Undertaker Winning Was The Right Move


Occasional Pre-Show
At Summer Slam last Sunday, we saw Undertaker defeat The Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar, the man who conquered his 21 match undefeated streak at WrestleMania. It was a thrilling match that told an intriguing story. The Undertaker, a once dominant wrestler now in the twilight of his career, was beyond desperate to extract revenge. But his opponent was the best in the business today. An unrelenting, unforgiving bully with credentials beyond compare. Undertaker compromised his competitive integrity to get the victory, a hollow one at that. Brock Lesnar is the highest paid superstar on Vince McMahon’s roster, and he’s being used for limited matches. Was Undertaker winning on Sunday the right decision?

In my view, given the context, Undertaker pulling out the win was appropriate. The Undertaker/Brock saga could have concluded just fine at WrestleMania 30. However, WWE wants to make extra cash from this feud with rematches, and that’s just the nature of the business of professional wrestling, and entertainment in general. Undertaker did get the win, but with how everything ended, that can’t possibly be the end to their story.

There is a question in everyone’s mind that has been there since that surreal night in New Orleans. Is Undertaker good enough now to beat Brock Lesnar? And even though we got an answer last Sunday in Brooklyn, it was a vague answer that created more questions. The Phenom was hell bent on revenge, but seemed like he learned from WrestleMania 30 that he just couldn’t beat Lesnar straight up, fair and square. He added the low blow to his arsenal, a running theme through this chapter of the storyline.

Brock Lesnar is arguably the face of WWE right now. Cena’s been busy with mid-card title matches since February, and Lesnar’s main evented every pay per view he’s been on since Summer Slam of last year (Royal Rumble doesn’t count against him). He’s a part timer that WWE isn’t using to give credibility to other wrestlers. They want to make as much money off people paying to see him as they can. That being said, Undertaker is the one opponent besides The Rock WWE can make the most money off of with Brock. Cena and Triple H already wrestled him numerous times. To keep the Brock/Undertaker saga going, Undertaker had to get a win, somehow, someway.

Let’s look at one of the most successful movie trilogies of all time, Star Wars. In the second installment, The Empire Strikes Back, we see Luke Skywalker defeated in a light saber duel with the antagonist, Darth Vader. However, Luke clearly wasn’t at 100%, as he left his training with Yoda early. From there, it’s pretty clear there’s going to be another chapter to the move series. The whole thing just won’t end like that, without a feel good ending for the main protagonist. Things have to be wrapped up. This makes another showdown between Luke and Darth Vader more intriguing and is something people paid money at the box office to see. In that same way, Brock and Undertaker’s Summer Slam match did not have a definitive ending. Brock is clearly the one WWE wants more focus on, and understandably so, as they’ve invested so much into him financially and in kayfabe. Undertaker beat him, but in was not a definitive victory. It just won’t end there.

But also, Undertaker going over was appropriate because of the way he got the win. For the first time ever as the demon incarnation of the character, Taker tapped out. He gave up. For years it seemed his supernatural powers gave him an incredible threshold for pain, but the human side of the character finally caught up to him. When the replay was shown of Undertaker tapping his hand on Brock’s leg while locked in the kimura lock, it was like John Cena or Rocky Balboa giving up. Characters who are heralded for their undying will and fighting spirit, and the demon version of Undertaker had fit this category since 1990.

Regardless of when Charles Robinson saw it, it was clear Brock Lesnar made the unthinkable happen. That in and of itself is a huge rub. Not only is Brock the 1 in 22-1, but he can hang his head high knowing he broke the will of the Undertaker. The face version of Taker has generally shown integrity in the ring, but Brock has caused him to compromise that, with him going for low blows on him. Just the fact that the dead man resorted to underhanded tactics in and of itself is a compliment, in a way. It shows his real opinion of Brock as a competitor, that he knows deep down Brock is the better wrestler. Being so good that you bring someone like the Undertaker down from the pedestal of competitive honor he stood on for decades is an accomplishment in and of itself.

The win obviously was an empty one for Undertaker. Lesnar passed out in Hell’s Gate while Undertaker willingly gave up in the Kimura lock. The bragging rights go to Lesnar and he’s the one who obviously came away looking stronger between the two. The bell even rung after the tap out, so in a way it symbolically showed Brock was the real, moral victor between the two.

Undertaker’s career is winding down, and after he retires and does more out of character interviews and whatnot, the mystique of his character will be gone forever. I see no problem with WWE getting a jumpstart on that now by doing it in a way that benefits another wrestler. Brock is the man right now, and WWE has given him the rub of destroying some of Taker’s aura. Like Heyman said the next night on Raw, it’s like learning your heroes aren’t really who they are. Because of Lesnar, we have begun to realize that Taker is just a man like everyone else. He shamed himself by tapping out, but if there was ever a time for it, if there was ever an opponent to make it happen, it was last Sunday against Brock.
Taker vs. Lesnar makes money. Vince will have that match many times as he can until it stops making money. At WrestleMania 30, Lesnar conquered the Streak. 18 months later, Taker wants revenge and sets up a rematch at SummerSlam 2015. However, Vince decided he can still make money off the match, and so we got that awful ending. Taker will still get revenge in another rematch, probably at WM32.

In this case, revenge means a clean win.

EDIT - Another point is "Does the Undertaker deserve revenge?" Absolutely. Just not by submission or for the title.
Because of Lesnar, we have begun to realize that Taker is just a man like everyone else. He shamed himself by tapping out, but if there was ever a time for it, if there was ever an opponent to make it happen, it was last Sunday against Brock.

I'll buy all that, except possibly the idea that 'Taker was shamed. As I saw it, he once again found a way to win. That was exactly what he spent his entire career doing, and even at this very late date, he did it again.

Yes, WWE was trying to make 'Taker seem like a bad guy, even as they knew there was virtually no way to do it. To that end, the storyline worked just fine; a kick in the family jewels or not, he's still our Undertaker.

If anything, this match-up was the company's way of broadening the Lesnar legend even more than had previously been done. Before the match, I didn't think they could make him any bigger, but they managed to do it, anyway.

In having Brock succumb to 'Taker, this match humanized him......just as the OP points out that it humanized Undertaker. In this way, it made them equals.....and in that, the writers did a hell of a job.

Of course, there will be a rubber match......and Brock will win it. 'Taker doesn't have to prevail because he already defeated the man who allegedly can't be defeated.

Next time, it will be Brock who wants revenge....and he'll get it. The build-up will be dynamic, especially now that Brock has reconciled himself to working for WWE and seems to be enjoying it more than before WM31.

All in all, I agree that Undertaker winning this match was the right move.
Undertaker winning CLEAN would have been the right move. The SummerSlam finish made Undertaker look like a weak, pathetic, cheating coward who can't win a match, and Brock Lesnar look like an invincible god. Undertaker came out looking even worse than if he'd lost again.

The only way for this story to end and make any sense is for Undertaker to beat Brock Lesnar clean and by submission in the main event of WrestleMania 32. And none of that "Lesnar fights and fights and finally passes out" crap. Undertaker needs to make Brock Lesnar TAP OUT. Any other match result is simply unacceptable.
Undertaker winning CLEAN would have been the right move. The SummerSlam finish made Undertaker look like a weak, pathetic, cheating coward who can't win a match, and Brock Lesnar look like an invincible god. Undertaker came out looking even worse than if he'd lost again.

The only way for this story to end and make any sense is for Undertaker to beat Brock Lesnar clean and by submission in the main event of WrestleMania 32. And none of that "Lesnar fights and fights and finally passes out" crap. Undertaker needs to make Brock Lesnar TAP OUT. Any other match result is simply unacceptable.

Brock is arguably the face the product right now. IMO, the storyline should revolve around him looking strong, and Undertaker getting any revenge is less important. Undertaker looked somewhat weak, but it was for the betterment of the product.
Brock is arguably the face the product right now. IMO, the storyline should revolve around him looking strong, and Undertaker getting any revenge is less important. Undertaker looked somewhat weak, but it was for the betterment of the product.

Well I disagree completely. Undertaker is more important than Lesnar. Lesnar losing clean won't hurt him, and Undertaker absolutely NEEDS to beat him clean at WrestleMania, or a 25 year career was worthless.
Well I disagree completely. Undertaker is more important than Lesnar. Lesnar losing clean won't hurt him, and Undertaker absolutely NEEDS to beat him clean at WrestleMania, or a 25 year career was worthless.

Nope he isn't. He once was, but not anymore. Brock has taken the Undertaker's place as the new Unstoppable Force in the WWE since Mania 31 especially and is thriving in such a role with the majority of fans behind him all the way.
Taker beating him clean would be a bad move at this point.

Also, if a few beatings at the end of his career is enough to make 25 years of his career worthless, then I guess he sucked for all those 25 years. We all know that isn't true and Taker's legend is more than secure regardless of what happens to him between now and retirement.
Well I disagree completely. Undertaker is more important than Lesnar. Lesnar losing clean won't hurt him, and Undertaker absolutely NEEDS to beat him clean at WrestleMania, or a 25 year career was worthless.

A guy that wrestles once a year and who'll probably be retiring in the next 2 years is more important than the man that beat his streak, shows up more in one year than Taker has in the last 5 combined, and still has at least 3 years left? Okay. We're done here.

I'm not a fan of the way the Summerslam match went down. It didn't help anybody other than Vince McMahon in the sense that now we get a 3rd match. I didn't want to see the 2nd match and I want to see a 3rd even less.
I dont mind Taker winning. I mind that if reports are true Taker isnt gona be back till Wrestlemania and we have to endure Lesnar/Taker 3. There is so much story that I want to see with Lesnar. Orton/ Lesnar, Bryan(if he comes back)/Lesnar or even Reigns/Lesnar 2. Having to lose(and he is gona lose on probably Takers last Mania) from 50 year old man just because he in his prime power beat him once is not one of them. Would be much more appropriate to have next match at Survivor Series and then have(assuming Taker is gona retire at Mania 32) Cena/Taker and Brock in some other money making match. Dont wanna see Taker/Brock at Mania. Just think that given that they are both special attraction as partimer they can be used better.
Nope he isn't. He once was, but not anymore. Brock has taken the Undertaker's place as the new Unstoppable Force in the WWE since Mania 31 especially and is thriving in such a role with the majority of fans behind him all the way.
Taker beating him clean would be a bad move at this point.

Also, if a few beatings at the end of his career is enough to make 25 years of his career worthless, then I guess he sucked for all those 25 years. We all know that isn't true and Taker's legend is more than secure regardless of what happens to him between now and retirement.

Wrong again. The majority of fans are behind Undertaker in the feud, no matter how hard Vince is trying to make Lesnar the face. With the exception of in Lesnar's hometown, Undertaker has been getting cheered over him in every city. SummerSlam started out pretty 50/50, but the crowd got more and more pro Undertaker as the match went on. The majority of WRESTLING fans will never cheer Brock Lesnar over Undertaker.

Undertaker beating Brock clean is the best and only logical move to make, and the way to make the VAST majority of fans happy with the outcome. Only Lesnar marks and UFC fanboys will complain if Lesnar loses clean.
Wrong again. The majority of fans are behind Undertaker in the feud, no matter how hard Vince is trying to make Lesnar the face. With the exception of in Lesnar's hometown, Undertaker has been getting cheered over him in every city. SummerSlam started out pretty 50/50, but the crowd got more and more pro Undertaker as the match went on. The majority of WRESTLING fans will never cheer Brock Lesnar over Undertaker.

Undertaker beating Brock clean is the best and only logical move to make, and the way to make the VAST majority of fans happy with the outcome. Only Lesnar marks and UFC fanboys will complain if Lesnar loses clean.

Your bubble remains just for a Taker-Lesnar programme and you just don't seem to understand that Taker is on his way out whilst Lesnar still has time left in the company and has taken over the role of the Unstoppable Force that Taker had before him.

It is clear from last RAW that Lesnar is over with the crowds and his "Babyface" turn since Mania 31 has been a rousing success, and for the long-term, there is NO benefit in having the Undertaker going over Lesnar clean at this point.
Personally, I'd rather Not see a 3rd match at all as I'm still a sucker for Sting vs the Undertaker even at this late stage. But I do understand that Vince seems to love 3-Match feuds quite a bit. In such a case, it is actually Lesnar that has to go over Clean and end the Legend of the Undertaker once and for all.
Your bubble remains just for a Taker-Lesnar programme and you just don't seem to understand that Taker is on his way out whilst Lesnar still has time left in the company and has taken over the role of the Unstoppable Force that Taker had before him.

In such a case, it is actually Lesnar that has to go over Clean and end the Legend of the Undertaker once and for all.

Brock Lesnar going over Undertaker clean again at WrestleMania would send the fans home in a riot. The fans want Undertaker to win and Lesnar to lose. There's certainly going to be the usual UFC marks rooting for Lesnar, but the vast majority of fans were in Undertaker's corner this entire feud. Undertaker's match alone sells WrestleMania. With this almost certainly being his final match, fans are going there to see Undertaker WIN. Nobody would accept Lesnar going over clean again. Lesnar is only a face in his hometown, or if Undertaker isn't there. When they're in the ring together, Lesnar is heel. Wrestling fans are always going to cheer Undertaker over Lesnar.

Undertaker losing again would guarantee that he would be remembered as nothing but "the guy who can't beat Brock Lesnar", and that's an insult and a disgrace to his legacy. The ONLY way to end this story and send the fans home happy is for Undertaker to win clean by making Lesnar TAP OUT. Anything else would be unacceptable to WRESTLING FANS.
Lesnar should defeat the Undertaker in a career ending casket match at Mania 32.
It would be a perfect way to build Brock and give the Undertaker a respectable exit.
Taker vs. Lesnar makes money. Vince will have that match many times as he can until it stops making money. At WrestleMania 30, Lesnar conquered the Streak. 18 months later, Taker wants revenge and sets up a rematch at SummerSlam 2015. However, Vince decided he can still make money off the match, and so we got that awful ending. Taker will still get revenge in another rematch, probably at WM32.

In this case, revenge means a clean win.

EDIT - Another point is "Does the Undertaker deserve revenge?" Absolutely. Just not by submission or for the title.

True and people will want to see that. Just like in other sports like NFL, boxing, etc. controversial finishes only makes rematches more intriguing.
Brock Lesnar going over Undertaker clean again at WrestleMania would send the fans home in a riot. The fans want Undertaker to win and Lesnar to lose. There's certainly going to be the usual UFC marks rooting for Lesnar, but the vast majority of fans were in Undertaker's corner this entire feud. Undertaker's match alone sells WrestleMania. With this almost certainly being his final match, fans are going there to see Undertaker WIN. Nobody would accept Lesnar going over clean again. Lesnar is only a face in his hometown, or if Undertaker isn't there. When they're in the ring together, Lesnar is heel. Wrestling fans are always going to cheer Undertaker over Lesnar.

Undertaker losing again would guarantee that he would be remembered as nothing but "the guy who can't beat Brock Lesnar", and that's an insult and a disgrace to his legacy. The ONLY way to end this story and send the fans home happy is for Undertaker to win clean by making Lesnar TAP OUT. Anything else would be unacceptable to WRESTLING FANS.

Brocl Lesnar breaking Taker's Streak saw him become a huge Mega Face in just a year's time. Thus, you are really clutching at straws if you think him beating Taker again at WrestleMania would send fans home in a 'riot'. Also, old school guys go out on their back and so should the Undertaker.

As I said earlier, Taker's legacy is safe and secure and losing to Brock again in his final match wouldnt change that. You have your clear opinion on the matter but do try not to pass it off as the majority opinion, as it clearly isnt whatsoever.

Oh, and btw, Taker, amidst the low blows, etc is still being cheered which is testament to a safe and secure legacy. He is very much working as the Heel although going by reactions it has been about two very over guys going at it more than anything.
Brocl Lesnar breaking Taker's Streak saw him become a huge Mega Face in just a year's time. Thus, you are really clutching at straws if you think him beating Taker again at WrestleMania would send fans home in a 'riot'. Also, old school guys go out on their back and so should the Undertaker.

As I said earlier, Taker's legacy is safe and secure and losing to Brock again in his final match wouldnt change that. You have your clear opinion on the matter but do try not to pass it off as the majority opinion, as it clearly isnt whatsoever.

Oh, and btw, Taker, amidst the low blows, etc is still being cheered which is testament to a safe and secure legacy. He is very much working as the Heel although going by reactions it has been about two very over guys going at it more than anything.

Some old school guys go out on their back - Ric Flair, Stone Cold, HBK. Some don't - Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart. Hart in fact went out on a streak of three huge victories.

Every time Brock Lesnar and Undertaker have been in the ring together, the fans have been solidly behind Undertaker. No matter how hard WWE tries to book Undertaker as a heel in this feud, fans see him as the face as Lesnar as the heel. That's not an opinion, that's a fact. The only exception was in Lesnar's hometown, which is to be expected. SummerSlam started out as a 50/50 crowd, but by the end of the match, the crowd was in Undertaker's favor. Again, not opinion. FACT.

Undertaker's legacy being ruined by another loss to Lesnar, that IS my opinion. But a LOT of people share it, and you saying that it's not the majority's opinion, that's YOUR opinion. Maybe where you live, Lesnar is the more popular competitor. I usually watch WWE shows with a group of 11 people. One of them is a Lesnar fan, everyone else roots for Undertaker. Any time I go to a live event, Lesnar is booed anytime he appears on camera. Tons of wrestling fans HATE him for ending The Streak, and always will. And I can say with absolute certainty that nobody I know personally, even the one Lesnar fan, wants to see Undertaker lose to him again. Everyone finds it ridiculous that Undertaker has lost to Lesnar so many times, and doesn't have one clean win over him in a singles match in all that time.

I believe firmly that Undertaker beating Lesnar clean by submission is the only way to end his career that makes any sense. Another loss to Lesnar would be a tremendous insult to him. There are plenty of Lesnar fans who don't want to see him lose, but I think they're very outnumbered by Undertaker fans who don't want to see HIM lose again. WWE sometimes makes decisions that aren't in anyone's best interest. I hope this time they'll do the RIGHT thing, which is to send 100,00+ fans home happy by seeing The Beast tap out to The Phenom.
Brock Lesnar going over Undertaker clean again at WrestleMania would send the fans home in a riot. The fans want Undertaker to win and Lesnar to lose. There's certainly going to be the usual UFC marks rooting for Lesnar, but the vast majority of fans were in Undertaker's corner this entire feud. Undertaker's match alone sells WrestleMania. With this almost certainly being his final match, fans are going there to see Undertaker WIN. Nobody would accept Lesnar going over clean again. Lesnar is only a face in his hometown, or if Undertaker isn't there. When they're in the ring together, Lesnar is heel. Wrestling fans are always going to cheer Undertaker over Lesnar.

Undertaker losing again would guarantee that he would be remembered as nothing but "the guy who can't beat Brock Lesnar", and that's an insult and a disgrace to his legacy. The ONLY way to end this story and send the fans home happy is for Undertaker to win clean by making Lesnar TAP OUT. Anything else would be unacceptable to WRESTLING FANS.

Yooooour a fucking idiot. Him losing again would make a 25 year career worthless? Fuck off. Hogan never beat The Rock guess that's the reason WWE black balled him.

I would most certainly not be happy if The Undertaker made Lesnar tap so don't speak for me. How do you know people prefer 'Taker over Lesnar. Did you do a survey? An online poll? Answers on the back of a fucking postcard?

Brock winning clean would cause a riot? No that stupid ending at Summerslam is what causes riots. How many times has Brock beat 'Taker clean? How many riots have there been?

aaaand i'm done with you.

In terms of squeezing another match out of this then yeah 'Taker winning was the right move. The finish was a bit dodgey but what can you do about it now. Obviously we would all expect Lesnar to beat 'Taker when they square up at 'Mania next year, but then again we all expected Roman Reigns to walk out of 'Mania 31 as champion and for there to be no more Lesnar in WWE anymore didn't we.
HBK retired Flair, Taker retired HBK, and Brock is most likely going to retire Taker. I have a feeling that the next WrestleMania will be Taker's last. Taker is high on Brock, Brock is the future, and they are friends.

Losing to Brock is not going to tarnish Taker's career. His career in WWE in nothing less than awesome. Did it all, put on historic matches, and wrestled them all.

Even with their less than spectacular WrestleMania match, the Taker vs Brock matches just show that Taker is the only one on the roster now than can go toe to toe with Brock. Taker challenges Brock like no one else. The Summerslam match was hard hitting and very good. showed either man could have won.

Until the pass out at Summerslam, the only losses Brock had were to Cena and HHH in gimmick matches with the use of weapons etc. Brock still looks like a beast.

Plus Taker "tapped" before anyway. To Kurt Angle I believe on Raw. Taker "tapped" and Kurt was pinned at the same time. Both declared winners etc etc.

Taker can spin the "tap out" to say he knew what he was doing, ref couldn't see, he tapped the leg so Brock would think he won and release the hold. This can be spun so many ways.

Anyway, there will be part III. Most likely at WrestleMania and I think that will be the retirement match for the deadman.
Sure, Undertaker finally taking down the unstoppable Brock Lesnar was a fine move. But can we please , please end it there ? Even though they had a good main event match at Summerslam , I don't care about any more matches between Brock and Taker....let Taker get Sting at Wrestlemania and Brock get somebody else...that way you can have two -special - draw matches. I don't think there's a wrestling fan alive who would turn down the idea of Sting facing off with The Undertaker. Why risk Taker getting hurt in yet another match with Brock Lesnar who seems to run over the man in the ring and hurt him in their matches together. It's not Brock's fault either, it's Taker's age and the fact that he doesn't have very many matches left....let's not waist those last few matches with repeat opponents for god sakes.
Some old school guys go out on their back - Ric Flair, Stone Cold, HBK. Some don't - Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart. Hart in fact went out on a streak of three huge victories.

Every time Brock Lesnar and Undertaker have been in the ring together, the fans have been solidly behind Undertaker. No matter how hard WWE tries to book Undertaker as a heel in this feud, fans see him as the face as Lesnar as the heel. That's not an opinion, that's a fact. The only exception was in Lesnar's hometown, which is to be expected. SummerSlam started out as a 50/50 crowd, but by the end of the match, the crowd was in Undertaker's favor. Again, not opinion. FACT.

Undertaker's legacy being ruined by another loss to Lesnar, that IS my opinion. But a LOT of people share it, and you saying that it's not the majority's opinion, that's YOUR opinion. Maybe where you live, Lesnar is the more popular competitor. I usually watch WWE shows with a group of 11 people. One of them is a Lesnar fan, everyone else roots for Undertaker. Any time I go to a live event, Lesnar is booed anytime he appears on camera. Tons of wrestling fans HATE him for ending The Streak, and always will. And I can say with absolute certainty that nobody I know personally, even the one Lesnar fan, wants to see Undertaker lose to him again. Everyone finds it ridiculous that Undertaker has lost to Lesnar so many times, and doesn't have one clean win over him in a singles match in all that time.

I believe firmly that Undertaker beating Lesnar clean by submission is the only way to end his career that makes any sense. Another loss to Lesnar would be a tremendous insult to him. There are plenty of Lesnar fans who don't want to see him lose, but I think they're very outnumbered by Undertaker fans who don't want to see HIM lose again. WWE sometimes makes decisions that aren't in anyone's best interest. I hope this time they'll do the RIGHT thing, which is to send 100,00+ fans home happy by seeing The Beast tap out to The Phenom.

Man are you moronic ? Your beer bellin, mascara wearin, bone tearin, cripplin wearin old urd undertapper as I use this term lossely is not a face. wwe is making undertapper a heel and Brock the face of the business and try not to pass judgement that the majority is behind undertapper cause its false 95% are behind Brock and everyone jeering undertapper and 5 % are behind tapper! I suggest you get off the hallucinogens and mushrooms you are currently using !!! Most of the fans are flushing the old turd undertapper as I have he has no set moves just 2-3 moves and he is a lousy wrestler more of a brawler than anything else you can hear the fans jeering undertapper through the arena lol !
Brock Lesnar going over Undertaker clean again at WrestleMania would send the fans home in a riot.


Like really, do you seriously think that fans would riot over Undertaker losing again? He's lost at Mania before and they didn't riot when he did. I mean yeah people were mad, and the internet exploded, but nobody rioted. If he lost again, people wouldn't really seem to care much. Taker's done, and as far as Lesnar goes, he'll be around for as long as he damn well pleases. And he will continue to be the indestructible killer he is and always has been whether you like it or not. You can cry and scream like a little bitch about it all you want WHEN this happens (and maybe then KB will send you to The Prison) but it's the right thing to do. Taker should go the old school way, out on his back
Undertapper winning was absolutely not the right move but the wrong move it is making tapper look like a whining old man crybaby that is spitefully trying to win for no reason cause his streak was broken 2 years ago! So when Brock broke the streak it was discussed and tapper pleaded with Brock Lesner that he went to great lengths as far as to show up at UFC pleading to defeat him so he can pass the torch cause he had enough and wanted to retire. Now that Brock lost means wwe did undo what Brock Lesner did and to continue the "rocky saga with a part 3 another awful sequel cause wwe doesn t know what else to make a card awesome. Maybe down the road wwe will throw john semen - brock lesner part 3 and Brock -Rock Part and 3. Seems wwe loves sequel matches to sucker their fans into this crap. Another loss to Lesner would be a huge humiliation and embarrassment to him and his image will be tarnished as the dominating threatening force is unthreatening and non dominant force to fans who are behind Lesner 95% as he is the face of wwe and undertapper is the heel
Taker is in a strange place....he is so beloved and revered by fans it is almost impossible to make him a heel. WWE tried to make a Steve Austin an outright heel circa 2002 when he aligned with Vince and screwed Rock at Mania....and fans didn't buy it, they didn't like it, likewise WCW found in the mid to late 90s it was almost impossible to book Ric Flair as a heel because he was so over with fans, they were forced almost against the will at times to book him as a fan fave.

Giving Taker the win was the right move....he's a legend, one of the greatest ever in the WWE/Vince Mcmahon era. He's way more popular than Lesnar and it isn't even close. Lesnar already got one high profile win, giving something back doesn't hurt him.

Lesnar is also a part time talent, he has little value as a commodity beyond a few big PPVs because he doesn't work anything close to a full time schedule. How many dates did he wrestle between his Triple Threat Match at the Rumble and his title loss at Mania ? Then he wrestled one re match and after and nothing else. Taker is part time as well but unlike Lesnar who had a short career worth little and who built his appeal on his MMA & NFL stints, Taker was a bonafide F/T'er for many years, decades, and has main evented against everyone from Flair, HHH, HBK, Austin, Kane, Sid, Brett Hart, and others while working a 200 plus match per year schedule for years. He has cred Lesnar could only dream of both in the locker room and with casual fans.

The problem was the finish - Lesnar doesn't need "protected" - Taker is the ultimate "bad Ass" character, a skilled wrestler and premier brawler with size & agility, his greatest matches, especially his wins, have been all out wars against in which he's had to skill wrestle and brawl with the legends of all time. Lesnar beat him once, clean, and ended "The Streak" - Its not like he's never had the upper hand on Taker or never beaten him.

Lesnar loses NOTHING from a clean loss here provided it's an evenly fought match and Lesnar gets plenty of showcase moments (which he did). As a guy who only fights a few times per year anyway and who's "bad ass" image is built off his MMA & NFL stints much more than his WWE career, Lesnar going 1-1 vs Taker with his win ending "The Streak" is actually really good for him. Taker deserved a clear cut win, which would have made the fans happy (especially since you not only had the heel Rollins beat fan fave Cena you had a ridiculous screw job ending involving a retired comedian to do it).

I don't even get why WWE feels it needs to "protect" Lesnar - This is the same company that allowed Cena to kick his @#$ and forced Lesnar to barely survive and basically be lucky he was champ in his rematch from last year's S-Slam, then made him sell all over the place and spend long periods being dominated in the Rumble 2015 Triple Threat Match, followed by Rollins basically schooling him at Mania and taking his title. The closest he came to looking dominant was in his rematch with Rollins which ended with Rollins retaining the belt and Lesnar getting his @#$ handed to him by Taker. Suddenly NOW WWE feels he needs "protected" in a loss ????

Taker deserved the win....it's a no brainer, it just should have been a clear cut win, Lesnar Loses NOTHING with the audience if he loses provided it's a great fight, he can disappear for a few months, then return, squash and also ran, and be right back in the main event mix again. The Screwjob "did the bell ring" finish was unnecessary and ruined what was otherwise a great match.

Like really, do you seriously think that fans would riot over Undertaker losing again? He's lost at Mania before and they didn't riot when he did. I mean yeah people were mad, and the internet exploded, but nobody rioted. If he lost again, people wouldn't really seem to care much. Taker's done, and as far as Lesnar goes, he'll be around for as long as he damn well pleases. And he will continue to be the indestructible killer he is and always has been whether you like it or not. You can cry and scream like a little bitch about it all you want WHEN this happens (and maybe then KB will send you to The Prison) but it's the right thing to do. Taker should go the old school way, out on his back

Lesnar works maybe a half dozen matches per year, and is pushing 40 - what value does he have ??
The Undertaker didnt win, he "won". He was given the victory even though he tapped out first. They did that lame ending so they could squeeze one or even two more matches out of this. Honestly, Brock Lesnar has not been pinned or submitted since Wrestlemania 29 against HHH. That's just over 2&1/2 years that he hasnt been fairly beaten so again i honestly think Brock needs to walk away from this renewed rivalry as the winner. They'll have their rematch and i think Brock should win. His next legit loss should be at the hands of someone who could use the momentum, which means that he shouldnt lose for a long time still seeing how no one can believably beat him who isnt a Cena, or a HHH, or an Undertaker.

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