Unscripted '12: Hell in a Cell (World Heavyweight Championship)

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Deathly silence opens us. Not a single speck of light, sound or any other abstract form penetrates this blissful non existence. Not until a few moments into our story when suddenly those opening trademark notes hit, and all that know it, know fear:


As the sound of Beethoven fills our ears and even beyond, an image begins to form. It is murky at first, though soon we recognise the all too familiar face of a man draped in a spotlight. We recognise the face of a man who has never questioned his own superiority. We recognise the face of a man who has always believed he was the “Elite” in WZCW. We recognise Steven Holmes. And now, the image reaches its clearest, showing Holmes’ face in its full glory, the natural caverns of it dipped in darkness still. He looks pale, almost like a spectre. He is still for a moment, much like the scene was, but soon he breaks his silence.

Holmes: When I first signed my contract for WZCW, I was promised I would get a spotlight and an opportunity to showcase my brilliance. What I didn’t realise was that in order to do that, I would have to sign away my dignity. I didn’t understand that this company would take my esteemed and glorious image and drag it through the mud. I didn’t realise that I would be treated as a piece of meat rather than a human being. Since I came here, I’ve had to lurk around with great pretenders, with weaklings, with those beneath me. I’ve had to wrestle with so called “men” who weren’t even fit to lace my boots. I’ve had to manipulate events around me in order to obtain opportunities I should have been afforded from day one. I’ve even had my sanity questioned. Well no more.

Holmes says every word with great conviction, in the same tone without raising or lowering his voice. His expression does not change. It is almost as if we are watching a moment in time as Holmes speaks his own personal gospel. In a way, it is truly startling. He goes on.

Holmes: I have spoken recently of a metaphorical mountain and on top of that a throne that no man has touched since the dawn of creation. I speak of these things because, while they do not exist in reality, they are truly appropriate to my situation. I have had to claw and climb my way to the top because WZCW pushed me from the mountain top I was born to stand on. That throne has been unoccupied forever because it was designed for me and me alone. Anyone who dared to touch it received an almighty backlash. Doug Crashin, Ty Burna, Chris K.O...

Now emotion creeps into Holmes’ words as the venom in his voice deepens with each passing name.

Holmes: John Constantine, Steven Kurtesy...

He pauses. His face gets ready for the final name he must utter. It crawls over itself to create a vile looking facial expression that reflects the true spitefulness in Holmes’ words.

Holmes: ...Big Dave.

His face returns to its former position, the poison now uttered.

Holmes: All pretenders to my throne. All men who believed they could rule over me. All fools that I have vanquished. Now is the time for me to act and take my place as it was always meant to be. At Unscripted I rise higher than anyone to come before me and I prove all the cynics wrong. I cast out those who dared question my talents. I destroy those who fear what I would do in such a powerful position. I become what I was always meant to be; the omnipotent overlord of WZCW.

Holmes leans his head backwards, revealing his full facial features for the first time. He closes his eyes to savour his declaration though, feeding off of it as if to inspire the true moment to come to realisation. He takes a deep breath to enhance his vision of glory, before ultimately he must exhale and the dream must die for the moment at least. He reopens his eyes and returns his head to its original position.

Holmes: At Unscripted I stand across from three men, each with their own desires, their own hopes and their own dreams, each desperate to validate themselves in one form or another. “Showtime” David Cougar seeks to prove he is not a transitional champion. Drake Callahan hopes to prove he truly deserves to be called champion. Titus dreams of solidifying his status as WZCW’s finest competitor with a legendary third championship. They are all fine dreams, but they are nothing more than that. Pure fantasy.

For the first time a positive look comes over Holmes’ face. He smiles, grinning at the thoughts that occupy his mind. The smile is truly sickening.

Holmes: One by one they will fall as their dreams fade away into nothingness and I rule over them. They will collapse in a crippled heap at my feet as I render them immobile, dominating them totally; both physically and mentally. The sad thing about that isn’t the fact that they will fall inside the confines of hell. Oh no. The saddest part of this is the fact that I feel their pain.

The smile fades, instead a solemn expression takes its place and Holmes resumes, experiencing sadness at the fate of his enemies.

Holmes: Drake Callahan. I deserted Callahan at Meltdown because he irritated me. Under normal circumstances I would have torn him asunder, but I wanted to contain and bottle my rage. I had a plan to end Meltdown and you all saw it come to fruition. True there was a legal mess that followed and a whole firing, rehiring debacle I’d rather not go into here, but the point was understood and Drake of all people should understand it, much as I understand him. You see Drake constantly questions his own validity. Through all his talk of conspiracies and being held back, Drake deep down questions whether he really is a top level talent. His inner most thoughts are ripe with paranoia as he quizzes just how much he deserves to be called champion. Maybe there was a reason WZCW “held him back”? Maybe he simply wasn’t good enough.

Titus. The man who we’ve all heard legends of. Constantly he under achieves on the big stage. He does all the heavy lifting, qualifying through awkward, truly difficult means, only to falter when he should be on top. His first title reign was surprisingly weak and his second was exceptionally short. He needs a third to put his name on top of all others. He needs it to prove he is the legend we all make him out to be. He needs to show the world just what a Titus on top can do. Unfortunately Titus’ time has come and gone. He may build all the momentum in the world to try and propel himself to the top of the mountain once again, but I will be waiting to shove him straight back down the cliff face one more time.

Finally, “Showtime” David Cougar. I know what it means to be a man ridiculed and labelled “insane”. It eats you up inside as everyone says you aren’t mentally fit to compete and prove yourself and for competitors as proud as ourselves that is truly the worst thing of all. Cougar and I share many traits. We are hard working men who have long been held back by WZCW. He has been in this company for years and only given limited opportunities to validate himself as champion. He should have been champion long ago, but until recently he was never able to seize the glory. Now, just as he is starting out on top, it must end. Cougar is nothing more than a transitional champion. A shame, truly, but I thank him for keeping my seat nice and warm as they prepare my coronation ceremony.

A sick toothy grin is ripe on Holmes’ face. He delights in the dialogue he spouts, knowing it brings him pleasure to taunt his opponents, regardless of the repercussions. He relishes the chance to have the three best wrestlers WZCW could muster face him inside the cataclysm itself. The big bad wolf smirk disappears though, replaced with a much subtler smile constructed from Holmes’ serpentine lips.

Holmes: Something occurs to me at this moment. Many forget I am a man of immeasurable wealth. I have at times used that wealth to favour myself, and while I talk about how I take great pleasure in standing on the battlefield, bloodying my rivals, what’s to say I haven’t taken an extra measure out to guarantee my total victory? If I paid off the man who controls the appearance and disappearance of the Cell, what’s to say I couldn’t do that to someone else with great power? Who says the referee hasn’t stumbled onto a huge pension plan or who says I haven’t donated a large cash injection into one of my opponent’s bank balances?

At this moment in time, paranoia should be one of your strongest feelings. I may have already secured my omnipotence and you just aren’t aware of it yet. Maybe you believe I’m too proud to allow such a thing to taint my championship win, but according to the propaganda WZCW would lead you to believe, I’m a disturbed and highly delusional individual anyway, so why not?

Taking his own words on board, Holmes reclines, again allowing us to see his more shady facial features. He has a calmness about him which would make most men uneasy. He is prepared for the horrors of a holy war that would haunt most men. Holmes however is not most men.

Holmes: Unscripted is my chance to take to the theatre of war. There I shall stage my finest performance to date as I unleash a torrent of carnage upon my enemies and prove myself once and for all. At Unscripted, I walk into hell merely the heir to the throne, by the end of the night; I emerge as your undisputed ruler and the Heavyweight Champion of the World. No longer will you call me a Ty Burna clone. No longer will you speculate about how good I might become. No longer will I be ridiculed or held back. I will have my dignity back. I will take my seat on the bloodstained throne, the bones of enemies crushed beneath my feet. All these things will happen and they will bring joy to me, but perhaps the greatest thing to bring joy to me is the fact that I will finally surpass Big Dave.

Big Dave has been my eternal foe, but at Unscripted that ends. I may not wrestle him, but on that Sunday I start something that he couldn’t finish. I secure the World Heavyweight Championship and I better him in that accomplishment. Dave’s run at the top was a dismal failure. Mine shall not. What I will become is the greatest champion this company, this industry, this sport, this world has ever seen. I will rule with an iron fist, the championship the final piece to the puzzle and the key to my immortality. Through the World Heavyweight Championship I put all cynics to bed, surpass my greatest nemesis and take my spot upon high as the omnipotent ruler of this world. This is the start of something great and I will rise higher than anyone ever has before to validate this claim.

At Unscripted, I prove everyone wrong. You say I’m a clone, you say I’m mad, you say I’m a fool. You will all be proven wrong and for one blisteringly magnificent moment I will stand on high, looking down upon all, and I will cast judgment. In one beautiful, wonderful moment, with the blood of my rivals staining my skin, I will rule everyone and everything and it will be the most perfect of moments. I will stand in the pits of hell and I will reclaim the glory that I was robbed of when I signed my life away to this company. I will have earned my dignity back and everyone will suffer from that moment forth. So says Steven Holmes; The Elite, and your next World Heavyweight Champion.

Closing his eyes once more, Holmes is holding on to this fleeting moment, tasting it, savouring it, and rationing it. He knows his time comes soon and he cannot wait. Then, his eyes open, he leans forward to be draped in the shadows once more, his face as it was at the start, and then all light is extinguished one last time, the voice echoing in this darkness:

Holmes: May your Gods have mercy on your souls...because I won’t.
Titus: Keystone City Zoo. A place where you can be entertained yet educated. It's a great place to relax before a big night. Let me show you around.

The camera cuts to Becky Serra who has her sun glasses on. It's surprisingly warm and clear for a December in Kansas. Becky and Titus are obviously in a zoo.

Becky: It's been a long time since I've been to the zoo.

Becky pauses, looks at the camera and then back to Titus.

Becky: I was pretty jealous of Johnny going to one the other week. Ah well we're here now. Where are you going to take me?

Titus: We'll start with the peacock, the most gracious of all birds.

Becky: Oh I like the peacock, they're so pretty.

Titus: Allow me to tell you a story about a peacock named Sherlock.

Titus clears his throat. As Titus tells the story Becky is grasping onto every word.

Titus: Once upon a time, in a galaxy far far away lived a peacock and his name was Sherlock. Now peacock's are the grandest of grand creature's and their majesty is known throughout the land. This was not the case with Sherlock the peacock.

Becky: Aww.

Titus: Now Sherlock lacked the feathers that made a peacock stand out. What was he to do? First of all he thought he should look underground for it. He dug and he dug and he dug but he just couldn't succeed. It seemed like it was working and he found a couple of feathers in the ground but he found out they already belonged to someone else.

Becky: That's not fun.

Titus continues his story with Becky still locked onto his word. Both of them start walking now.

Titus: Sherlock returned the feathers he found to his owner, as is common courtesy. His quest continued and he decided that he would be the most elite of peacocks. First he went into the house of a blacksmith where he saw a bunch of feathers and he managed to get them all. He did, however, forget that he owed his ex triple the amount and subsequently gave the feathers to his ex.

Becky: Poor Sherlock.

Titus: Yes, exactly. Where is a man to go? To Washington! That's right, our hero went to Washington DC to see if he could lobby a politician about getting a fairer deal on feathers. This was constant and constant to the point where the politician had enough. What would you do in this situation?

Becky: Couldn't he buy some?

Titus: Exactly! Buy them he did, you see hid daddy was a rich peacock but then his daddy passed. Sherlock inherited the family estate and became a very wealthy peacock. He managed to get the best feathers in the land. He strutted with his head held high. He'd listen to high class music by Beethoven but in his head would be singing the O'Jays. He got the women peacocks. Males looked to him and he was number one of the crop.

Becky: So a happy ending for Sherlock?

Titus: No.

Titus points to the Peacock enclosure they're now next to. Inside is one solitary peacock who doesn't look too well. His feathers are here and there and in a right mess.

Titus: They caged him.

Becky: That's just...I can't even look, lets go and see another animal then.

Titus: Your pick.

Becky: Well lets go see a big and strong animal.

Titus: How about the Tigers?

Becky: Yeah.

Titus: I love Tigers. Do you know why?

Becky: Why is that?

Titus: Because they're grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!!!

Becky gives a 'not impressed' look that McKayla Maroney would be proud of.

Titus: OK I've another story for you then. Do you want to hear it? This is about a tiger called Tony.

Becky: Jeez original name much?

Titus: Hey!

Titus chuckles as they both begin to walk again.

Titus: Tony was a strong tiger. There's nothing you could fault with Tony and everyone liked him. From the moment he was born he was the centre of the show all the time. He was a tiger who would travel Eurasia and make his name known. He was a tiger who would tie up any loose ends in his quest to hit the big time. He was a tiger who even at times couldn't stand to be alone so he thought he'd teach an old tiger some new tricks. The old tiger didn't like that too much and they fought.

Becky makes a shocked noise

Titus: Tony came out on top. No one can remember the old tiger and Tony is the number one of his kind. In fact at this point in time he's the number one animal in the world. This is about to change.

Becky: Why so?

Titus points at a weak looking tiger who looks as if his world has just come crashing down.

Titus: They caged him.

Becky: Gah! Get me out of here, take me to the reptile house, surely they're better looked after.

Titus starts walking and she follows.

Titus: A story about a chameleon named Josh, if you will. Josh came into the world with one message and one message only: It was the era of enlightenment. Physically and spiritually the lizard had great potential. He also embarked on a quest of mayhem across Eurasia and his name became known across the globe. Yet there was one thing that was stopping him.

Becky: What is that?

Becky almost sighs when she asks this.

Titus: A magical liquid. In England it is said this liquid will give man the courage of the Dutch but for a chameleon that could prove to be very dangerous. Josh loved the liquid and he couldn't live without it. Imagine the potential if he could overcome this. Then he vanished.

Becky: Where did he go?

Titus: That's a good question and I'm pretty sure it hasn't been answered. Either way Josh had a new strength and vigour and he quickly made his way to the top of not only the lizards but also the animal kingdom. His anger grew and grew and he lost focus thinking there was a conspiracy against him. There wasn't, it's just that Tony was ready to take the reigns. Things changed.

Becky: Was Josh caged?

Titus: Exactly.

Becky: Well I don't need to go to the reptile house. Is anyone content with being caged?

Titus stops and turns and points. There is a panda sat eating a bamboo shoot.

Becky: Wow he looks so happy. He looks ready.

The sight of the panda makes Becky smile.

Titus: I suppose I better tell you about this panda. In his home town he was regarded a run of the mill panda and for various reasons he left. He went to LA where he became a world famous panda, top of his field, winning four awards. Yet... he had a dream. The young panda went and made the most of it, he wanted to be the greatest animal in the world.

Becky: So what happened?

Titus: He skipped out Eurasia and all the Mayhem that went with it but he ended up in Keystone City. Seen as a hero there he continued on his quest becoming more elite than Sherlock could ever dream of. He reached the top of the animal kingdom. How may you ask? He took on 30 other animals and came out on top and then he scaled the highest mountain the world. Quite an achievement is it not?

Becky: Yeah it really is. What happened? Did they cage him and he lost his dream?

Titus: Vengeance happened and a few loose ends needed to be tied up. It was after that that the panda thought he should go visit Eurasia but his flight was cancelled. He then took a break but returned once again to the highest mountain in the world. He was content though, living off past glories and going with the flow.

Becky: So that was it?

Titus: No, not at all. The panda decided to remind people what he was capable of. He said it was all of nothing. He achieved the goal to return to the top of the animal kingdom. He quickly lost this but he was happy and content once again. Yet something bubbled up inside... he had to cement his legacy once and for all.

Becky: How so?

Titus: There have been seventeen different reigns at the top animal in the world. Thirteen different animals, and four have managed it twice. Has anyone managed it three times? Not yet, but the panda will.

Becky: Oh wow.

Titus: Four caged animals fighting for a prize. Animal's are different when they're in that locked environment. Save for the panda who's happy to be safe. He'll throw anything and everything at the peacock, tiger and chameleon. Plus people love pandas, you can't exactly go wrong there.

Becky: Then what?

Titus: I've heard legends that pandas have a problem with knights and pirates.

Fade to black.
June 18, 2009. Meltdown 24.

Scene opens backstage at the Reno Events Center. Leon Kensworth has a mic in hand as he is about to interview "Showtime" David Cougar. The young, brash superstar is looking up into the air and away from Leon as he gives the introduction.

Kensworth: Hello WZCW fans, my guest at this moment is WZCW rookie David Cougar as he is set to go one on one with...

Showtime snatches the microphone away from Leon. He has an angered look on his face, that only becomes more visible as he removes his shades for a few seconds to stare coldly at Leon before sliding them back over his eyes.

Showtime: Rookie? Is that what you refer to me as Leon? Do you think these idiots here in Reno, Nevada, appreciate you dismissing the greatest superstar they've ever seen on TV? The greatest wrestler to ever hold a microphone in this company? I'm so great at everything that I do, that I don't even need to be interviewed by a so called, professional. Why don't you take your fancy journalism degree and plop a seat right over there and watch how a real professional works the mic.

Leon shrugs his shoulders and goes off to the side and sits down as Showtime turns to face the camera and then speaks.

Showtime: To the thousands of people live in attendance and the many more that are watching at home, my name is "Showtime" David Cougar, my goal is to win the WZCW World Heavyweight Title, and that accomplishment will happen sooner rather than later for the real star of this company. I am going to set, break, and then smash all the records that are in this company once I hold it's biggest prize. I'm not going to be some transitional champion like Steamboat Ricky will be after he loses the title at Civil Revolution. Once I win the WZCW Title, its mine to keep for as long as I want, and I will beat every single opponent, every single year to keep it. Longest reigning champion.

Which must wait until the moment is right. At the moment though, I am mid-way through a bracket to determine the first ever EurAsian Champion, A title, a tournament, designed to amuse me until I win the big one. My opponent tonight, he’ll quickly become a forgotten name around these parts, like that chump Criminal Karnage I beat last week. Hey Leon, did you see that match?

Kensworth: No.....

Showtime: Of course you didn't, you sad sack of an interviewer. I mean do you even know how I beat the guy?

Kensworth: I just know that, it was a great match with a few near falls, both men did very well. Look it up. That’s all it says.

Showtime: Wow... unbelievable, but I don't care no more, and as for my opponent I don't care if I never hear his name again, Im going to make him disappear from WZCW here tonight. Ty Burna, this will be the last time you share the spotlight with Showtime. 1... 2... 3. Done.

Showtime gives Leon his mic back and the camera turns to watch Showtime walk down the hall.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"Mr. Ouija 2" hits and Ty Burna makes his way to the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, hailing from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 235 pounds Ty Burna!
Copeland: One of WZCW's more...interesting competitors, Ty looks to advance in the tournament tonight.
"Ladies and Gentlemen" hits and David Cougar makes his way out.
Cohen: This guy knows how to get the job done. He's cocky, he's brash, he's self confident - and I'd be willing to be he's your next EurAsian Champion.
Harrys: And his opponent, from Winnipeg, Canada, weighing in at 213 pounds "Showtime" David Cougar!
Ty and Cougar stare each other down before locking up in the middle of the ring. Ty forces Cougar over to the corner where he hits some elbows to the head. He backs out and whips Cougar into the ropes, and catches him with a clothesline on the rebound. He backs up and drops a big knee on Cougar and covers him for a two count. He lets Cougar get to his feet and charges him, connecting with a running knee. Cougar staggers into the corner and Ty follows up with a big corner splash. Cougar staggers out into the center of the ring and Ty hits a big spinebuster, going down for a cover and getting only two. Ty looks frustrated and he signals for Cougar to get up. Cougar staggers up and Ty elevates him for the Ouija Flame, but Cougar slips behind him and rolls him up!
He only gets two and both men are on their feet quickly. Cougar hits a quick dropkick that sends Ty staggering back into the ropes. Cougar charged and clotheslines him right over the top! Ty is on the outside and Cougar poses for the crowd, taunting them. Ty gets to his feet and he looks angry. Cougar taunts him and lets him back in the ring. Ty charges him but Cougar knees him in the gut. He quickly hits a standing spinning clothesline that drops Ty. He stands over him, taunts, and hits a leg drop. He covers for a two count. He gets to his feet and turns his back to taunt the crowd, and while he's busy, Ty sits up and he looks angry! Cougar turns around and is startled. He quickly closes the gap and starts trying to chop Ty down, but Tys barely noticing! Ty catches one of Cougars arms, kicks him, then elevates him up he plants him into the ground with the Ouija Flame! He covers Cougar for 1, 2, 3!
Harrys: Here is your winner, Ty Burna!
Cohen: It could only be one tonight, folks, and both of these rookie athletes are great! Ty might be a little off color, but he can get the job done, and he's my pick for EurAsian Champion!
Copeland: But I thought your pick was David Cou-
Cohen: Shaddup, you! It's time for a commercial...
Scene returns backstage where Showtime walks through the curtain, clearly frustrated with his performance. His tag team partner Trademark goes over to console him, but Showtime angrily walks by him. He approaches Leon Kensworth, who steps forward to get a word with Showtime.
Kensworth: So I take it the match didn't go as planned?
Showtime walks right by Leon as he says that, but then comes to a stop and turns to face him.
Showtime: Who cares about some stupid secondary title that only represents two continents that I couldn't give a damn about. Ty Burna can go on and win the EurAsian Title. Big Dave and Ace can keep the tag team titles. Screw all the other titles in this company, there's only one title that I'm after and when I get the opportunity there will be no mistakes, except the one the champion makes by facing me.
Showtime storms off away from Leon and in his hurry, bumps into Mayhem Champion, Drake Callahan.
Callahan: Hey... you're that guy from the show, that keeps talking bout himself, or maybe you talk about the show, or your show, or you’re the show, or..... You know what, you talk to much. Here have a beer.

Drake extends a beer towards Showtime, but he promptly swats it out of Drake's hands and it smashes into pieces on the concrete.

Callahan: Hey man... that's alcohol abuse. You could get fined, or jailed, or beaten... or jailed.

Showtime: Save it for the AA meeting there chump. You are the perfect example of what a wreck this company was before I arrived. Drunk and stumbling into everything, carrying around that garbage title. You're trash Drake Callahan, and I would never lower myself to face you for that worthless belt you piece of...

???: Enough Showtime!

Camera pans out to see Bateman enter the picture as he puts his arms around Drake's shoulder.

Bateman: Now... I don't approve of all of Drake's lifestyle choices, but he is a hard working member of our roster and as such a valuable commodity to the company, and I don't want to hear you bad mouthing him any further. Now run along Drake and try not to get into any trouble.
Callahan: Well thanks Jack. I think I’m gonna hide out in Bateman’s office, maybe finish the last of me beers. Hope the old fart doesn’t catch me.
Drake scurries off before Bateman can say anything. He touches his forehead and shakes his head and little before looking up at Showtime.
Bateman: What the hell was that out there, that sorry ass performance.
Showtime: The guy you had me wrestling out there is a total nut job. We’re lucky he hasn’t figured out that booting people in the head may just knock them out. He’s got some power in those legs.
Bateman: Regardless of Sanna, or Vengeance, or whatever the hell dark, or deranged, or demonic wrestler you just fought. I signed you to a very lucrative four year contract back in March and so far I have gotten nothing back in return on this investment.
Showtime: Now wait just a minute, The Show has only just started to air. It hasn’t even gotten a chance to build up ratings, which will happen very soon Vance.
Bateman: So far, you’ve been a failure as a tag team wrestler. So far you haven’t done much better as a singles competitor. You are not connecting with the audience, and it’s because all they see is talk, no action, no results... no title. They don’t see nothing else yet and neither do I. You better pray that something happens and your show becomes a smash, or you might be looking at an early cancelation, eh?
Bateman storms off in a hurry to check on Drake. Showtime clenches his fists in anger. He bends down and picks up a shard of Drake’s broken beer bottle. He stares into the glass and the camera begins to zoom in on it. Once it’s right in front of the glass, the camera zooms out and is now in a completely different arena. Holding the glass shard is Showtime David Cougar; except now he is holding it with his arms up in the air and the EurAsian Title in his other hand and is walking backwards up the stage ramp.
Nov 1, 2009. Meltdown 31
The crowd is booing loudly as Showtime lowers the belt and rests it on his shoulder. He looks down at the piece of glass and then side arms it towards the ring. The camera follows it back towards the direction of the ring and we see Drake Callahan lying still in the ring, his beer bottle smashed on the outside.
Copeland: Folks if you are just tuning in, Showtime has made what could be a record breaking victory here tonight for the EurAsian Title. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a title win happen any quicker. Let’s take a look at the full replay.
The bell rings as we see a lone figure standing inside the ring.
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the EurAsian Championship match. This match is scheduled for one fall and the winner will be crowned WZCW EurAsian Champion.
Copeland: What a match we are about to see. These two men have a very long and fabled history. The have wowed us on Meltdown’s and pay-per-views alike and tonight, we get to see that again.
Cohen: This is it, Seabass! This is the day that Showtime takes the EurAsian Championship from that drunken imbecile Drake Callahan.
Copeland: Well, this is as good a time as any, Jack. We will have to see how he fares against a more than ample competitor.
"Ladies and Gentlemen" by Saliva hits the arena as the titantron that hangs over the entrance atop the ramp shows a lone figure walking towards us. As the intro finishes, Showtime comes through the screen as a large shot of pyro goes off behind him. He poses on top of the ramp for a few seconds with his arms outstretched wide.
Harrys: Introducing first, the challenger. He weighs in at 213 pounds and is from Winnipeg, Canada. "Showtime" David Cougar!
Copeland: As you have pointed out, Jack. This is a huge opportunity for Showtime to get some gold back around his waist tonight. With that being said, what do you think is a good strategy for him tonight?
Cohen: Strategy? Please, Showtime doesn’t need a strategy. He will go in the ring and take away Drake’s Championship. That’s what his strategy should be.
A solitary spotlight follows Showtime down the ramp as he makes his way to the ring. He is smiling cockily and upon arriving at the ring, mounts the turnbuckle on the outside. He does his signature taunt and then gets inside the ring. The crowd boo loudly as he stands in the middle of the ring, waiting for his opponent.
"Cocaine" by Eric Clapton hits the arena as Drake comes out to a muted applause. He looks far out into the crowd and gives a smile, the EurAsian Championship wrapped tightly around his waist.
Harrys: Now introducing his opponent. He weighs in at 215 pounds from Cleveland, Ohio. He is the EurAsian Champion. Drake Callahan!
Copeland: This man is going to have his hands full tonight, Jack. What do you think Drake’s strategy should be?
Cohen: Not to get beat! Come on Seabass, use your head!
Drake continues his descent down the ramp towards the ring and upon arriving there, slides under the bottom rope into the ring. With his trademark beer bottle in hand, Drake gets to the top of the turnbuckle and salutes the crowd before chugging down what is left of the contents.
From nowhere, Showtime appears behind him and the C4 from the top rope. The referee stands in the middle of ring stunned as Showtime covers Drake. He looks at the referee who is still standing questioning what has just happened.
Copeland: What the Hell!?
Cougar: Count it, you son of a bitch! Count it!
The referee springs into action begins his count. 1…2…3
Cohen: Hahaha! I told you, Seabass! I told you.
The bell rings almost cautiously.
Harrys: Here is your winner and new EurAsian Champion, "Showtime" David Cougar!
Copeland: Are you serious!? Drake Callahan has just been robbed of his championship.
Cohen: He should have known something like that would have happened. It’s all of that alcohol that clouded his judgement. Showtime took advantage when he could and shows again why he is the Champion.
The crowd is stunned as David Cougar gets to his feet and is awarded the EurAsian Championship. He throws his arms around it and celebrates wildly as he mounts all four turnbuckles, clutching it.
Showtime emerges backstage and is in the mood to celebrate. The few people in the locker room pack their bags and leave quickly. Showtime scoffs at them and then rests the title belt down on the bench. Chuck Myles walks into the room and sternly breaks the silence.
Myles: What the hell was that out there?
Showtime: Well what do you mean Charles. I won! I did it in record fashion. I made a moment. I solidified my name and, possibly thanks to Lars Reider, I may have helped rid you of Drake Callahan huh, bet you we’ll never see him again, or as champion, ha ha.
Myles: Look, breaking record and winning titles, that’s all good, but do it in a good clean fashion. I don’t need broken necks and I certainly don’t want to see any cheap shots like the one you just pulled on Drake. First you did it to him with the Mayhem Title and now this one.
Showtime: Are we done here Charles? Vance would certainly not be scolding his champion for picking up a win.
Myles: You know you’re right, Vance probably wouldn’t yell at you, but you’re not his champion. You are my champion. Vance saw a lot of promise in and signed you to a very good contract and now I’m standing here waiting to see when you’ll deliver. If you’re hoping for a smooth ride as champion, think again. I’m going to put you through the wringer. If you want to make it in this business you got to perform at your best every week. You got to fight hard... and fight to win. Titles... they mean nothing on you. Wins, performance, determination, dedication. They mean everything. Look at a guy like Titus. If he doesn’t ever win the WZCW Title, he will still go down as a legend in this business and you want to know why? Because the people know he can win it on any given try. He has all that I said, and we’ll see if you do too.
Chuck Myles turns and leaves the locker room quietly. Showtime has a furious look on his face. He goes and grabs his bag and opens it up, He pulls out a business card for a rival wrestling promotion. Showtime pulls out his cell and punches in the number and is about to make the call when Myles pokes his head in one more time.
Myles: One more thing I wanted to say Showtime. Congratulations on becoming EurAsian Champion. I have a feeling you’re going to go far here kid.
Myles leaves the locker room again. Showtime looks down at his cell and cancels the call. He grabs his EurAsian title belt and stares at it. He then turns it over to look at the leather on the back. Once up close the cameras zooms back out. The belt is now the WZCW World Heavyweight Title and Showtime, dressed in a dark grey leather suit, drapes it over his shoulder.
Scene opens on a private first class jet. Showtime is staring out the side window, looking at the clouds as the camera pans out. A blonde haired stewardess brings him a dark rum and Showtime turns to thank her and then quickly looks back outside. The stewardess walks away and right past Leon Kensworth right as he was about to order a drink. Feeling slightly defeated and mistreated, Leon turns back to Showtime. He has a pen and pad of paper, but no notes written. He stares at Showtime and then speaks.
Kensworth: Showtime we’ve been on this plane for almost an hour and you’ve barely spoken. I don’t know whether to be impressed or scared.
Showtime turns to face Leon and smiles, his lips hiding a chuckle. He grabs his glass and downs it and then turns his head slightly back to the window.
Kensworth: Well Show, I got a lot more stuff to do once we touch down, so I’m going to start this interview and if you don’t respond to any of it, that’s our choice.
Showtime continues to look out the window, only now something has clearly caught his attention outside. Leon breathes a heavy sigh and begins.
Kensworth: Showtime, what are your thoughts heading into the Hell in a Cell Fatal Four Way match at Unscripted?
Showtime: That’s a very general question Leon. Is it your goal to have me talk the whole time in answering you’re one question?
Kensworth: Oh my god! You can talk.
Showtime: I was only waiting for you to begin. You almost put me to sleep between your awkward silence and all these delicious rums she keeps bringing me. Specify a little more.
Kensworth: Okay, here's one, what is your biggest fear regarding this match?
Showtime has his head turned still looking out the window, but then turns it slowly back to Leon.
Showtime: Time.
Kensworth: Time? I don’t believe that there is a time limit to this match.
Showtime: No, not time limit, time as in how much time we all have left.
Kensworth: Oh, you’re worried about 12/21/12. Yea, me too, in fact I never go anywhere without Sergeant Hugs a Lot.
Showtime: No not that either.

Kensworth: Your contract? It's ending in the next few months right?

Showtime: I'm not worried about that Leon, I have time for that. Time in this business though, takes a toll on it’s wrestlers. You can be on top one minute and then down in the gutter the next. It’s a cut throat business that only the best can survive. That’s how I’ve been able to survive because I am the best of my class, the top of my cut. I’ve done everything there is to do in WZCW, but strip it all down away and I still got that drive and determination to be the best and do it all over again. Time however, is not something you can ever fully run away from. Sooner or later, it catches up to everyone in this business and when it does it has a tendency to take it all away from you.
The blonde haired stewardess walks by again and places another rum in front of Showtime. Rather than ignore her like he has done all throughout the flight, Showtime stops her and during some small talk hands her a card. The stewardess excitedly walks off and Showtime downs the run quickly and smiles at Leon.
Showtime: I plan on enjoying every minute that I am champion, for however long that may be, I won't quit, but I also want to give back to the fans and the young guys in the locker room before I hang up the boots. A great wrestler once told me that ‘the fans love us lots, but they sure don’t miss us when we are gone.’ Nothing said could be truer in most instances. Look at Everest. Once the face of WZCW. Since his departure he has become barely a footnote. That is an outrage, someone should build WZCW a Hall of Fame and put Everest in there, that’s how much recognition he should get, but unfortunately it’s true, the fans do forget you when you’re gone I don’t forget though, and as I look around the locker room I see no one left who helped create the wave of popularity I brought on board. Big Dave is here in body, but not in spirit. Ty Burna is here is spirit, but not in body.

Time caught up to all of them and I am left alone to represent an era that will eventually fade away. I am left with the task of setting the bar for the next generation, and I plan on setting it pretty high for them. I know in my heart that I am the best and that I can beat anyone on any given day, but at the same time I know that all that I've worked for and all that I have right now in the WZCW title can just as easily be taken away from me. John Constantine could've been the one sitting on this jet speaking to you, instead of me. Fortunately in this business you can also be blessed with a little bit of luck, which is what happened to me at Meltdown 81, but you can't always lean on luck. The only thing I can count on now to keep this title, is me and what I do inside the ring.

Kensworth: Any idea as to why Chris K.O. saved you last week on Meltdown?

Showtime: I haven't spoken to Chris about it and I can assure you that I didn't say anything to him before hand. My thought is Chris is just trying to look for someone to save. He believes that WZCW needs more hero's, and while it's hard to disagree with that, not everyone needs saving. If Chris is looking for someone to save at Unscripted, I suggest that he comes out for the main event, as my three opponents may very well need to be saved from me.

Kensworth: Bold statement as always Showtime. While I don't doubt that individually you may be able to beat all three men in a normal wrestling match, the three challengers facing you for the title are among the best in WZCW’s past, present, and future, and each very unique in style and background. You have the two time WZCW Champion and former Lethal Lottery winner, Titus, the former WZCW Champion, Drake Callahan, and perhaps the wrestler of the year for 2012, Steven Holmes. And you will be facing all three at once inside Hell in a Cell. Which of these three opponents do you think will present the greatest challenge?

Showtime: Neither of the three will present the greatest challenge. The greatest challenge of all in this match is already answered from your previous question.

Kensworth: Time? Time is the greatest challenge in this match also?

Showtime: Yes, yes it is, and it's also a great challenge to each of my three challengers. Let's start with Holmes. Compared to the three, Holmes is the future of WZCW. Like me he's slowly built his way up the ladder and shown how dedicated he is to this company. I don't like how you can referred to him as the wrestler of the year for 2012, since I'm sitting here across from you as the World Champion, but I understand the reason for your claim. He lasted longer than anyone ever has in the Lethal Lottery. He's been in high profile matches with three of WZCW's top stars. Holmes is by all definition ready to take this belt, but that doesn't mean he will. Holmes is dedicated, he performs well and wins matches, but his determination to win is where he will fall.

Kensworth: He wins matches, but isn't determined to win?

Showtime: Holmes likes to fight dirty. Holmes fights to inflict pain and suffering on his opponents. While this strategy does allow him to win matches, he becomes so consumed with beating his opposition down, he forgets that all he needs to do in put them down for only 3 seconds. Look at Holmes' career and for every major win or accomplishment, there is also major set back and defeat. Steven Holmes doesn’t want to be the best. He wants to level off the playing field and rule WZCW with his own men underneath him. If time is my enemy, Steven Holmes is his best friend, but time is also his enemy. The issue for Holmes at this moment in his career is the same that I felt I was back 6 months ago. He’s part of the future for WZCW and this title, but he’s also entering now or never territory. He's been here for a long time as well, and he doesn’t need to look far to see there’s a huge crowd of challengers waiting after him to fight for this title, and one kid that’s sure to be a big name is this company has already beaten him before. Time is running out on Holmes to make the transition to main event champion, but I'm just not ready to step down and relinquish this title. I have a feeling this won't be the last time we fight, but this time inside the cell I will not let the future beat me.

Kensworth: You've said this all before after your first World title win, but then at Redemption, Drake put together the biggest two month comeback seen in WZCW history, going from curtain jerker elimination in the King for a Day match to winning the WZCW title. You say there is no one from your era left, Drake and Rush both began during your time and both have been delivering strong performances still in their careers.

Showtime takes the shot of rum as Leon ends his statement and slams the glass down on the table.

Showtime: Don't be so quick to call those two from my era. At the very best, given the two years they spent away from WZCW, they are more hybrids between my era and the new breed of wrestlers. Its like they were frozen for two years, only to unthaw now to begin the prime of their careers in WZCW. Drake Callahan is presently my biggest competition, but he is not the fun loving Drake that I once hated years back. I'd give anything to see the old Drake back in the ring, but I'll have to settle with competing against this new one and live with the fact I helped create this monster. Time has a funny way of also coming back to bite you a little, and I deserved what I got from Drake at Redemption.

Drake realized when he came back that time had caught up to him and now he was no longer among the best in WZCW. He may not have even fit into the middle card picture, so he did what most need to do to stay relevant; he evolved. Granted he evolved into something of a stuck up, snobbish jerk, but he still evolved into a much better wrestler and was able to distance himself from the man who became lost in time, and as such was able to get some redemption and win the biggest prize in WZCW. Drake currently has the ability to become champion again, he has the determination to win, but as we saw with his reign, he is not dedicated enough to stay on top. The second Drake won the belt from me in that cluster fuck of a match, he spent the entirety of his reign as champion trying to push management around and threatening to leave. Anyone can win a title belt, it takes a real champion though it stick it out and defend it when called upon. Drake had his chance to do that, had his opportunity to show the world that he was ready. It turns out he wasn't ready and that's why he's fallen back to where he once was, chasing the belt. The problem for Drake though as I said, is once time catches up to you, it keeps chasing you. Drake has managed to shake it off now, but unless we see something new evolve out of Drake, unless we see the dedication he brought with him when he first entered the company, only then will he be able to beat me and win this title again. I just don’t see that happening.

Leon is feverishly writing all of this down, trying not to forget any of it. Showtime motions for the stewardess to bring another rum and then points it to Leon’s direction. Leon takes the glass and chugs it back and hands it back to the stewardess.

Kensworth: Thank you. My hand was sleepy from the whole lack of talking before, it was getting cramped up a bit writing all that.

Showtime: Please, if they bring any more help yourself. I’m done.

Kensworth: Showtime ending the party early.

Showtime: What party, it’s practically a sausage party on this airplane.

Kensworth: Well what I mean is, like Drake, you’ve evolved too over the years. For this brash, cocky, loud mouthed, to... well you’re still loud mouthed and cocky, but you’re also this wise old veteran. More humble, more focused; and that’s how you’ve stayed ahead of this time game as well. How did this happen?

Showtime: Time, really? It rewards as much as it punishes. I made mistakes and then corrected them. I learned four very important things about how to be on top in this business from two men, but mostly one. I learned how to win and how to perform from what they told me. I learned about determination and dedication on my own. The wins and the performances make you. The determination to be the best and to win and the dedication to stay and show that you are the best; they help keep you the best. They each lack in one of those whereas mine are as high as ever.

Kensworth: And what about the wild card, Titus? This man is from your past and appears unaffected by this time that you speak of. I would also say that he told is held highly in all those categories you speak of.

Showtime: Titus is a legend and could very well walk out of Unscripted a three time champion, but to say he is unaffected by time is laughable. Time clipped him in the heels soon after he began his first World Title reign. Time retired him. Time brought him back. Time hit Titus, and as good of a wrestler that he is, he is has not changed much in the last several years. That’s why Titus is the phoenix in WZCW. He’ll rise up, but always fall back down soon after and he’ll go on like that for as long as he chooses to compete. Titus has to realize that by know and should know that I’m not ready to give up my reign quite yet. Titus is person I respect a lot and will not take lightly. Inside the cage, I will bring down a legend, or all three if need be to defend my claim as the best wrestler in this company.

Leon continues to write on his pad. He looks up about to ask another question and Showtime shushes him.

Showtime: All three of them should know. It's award season, the star is ready for his big performance at Unscripted. It's Showtime
This is the last step.

It's late. Time is irrelevant, now. I don't care anymore, not at this point. I, Drake Callahan, am ready to begin the journey that will consummate my ascension.

When I spoke to Hiraku, he helped me to understand that I was torn between two paths. But he was wrong, in the end. Or I was. I didn't understand immediately. But I get it now. I'm not caught in a path between light and dark; I'm caught in a path between me and them. A world where I please people, where I obey the rules and tenants put forth by those lesser than me is on one side. I have escaped it, but only in part. It began when I woke up from the alcohol. My mind unclouded, I could begin to understand the new world. A world where I make the rules. A world where I answer to no one. A world where what is, what was, and what will be exists simply because I want it to be so.

This is what Hiraku spoke of. I understand now.

I realize at last what it takes to have everything you ever wanted.

It takes a total submission to your own desire. A willingness to set aside everything else - morality, philosophy, reason, and logic. A sacrifice of everything that has ever meant anything, a commitment to hedonism, a total and unrelenting will to do nothing but achieve your own goals. To accept that your will is the only reality. To believe - to know - that what you want is not merely a goal. It is what must be. To truly have it all, you must embrace the belief that you don't merely deserve it - you will have it all, because it must be so.

You accept that you are a god.

That there is no right or wrong, there is no light or dark. To stand precariously between this knowledge and the way we're all told to think - that you deserve some things, that others deserve other things, that we're all part of a society of equals - is to fail. If you let yourself be tied down to the mortal coil of reasons, of justification, even of emotions - you can never achieve total success. Maybe some modicum of it. But not the real thing.

And so. After many months, after a hundred philosophies, after a dozen men and women all telling me what to believe and know, I understand at last.

I am the Alpha and the Omega; the First and the Last; the Beginning and the End.

I don't demand your worship, your submission, or your prayers. I only assert that my will is reality, and I shall make it so, because that is the will of the Universe. Because I have made it so.

And so. To embrace it is one thing. To act on another.

This is the last step. It ends here. What will follow is only the fallout.


Stoya, Stoya, Stoya. Pretty Stoya. Cold and beautiful. Razor sharp and lovely. Like a million metaphors wrapped up in one. The ice rose, the sculpture of a thorn. It must get confusing. She was the start. I chose her because she was convenient; I chose her because I could. I chose her because she did not fit; she had no place in the narrative, but I put her in anyway. The one that does not fit; appropriate enough, under the circumstances.

It was late in the evening at an upscale hotel suite I had rented out for the last week. I'd lived her in isolation for the time, waiting and planning. Max had seen to it that Stacey would be here, as I'd asked. Stoya had gone to the more difficult task of seeing that Kate was here; she'd apparently promised her a job interview in the suite. A convenient excuse to bring her here.

She and I were in the suite together, her having a drink and I simply waiting. It was a few hours before everything was about to happen. And I needed to make one more move.

"Stoya," I said suddenly, drawing her attention. She raised an eyebrow in response.

"I have a business proposition for you."

"Oh? And what's that?" she asked with perhaps genuine interest.

"You and I are both quite alone. I suspect it's been a long time since you've been with someone."

Stoya laughed suddenly, deeply and throatily. She took another drink before responding.

"Are you really asking me to sleep with you?"

"I'm proposing we sleep with each other. Not as anything other than pleasure on both our parts. It's a simple business relationship, nothing more."

"I have never, in my life, had a man ask to sleep with me quite like this."

"And? Do you refuse?"

She shrugged. "No. It has been some time. I'm just got off guard. I thought you were hung up on that old girlfriend of yours. Assumed that was why I brought her here. Or maybe that Stacey girl. Not sure if you were planning a threesome, or..."

I laughed. "Not quite. That's unrelated. For now, I think we can help each other out."

She smiled coyly. She really was beautiful. She stood up and set her drink down, then walked over and sat down next to me.

"I suppose we can."

I took her. It meant nothing. She wanted it, too. The idea that it has to mean something is old and tired. I wanted her, and I had her. For the first time in my life, I didn't feel the need to justify it. It feels amazing. To stop caring about why I want what I want. It's enough to want it. Beautiful.

I had also put a quarter of a sleeping pill into her drink. Nothing that would affect her ability to think rationally, but it would make her tired after they were done. Enough to sleep for a few hours.

It was the start of a plan. She had made sure the others were in place beforehand. In another place, Kate waited. Kate, Katherine, Katie. What did she mean to me anymore? Nothing. I no longer wanted her; but I did want to prove something to her. Or to myself. I wanted to prove the fullness of my power. Not because I needed her to believe. Because I wanted to.

Stacey was the last piece of the equation. Her, I just wanted her to suffer. For my amusement, mostly. It wasn't easy to work her into this one. I could have just struck her, beat her, whatever. But I'm not crazy. Just because I've thrown off society's rules doesn't mean that people wouldn't come after me for breaking them. Or that I could defeat them. It doesn't make me less powerful. It just means that I have to work more subtly than that.

I had brought three women to a place. Each of them for a purpose. Kate because she was the old enemy, the last remnant of a broken conscious. Stacey because she was arrogant and had wronged me. Stoya because she went against the narrative.

The irony of it all was enough to make me laugh.

After my time with Stoya, I began to prepare. Kate had been instructed to be in this room at such a time, ostensibly for a job interview. Stacey had been asked here as well, on more realistic terms of interviewing me for the upcoming world championship match. They would be here soon. I waited for them, dressed as sharply as I've ever been. For the first time ever, I felt like I fit in the suit well. Because this time, I had chosen it, not the other way around.

A knock at the door announced one of them. They had been told the same time; I wasn't sure which would be here first. It didn't matter, ultimately. I opened the door.

Stacey was there. Her normal dress for an interview. Always a professional, even if she hated me. She'd been instructed to leave the cameras, and she'd done so. She greets me with an icy stare and walks in without a word further, pulling out a pad and paper on her way to the couch.

"Do you want to start?" she asked.

"No," I said back. My voice sounded different to me, though I didn't think anything had changed physically. It was a sense of distance between my thoughts and my voice I hadn't had before.

Stacey gave me a quizzical look, half confused, half frustrated.

"What does that mean? Did you just bring me here to waste my time?"

"No," I replied. "But we have a few more guests joining us shortly."

She shrugged, but looked tense. She was caught off guard. I liked that. It would make what was to come even better.

"I'm surprised you came at all," I said to her. Toying with her.

"You still have some degree of power," she said. "I've been dragged off to worse places than a penthouse suite, though."

I smirked. Bringing her to a posh suite and making pleasant conversation, after our past and the obvious strangeness of an interview in a hotel in a city far away from where we were meant to be this week, was deliberately unsettling. A small game to play while we waited for the main entertainment.

It isn't long before a knock comes again. This time, it was more timid, reserved, scared. I could barely restrain a smile of anticipation.

I opened the door. It was her, after all this time. The same woman I remembered loving. She was beautiful, still. I had thought that she wouldn't be - that whatever mysterious quality in her that I had been so attracted to would have disappeared, but she still was undeniably attractive. Maybe it was just old feelings, but I didn't think so. I reflected that at least I had had good taste. I remarked that it wouldn't be too late to have her back, if I wanted to; to call this all off, to take her out, to clear things up. To go back to the way things were. I could have that, but I didn't want it anymore. I wanted this. I wanted what was to come.

She smiled timidly, barely able to meet my eye. A sweet little broken smile. Did I feel a twinge of regret, then?

A god has no regret.

I didn't wait for her to speak. I kissed her, then, deeply and passionately. She was tense at first, but she relaxed into it soon. It was incredible that after all I'd done to her, she would so easily want me back. What had she gone through, in her head, I wondered? I couldn't imagine, not really. Maybe it had been like the five stages of grief, only she'd never gotten out of the denial. It was incredible, though - she still loved him.

I broke off after a few moments. She looked into my eyes, hers full of hope. She was trying to say something, but couldn't form the words. I just smiled back as she choked it out.

"I'm sorry," is what she was eventually able to muster.

"It's alright," I replied.

"I just...I'm sorry, I've been waiting for this for so long, and I don't know what to say..."

I continued waiting. It was cruelly entertaining to watch it unfold. She eventually took a deep breath and got it out.

"I know I should hate you, or be angry at you, but I understand why you did what you did, really, I do. You were under so much stress and I just kept pushing, and...I've been waiting so long just to tell you I'm sorry I did that to you."

She really was damaged. Even I could tell that. She should at least want him to apologize, but somehow she'd gone and idealized him. Removed my responsibility for my actions. Incredible.

I spoke to her at last.

"I want you to meet someone."

I led her inside, where Stacey immediately took note of her. She raised an eyebrow and stood up.

"Kate, I want you to meet Stacey Madison. She works for WZCW. Stacey, this is Kate. We've spoken about her in the past, I believe," I said.

Stacey's jaw dropped immediately as she feebly shook Kate's hand.

"Stacey, I brought you here because I wanted you to document Kate and I reconciling. I brought her here to apologize for what I did, and see if she would forgive me."

"I - I do, Drake," Kate said in earnest.

I beamed. Stacey was still in shock.

"Drake, I...I had no idea...this is...incredibly surprising, out of you. Are you really apologizing for your actions?" Stacey asked.

"Of course. I wanted to show you personally that I'm not as bad as you think I am. And maybe, if you'd be so kind, you could report the story. I want my personal life back, and I could do with some repair to my professional life as well."

Stacey gave him a harsh look, suspicion in her eyes. She couldn't believe it, and he didn't blame her. She shouldn't.

"Yes...I can...I don't really know what it is you want me to do," she said.

"Just document what is about to happen. We have one more guest."

"Drake, wait, I don't understand," Kate said. "I came here for a - a job interview. A woman said she'd meet me here...I'd forgotten in the shock of seeing you, but..."

I smiled back at her as I went to the door of my bedroom. I opened the door and went inside. There was Stoya, just getting up, wearing nothing but a sheet. I closed the door.

"Good morning," I said. She smiled a little.

"Is it already? I don't think so. I don't know why I slept so much..." She stretched her arms out.

"I didn't want to wake you, if you were that tired. I have a robe here..."

She nodded and I grabbed it, handing it to her. She stood up and put it on.

"If you don't mind, can I ask you to step out for a moment?"

"I'm not dressed."

"I know. I'm sorry. Just for a moment? There's something I want you to see."

She shrugged again as I opened the door. She stepped outside and gave a small gasp at seeing Kate and Stacey outside. She tried to retreat, but I shut the door behind her. She turned and glared at me as she clutched the robe about herself.

"Drake, what the hell," Stoya started, but I cut her off.

It was showtime.

"Ladies, I have assembled you here today for a very special presentation," I said grandly. This was beginning to get fun.

Three sets of eyes were turned on me. Stacey's were burning with suspicion, Kate's with confusion, and Stoya's were her usual piercing eyes. Exactly as I'd planned.

"Kate, you should be very pleased. This entire little show is all for you, sweetheart. It's been months since we've seen each other, and I brought you here to tell you - and show you - exactly what you mean to me."

I walked behind Stacey and put one hand on her shoulder. She very subtly tried to shirk away from me, but I held tight.

"Kate, I want you to meet Stoya Vidic, one of my agents."

Kate mouthed a hello, more out of instinct than anything. Stoya glared back.

"You may have inferred this from her present state of undress, but a few hours previously, she and I engaged in an act of, with my apologies, sexual intercourse. And it was quite enjoyable for both of us, if I may be so bold."

"Jesus, Drake, did we really just fuck so you could tell your ex about it?" Stoya said sharply.

I ignored her and instead walked toward Kate. Her eyes were turned on me, not understanding.

"Kate, I made love to this beautiful woman because I have long since stopped caring about you. You mean nothing to me any longer. I didn't bring you here to apologize. I brought you here so you could understand me very clearly. I did this so you would understand the circumstances. We are done. Frankly, you never meant anything to me."

I was in front of her now, she looking up at me with tears in her eyes, barely comprehending. I dropped my voice to a whisper, though everyone could still hear me.

"I fucked her, Kate, because I wanted her. And I'll do it again, and again, whenever and whoever I want. You and I are over. You see Stoya, over there? She's more beautiful than you, more intelligent than you, funnier than you. She is better than you in every imaginable way. That is who I belong with now, Kate. The elite. The beautiful. Not some unemployed, average nobody."

Kate's jaw was working slowly as she looked up at me , tears streaming from her eyes. I put my hand on her chin and leaned in a bit.

"And I want you to know something else, Kate. I look back and think about the night I hit you. I hit you right in the face, right about here -" I put my hand on her left eye. "I think about that, and I think about how much I enjoyed it. I enjoyed putting a useless, pathetic excuse for a woman in her place. I'm glad you were hurt. Because you don't deserve anything better."

She had started to shake her head back and forth while still working her jaw wordlessly, searching for something to say.

"It's over forever Kate, and I've moved on to something so much better. Now get out."

She finally found some found to work its way out of her mouth, but it was no more than a feeble whine, like a kicked puppy.

"Get. Out."

She raised a hand toward me. I firmly stepped back out of her reach.

"OUT!" I screamed at her, full of rage. It felt good to let it fill me.

She shuffled to the door like a zombie, halting and looking back as she went. I didn't meet her eye. Not out of shame, or remorse. Because I no longer had to, or wanted to.

I heard the door open, but not close. I turned to look. She had left, but hadn't closed the door behind her. I wasn't sure what was going to happen to her now, nor did I care very much. She was gone. I had proven my strength and my will. I desired to crush her, to completely eviscerate her soul. Because it pleased me to do so. And I had done it.

I went to the door and closed it, then turned back to the others. They both looked to be slightly in shock, processing the scene they'd just taken in. Stacey looked at me. She seemed remarkably composed. I had thought she would scream at me, rage, probably try to strike me. Instead, she just looked at me, cold.

"Why?" was all she said.

"Because I can," I replied. "I said I wanted to show you I wasn't as bad as you thought. I'm a million times worse, Stacey. Make sure to report that in your latest column."

She walked out of the room without another word, but I could tell I'd hurt her. Before, she'd simply been angry at me, outraged at what I could do to another fellow woman. But this...I'd shown her as pure an evil as I could imagine. I'd destroyed a person in front of her. Drained a soul of life. A person like Stacey, who cares so much about other women, a person who was so deeply wounded about mere physical abuse, would be incredibly wounded by witnessing this deep psychological abuse I'd inflicted.

Two for the price of one. Not bad.

I turned to Stoya, to see her reaction. She was staring at me levelly. Her reaction didn't mean much to me; she was more a pawn in this than anything.

"You're sick," she said eventually.

I shrugged.


She walked over to me. She smiled again, maybe the first genuine smile I'd seen her give.

"I think I like it."

That was a rather unexpected side effect. She leaned up to kiss me and then retreated to the bedroom, enticingly letting the robe slip a bit on her way. I knew I would join her before long, but I had something else I wanted to do first.

The night's work was behind me, and it had gone according to plan. Those I held within my power to command had been changed irreparably. I had proven my dominance over them. I had demonstrated my ascendancy as someone who can live beyond the bounds of others. But there was something else to prove my dominance over.

I walked to the bar and poured a drink. Months since I had had one. I had been an alcoholic before, sure, but why should I now? I could control this as well as I could control everything. Fully and utterly. I was in control of everything in my life.

I drank. I finished it. Then I had another. It was good, and I was a little drunk. But I was still myself. In control, and powerful.

I won again.

My dominance would soon extend to all areas of my life, including becoming world champion once again. I would see to that in time. It was only a matter of walking in and taking what I wanted. How long had I tried to justify that, to think about it, to scheme and figure out how to hold the title? It was so easy. I wanted it, and it would be mine. For no better reason than that. How beautiful.

I put the glass down and went to bed. Tonight, I would entertain myself.

Soon, I will be a champion.
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