Unnecessary WWE title reigns.


Occasional Pre-Show
If you could stop a title reign for each championship that is currently active what would they be? For me it would be the following.

Divas Championship-Jillian (October 2009)
She was champion for what? Less than 5 minutes. Winnig it from Mickie James and losing it to Melina :confused:

Womens Championship- Mickie James (April 2007)
The match wasn't even televised and the title change was pointless and besides Melina captured it again, which still wasn't on tv.

WWE Tag Titles- Batista & Rey Mysterio (December 2005)
I really couldn't pick one out but if I had to choose it would be them. I understand the concept of them doing it in tribute for Eddie, but all in all it didn't last very long.

World Tag Titles- The Rock & The Undertaker (December 2000)
Does anybody remember this? No? Exactly. It seems like I'm only like I'm picking short title reigns, but oh well. I would also have stopped the CM Punk & Kofi Kingston reign.

United States Championship- Carlito (October 2004)
I honestly liked all reigns and I WOULDN'T change any of them but if I HAD to it'd be this one just because it was his WWE debut match.

Intercontinental Championship- Triple H (October 2002)
I'm biased with this because I wanted Kane to win the match to unify WHC & Int. titles.

World Heavyweight Championship- The Great Khali (July 2007)
Why couldn't have given Kane the damn world championship. Edge got injured had to vacate it and Kane was suppose to be his next opponent. But no instead of having Kane win the battle royal they had Khali do it. :banghead: I don't dislike Khali but I'm still pissed about this.

WWE Championship- Brock Lesnar (August 2002)
I feel that Lesnar should have won his first championship at Wrestlemania instead of Summerslam.

What would YOU change?
One unnessesary title change i can think of was batista and cena tag team champions in august 2008 on raw, they just took the titles from i think cody rhodes and dibiase in the weeks leading up to their match at summerslam then the next week there was a rematch and rhodes and dibiase got their titles back. WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT?!?!?! >:O
I think two pointless title reigns would have to be Kane's WWF Title reign and Ezekiel Jackson's title win on the last ECW.

Kane's title reign was stupid because it only lasted one day!!! Like honestly Vince why would you make him champion for a day.

And idk if you would consider Zeke's a title "reign" but seriously...why would u make him champion if the title is gonna be inactive right after he wins it??? That doesn't make very much sense. I always like it when big guys win championships (except Khali) but this was just stupid on WWE's part. You already ruined ECW but at least give it a good grand finale. What did they do after he won it anyways?? Did he get backstage and then just take it away from him. They should of just kept Christian champion.
Batista 2009-He won WWE Championship from Orton at (I think) extreme rules PPV only to drop it next night on Raw to Orton.He was legitimly injured and in need of surgery even before PPV but I guess he wanted the title before he goes to surgery.They(Legacy) could easily keyfabe injure him on PPV(it was steel cage but still they could do it)

Batista 2008-He won World heavyweight title on Cyber sunday PPV from Jericho only to drop it next week on Raw to Jericho probably because Cena was returning from injury and WWE wanted Cena-Jericho for the title

Dont get me wrong I like Batista(well I liked him more in 2005 and now and not so much between that period) but do you see some unnecessery patern here?
I'd like to change my WWE title one.

I wouldn't have had Tiple H win the WWE Championship at No Mercy 2007 he won it form Orton and lost it to him in the same night. :(
I would have to say Hornswoggle's tenure as Cruiserweight Championship. Why? Because that title had significance. It was, in its own self, a division we no longer see. Greats like Rey Mysterio, Billy Kidman, Gregory Helms, etc held this belt and shared its history.

And what happened? Storyline wrote it out as a "we're too afraid the guy that won this prestigious title will get hurt."

REALLY?? Okay, that's fine. Then the belt is vacated, right? Someone else can claim it...

Nope. It's gone. Hey lots of people don't like Hornswoggle, but he made it look entertaining to possess something that was bigger than him. But to write it out of the company over "We're afraid he'll get hurt" and then send him to Raw to face the likes of Chavo Guerrero week after week? I am usually not so biased, but my thoughts on WWE doing that:


They could have had someone else take the title. So IMO that was the most unnecessary reign as champion.
How about Shemus's title reign. Yeah he had for what 2 months and had only 3 title matches. He didn't even win any of those title matches by pinfall or submission. Then when it came time for him to step and show people he wasn't a fluke win at EC where you couldn't get DQed or counted out he couldn't step up. Then you have John Cean win the belt again just to lose it to Batastia honestly what happen to about 5 month world title reigns now you would be lucky to see a title reign last more then 2 months
For me one of the most meaningless title changes was for the World Heavyweight Championship. Nov 29th 2004 both Edge and Chris Benoit were declared winners of a Triple threat match with then Champion Triple H. On Dec 6th Raw Vince Declare the title Vacant. Triple H then won the Elimination Chamber match also involving Batisita, Chris Benoit, Chris jericho and Edge and Randy Orton. So what was the point of Edge and Benoit both Beating Triple H and Vacating the Title just for triple H to win it Back? Personally I HATE whenever a title becomes vacate. If it wasn't time for triple h to lose the belt then there was no need to Vacate it. I personally think the conversation between hunter and vince went something like this..........HHH "Hey dad, I got a Great Idea!" Vince"What is it Son?" HHH "Instead of me dropping the belt to Edge or Chris how about I drop the belt to myself!" Vince "Thats Genius! I Love it!" I think triple H just agree to vacate the title because he knew he'd win it back, thus giving him another World title inching him ever closers to Flairs Record of 16.
The Other Title reign/change I would erase was the WWE Title at No Mercy 2007. Cena got hurt which sucks because he never got to put anyone over in the process of losing it but these things happen. Awarding someone a title sucks and cheapens the title in my opinion. Therefore no One should ever be awarded the title. The only time it kinda fit was when Triple H was the Uber Heel of Raw back in 2002 when WWE was hurting for new talent. But No Mercy 2007 should be completely erased. I mean come'on, Orton gets awarded the title, just to lose it to triple H, who then successfully defended against Umage, just to then lose it back to orton by the end of the night. Horrible stupid booking.

Also Hornswoggle being Cruiserweight champ sucked

And Vince Russo as WCW champion ( I don't care if you just want current championships, this was by FAR the worst title run in the history of Professional Wrestling All Time!)
I think that Zeke winning the ECW title and then fading into obscurity was beyond pointless...What happened to him? Where did he go? He won the title and now he's gone? :wtf:
i no wtf wwe is really pissin me off cause u no wat they could do to make a good show but all they do is suck cenas cock and now its also startin to be rko to, wtf happened to hhh whos one of the one of the wrestlers who been in the buisnes the longest
Ezekiel Jackson's father died so that's why you haven't seen him lately.

I don't think HHH's reign at No Mercy 2007 was unnecessary. I believe they wanted Orton to beat somebody credible for the belt and they had to think more or less on the fly because of Cena's injury. I would have done a tournament thing and have HHH and Orton be the last two people and just cut their first match.

A unnecessary title reign was Rock's Undisputed title reign in 2002. I guess Vince thought Undertaker wasn't a big enough star to put over Lesnar for the title so they decided the Rock should win it at Vengeance but I still hated it. Undertaker put over Brock at HIAC anyway so it wouldn't be any different to put him over at Summerslam for the title no less.
Batista's reign that just ended was pointless, there were other ways to have Cena win a belt at Mania.

Zeke winning the ECW Title was crap and a slap in the face to Christian to be denied the honor of being the last champion ever, especially when he was the most dominant WWECW they ever had.

Hornswaggle and the cruiserweight title..

Rey Mysterio - I think his reign sucked ass, there needed to be more build up, nobody cared.

and most importantly

Bob Backlund - a WTF moment for sure. What in the blue hell was the purpose of this. He came out of left field and got it. I still don't know why he was given the title.
There are some that have been said, and some that weren't mentioned yet. I don't know how far back you can go with this, but here's a few.

Backlund/Morales tag team victory over the Samoans only to vacate the belts due to both Backlund and Morales held the World and Intercontinental belts already.

Hornswoggle cruiserweight title was embarrassing.

Jillian's women's title victory only to lose it minutes later to Marlena only because Micky James was going to Smackdown.

Ezechiel's ECW title win was pointless...why have a victory in the very last minute of the company's existence?

Double J's (Jeff Jerrett) Intercontinental title loss to Chyna only because he was going to WCW and Vince wanted to embarrass him.
I think Chyna winning the IC belt was pretty lame. How did anyone forget that?

...oops, spoke too soon.
I have three names that immediately come to mind; Stephanie McMahon, David Arquette and C.M. Punk. Stephanie couldn't wrestle if she had to, putting the Women's title on her was imo, a slap in the face of serious women wrestlers' such as Moolah and Sherri Martel. The David Arquette debacle doesn't need an explanation, it was one of the biggest nails in the coffin of WCW. Now onto a guy that, in my opinion, couldn't draw flies if he was covered in shit.....C.M. Punk. He's not a good wrestler, he's use of kicks remind me of RVD but nowhere near as talented, then there is his whole straight edge gimmick, how many tattoos does he have, maybe it's just the facetious way that I look at the world but it seems to me that he does have an addiction to being inked. This isn't the gospel, just my opinion and fortunately in my life, my opinion is the only one that matters.
I think Takers last Title reign was supeflous, because he is a super star that is bigger than the title. His role should be to put wrestlers who get too big for their britches in their place. He outshines the belt. They did not need to give him the belt, and should have had him cause Punk the belt, and then had a Feud about something more than the Title, like Punk's soul.
I can think of lots from the past, and most of them people already mentioned but currently:

The Miz as the US Champion.

He's doing just fine as a tag team champ, he's in no singles feuds, hasn't defended the belt in what seems to be months. There are lots of other Raw midcarders who could benefit from having the US title.
There are so many title reigns and title changes that it is completely rediculous! You can't even BEGIN to discuss this in an online forum! WWE world titles ESPECIALLY and also the tag belts are meaningless and worthless! For the life of me I cannot figure out why they think its good to have John Cena win the EC match, only to lose the belt to Batista minutes later, only for him to win the damn thing back at WrestleMania! This is one of many examples where WWE has been slapping our collective faces! Somebody in WWE needs to go! It might just be Vinnie Mac himself.

The WWE (with that stupid spinning P.O.S. belt) and the WHC are WORTHLESS.

WWE forgot where they came from. WWE used to have long reigning champions who not only had title defenses on PPV but also on RAW and even Superstars and hell even the WWF ActionZone for cryin' out loud! I don't mean these 5 minute matches where its used to set up a run in or a squash. I mean a legitimate ppv quality title defense WITHOUT interference or PPV implications. Take Diesel in 1995 for example. Damn good back and forth WWE title match with Bam Bam Bigelow on RAW. It was storyline involved but not until AFTER the end of the match.

Somebody wake me up when wrestling no longer SUCKS!
Any tag team title reign when they give it to the two guys that will be battling at the next ppv in the main event. It all started with Michaels and Austin winning the tag belts way back in '97. That was ok, b/c it was the first we had seen it. (I think?) Anyway, after that, that storyline has since been PLAYED TO DEATH. Not to mention, it makes no sense, and it does nothing with an already fledgling tag team division.

Ditto to the guy that mentioned the p.o.s. spinner belt. I hate that belt!!!
Currently right now, there are REALLY Stupid title reigns in the WWE. First of all, the Miz holding on the US Championship. That dudes been holding it for a good deal of time but they'r not doin shit bout it. Besidz him, Drew McInteyre holdin the IC champ for no freakin' reason as well.
This goes to VINTAGE and his question, so to speak, on Bob Backlunds 1994 reign as WWF Champion.

It's like this. Bret Hart, the previous champion was going to continue his feud with his brother Owen. Diesel was on fire at the time and super popular. Diesel was going to be the next "IT" guy, evidenced by his near one year reign. Bret CHOSE to drop the title to Bob Backlund in order to allow a great wrestler that came before him, the chance to have that spotlight once again. Even if only a few days. Ask yourself if Hulk Hogan or Triple H would do such a thing. The answer there is a resounding NO. Triple h had the opportunity to allow Ric Flair one last day in the sun to wear the gold. You know at the next ppv or whatever, Trips would have gotten it back. But, no, it didn't happen. And Hogan? Yeah right. That guy wouldn't let HBK beat him at SummerSlam.

By the way, if I seem like I'm blasting you, I apologise. That's not the case. Trying to inform is all, my friend. Now, back on topic. Bret chose to give Backlund the title. There should be more guys willing to do the JOB just to say "thank you."
Off the top of my head...

Batista's title win against Chris Jericho in 2008. He held it for 8 days then the wwe realised they wanted Cena to be champ again but they didn't want another Cena vs Batista match so soon so Jericho was given the title back for 2 weeks.

Batista's 2009 title win against Randy Orton. If Batista was in need of surgery before the freaking ppv why give him the title. Nothing would of changed if Orton had retained, waste of a title reign.

Triple H's and Randy Orton's No Mercy 2007 title reigns. Orton shouldn't of been handed the title, Triple H shouldn't of won the title and Randy Orton shouldn't of won it once more at the end of the night. They could of done a Orton vs a returning HBK (He returned what like the night after?) or Jericho re-debuting a few months earlier. Hell we could of gotten Orton vs Triple H vs Umaga for the title in the main event or Triple H vs Umaga still ahppens, the winner would go on to face Orton is a LMS in the main event. There were so many more logical methods of getting the title on Orton.

Triple H in 2004
The title is vacated only for HHH to re-win it? As The Miz would now say, Really? All that just for him to win it.

Triple H - Edge - Jeff - Edge - Triple H
Jeff got screwed out of the title for months, gets bumped from the Survivor Series triple threat so Edge can win the match. Three weeks later Jeff PINNED Edge to win the title, he didn't get the pin on the man he had been chasing for the past couple of months HHH no no no can't have HHH being pinned by someone who is clearly much more over then HHH. Then at the Royal Rumble after wrestling a total of Zero Matches Jeff Hardy loses the freaking title back to Edge just so HHH can win it once more three weeks later at No Way Out. It would of been easier for HHH to just hold the title during those months, then when Jeff won the title from Edge in the ladder much with Punk cashing in right after, it would of made the already pro angle much better.

Late 2008 - present world title reigns

WWE Championship - HHH - Edge - Jeff - Edge - HHH - Orton - Batista - Orton - Cena - Orton - Cena - Sheamus - Cena - Batista - Cena
World Heavyweight - Jericho - Batista - Jericho - Cena - Edge - Cena - Edge - Jeff - Punk - Jeff - Punk - Taker - Jericho - Swagger.

From Cyber Sunday to present (Just under a year and a half) there have been 15 title changes for the WWE Championship and 14 for the World Championship. Two of the World Title changes were MITB cash in's. I feel if the WWE Championship had just gone HHH - Orton (Winning preferably at Mania 25 but Backlash is fine) - Cena (When ever he won) - Sheamus - Cena - Batista - Cena (I feel the whole Cena/Batista feud was fine) that cuts the # of reigns down to seven. On the World Title side Jericho - Cena - Edge - Jeff - Punk - Taker - Jericho - Swagger. Batista's reign wasn't needed, Cena could of still won at Survivor Series and dropped it at Backlash, Edge then drops it to Hardy who drops it to Punk due to MITB cash in, Jeff doesn't get the 3rd reign (2nd in this time line), Taker still wins the title as with Jericho and Swagger.

Besides Jeff's title reigns nothing else would really change as allot of the reigns were mere shock value reigns.
Just want to answer something regarding HHH losing the belt but then vacated and later won back in the EC. I do believe Orton could not challenge HHH whilst he remained champion, due to the championship being vacated it allowed Orton back into the scene. So there was a reason behind it be at all a stupid one (as why put such a thing on Orton if you plan on him challenging again).

As for the Orton/HHH/Orton reign. I personally thought the WWE did a clever thing. It allowed Orton to actually win the belt rather than just be given it and allowed a main event to happen. So they could have just said Orton v HHH for the vacated title but I personally liked the spin on it.

Now as for Kane's reign, I don't even know if that was ever suppose to happen it seems very odd. I know they played on the Kane/Undertaker alliance later on but it just seemed like they decided to keep the belt on Austin but couldn't find another way passed the First Blood part.

Unnecessary reigns, many of them are Edge's and Cena's latest ones. Add to that Khali's... heaven forbid they put the title back on him. Then there was Vince;s reign, utterly pointless looking back on it and seeing we are mentioning the past, there is one belt that had far too many and gladly someone put a stop to it... the majority of Hardcore title reigns. It was a nice angle when Crash was doing it but when half the roster was following suit it was a unncessary joke.
I cannot comprehend the idea of an "unnecessary" championship reign. When looking at Pro Wrestling, yes it's scripted, but you're supposed to look at it from a competition standpoint where the fighters are determined to win. If someone wins the title for 4 seconds, good for them! When Randy Couture won the UFC title long enough to have a cup of coffee before losing it to Lesnar, was it "unnecessary" for him to come out of retirement, already being in the HoF and a respected legend? God forbid an old school wrestler today coming back to win a title, or what a backlash he'd reap from the "fans" who'd claim it was "unnecessary".

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