Undertakers Career Finish - You Book!


Dark Match Winner
Basically we all know that the undertakers career will soon end either at this wrestlemania or the next, i want to know how you would book the end of his career?

For me its simple, you have cena as a heel next year at mania being the unstoppable heel, undertaker comes out and we have CENA Vs UNDERTAKER at wrestlemania 29 for the wwe championship.
Undertaker wins the title dragging his streak to 21-0
After the match Cena beats on taker and leaves, all of a sudden you hear Mr Money in the Bank (preferably a cocky heel, aka miz or ziggler) come out and cash in the briefcase against an injured wwe champion the undertaker. Taker wins bringing the streak 22-0, the lights switch off and undertaker is gone and the wwe championship is left in the middle of the ring to end wrestlemania.
Of course i would have undertaker inducted into the HOF the night before.

So how would you book the end of takers career?
Undertaker v Brock Lesnar WM 29...

Steel Cage...Undertaker wins a 30 minute match...As he celebrates, lights go out, fire engulfs the ring...Lights come back on and we see a pile of ash with the Takers Hat next to it...Kane is seen at the top of the ramp holding a head stone that has three letters...

Basically we all know that the undertakers career will soon end either at this wrestlemania or the next, i want to know how you would book the end of his career?

For me its simple, you have cena as a heel next year at mania being the unstoppable heel, undertaker comes out and we have CENA Vs UNDERTAKER at wrestlemania 29 for the wwe championship.
Undertaker wins the title dragging his streak to 21-0
After the match Cena beats on taker and leaves, all of a sudden you hear Mr Money in the Bank (preferably a cocky heel, aka miz or ziggler) come out and cash in the briefcase against an injured wwe champion the undertaker. Taker wins bringing the streak 22-0, the lights switch off and undertaker is gone and the wwe championship is left in the middle of the ring to end wrestlemania.
Of course i would have undertaker inducted into the HOF the night before.

So how would you book the end of takers career?

That's a good idea, I would love to see Undertaker's final moment be unbelievable and, well Undertaker-like.

Undertaker v Brock Lesnar WM 29...

Steel Cage...Undertaker wins a 30 minute match...As he celebrates, lights go out, fire engulfs the ring...Lights come back on and we see a pile of ash with the Takers Hat next to it...Kane is seen at the top of the ramp holding a head stone that has three letters...


honestly i'd say have him win WM and all...the following night. Farewell to the fans (While in character if possible)

"Nothing lives forever..." and so on

finally at the end of it all he calls out his brother Kane and hands off the title to Kane so Kane can continue the legacy. they shake hands or embrace what ever rocks your boat.

Finally the lights go out during hand shake, come back on and he's gone.

put a marquee of his "Undertaker Cross" and have Kane do that kneel thing they always do with their hand out. Have Kane do that to the cross.

Perfect way to send off and perfect way to build more.

send off Undertaker

build more on Kane

as for his match at WM.

Dream match: Undertaker and Kane vs DX. If Brothers of Destruction win, HHH loses career. If DX wins Taker streak ends.

BUT this is to send Undertaker off right?

Undertaker vs John does seem like a good way to go with things. I like the idea of the first guy.

i mean when John had his FIRST match...it was Undertaker that approached him. shook hands. it can go down like

"when i first got here, Undertaker shook my hand, he knew one day i would become the "1" (Hinting at the 1 to beat him at WM) and thats what i'm gonna do. after X amount of years...I'm ready to put the Dead Man away"

we got us a match that dates back to the very beginning of Johns career.
I don't post often, but when I do, it's because it's an interesting Undertaker topic.

Many believed that HBK was the only person who deserved to retire The Undertaker but now that Shawn is gone... where does that leave The Undertaker and his retirement?

At WrestleMania XXVIII, Undertaker will most likely be going 20-0. The perfect stipulation:
Should Undertaker win at WrestleMania 28, he must retire.

Throughout his illustrious career, matches at WrestleMania have been rewarding on his behalf. He gains another victim to the streak, retires another superstar, wins championship gold folks or even makes a name for that particular WrestleMania. The only way his WrestleMania match could not be rewarding is if the tables were turned: He loses or He has the retirement stipulation. Conversely, there is a way for him to gain rewards and at the same time, have consequences. He wins; he becomes 20-0 and retires. He loses; he becomes 19-1 and stays in WWE.

Excluding that option, the only others who have a slight chance and would (barely) deserve to retire Taker (via defeating him) are the following:

Kane: Because, in kayfabe, he and Undertaker have personal animosity and, if they can really practice and plan out the match and what they could do, the could create the greatest Giant vs Giant match we've seen (previously held by Undertaker vs Kane at WM 14).

Triple H: He has proven his dedication and has been around since before the Attitude Era. He is the last glimpse of superstars from the Golden Years. Not only that, but in time, HHH can possibly build a great feud with Taker. Along the lines of "It's taken me a while to get my hands on you blah, blah retiring my best friend" and so it happens that HHH eventually retires The Undertaker

Randy Orton: He has signed a 10 year deal with the World Wrestling Entertainment so I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up retiring a few superstars. He has proven he is a gifted athlete and is currently proving his dedication and loyalty. He had an amazing feud in 2005; one of the best since the Attitude Era ended so if creative can bring back that Orton then I'd love to watch that retirement angle, just as long as the Streak isn't eradicated. Of course, if it's the current Orton, forget it.

But where would this occur? WrestleMania is the only stage Taker, HHH, Orton or any other top level superstar deserves to retire on. Unless it is an event that they made a name for (Undertaker and Survivor Series) then there isn't much option. You can't have The Undertaker lose right at the end, going 19-1 and retiring. Not only would it anger fans because the streak is broken, Taker would retire and not even have to have a "revenge angle" with the superstar.

That is indeed why The Undertaker is only worthy of retiring himself, the one and only Deadman.

Also, I've gotta say: Zex, well done for picking that up! That is a very interesting idea to have Undertaker vs Cena date back to many, many years ago when Cena was liked more than he was hated.
Not Triple H / John Cena ... but Any other top stars would do ...


It would be great if Brock challenges Undertaker and finishes the streak
Like someone stated above I'd like to see it be a Career or Streak Match. Have the stipulation that if he wins he must retire but if he loses his career can continue.

A match where he must put his pride/integrity on the line etc.

I wouldn't mind it being this year as then the next night he can have his retirement night with lots of older stars from his generation. (Rock, Foley, HHH etc.)
Just a thought, could/would Stone Cold come back next year at this time to challenge Undetaker? I think that'd be pretty awesome. Or The Rock?
@Midgetmania619 . . . Brilliant!

It's a double headed sword, that Undertaker will have to choose. Having him retire hinself would be awesome. But I also like the idea of him being ended by someone who would benefit an make a name for themselves.
Austin coming back and challenging undertaker would be Awesome .. provided Austin gets back to ring with the same way he was
I can't imagine Wrestlemania without the Undertaker...
If this years match is going to be against HHH.. please let taker win. The streak doesn't deserve to end with Triple H's ego.

Wrestlemania XXIX...2013..
John Cena vs The Undertaker for the WWE Championship
..After some AAs...one tombstone ends it all.. The crowd knows it is his last match. After the celebration with the dark blue lights.. the lights are back.. Taker looks at the audience with no music, just an standing ovation.. reverence by taker to the audience with emotion in his face.. he stands in the center of the ring and puts his hat and coat back again with the WWE Championship in his hands. One last look to the audience and a smile... lights go out. Lights back and the WWE Championship and his hat on the floor.. rest in peace (but if Cena is his last match..Taker has to win)

I wouldn't mind a loss kind of the Shawn Michaels goodbye when he lost against UT.. but only against CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, or Wade Barrett... if their characters are in the right direction this next year and a half.
No to Trips, Lesnar, Cena, or any current big time star, even Punk. If Taker loses at Wrestlemania, it need to be to a young big man, one who can carry on his legacy. Taker has said he is willing to lose to the right person. So if one of the young big men, such as as Sheamus, really stepped up, then it should be to him. If no one steps up, then no one should defeat Taker at Mania.

No, how would I book Sheamus to win...hmmm....

I would do a year long build, like they have done for Rock and Cena. I would have Sheamus win Money in the Bank and after Taker puts away HHH, Sheamus music hits and comes out. He tells Taker congratulations and all that. He then lists his accomplishments and brags about winning MITB. He then goes to say he does not want to cash the briefcase in for a title, since he is young and will get plenty of shots. Instead, he wants to turn the briefcase into Taker in exchange for a match next year at WrestleMania, which Taker accepts. And then...they do not touch for a year. Instead, Taker puts Sheamus through the fires of hell by having him face everyone he has faced at WrestleMania(who is available). Have Batista come back and have Sheamus have a good program with him. Have him face Orton; Triple H and Kane. Have a special Elimination Chamber with the best opponents Taker could conjure where Sheamus stands in the middle and faces six men from Taker's past. And when it comes down to the WrestleMania match, have Sheamus win and when the ref counts to 3, have the lights go out and the Titantron light up to 20-1 and when the lights come back on...It looks like Taker in the ring but he removes the hat and it is Sheamus with his eyes rolled in the back of his head and on the Tron it says R.I.P. Undertaker. All Hail Sheamus, the new Lord of Darkness. (No, this would not make him Taker or give him Taker's gimmick, just that he has taken Taker's spot on the roster as the go-to guy).

Then the next night, I would have Undertaker give a speech but I would have the lights go out and the arena remain dark except for people holding up lighters and I would have Taker give a speech about how his body is gone but his spirit will live forever. The rest of the speech would be up to him.
This is the way it should end ....
Undertaker doesn't appear at wrestlemania 28, which he doesnt really need to with rock vs cena.
After wrestlemania triple h mentions undertaker every now and then talking about how he destroyed the undertaker for good and how he will never return and how he is the man who ended the undertaker.
The undertaker should return a couple of weeks before survivor series ....
Triple h says he wants one more shot at the streak. Undertaker says only if u beat me at survivor series and only if u put your career up. Undertaker vs triple h , chance at streak vs career.

Undertaker wins .... This goes into a feud with John cena. Cena saying he is the only man who can beat the undertaker at wrestle mania. Cena defeats undertaker in a match for a chance at the streak( at rumble or something)
Then cena vs undertaker at wrestlemania with undertaker winning.
Then to end wrestlemania 29 have undertaker in the position he does after winning a match, then the sound of the gong sounds and all the lights in the arena going out........no more taker
I would have to say that this year is going to be all for the Undertaker and so he takes on Triple H with HBK as ref and while Triple H is going for the pedigree to beat the streak at last, HBK turns on HHH and superkicks him and the undertaker goes 20-0.
But the Shawn michaels superkick option would ruin the whole legacy of the undertaker. It would look like he couldn't do it himself, like he had to get hbk to help him to keepnthe streak intact. And I'm certain most wrestling fans( not sports entertainment fans) would like to see undertaker beat the best by himself at wrestlemania. And everyone knows the man he has to beat is John cena
To Undertaker facing Lesnar, that would be an incredible match but no way will it happen with the streak being ended if Lesnar isn't committed for the long run in WWE. Think about it for just a minute, you have Lesnar come back after years of not being in WWE and just end the streak...Talk about undermining EVERY talent you have.

HHH would also be a bad choice in my opinion. Yes they've put on some good matches but HHH is on the tail end of his career as well and if in his better years he couldn't win (WMX7) then how could he now? Again it undermines every talent.

Cena...Now this could be perfect but only if done correctly. You need Cena as a face for this but you need him to be getting all the cheers and for Undertaker to be getting all the boos. You need to even possibly remove the PG rating to get this one right. But what's really needed is for Taker to revert to the Attitude Era days, back to the Ministry and really be a sick evil twisted character. This is hugely beneficial to both guys involved. We know Cena always comes out on top etc... But at WM against Taker, that seems like Cena will be losing. You throw in a heel Taker and with the quality of Undertaker's work he will get Cena those cheers. But what's more is that you need the Ministry angle to make sure Taker is getting booed enough, Cena no matter what will not be able to put Undertaker over as a huge heel, it will take both men. The reason I said dropping the PG rating is personally for me the Undertaker character needs to end with a really dark angle with fresh ideas and pushing boundries. They need to build up Undertaker to be unstoppable and scary. Finally Cena needs to go over in the match. With Cena winning it will push his career to a new level, it gets people back behind Cena without seriously changing his character and once the match is over lights go out, they flicker then come back on and in the ring are just ashes spread in the ring coming out of a tipped over urn. Then a cold rush of wind fills the arena and blows the ashes up in to the air...
Undertaker could not be heel in his last ever wrestlemania match..... Which now that I think about it is last match . But anyways the undertaker would be cheered and cena booed no matter what the wwe did. In the end the undertaker will be cheered no matter what.
I say, recreate the famous HTM vs. Ultimate Warrior squash match with The Undertaker vs. The Ultimate Hornswoggle!!!! Have hornswaggle pin him in 27 seconds. If you'd really love to get a dig into Triple H, You could have HS no sell a tombstone for the first move.

If not that, than this would be a cool way to end it.

"For me its simple, you have cena as a heel next year at mania being the unstoppable heel, undertaker comes out and we have CENA Vs UNDERTAKER at wrestlemania 29 for the wwe championship.
Undertaker wins the title dragging his streak to 21-0
After the match Cena beats on taker and leaves, all of a sudden you hear Mr Money in the Bank (preferably a cocky heel, aka miz or ziggler) come out and cash in the briefcase against an injured wwe champion the undertaker. Taker wins bringing the streak 22-0, the lights switch off and undertaker is gone and the wwe championship is left in the middle of the ring to end wrestlemania."

The only thing I'd change is I'd use Kane as the mitb winner and have the match end with the lights going out as Kane and Undertaker either had each other in a position for choke slams, or in a sequence of reversing tombstone attempts, have BOTH vanish with Kanes pyro and some Undertaker lightning bolt have the mask and hat maybe float down into the ring or up to the rafters. It'd be a great way for both to retire.
Austin would be the best opponent for the Undertaker at wrestlemania 29...These two have really had some history between them...We all remember the ministry of darkness era where undertaker and austin had their best feud...maybe, undertaker could come back with his ministry of darkness theme one last time...the result of the match could be anything...but that match can blow the roof off...
That's where I think different. We know that time is nearly up for Undertaker just not when exactly. If you have Undertaker appearing just the right amount at the right times and you have the angle, story and characters done correctly then he will be booed and Cena cheered.

There is the old tradition that you lose your last match, that means Undertaker will lose and put someone over. With his career I don't think any other even besides WM would do Undertaker fit for his final match. Do you really want a face to put over a heel Cena? Short time it's very beneficial, long run it's pointless. Cena is a long run type guy, he'll be around for a long time.

To further my point of Undertaker being a heel he'll get booed because as I said scrap the PG rating and have Undertaker sacrifice Cena's child or something. As I said before, let them push the boat out and try some new things and both guys are good enough to get the boos and cheers where they want.

Undertaker for me is not right for being a face, he looks weaker in his character. He needs to go out seeming dominant and strong for the eventual ender of the streak to get the most impact from it. Remember this can't happen again, they have to use it with the most impact and long term effect and that is honestly putting Cena over as a face.
I'd say that his final match should be against either

Wade Barrett or Triple H or Kane

I'd go for...

Wade Barrett

Have him call out the Undertaker and tell him how much he hates him. Then ask him if he remembers when he was buried alive. Then as he issues out his challenge out comes Triple H who tells him to get in line. Triple H will say that Wade should show some respect, and that if he remembers last year's Wrestlemania he took the Undertaker to the limit, and this year he is going to finish the job. After an exchange of words... out come s Teddy Long (as always, its almost a tradition now) who announces a TLC match, the winner will face the Undertaker at WM AND decide the stipulation. After a gruelling match, Wade hits the Wasteland on Triple H off a ladder, through a table, with chairs underneath.
Wade then announces that he will face Undertaker at WM in a Hell in a Cell match. However, if the Undertaker wins, he MUST retire. Wade then smirks and says if he loses, then he can stay in the WWE. Then Undertaker comes out of nowhere and accepts his challenge then disappears.
At WM Wade takes Undertaker to the limit, hitting a Wasteland off the top of the of the Cell Taker, thinking he's won. BUT, as he goes for the pin taker kicks out. Taker hits the tombstone and pins Barrett. He then puts on his jacket and bows his head, then vanishes. Leaving his hat and his symbol behind.

Triple H

I think this one is a lot less exciting. Trip's has already called out Taker so the match is set. I think that the only catch will be that if Taker wins, they both retire. Sounds silly but a good send off. After an intense match the ref gets knocked out and Triple H uses a sledgehammer on Taker. Then HBK comes out and looks disappointed and... reluctantly, Superkick's Triple H. Taker recovers and makes the pin, ending both their careers.


Kane...after defeating Cena, says that the last time he faced his brother, he proved he was the devil's favourite. But that meant nothing to him, this year he wants to take the streak. He says they were born here together, and now they will die together. Taker comes that he will prove that no matter how hard Kane tries, he will never be better than him. He says he will defeat Kane, once and for all. They set a buried alive match and these guys try everything. They don't care about PG, its a complete war. Every weapon possible has been used. Tables, Ladders, Chairs, sledgehammer, ring bell, microphone, steel steps, kendo stick, (no water R Truth water bottle), everything has been used. After Taker takes 3 Chokeslams, he rises and hits a tombstone on Kane into the Casket and closes it, burying Kane. As Taker goes into the ring however, the lights go out and he is engulfed in flames, leaving only his hat and a pile of ash. Then all the victims of the streak come out and surround the ring. They bow their heads in a sign of respect for the deadman.

Those are the 3 I think will work
There you have it :)
Should Undertaker win at WrestleMania 28, he must retire

I can see it going like that. Remember, the man has had only one match in 2011; the one at WM27. He doesn't want to it anymore, as evidenced by the fact he didn't even show up for non-wrestling purposes during the year. Effectively, he's retired already and has been since last March.

The fact that it's mid-January already and we haven't heard a thing about whom he'll be fighting at WM28 makes me wonder if the company isn't frantically negotiating with him about whether he's going to appear at all. Yes, we've presumed all along he'll be back for the event, but are we sure?

Last year, the promos for what he'd be doing at WM were already well under way. We weren't speculating whether 'Taker was going to be there; instead, we were wondering if he was going to be fighting Sting, remember?

At this relatively late date, there haven't even been any inklings as to whom his opponent might be.....and it makes me wonder exactly what WWE has in mind for him at WM.

Surely, they don't intend to let Undertaker quietly retire, do they? Or does Mark Callaway have his own ideas, regardless of what the company wants?
Well I do believe undertaker and Kane need an end to there story the whole Kane vs the undertaker for the third time isn't a huge money draw . We all know wwe it s all about the money
Undertaker vs Kane = money
Undertaker vs cena = mountains and mountains of money

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