United States and Saudi Arabia <3 4 EVA!!!


of the Le'beau family

WASHINGTON (AFP) &#8211; In the largest US arms deal ever, the administration of US President Barack Obama is ready to notify Congress of plans to offer advanced aircraft to Saudi Arabia worth up to 60 billion dollars, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday.....link to the article above.

I find this a little strange, as do others. Not on the part of the U.S. We need money right now, but on Saudi Arabia. The Saudi's haven't had to fight a war since the 1930s, and already spend 13% of their budget on their GDP. Why did they buy 60 billion in weapons that they don't need?

People that have actually heard about this have flashed reasons left and right as to why. One is that we are a slave to Saudi Oil, and that Saudi Arabia likes to be on our good side because we've got good military.

Others say it that Allowances aren&#8217;t what they used to be for the tens of thousands of family members in the Royal Family, causing many to get in the business of facilitating foreign business deals with the Saudi government. Commissions can be as much as 5% on billion-dollar arrangements, giving those in the House of Saud plenty of motivation to lobby their brethren to close lucrative purchases with American companies.

Another is that the Saudi's need the weapons for their defense. Which, isn't really true.

What do you think? Do you think we should be giving this massive weaponry to them? Do you think the Saudi's have good intentions? Do you think Obama is nuts?
Well besides we needz the $$$ obviously, its to put a further foothold in that area for when the day comes (as it appears it will) when we have to get ignorant with Iran. Most people are unaware of this, but Qatar and Kuwait (two very small, rich, neighbor countries to Saudi) are already like little Americas. To the point we may as well call them "Qatar Rico" and "Kuwait Samoa". This will just make Saudi another rich, powerfull ali in that part of the world. It will be good to have 60 billion dollars worth of our own shit already there when it becomes "go time"

Saudi Arabia does not need to appease the U.S. They have always been difficult but if the U.S. got stern they would just shift oil supplies elsewhere. Its most likely to deal with Iran. I would see an attack based on their refusal to join the Persian bandwagon or just being too close to the U.S. period. I couldn't blame 'em and it would make alot of sense to strike U.S. oil supplies in war. It helped Imperial apan and Iran is in a corner.
Well I am guessing it's either one off two thing's

1. Saubi needs defences because think about it they own a large part off the oil which we are addicted to using and are thinking ahead because the whole Iran war was over oil so they got smart and are defending there country from invaders.


2. They have lots off money and therefore making there country not look weak by getting lots off weapons with there spare money.

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