Unforgiven Predictions

caballero613 said:
It would be nice to see a fresh face in DX but I dont think they want to add another wrestler to the mix. waltman is in contract with that MTV project so he wont sign with WWE unless they can break that contract somehow, and well no one else fits the dx mold

well one vince can easyly buy out his contract hif he really wants to... and two yes someone would fit DX mold... how about carlto.. or even better the best choice bring back Y2J:headbanger:
to start off the guy raving about an fu through the table... that actually would be nice to see but how about cena leaving to smackdown ?? that would be even better.it wont happen but would be nice. and carlito would be nice in dx because he needs a little help in the getting over department but i think WWE is going to try to give him that push without anyone. and Y2J ?? dont think so he has a line of shows coming up with fozzy so he's out
tru just remember he does have stuff line dup.. mb we will see him at RR or WM23.... Carlto do need push.... Cena yeah can see that happing but I think he still ganna win

The only way I see him lossing is that someone from SD showes up to cost him the match.. like MVP
I dont think he will lose but that whole MVP thing, wow that would be great !!
The plan right now is for John Cena to defeat Edge for the WWE Heavyweight Championship this Sunday at Unforgiven. This of course means that Cena will not be going to SmackDown, however, it should be noted that this is the plan now and that it could change several times before their match this Sunday.

Source: PWInsider

It looks like Cena's gonna win! Too bad for Edge.:shit:
Mb you guys think we see Benoit this weekend with him being from canda and all.. and he do back soon.. instead going to SD he goes to Raw
Carlito vs orton:orton and the feud will go on
Kane vs. Umaga: Kane just to give him a loss
Tag Titles:The Highlanders
womens: Trish, great way to end her carrer idk wut then but they'll do sumthin 2 vacate it or give it to someone
Hell in a Cell: DX somebody will interfere aka third member

that's wut i hope would happen ne way
ShaneRamlall said:
A cena taker feud will be boring.Saw it happen already.
Well you saw it with taker having a differen gimmik. I think it woul be funny to see taker play his mind games again and mess with cena. Cena did kinda give taker some go in their last match. there really isnt anyone exciting for Taker to feud with anymore, Khali is gone, fued sucked anyway but the unedited last man standing was funny as hell, booker could drop the belt to him, but it would be hard for the creative team to even make a fued with a point for Taker now unless its for a belt. Ex: Him and Kennedy Fighting at no mercy,, Y?????? His gimmik is a respect demanding legend, Y did kurt have to be so stupid?
night_angel said:
I still think thier will be one ,ore math with masters somehow.... but anyway my picks are as follows

Edge VS. Cena..... Cena winning by DQ.. and staying on raw by Tech

Nirto VS. Jeff....... Jeff

Lita VS. Trish.... Trish

Spirt Squad VS. Highlanders..... Highlanders(Which would start the break up of the Spirt Squad)

Vince&Shane7 bIG Show VS. Dx..... Vince and Shane...(Unless Dx has help somehow.. but this should be end of DX)

Randy VS. Carlto.... Carlto(Start building him up to a big time player)

Kane VS. Umaga..... Umaga (by DQ).. But I would not put in past WWE to have taker show up mb start to bring back B.O.D...

What you guys think

Dude, Cena Can't be DQ, It's a TLC Match
lololol I know jeff ain't winning not after that crappy performace at 9/11 .Jeff is complete trash. He was better when he was all drugged up.Im not a fan of nitro but ill suport him 10x faster thqan jeff hardy's crappy ass.Doing high flying moves once again don't make jeff anywhere near good.Personally i found Matt 100x better.And ya'll better hope in canada they boo cena like never b4 otherwise CENA will win as sad as that sound.And trish is winning cuz its her last match (even tho i never thought she was nothing but a pretty face).Umaga will win cuz Kane ain't on a level where they'd let him end umagas streak.Orton will win cheating of course.DX should win even tho id rather see Big show end both those corny old mens career(im talking about dx )
orton prolly wont win cuz of his recent drug test failure
#1 09-08-2006, 02:08 AM
Y 2 Jake
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Stoke-on-Trent, England
Posts: 520

WWE Championship/T.L.C. Match

Edge vs. John Cena WINS

Intercontinental Title Match

Johnny Nitro vs. Jeff Hardy WINS

Womens Title Match

Lita vs. Trish Stratus WINS

Tag Team Title Match

Spirit Squad vs. The HighlandersWINS

3 On 2 Handicap/Hell In A Cell Match

Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon & Big Show vs. D-Generation X WINS

Randy Orton WINS vs. Carlito

Kane WINS vs Umaga
I hope Edge wins, cause I want Cena on smackdown, I wanna see Batista Vs Cena, Or Cena vs King Booker ( Why? Remember the great matches they did back when the us belt was vacated, best of 5 series for the us championship, that was ownage) So I want Cena to win but I want Edge who Do I think will win

WWE championship
Cena Vs Edge = Cena Wins

DX vs Mcmahons and Big show = DX with either a twist of winning, or Mcmahons and Shawn gets a "Ingery" so he can have that surgery he needed for a while now.

Intercontenial Championship
Nitro Vs Hardy = Nitro , Why even bring back jeff hardy, he is messed up, he is just a pot head.

Womans Championship

Lita Vs Trish = Trish and will vacate the title or compete.

Tag team Title match

Spirt squad vs Highlanders= Highlanders wins

Orton Vs Carlito = Orton, in line for major push unless drug test effects him

Kane vs Umaga= Umaga wins , Kane aint in line for push yet.
Hardy wins B/c Foely comes out to F with Milna for what she did!!!

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