Unforgiven Predictions

WWE Championship
TLC Match

Edge(c) Vs John Cena

Winner-John Cena

Hell In A Cell
Handicap Match

D-Generation X Vs The McMahon's and Big Show


Intercontinental Championship
Single's Match

Johnny Nitro(c) Vs Jeff Hardy

Winner- Jeff Hardy

Tag Team Championship
Spirit Squad(c) Vs The Highlanders

Winners- The Highlanders

Women's Championship
Trish Stratus Last Match

Lita(c) Vs Trish Stratus


Singles Match
Randy Orton Vs Carlito

Winner- Randy Orton

Singles Match
Kane Vs Umaga
Winner- Kane
Here is what i think will happen.
WWE Championship/TLC Match
Edge vs. Cena-Cena
Intercontinental Title Match
Johnny Nitro vs. Jeff Hardy-Jeff Hardy
Womens Championship Match
Lita vs. Trish Stratus-Lita
Hell in a Cell
Mcmahons & Big Show vs. DX-Mcmahons & Big Show
Singles Match
Kane vs. Umaga-Kane
Singles Match
Carlito vs. Randy Orton-Randy Orton
World Tag Team Championship Match
Spirit Squad vs. The Higlanders-The Higlanders
They will be building up how Edge has never lost a TLC match and then he'll lose the title to Cena and they wouldnt have the Mcmahons beat up DX if they werent going to win, so how much it pains me to say it DX loses the match but they stay together
I read that Cena was supposed to have the title by the end of the Cena vs. Edge fued and that was supposed to be Unforgiven.
Y 2 Jake said:
With 7 matches confirmed for the card I think it's finished. Who do you think the winners will be?

WWE Championship/T.L.C. Match

Edge vs. John Cena

Intercontinental Title Match

Johnny Nitro vs. Jeff Hardy

Womens Title Match

Lita vs. Trish Stratus

Tag Team Title Match

Spirit Squad vs. The Highlanders

3 On 2 Handicap/Hell In A Cell Match

Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon & Big Show
vs. D-Generation X

Randy Orton vs. Carlito

Kane vs Umaga

Cena will win if Lita dosen't interfeared the match.
Hardy will win if Melina dosen't interfeared the match.
I don't care whose wins the women's championship.
Highlanders better win or Spirit Squad is going to have a feud against Hass & Viscera or Cade & Murdoch!
DX will win (again).
Carlito will destroy Orton.
Kane will destroy Umaga!
WWE Championship/TLC Match
Edge v's Cena There is a fisrt time for everything

Intercontinenal Match
Nitro v's Jeff because jeff is on top of his game

Women title Match
Lita v's Trish because she is leave and it is in her hometown

Tag Team Title Match
Spirit Squad v's Highlanders because it time for the Gay squad to break up.

3 On 2 Handicap Hell in a cell match
McMahon & Show v's DX because they always have a plant

Orton v's Carlio They need to make carlio bigger

Kane v's Umaga becasue it time for umaga to lose his is massing with the wrong monster.
dose anyone think it would been a better idea for the kane match to be like an inferno match....

as for my picks

Edge vs. Cena.... I agree there is a first time for everything... Cena wins with help from Lita screwing edge

Nitro vs. Jeff... Jeff they seem to pushing him fast.. and wants to get back to the hardy boyz.. so they ganna give him tittle first

Lita vs. trish......Trish.. to show her thanx for everything she done.. and to shake things up ion the womens divison... I say have open changle diva rumble.. all three brands can send many as thier wants.. winner gets belt.. and the champ can deffend agaisnt any diva on any show.. and who ever wins that what show tittle on

Spirt Squad vs. Highlanders.... Highlanders all the way.. Spirt Squad breaking up.. so this way to start that.. Than Highlanders will fued with Cryme Time.. til the Hardy Boyz come back

DX vs. Big Show, Shane, Vince.... DX with help from mystery member.. my guess X-Pac... This will start fued into NWO at SS and end of DX

Carlto vs. Randy... Carlto... time he starts to make big name and push for himself

Kane vs. Umaga.... Kane..Umaga run is over.. plus he sux ass
After seeing the last Raw (9/11) - My Unforgiven Picks:

Edge vs. John Cena

(Winner: John Cena)
Everyones talking about Cena going to Smackdown & Edge bad mouths on Booker & Sharmell. Just like Cena jobs in his home, I think Edge will job in his home (maybe intereference from Booker??) I say the beans will be spilled after the match that Edge agreed to the contract where Edge wins Cena goes -AND!!- If Cena wins then Edge goes to Smackdown & there's your new title fued for Smackdown (maybe including Benoit)

Degeneration X vs. Big Show & The McMahons

(Winners: DX)
After watching those past HIAC Clips & watching Show/Mcmahons slaughtering DX the way they've been doing the past 2 weeks. I am really so hoping by a possible chance THE UNDERTAKER shows up not just to help DX but for REVENGE (buried alive Surv.Series 03). Taker could put Kennedy over at No Mercy with help from the Mcmahons & another Taker/McMahons fued starts up ending at Survivor Series with maybe a Handicap Burried Alive with a different ending. Hopefully the nWo is in the WWE fueding with DX at this time.

Johnny Nitro w/ Melina vs. Jeff Hardy

(Winner: Jeff Hardy by DQ)
Interference from Melina

Carlito vs. Randy Orton

(Winner: Randy Orton)
To begin establishing him as the new top heel of Raw after my prediction Edge going to Smackdown

Kane vs. Umaga

(Winner: Umaga)
This is a tough one, Kane got the uperhand on Umaga these past 2 weeks. Thinking theres going to be inference from AAE. Umaga becomes the new monster of RAW & the fued contines

Lita vs. Trish Stratus

(Winner: Lita)
Trish won her last raw match but I'll doubt the final. On what could be a great last diva title match for Trish, it will probably end with Lita cheating her way out of it (Ropes/Tights??) but to end in a good way Lita tries to give Trish a goodbye handshake & Trish knocks her out with her finisher, holds the Women's Title up upon her home town & bids farewell to everyone

Spirit Squad vs. The Highlanders

(Winners: Highlanders)
Split the damn Squad up already
WWE Championship/T.L.C. Match

Edge vs. John Cena

Intercontinental Title Match

Johnny Nitro vs. Jeff Hardy

Womens Title Match

Lita vs. Trish Stratus

Tag Team Title Match

Spirit Squad vs. The Highlanders

3 On 2 Handicap/Hell In A Cell Match

Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon & Big Show vs. D-Generation X

Randy Orton vs. Carlito

Kane vs Umaga
WWE Championship/T.L.C. Match

Edge vs. John Cena
This pick is with my head and not my heart, I want to see John Cena off RAW very badly but I just can't see it happening.

Intercontinental Title Match

Johnny Nitro vs. Jeff Hardy
No particular reason, I just have a hunch they will give the title to Hardy.

Womens Title Match

Lita vs. Trish Stratus
You go out on your back...company policy.

Tag Team Title Match

Spirit Squad vs. The Highlanders
They are very over with the crowd so why not?

3 On 2 Handicap/Hell In A Cell Match

Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon & Big Show vs. D-Generation X
Hopefully setting the McMahons up to bring in the nWo out of desperation.

Randy Orton vs. Carlito
Orton violated the wellness policy, I don't think they are going to award him for that.

Kane vs Umaga
I agree Kane comes out on top of the feud, so Umaga takes the match.
TLC match for the WWE Championship
Edge v.s. John Cena
Winner: Cena (even though I hope not)

3 on 2 Handicap Hell IN A Cell match
DX v.s. The Mcmahons and ECW Champion Big Show
Winner: DX

Women's Championship and Trish's last match
Trish Stratus v.s. Lita
Winner:Trish (gives title to Mickie)

Carlito v.s. Randy Orton
Winner: Orton

Intercontinental Championship
Johnny Nitro w/ Melina v.s. Jeff Hardy
Winner: Jeff Hardy

World Tag Team Championships
Highlanders v.s. The Spirit Squad
Winner: Highlanders

Umaga w/ Armondo v.s. kane
Winner: Umaga (I wish Kane would win)
TLC match for the WWE Championship
Edge v.s. John Cena
Winner: Edge
Cena will win and then I think Edge will start a face turn, maybe have a crazy match and get respect storyline.

3 on 2 Handicap Hell IN A Cell match
DX v.s. The Mcmahons and ECW Champion Big Show
Winner: DX
Someone will interfere for DX, possibly Xpac, Nash or Hall

Women's Championship and Trish's last match
Trish Stratus v.s. Lita
She will retire as champion

Carlito v.s. Randy Orton
Winner: Carlito
Maybe a beatdown after, see the feud continuing.

Intercontinental Championship
Johnny Nitro w/ Melina v.s. Jeff Hardy
Winner: Jeff Hardy
Push continues for Hardy

World Tag Team Championship
Highlanders v.s. The Spirit Squad
Winner: Highlanders
Highlanders Push begins

Kane vs Umaga
Winner: Draw or No contest
I see some sort of interference, count out, double dq etc..
Edge/Cena - Cena. Everyone talks about the Edge never lost a TLC, Cena doing the Smackdown contract thing; those are the biggest arguments FOR a Cena win. That's how misdirection works...

DX/McMahons - I assumed from the beginning there would be some sort of interference on the behalf of DX; until someone mentioned it above, I hadn't even thought about Foley. It being a HIAC, how'd I miss it. Perhaps HHH will be the one thrown off the cell this time. Or Shane perhaps.

Trish/Lita - I honestly can't see Trish winning this one. It'd kinda be an insult to the female wrestlers who AREN'T quitting...

Carlito/Orton - I honestly would like to see Carlito win this one, since he's the talented one of the two, but the fact that Orton is still in the WWE tells me Vince owes Cowboy Bob a BIG favor, since Randy is neither talented enough or entertaining enough to warrant a renewed contract...

Hardy/Nitro - I love watching Jeff, but I think Nitro should win this one, in part to give him a bit more cred that he has now (what's he done since he won the title???), in part to give the I-C title a bit of stability it's been lacking. We don't need a new champ every PPV.

Highlanders/SS - I guess it all depends on whether they are actually gonna split the SS< and if they really want to rebuild the tag team scene...

Kane/Umaga - does anybody really care??? OK, I pick Kane on this one; the typical WWE formula for Kane and UT is bring in an unstoppable force, have him crush Kane/UT, then at the next big PPV, have Kane/UT crush him back, in horrendous fashion. Rinse, repeat.
Cena because WWE loves him so
Nitro because he will be feuding with hardy a bit longer
lita because WWE doesn't like anyone leaving with the strap
orton because he will be feuding with HHH soon
and Umaga because he should be getting ready to feud with Cena
so we all agree pretty much that dx will have help.. that good so do i.. but I think it time foe umaga to lose.. what they trying to do a someo joe like in tns
Edge (c) vs John Cena
Winner - Edge

DX vs The McMahons
Winners - DX

Johnny Nitro (c) vs Jeff hardy
Winner - Nitro

Carlito vs Randy Orton
Winner - Randy Orton

Lita (c) vs Trish Stratus
Winner - Trish (she then gives the title to Mickie)

Umaga vs Kane
Winner - No Contest

Spirit Squad (c) vs The Highlanders
Winner - The Highlanders
D-Squared said:
Edge (c) vs John Cena
Winner - Edge

DX vs The McMahons
Winners - DX

Johnny Nitro (c) vs Jeff hardy
Winner - Nitro

Carlito vs Randy Orton
Winner - Randy Orton

Lita (c) vs Trish Stratus
Winner - Trish (she then gives the title to Mickie)

Umaga vs Kane
Winner - No Contest

Spirit Squad (c) vs The Highlanders
Winner - The Highlanders

why do you think she just ganna hand micki the tittle...... remmber she hated micki.. why wouldn't they just do a tournyment for it
night_angel said:
so we all agree pretty much that dx will have help.. that good so do i.. but I think it time foe umaga to lose.. what they trying to do a someo joe like in tns

i do believe that dx will have help and that is foley. which builds up foley-mcmahon feud. Also shawn gets injured and thats the end of DX. HHH will begin his feud with either orton or get into the edge-cena belt feud
i deff could see foely showing up... but for some reason I also have a feeling it might be some1 we least expect it to be
well the only other person I could think of is sabu or rvd to get show out of the way for a DX victory, but i still see shawn getting hurt and leaving for about a month or 2
well yeah he leaving for his surgery... and wont be back til the rumble... but I thin Dx be around til SS.... as for RVD or Sabu.. If anyone Sabu b/c he been fueding with show for tittle.... but I just think it might be someone who might be joining DX that we would not think off... you know to give everyone a big shock like OMG I cant belive vince thought this cool
It would be nice to see a fresh face in DX but I dont think they want to add another wrestler to the mix. waltman is in contract with that MTV project so he wont sign with WWE unless they can break that contract somehow, and well no one else fits the dx mold

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