Undertaket To Become Champion?

Taker becomes Heavyweight champ and Kane becomes U.S.A champ

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  • Undertaker not the Heavyweight champ

  • Undertaker the heavyweight champ

  • Kane not U.S.A champ

  • Kane the U.S.A champ

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Undertaker 1

New Member
This would be good for Undertaker and Kane fans like me.Imagine the B.O.D(brothers of destruction) holding two of the greatest titles on Smackdown.:undertaker2:
Taker doesn't wrestle week in week out so it isn't wise for him to be Heavyweight Champ. But Kane as US would be good. Id even go as far to say Kane as Heavyweight.
USA champ.... 'lol'
agreed with kane for heavyweight though.
get that option up
fuck no this will never happen because Undertaker barely wrestles now
Taker isn't on week to week cause there isn't much use for him without the title, they put a title on him they will get a draw from it and taker would work more. Now if you want to put gold on taker and kane again and not have Taker with the top gold, Bring back BOD with them going for the Tag Team belts.
Gimmick wrestler's dont need title's. If they need a title to get over there is something seriously wrong with there gimmick. Title's in my opinion should only be used as a way to get wrestler's over. Taker and Kane are two of a select few wrestler's who wont get shat on by the crowd if they have a bad match, there that over. Therefore i.m.o. they dont need any title's.
Gimmick wrestler's dont need title's. If they need a title to get over there is something seriously wrong with there gimmick. Title's in my opinion should only be used as a way to get wrestler's over. Taker and Kane are two of a select few wrestler's who wont get shat on by the crowd if they have a bad match, there that over. Therefore i.m.o. they dont need any title's.

But having big name wrestlers eg. for right now Chris Benoit holding the US, it adds credibility to the belt. IMO. So having Kane take the Heavyweight or even Taker would add credibility to the Big belt. After having 2 out of the last three title reigns being slightly on the annoying side.(Rey Mysterio and King Booker). Even though if they had Taker even have a match for it even i he loses, it adds cred in my opinion to the man with the Strap.
Both deserve the title, Kane has been one of the best and most popular for years and has only held the title once..for 1 day. Kane deserves more than that and Taker is one of the ten best ever and has been loyal to Vince for 16 plus years and has only 4 titles to show for it. Both deserve a good run 1 more time.
they will be a all champs... =) tag team whc and usa...that be never be , except evolution in RAW- RO - Intercontiental HHH- WHC B , R F - WTT
I would say kane the WHC because undertaker has held it 4 times while kane 1 time and only for a day. Plus the US championship would make undertaker a triple crown champion, something kane has done, but not undertaker.
I agree with the idea of BOD sweeping the titles on smackdown, BOD already made history by holding the WCW and WWE tag titles at the same time, If BOD does sweep the titles, any team would be hard pressed to stop them.
But having big name wrestlers eg. for right now Chris Benoit holding the US, it adds credibility to the belt. IMO. So having Kane take the Heavyweight or even Taker would add credibility to the Big belt. After having 2 out of the last three title reigns being slightly on the annoying side.(Rey Mysterio and King Booker). Even though if they had Taker even have a match for it even i he loses, it adds cred in my opinion to the man with the Strap.

I couldn't agree with you more. I would like to see either Taker with the title or BOD with the tag titles.
I heard that the next championship reign Undertaker has will be his last, and it will be a long one. Then he loses the title and retires. Anyone else heard anything like this, and do you think it will be at WM 23?
Undertaker vs Batista at Wrestlemania would be a nightmare 2 big men who hate to sell.Put either of these 2 guys against a wrestler like Chris Benoit or the likes and i love them.Against each other would be ugly.I would actually like to see Batista vs JBL at Wrestlemania as JBL is the ultimate Smackdown heel and is long due a title rematch.Does anyone no if he is planning a comeback or will he stay at the announce table?
Sorry to break it to you boys Undertaker will not beat Batista in WM23
It is said that Batista will stop his winning streaks so he will be defeated as for Kane he deserves to be US Champ!!
the belts are on the most deserving guys now batista and benoit i love taker but he is no longer a full time wrestler and therefore would not be good with the title.he is at his best when he is only seen ocassionaly anyway.as for kane as us champ no way it is a wrestlers title and i hope it stays on a wrestler.although a kane batista angle could be interesting.
I think after all the years and all the injuries, Taker should get one more title run before he retires. If Undertaker lost his streak to Batista, that would be the end of me watching WWE (that's a.) how much I like Taker and b.) how much I think Batista is worthless)! He would be a 5 time champ, be 15-0 at Wrestlemania, and be able to retire and get put into the Hall of Fame. He could even drop the belt to Kane in his retirement match (preferably in Hell in a Cell [where it all began]).
Taker wins the Rumble, and then wins a triple threat match at Wrestlmania between him, Batista and Kennedy for the World titie. Taker gets one more title run, then drops it to Kane at Summerslam, starting a fued with Kennedy.
I just don't understand why they don't give ol Taker one more shot at the strap I mean everyone he faces is terrified of him and he is looking better than he has in three or so years since he returned to the old school Deadman character. At first he looked stupid and his wrestling looked stiff and awkward upon his return but now he looks great and has had some good feuds notably with Mr. Kennedy.

Sadly I don't see Batista losing his belt for a long long time because for some strange reason he is Mr. Smackdown with no equal or so it appears on television and in the way they promote him. Sorta like Cena but everyone knows where this speech is going so I'll cut it short right here.

Anyways if they have Batista beat The Undertaker at WM 23 that will be a damned joke in my opinion. If they are gonna have someone beat him it better be someone that will be remembered for years to come you know?
Batista just doesn't have it in my opinion. His promos are shit and he just seems generic in the ring. I would feel cheated if I paid $50-60 to see Undertaker go 15-0 only to be screwed by him losing to some Chump Steak like Batista gimme a break!
If he was gonna lose at WM it better be to someone like Kane or King Booooookaaaaa because they have name value and deserve to get that honor of being the one who stopped Undertakers streak being that they more than paid their dues. Plus Booker was a big name else where and sky rocketed when he came to WWE so why not let him beat The Undertaker? Why do they continuously make Kane look dangerous and he ALWAYS gets a loss by some fluke then has that "Whaaa?!" look on his face as the competition books it up the ramp after beating him? Why does it have to be someone who gets booed EVERY night, has no charisma, no character, no respect for the business, and is all things considered a forgetable face in a long line of "Big men".

I don't want to look back 10 years from now and see Taker getting Batista bombed for a loss then shaking hands with him. To hell with that!

I'd even accept Cena winning over Batista. Cena just seems more credible in my eyes because he cuts good promos...or did before he became a Marine...but anyways when he NEEDS to he can cut a good promo and he puts on so-so matches with Taker but my god Taker can carry anyone through a match. Maybe I am being too harsh on Batista who knows if it will happen...maybe they should have Triple H or HBK take the streak unless they both are out for surgeries that they desperately need.

All I know is Undertaker deserves better than this god dammit
No if anybody deserves to end undertakers streak its kane. people forget the history between these two men, they are story line brothers, Mark and Glen Calloway, they have a long unsettled feud in which both undertaker and kane have reason to be pissed at each other and so far they haven't come close in settling that feud. so if anyone deserves to beat undertakers streak or retire him its kane because they are linked together. this also applies to kane. while i think if undertaker lost his streak at wrestlemania I wouldn't really be that upset because i'm a kane fan before i'm an undertaker fan but if kane would to suffer as a result, which would probably happen because i see taker's streak playing a huge role in a future kane / undertaker feud, I would be pissed. plus undertaker has the power to pick his opponets at wrestlemania and the outcome, and he's stated in the past that he wanted kane to end his streak, just like it should be.

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