Undertakers Career Finish - You Book!

Brilliant thread. I love it.

In no way, whatsoever, shall the Undertaker ever lose at Wrestlemania. He is way more than capable of giving a star a rub just being in the ring at Mania.

He could have a great match with a lot of guys, but it has to be someone who is truly a veteran and knows how to work(taker style.) He is old and his body is beat down. IMO, he is the greatest, hardest working, most dedicated, wrestler of all time. He is by-far my favorite also... so here's how I see it.

I would enjoy a heel cena vs taker. Imagine the crowd reaction! For the most part mania fans hate john cena and love undertaker. This would be amazing. But I don't think that's the route I would go.

You want a matchup? PPV buys? A true wrestlemania headliner?


I'd about shit myself. Taker vs The Rattlesnake at mania. We've never ever seen it and I know we all want to. Just the stare down between the two. The cutting of the throat to austin, the middle fingers to taker. Classic.

Bring back Earl Hebner so we can have basically a no dq match, without it really being a no dq match lol.

Have them go at it for about 25-30 good minutes. Austin selling as well as taker selling. Kind of like hhh vs taker at 27.

taker kicks out of a couple of stunners, austin kicks out of everything including one tombstone. hell let him kick out of two....

the ref gets in the jumble....have hhh or hbk interfere because they want the streak to end badly... beat up on taker... have austin stun them both.

then the lights go out. ring pyro. there's kane. chokeslams austin..... disappears........taker and austin both laying there... taker sits up classic style. brings up austin.. austin hits the stunner...taker falls back into the ropes, bounces off and hits austin with the third tombstone for the 1-2-3.

the pyro goes off for 21-0 as the lay there.. austin hobbles off and gets his dues.... and taker is laying there not moving... no word from the announcers.... paul bearer appears at the stage with his head down very sadly holding the urn close... he walks to the ring... says oh my undertaker, my poor undertaker, it is time.... he kneels beside taker....GONG. lights go out.......GONG. they come back on.......the urn is in the ring......GONG. lights go out.....GONG....kane is in the ring next to the urn.....he drops to one knee extending his hand to the urn for his father and his brother.......GONG....lights go out....GONG... ligths back on there is a mask, and the urn in the ring........the brothers of destruction and paul bearer are given a classic exit to the wwe.. i'd get chils as the show ended with the fans clapping and cheering as the camera focused on kanes mask and the urn. :worship:
I was actually discussing this with a friend of mine a few weeks ago and it turns out thats what they did in svr 2011 which i didnt know because i didnt play it, but mine was wrestlemania 28 Taker vs HBK III, Falls Count anywhere, The end of the match Taker goes to hit a tombstone on shawn shawn slides off and hits sweet Chin Music and taker is knocked out shawn covers him and wins the lights go off and we see the leather jacket as well as the hat, then over the P.A. we hear...

"Shawn Michaels for twenty long years i reigned supreme, you have done what no one else could do, now I can REST IN PEACE" *GONG*
That's where I think different. We know that time is nearly up for Undertaker just not when exactly. If you have Undertaker appearing just the right amount at the right times and you have the angle, story and characters done correctly then he will be booed and Cena cheered.

There is the old tradition that you lose your last match, that means Undertaker will lose and put someone over. With his career I don't think any other even besides WM would do Undertaker fit for his final match. Do you really want a face to put over a heel Cena? Short time it's very beneficial, long run it's pointless. Cena is a long run type guy, he'll be around for a long time.

To further my point of Undertaker being a heel he'll get booed because as I said scrap the PG rating and have Undertaker sacrifice Cena's child or something. As I said before, let them push the boat out and try some new things and both guys are good enough to get the boos and cheers where they want.

Undertaker for me is not right for being a face, he looks weaker in his character. He needs to go out seeming dominant and strong for the eventual ender of the streak to get the most impact from it. Remember this can't happen again, they have to use it with the most impact and long term effect and that is honestly putting Cena over as a face.

Undertaker basicall never was a face. He is the undertaker. He came in as a heel. He was the heel vs super hogan in 91 and he took the belt and got outcheered in my opinion, as well as mark callaways. wath undertaker this is my yard and you'll know what i'm talking about.

people just love his charcter. fuck a heel/face cenario. he is THE UNDERTAKER. he is not a face because he never played to the fans. he was just a once in a lifetime guy/character. basically an outlaw. he was the bad guy that you loved because he was badass. it's that simple
So far I like the idea of either Cena, HHH, or Kane retiring Taker. All three have legit tie ins 2 the character of The Undertaker. IMO I too believe that there's no way they can have him retire after the WM streak being broken, that's in all honesty the longest running storyline ever and 2 have it end that way would quite frankly be the last letdown I think the fan can handle. Personally I hate the idea of Brock Lesnar retiring Taker. The hasn't been in or around WWE in years and he IMO isn't nearly worthy enuff to have the honor of taking out Taker which is why I believe Taker\Lesnar at WM never happens becuz it would be a horrible idea for him to be the one to end the streak but its equally a horrible idea for him 2 return and become the newest victim of it. I think it'll either be Cena or HHH although the idea of Orton becoming the "Legend Killer" and returning Taker at Summer Slam would be huge.
Undertaker basicall never was a face. He is the undertaker. He came in as a heel. He was the heel vs super hogan in 91 and he took the belt and got outcheered in my opinion, as well as mark callaways. wath undertaker this is my yard and you'll know what i'm talking about.

people just love his charcter. fuck a heel/face cenario. he is THE UNDERTAKER. he is not a face because he never played to the fans. he was just a once in a lifetime guy/character. basically an outlaw. he was the bad guy that you loved because he was badass. it's that simple

Undertaker has evil attributes, but it doesn't mean he was never a face.
Consider this:
Spiderman is a super hero - a good guy. But that doesn't mean that because he's meant to be this amazingly nice and good-natured person that he'll never be slightly evil (which he has been). Same with Superman. Although they retained their good characteristics at the time, they portrayed themselves differently.

An example of this with Undertaker was especially during 2004-2005. He had evil characteristics - he did evil things, things that could be perceived as evil, yet he was a face.

He was a face against Paul Bearer, the backstabbing, traitorous Heel.
He was a face against Kane, although both did 'evil things'.
He was a face against Orton, who did some terrible things, yet Undertaker did some otherworldly things that no mortal such as Orton could do (i.e. Orton's vision of his dead body and Bob Orton's bleeding face).

Undertaker has been a fully fledged face, as mentioned above, and heel, such as his debuting years and Ministry years (which are different from his Lord of Darkness years).
Cena makes Taker tap at Mania to end the streak and win the WWE Championship. This title win would see Cena break Flair's record of 16 world titles. I've always thought that was a nice idea.
I would love for Undertaker vs Triple H at WM27 to have been Takers final match.

Undertaker over comes Triple H and wins with the Devils Triangle, but is beaten so badly he never appears on WWE TV every at any point in time again.
I've always pictured Kane and Taker battling it out and Taker winning the match in a grueling battle. At the end both men are out and struggling to sit up. Lights shut off and that eerie smoke hits and then the gong follow that up with a booming Kane like pyro and both men are gone. Nothing fills the ring except for the smoke from the pyro and what not. It would be a nice ending to both the careers of Kane and Undertaker and it leaves that mysterious aura that has followed the two of them.
Jinder Mahal stabs him through the eye with an icepick on an episode of NXT. He disappears for a few months before returning at WrestleMania and losing to Mahal in humiliating fashion in a blindfold match.
I've always pictured Kane and Taker battling it out and Taker winning the match in a grueling battle. At the end both men are out and struggling to sit up. Lights shut off and that eerie smoke hits and then the gong follow that up with a booming Kane like pyro and both men are gone. Nothing fills the ring except for the smoke from the pyro and what not. It would be a nice ending to both the careers of Kane and Undertaker and it leaves that mysterious aura that has followed the two of them.

Yeah...more along the lines of this ^

Undertaker has always had that aura about him....and a simple 3 count and retirement just wouldn't do his career justice. It needs to be different...almost supernatural like.

The best way to go out is to lose. It would make for one of the biggest moments in the history of professional wrestling....and for the Undertaker to finally leave by vanishing in the smoke and perhaps a video playing on the Titan Tron afterwards (similar to Royal RUmble).

This would be better than any "win" he could pull off. I don't see a young up and coming superstar to pull it off, I see his long time rival and "brother" Kane to be the perfect guy to do it.

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