superman?

Klamor: Same thing.

Baez: Batman?

Klamor: ...Not really sure. I though Batman's only relative was Alfred. And he already knew who he was.

Baez: *chuckles* To protect Wayne Industries, John.

Klamor: ...oh... Say, for a bum, you're pretty smart. But where is this going?

Baez: Bum? Gee, thanks, John. Anyway, what happened to Mary Jane Watson when The Green Goblin realized Peter Parker was Spiderman?

Klamor: Tried to kill her. Used her as bait.

Baez: When Justin Hammer realized Tony Stark was Iron Man, what did he do?

Klamor: Try to take over Stark Enterprises and put it out of business.

Baez: Right. Let me ask you now. How does this associate with my current situation?

Klamor: ...um... Your mask?

Baez: No, man. See, for months The Crashin household paraded these streets with my title without a worry in the world because they had their identities sealed. Just like Spiderman as he was free to roam New York without anybody invading his privacy. Now the mask came off. Just like in Iron Man. What happens? Rivals use it to their advantages. If Spiderman's identity was ever discovered and made public by J. J., poor Peter Parker would be dead in under an hour. Same case here. The Crashin's, regardless if it was a desperate attempt to screw me out of the World Heavyweight Championship match, or part of their plan, they gave away their identity. The one thing they had over me. Before, they could've done whatever they wanted with me. And they did. And I could do nothing because I didn't know who they were. Now I do. Now I know who they are, where they live, their pastimes, their jobs and soon enough, I'll know what they had for lunch.

Klamor: ...egh...

Baez: On Sunday, I take down Steve Holmes and get my belt back. Again.
I need to get insurance for that thing. Then, where I left off. The only reason Dr. Kurt is in the main event, is because I was distracted.

Klamor: Oh, really? You eliminated yourself.

Baez: Priorities, Klamor. Think of it this way. If Dr. Kurt surprises everyone, I have a reason to challenge the World Heavyweight Champion. I'm not giving up on the dream. The pack of cheap thieves inspired me to become something bigger than a flagship for Mayhem. I'm going to become a double champion. Mayhem and World Champion. Only then will I prove I am the best in Mayhem wrestling. Delivering Kickassery on a global scale, televising the revolution world-wide. Sounds great, no?

Klamor: No.

Baez: Sourpuss. History in the making and you're all snarky about it. But enough about that. Time to address the stipulations for my "Eat A Man Alive Match". As if that isn't enough of a gimmick. What do we got?

Klamor: A standard match.

Baez: What? A standard match? Who the hell would vote for that?

Klamor: I did! The marquee says wrestling, you idiot! Not Mayhem, not Circus! Get with the program and learn to wrestle! I don't see why you're worried anyway, the Crashin Movement is banned from ringside.

Baez: I'm a damn good wrestler, thanks you. And I'm not worried. But what if they have someone else? Never though about that, did you? What if someone unexpected comes down and catches me off guard? The ref can't guess he or she is with the Crashin's. Besides, I'm more than certain, that there is someone leading them. This is too good to come out of Crashin's head, the doctor isn't exactly a take-charge guy, and Holmes was stupid enough to let me in on their plan.

Klamor: Here we go. Let me guess. Constantine.

Baez: Maybe. You never know with politics. But never mind. Next match.

Klamor: An "I Quit" match.

Baez: Damn, really? Well, I guess he has to be punished for stealing my property. I just hope I don't beat him too bad. Then how will he say it? I'll be stuck in a match for life, because the guy won't be able to quit.

Klamor: Unless he rips off your mask and shows your ugly mug to the world.

Baez: (sarcastically) How degrading! My face! Don't look at my face! I'm too ugly!

Baez mockingly cries and begins to kneel on the floor and eventually lies down, mocking Klamor before suddenly standing up.

Baez: Who gives a shit?! I'm sexy, regardless. Next match.

Klamor: A "Strap" match.

Baez: Hm. Tied with the man who stole my most precious artifact. Like tying a horny cheating husband to his his angry, knife-wielding wife. SHIT!! SHUTTER!! Do people want me to kill the man? Damn. But then again, I may just deliver. At Unscripted, Steven Holmes better have his will prepared and his goodbye's said. He says, I'm not human. Given the fact that humans are so flawed, I just don't see the problem with that. He's driven to the believe that he's better simply because I look hideous. Don't be blind, boy. I'm sexy. Totally sexy. Look at my sexy abdominal.

Baez lifts his shirt off and rubs his belly.

Klamor: Egh! What the hell, man?! Have some decency!

Baez: Sexy, I know. I'm in a killer mood right now. Shine my belt up real nice, boy. You think I'm dumb and uneducated, but I'm far from it. I'm like a military strategist. Gimme one thing to go with and I'll take you to war. Sunday, regardless of the match, the result will be the same. Me over you. I'm not walking out of the building until I have my belt back. Then, Doug, Kurtesy and anybody else, will get the biggest hang over of their live! Right after they get drunk on my... Kickassery!! Ya hear?!! See ya at Unscripted, wanker.

Baez begins to walk backwards towards the entrance where he came from. Klamor has a dumbfounded face as he watches Baez walks backwards, but them begins to point at him as if he was telling him something. Baez keeps on going until he hits a sign hanging from the ceiling with his head.


Baez holds his head and leans into the fetal position on the floor.

Baez: SON OF A BITCH! That FREAKIN' Hurt!!

Klamor's eyes are wide open as he turns his head towards the camera. He then signals to cut the feed.
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