[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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The once, completely confident WWE fans, are now starting to show some signs of being scared or nervous of TNA becoming big. Frankly, I can see why they're scared. TNA has better wrestling while WWE has the same old boring storylines of DX v. Spirit Squad and Vince McMahon, and Edge v. John Cena...Again. So, I think what the WWE fan's nervousness is based around is, TNA wrestles and WWE doesn't. In reality, WWE fans realize that better wrestling beats better actors/stale storylines.
I both agree and Disagree, Let me first state im a WWE fan but im not a FANBOY who would die for the wwe like some of my peers. I personally love TNA and have embraced it for what it always wanted to be AN ALTERNATIVE to the wwe, And as far as wrestling goes TNA beats wwe hands down. Now i disagree that fans are getting scared i would say they have more of a fear for the unknown most of the wwe fans that come here and slander Tna have never watched it, Given the chance to i think most would embrace it>
Honestly, I think it is so noobish to have this WWE fans > TNA fans or ROH fans debate, or vise versa. The truth is, healthy competition between different wrestling promotions can only be good for pro wrestling. I am strictly a WWE fan or TNA fan or ROH fan; I am a fan of professional wrestling, period, and I want all of these promotions to succeed. To say that WWE fans should be scared because TNA is doing well is childish and stupid. The only way WWE will continue to thrive is when it’s been pushed by these up-and-coming promotions.
I guess that's true grungy. I personally used to be a hardcore WWE fan. Then, I started watching TNA once it moved to spike TV. I love in-ring performance over mic skills without a doubt, I guess that's why I quickly liked TNA. I ordered Lockdown a few months back and that put the nail in the coffin. I slowly stopped caring about WWE until eventually I just stopped watching it. I still read the results from RAW just to see if there's anything interesting happening that may change my mind about it, but so far there hasn't been anything interesting that happens. It just seems like the same mindless crap they fed me a month ago. I'm sick of giving them ratings and I am TNA now.
peopleschamp said:
Honestly, I think it is so noobish to have this WWE fans > TNA fans or ROH fans debate, or vise versa. The truth is, healthy competition between different wrestling promotions can only be good for pro wrestling. I am strictly a WWE fan or TNA fan or ROH fan; I am a fan of professional wrestling, period, and I want all of these promotions to succeed. To say that WWE fans should be scared because TNA is doing well is childish and stupid. The only way WWE will continue to thrive is when it’s been pushed by these up-and-coming promotions.

I would wish for WWE to succeed if they gave me what they wanted, but they don't. They never give me wrestling. I just can't stand watching them anymore. That's the reason that I talk good about TNA and bad about WWE. TNA gives me what I want and WWE doesn't. Therefore, I don't want WWE to succeed unless they start giving me what I want.
Rated R Superstar316 said:
FUCK THAT STUBID TNA. They dont even have a square ring. they get like 500 people per show, wwe gets 10 times that much. fuck tna

I think that you're scared of TNA and that's why you're acting like that. If you weren't, you wouldn't even care about this topic.
xchosenonex said:
I would wish for WWE to succeed if they gave me what they wanted, but they don't. They never give me wrestling. I just can't stand watching them anymore. That's the reason that I talk good about TNA and bad about WWE. TNA gives me what I want and WWE doesn't. Therefore, I don't want WWE to succeed unless they start giving me what I want.
Yeah, but WWE has been using the same formula over the last 20 years, which is the emphasis on Sports Entertainment. Keep in mind that the reason for WWE’s success is that they are always trying to appeal to a wider audience outside of wrestling “purists.” Since 1985, WWE has been the renegade promotion that tries to break pro wrestling into the realms of mainstream entertainment, as opposed to being one of those promotions that tried to maintain the (kayfabe) tradition of pro wrestling (e.g. NWA or AWA). In other words, WWE was never meant to appeal to the purists but the general audience. So there will always be more emphasis on the entertainment side of pro wrestling than the actual wrestling itself.
why would i be scared of tna xchosenonex? theres no good wrestlers on the show, exept like 3, i watch it on thursdays here and there, and to tell u the truth i aint impressed. crappy announcers, crappy pyros, crappy and i mean crappy music. wwe has the real themes real pyros real wrestlers, and the squared circle, i hate that tna ring, its shit. i am not afraid of a wrestling promotion that takes wwe rejects, cristian, dudleys(team 3d that a great team name Fuck NOT) and rhino, guy is challengeing vince, all vince needs to do is send kane after him and rhino is history. Fuck tna. 1 day a week for an hour. wow, how nice.

Look RAW is 2 hours ans SmackDown is 2 hours and ECW is soon going to turn to 2 hours how will TNA compete against 3 of Vince McMahons shows? Even if TNA turns to 2 hours it's still in trouble.

now isnt that damn true, all u stubid tna wrestling fans....
why would WWE be scared of TNA i have no clue.. im not saying they are better but they have more $$$$ to work with and when they feel tna becomes a threath they will squash it just like they did WCW.
Im trying to say this not as a biased wwe fan, but as an objective analysis. I honestly think that the tna matches are no more exciting or dramatic than wwe matches. TNA has 6 guys that only wrestle on PPV, 4 that win every match, and the rest are jobbers. Abyss vs whoever: winner abyss. AJ styles and CD vs whoever, Winner AJ and CD. X division champ vs whoever, winner X champ.

It just seems like squash after squash after squash, except on the horribly named PPV's(Slammiversery?) which i understand from the TNA fans are "Frickn the bomb ass ****** yo!"

Ill tally the amount of times ive seen the TNA "Top Talent" wrestle
Christian: 1
Jeff Jarett:0
Samoa Joe: 2
Big Poppa Pump: 0
AJ styles: 2

Thats why were not scared.
dead_kennedy00 said:
Im trying to say this not as a biased wwe fan, but as an objective analysis. I honestly think that the tna matches are no more exciting or dramatic than wwe matches. TNA has 6 guys that only wrestle on PPV, 4 that win every match, and the rest are jobbers. Abyss vs whoever: winner abyss. AJ styles and CD vs whoever, Winner AJ and CD. X division champ vs whoever, winner X champ.

It just seems like squash after squash after squash, except on the horribly named PPV's(Slammiversery?) which i understand from the TNA fans are "Frickn the bomb ass ****** yo!"

Ill tally the amount of times ive seen the TNA "Top Talent" wrestle
Christian: 1
Jeff Jarett:0
Samoa Joe: 2
Big Poppa Pump: 0
AJ styles: 2

Thats why were not scared.

Listen man, Sting and Jeff Jarrett don't wrestle too often. I agree with that. Scott Steiner was only brought in as a body guard for Jarrett. Samoa Joe fights every other week. Christian has been doing things outside of wrestling, so that's why he wasn't fighting too often. AJ Styles fights every other week. You're also forgetting Christopher Daniels who fights every other week. LAX fights a lot also. Chris Sabin is also top talent and he fights all the time as well. What you have to understand is that TNA films their shows two at a time, meaning at one taping they'll tape two shows. Wrestlers can only fight once a night if you don't want to get injured. That means that the most they can fight is every other night. Also, you're forgetting Rhino, Abyss, and Senshi fight a lot as well. And, as for your Abyss/AJ/CD/Senshi remark, Abyss is a beast in their wrestling so why would they have him lose? AJ and Daniels just one the titles two months ago, if they lost a nontitle match to someone that would not make them look good to the crowd. Same thing goes for Senshi.
Rated R Superstar316 said:
why would i be scared of tna xchosenonex? theres no good wrestlers on the show, exept like 3, i watch it on thursdays here and there, and to tell u the truth i aint impressed. crappy announcers, crappy pyros, crappy and i mean crappy music. wwe has the real themes real pyros real wrestlers, and the squared circle, i hate that tna ring, its shit. i am not afraid of a wrestling promotion that takes wwe rejects, cristian, dudleys(team 3d that a great team name Fuck NOT) and rhino, guy is challengeing vince, all vince needs to do is send kane after him and rhino is history. Fuck tna. 1 day a week for an hour. wow, how nice.

No good wrestlers on the show except 3? Are you nuts? Even most WWE fans that I've talked to on this board were man enough to admit that TNA has better wrestlers by far. I admit it, TNA wrestlers are boring on the mic, the commentators/pyros/and music are bad, but I don't care. I love wrestling, and I personally would choose wrestling over commentators, pyros, music, etc. any day of the week. As for the ring, with most of the wrestlers being high flying wrestlers, the six sided ring is great since it gives them more room to work with. Also, it makes them unique and different from WWE. Rejects? Christian, Dudleys, and Rhino (all of which WWE had no idea what to do with storyline wise) are some of the very few wrestlers who left WWE. By the way, WWE didn't reject Christian, Christian rejected WWE and quit. Anyways, back to the rejects part, Abyss, Samoa Joe, Sting, Chris Sabin, Petey Williams, LAX, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Senshi, and Sonjay Dutt were never a part of WWE. And as for your Kane remark, you do realize that wrestling is fixed don't you? It's not real.
dead_kennedy00 said:
Im trying to say this not as a biased wwe fan, but as an objective analysis. I honestly think that the tna matches are no more exciting or dramatic than wwe matches. TNA has 6 guys that only wrestle on PPV, 4 that win every match, and the rest are jobbers. Abyss vs whoever: winner abyss. AJ styles and CD vs whoever, Winner AJ and CD. X division champ vs whoever, winner X champ.

It just seems like squash after squash after squash, except on the horribly named PPV's(Slammiversery?) which i understand from the TNA fans are "Frickn the bomb ass ****** yo!"

Ill tally the amount of times ive seen the TNA "Top Talent" wrestle
Christian: 1
Jeff Jarett:0
Samoa Joe: 2
Big Poppa Pump: 0
AJ styles: 2

Thats why were not scared.

By the way, if you don't think that TNA matches are more exciting than WWE matches, you've either never ordered a TNA pay-per-view, or you did order a TNA pay-per-view and you were high, drunk, or passed out or something. Trust me, TNA pay-per-views are five-star matches the whole way through. Order Hard Justice this in August, and you will see what I'm talking about. Please trust me.
dont get me wrong there good wrestling but Vince has the money to buy tna out anytime..not to mention that all tna maineventers are past wwe,wcw,ecw stars..
yes fact of the matter is tna is a bunch of wrestlers who lost their jobs at wwe because they could not find it therefore had to find another HOME......Vince is a BILLONARE the man has an empire....this is the same man that BOUGHT wcw and got ECW out of business....no way in hell tna can compete with wwe as of rite now...now im not saying that will never beat wwe thats highly doubtful though from my standpoint but im just saying as of now vince is chillin...Raw...Smackdown....Ecw....Velocity....Heat...Am Raw....better wrestling homepage....better known names throughout the world....more advertisment...more merchandise....sending wrestlers to Iraq during the time of war to comfort them with a show....you just cant compete
grungy72 said:
I both agree and Disagree, Let me first state im a WWE fan but im not a FANBOY who would die for the wwe like some of my peers. I personally love TNA and have embraced it for what it always wanted to be AN ALTERNATIVE to the wwe, And as far as wrestling goes TNA beats wwe hands down. Now i disagree that fans are getting scared i would say they have more of a fear for the unknown most of the wwe fans that come here and slander Tna have never watched it, Given the chance to i think most would embrace it>

Well said!!!

Rated R Superstar316 said:
Look RAW is 2 hours ans SmackDown is 2 hours and ECW is soon going to turn to 2 hours how will TNA compete against 3 of Vince McMahons shows? Even if TNA turns to 2 hours it's still in trouble.

now isnt that damn true, all u stubid tna wrestling fans....

The shows being 2 hours is about all you said that is true. So in 6 hrs of Vince's shows you might be lucky to get 30 minutes of wrestling. And why would TNA be in trouble? They are not trying to compete with WWE, they are giving you a different style and they actually wrestle during 90% of the show.

THANK GOD FOR TIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's not overpowering. I don't get a chance to watch the shows when they are scheduled to be on, I have to DVR them. I can get through all 3 of Vince's shows in about an hour, Raw in about 30 mins, and ECW & SD, combined about 30 mins. Overpower me with quality not how much time you can buy on tv.

IMO Vince needs to go back to 1 roster and use them on RAW & SD. That will be the only way SD gets back to even half of what it was. ECW will soon go by the wayside again. It's just a watered down version of SD anyways.

Anyways I enjoy both TNA & WWE. They aren't competeing they are alternatives to each other.
like many have said before...these shows are just alternatives to each other.
you want to see wrestling u watch tna, u wanna see storylines and characters u watch wwe
Aeksis8745 said:
wow good comeback you cerebral jackass. You never have anything to back up your point of views.
ok and u do i just dont care i say what i have to say and go on i dont cry about it most people agree with me unlike u your one of those people who crys
Rated R Superstar316 said:
FUCK THAT STUBID TNA. They dont even have a square ring. they get like 500 people per show, wwe gets 10 times that much. fuck tna

Dude, I laughed so hard when I read this. They dont have a square ring? Are you kidding me? That's a bad thing? I mean what the hell. WWE could come out with a 8 sided ring and you fanboy clowns would love it up the ass.

BTW Stubid? Get a dictionary. I mean this site has spellcheck, buddy.

Now just for the fact that WWE has more money is a reason to WATCH WWE is riddiculous. I mean if you want to watch actual wrestling then WWE is not the place. Out of 6 hours of air time they may have 17 minutes of exciting moves. Not including crap like a 300 pound man sidewalk slamming a cruiserweight. Wow, WHAT TALENT!!! The matches in TNA are so exciting, its no comparison. I mean, I remember a time when in WWE exciting wrestler's music came on, fans would literally jump out of their seats. But now Batista is lucky if he gets a standing ovation. But when it comes to TNA you get so into the matches the armdrags make you flip out. And then you see shit like the Tower of Doom, even the heavyweights do that. Lockdown 06 no one under 200 pounds cept maybe AJ were involved in a 6 MAN POWER F'N BOMB!!!!

Bottom line, TNA is more exciting matches than WWE.
WWE yeah, better mic skills I'll give it that but I think I'd rather see a guy walk on the top of a cage than listen to Edge bitch about why he gets no respect.
Originally Posted by Rated R Superstar316
FUCK THAT STUBID TNA. They dont even have a square ring. they get like 500 people per show, wwe gets 10 times that much. fuck tna

No wonder some people think WWE fans have no clue about Pro Wrestling. If you're gonna say stuff like that, and just be overall stupid and immature, than yeah you won't be taken seriously. Now I don't watch TNA a lot (I know I should) but, I sure do respect it, and I agree with people when they say TNA has better wrestling than the WWE has now. I think they need better promos and announcers but, that's my opinion.

Flames Out
what i think shows stupidity and fear from tna is when ppl like rhyno and jim cornette tries to take shots at vince. i mean vince is just showing he is the bigger company cause he doesnt need to stoop to the level at taking shots at a promotion who isnt nearly as big as wwe yet. im not a wwe fan that never watches tna, i watch both but sometimes i cant stand tna with the crappy production. the wrestling is pretty good but im not impressed at all with the storylines which fails to get me interested in the matches. not to mention the announcing is embarassing i cant stand to listen to those two try to sell storylines
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