Underappreciated Matches

Ric Flair vs Eddie Guerrero - June 1996 Monday Nitro (I think it was June) - WCW had just done their Lethal Lottery PPV where wrestlers drew lots to see who their partners would be, usually drawing someone they either didn't know or couldn't stand. Sure enough, Flair and Arn Anderson swerved Guerrero, who took a beat down that night.

The next night Bischoff and company gave these two a near 30 minute segment, extremely long for television in the modern era. Guerrero wasn't as beefed up as he was in his WWE days so he moved incredibly well, he had a tremendous balance between high flying and grounded technical style offense and sold Flair really well. Likewise Flair was all over the ring bouncing about tryingto keep pace with Eddie. Good combination of brawling and technical wrestling on Flair's part. Eddie plays the underdog hero fairly well also against Flair's archtype villain. There is barely a rest hold or time to catch a breath in this thing.

Flair actually wrote about the match in his biography (Specifically Brutus Beefcake's response to the match where he warned Flair back stage he was selling too much offense from the smaller, less established Guerrero to which Flair claims to have defended his decission to call the match as he did). Flair wins (cheating, he was a bad guy lol) but this might have been Guerrero's best match that year. It was definately Flair's best match that year even though he had some good matches with Savage. How it has been overlooked so long is beyond me.
One of the most underappreciated matches, for me, is the Owen Hart/Bret Hart match at WMX. This was the first time these two ever wrestled in the wwe, and was the first match in their long feud. This was the match that opened WM that year, but it was overshadowed I believe by Hart's championship victory later that night and of course the Micheals/Razor Ramon ladder match. But I really think that was the best match of the night, and to me is one of my top 5 mania matches of all time. It was also important in that it helped to propel Owen, in that he was able to beat his brother on the big stage(which I don't think anyone saw) and proved he could compete.
Jerry Lawler vs Harley Race, in Memphis 1978 NWA title match, hour long draw, told a great story of the young local guy vs the smart grizzled veteran, every move meant something and they didn't need a bunch of moves to do it. I'd guess that there are a lot of hidden gems from the territory era that not a lot of people see because it was so regional and tapes/DVDs are hard to come by. I saw this match on youtube, check it out.
Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair at Bash at the Beach 1994. I was never a fan of Hogan’s matches, but this was a classic. It should've happened in the WWF on the biggest stage of them all, but they really dropped the ball with it. Had it gone down at say Wrestlemania 8, I think many would consider it as one of the greatest matches in history. But since it was just on some regular ol’ WCW pay-per-view, I don't think it gets the respect it deserves.

Sting vs. Goldberg on Nitro the night there was that tribute to the 4 Horsemen. I remember being pissed at the ending, but other than his bout with Raven (which gets its respect, so I won't list it), it was by far Goldberg's greatest match ever. I was drawn in big time. I really thought Sting was going to win, but damn it.... that bitch Hogan interfered and ruined the entire thing.

Raven vs. Rhyno at Judgment Day 2001 is another match doesn't get the love it deserves. It's the only Hardcore Title match ever to be truly great and not some circus.

Edge vs. Kurt Angle at Backlash 2002 was fucking tremendous. Nearly everything else on that event sucked ass (especially Hogan vs. HHH), but these two really delivered one hell of a match. For some reason though, it's never acknowledged when people list their favorite Edge or Angle matches.

Bryan Danielson vs. Homicide from Final Battle 2006 gets heavily overlooked by ROH fans for some reason. To me personally, it's one of the greatest matches I've ever witnessed. It had EVERYTHING from drama, highspots, technicality, brawling, ect. Just an absolute classic.
I agree, the entire summer feud of Edge vs Angle is underrated and was really Edge's breakout time as a single's wrestler, Angle was godly back then, so it's no surprise, but Edge certainly held his own.

I love their match at JD the month afterward and how the rest of the show Angle was running from Edge.

You know when you think about it, Edge has had a hell of a career, he's basically done everything and done it well. Hasn't he held a title in the WWF/E of some sort like 20 plus times? That's insane.
Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho at Royal Rumble 2001 - The Ladder Match, was awesome to watch, but i think this one is too underappreciated because of the royal rumble match and stone cold winning. SO this one was awesome.

Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle at backlash 2001 - ultimate submission match was great too.
Originally Posted by Eazy-Free View Post
a very underappreciated match IMO was Ric Flair vs Barry Windham from world wide wrestling.

That match was trememdous, both men were incredibly gifted performers and both went all out in a good,long,fast paced, back and forth match ending in a time limit draw right before the refs 3 count would declare Windham the winner. This match was also very important because it showed that Barry Windham who was just kicked out of the horsemen could be a great singles competitor and a legitimate contender for the world title.

Just a note, the match you refer to was from Feb 1987, more than a year before Whindham joined the Horsemen. That said, it was an awesome match, along side their battle at the Crockett Cup Tournament in April '87 they were probably the best matches of Windham's career.
Most of these matches you guys bring up were less appreciated than they should be. I'll be sure to watch the ones I haven't seen. With that said, I know I'm gonna get heckled for this but I have to say I really think you guys should take a second look at Sting vs Vampiro from Slamboree 2000.

This match had tremendous build up and was highly entertaining despite not being the most technical match. I think it gets no love because it was on WCW in 2000, when there show was almost hitting rock bottom. The reason I love it so much is that Sting was, and always will be, one of the most popular babyfaces in the world. Vampiro, was an entertaining wrestler looking for a way to make a name for himself. He was ok, as a face, but as a heel to Sting's mega-over face persona he was fantastic.

The World Title picture nothing to write home about, but Sting was stepping aside and was going to give Vampiro a reason to be in the company. I personally think the Vampiro gimmick was a great one and that he was underratted, but until his feud with Sting, no one had been floating around with less of a purpose than him. Sting had already been proven a hero to the fans and an undeniable megaface. He turned heel the year before and no matter what he did, the fans still cheered him louder than anyone. It was obvious still was all that was good with wrestling. Vampiro really took his evil gimmick to the next level with this feud. He cut chilling promos about being the anti-Sting, which automatically gave him credibility as a top heel.

The match itself was no technical masterpiece or bloody massacre, but the story that was already told outside the ring made it fun to watch. This is a perfect example of why it is so important to build a feud. Watch from bell to bell and you've got an excusable midcard match. Watch the promos from Nitro weeks before and the night of that match, and you've got a reason to buy the PPV other than a possible title switch. Had Vampiro not gotten injured, I think this feud would have increased his status 2x. Unfortunately, the only thing people recall from these two is the less than stellar Human Torch Match.
Okay, I'm looking at the posts here, and I'm only seeing WCW & WWE matches listed. I saw someone list the first ever "Home Depot Classic" (otherwise known as a ladder match) between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart for the InterContinental Championship. Awesome match, and definately didn't get the credit it deserved.

But does anyone else remember the ECW Summer Classic series between Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn, back when ECW was REALLY ECW? Watching those two put on the matches they did, is one of the main reasons I've been a wrestler for the last eight years. I'm always looking at those old matches and learning from the stuff they did.

Also, the Spike Dudley/Mike Awesome matches made for some great TV as well. Those two stole the show more times than I care to count.

Getting honorable mention was the Money In The Bank ladder match at WrestleMania, where Shelton Benjamin ran up the ladder in what's become a classic spot, and the Six Sides of Steel match in TNA, where Elix Skipper walked the cage and performed a beautiful hurricanrana.
i would have to say in your house 13 : final four

the whole event is great but the main event is immense, vader guts busted pretty badly in it too, if you haven't seen it i suggest you go find it and watch it
i would have to say in your house 13 : final four

the whole event is great but the main event is immense, vader guts busted pretty badly in it too, if you haven't seen it i suggest you go find it and watch it

I went to a house show a week before this event. The main event was suppsose to be Bret Hart and Ahmed Johnson vs Stone Cold and Psycho Sid. Ahmed got injured the day before the show so they changed it to this match. We got the PPV main event a week before, but it was pinfall instead of over the tope. The match I saw was far better than the PPV one. Hart made Austin tap to the Sharpshooter, then Vader pinned Hart with the Vader Bomb, and finally Taker beat Vader with the Tombstone.

The PPV one you are talking about was ok in my eyes. The only reason it sticks out in my mind is, we saw those four a week before and my dad thought it would be the same match so he bet my uncle $20 Taker would win, which he didn't.
How about the Wrestlemania VII matchup between the Macho Man Randy Savage and the Ultimate Warrior? It was the one decent actual wrestling match the Warrior ever had, and it took an all time great like Savage to do it. I had completely forgotten about this match until I rewatched it last year as part of the Wrestlemania Anthology, and was absolutely blown away by how good it was. ESPECIALLY since one of the men in the match was the Ultimate Warrior. I would also nominate Savage's match at next years Mania, WMVIII in a "retirement" match against the Nature Boy Ric Flair...WOW. Again, going back to the WM Anthology, I had completely forgotten about this masterpiece as well. Before WCW and the NWO, the Macho Man was probably the best mat technician in wrestling...he was twice the perfectionist Bret Hart could ever be...but unless you are old enough to have seen him back then, his brilliant matches go unnoticed, because all we remember is his run in WCW with the NWO...what a shame. If Savage hadn't been absolutely brilliant in those two matches, I would have nominated the Eddie Guerrero/Dean Malenko match their very last night in ECW. I never liked Dean Malenko, but, I have come to realize that was because he was misused by both WCW and the WWF/WWE. After seeing that match on the Eddie Guerrero DVD, I became a fan.
Rob Van Dam Vs. Sabu Stretcher Match. A lot of ECW marks will agree, A lot of people liked this match, but if you really look at this match, RVD was still an up and comer, after this match though, people started looking at him a lot different. I think this match put RVD on the map! He took one hell of a beating(so did Sabu though), and kept getting up to put on a great show. Plus it started one of the altime greatest heel tag-teams when they joined forces!

Rey Mystero Jr. Vs. Psicosis Mexican Death Match This match brought lucha wrestling to the US. No one really knew about Mexican wrestling in the US, until this match. Rey Mystero jr.!

Terry Funk Vs. Sandman Vs. Stevie Rchards at the first ECW PPV. This match was so great! I don't think alot of people remember it though. The whole card was great, but this match stole the show. The action from start to finish was amazing, Funk did 2 Moonsaults,2! He's 53! CRAZY! Then goes on to meet Raven for the Title and wins. Super great 3-Way Match.
I've always liked Undertaker vs diesel from Wrestlemania 12, I think the pschology in this match was great, and it was a good match between two big men.

bret hart vs roddy piper from wrestlemania was also a very good match, between two greats.

hulk hogan vs ric flair bash at the beach 94 i think....i think they both worked hard in this match, and although these two have never had the "classic" they should have...this was the best match they ever.
I dont think anything would have changed had this match not happened but I enjoy the match everytime I watch it and with everything else on that card this match is underreated. This match is Christian v.s. Chris Jericho from WrestleMania 20. This match made me realize that Christian could be a star on his own and also could be a great heel. Before this I wasnt that high on Christian but after watching this I was.
I think Orton-Cena match at Summerslam is one of THE most Underratted matches in the past 2 years or so. Orton did his job of playing the heel chasing for the title, got put over by Cena, even hit the RKO on him, but Cena still won. Crowd might have hated it, but I was digging that match once I saw it. That's why I have wanted to see the Cena-Orton feud come back, but it won't happen.
The Hell in a Cell match between Brock Lesnar and Undertaker at No Mercy in 2002 comes to mind. A great, albeit over booked rivalry culminated in a huge way at that pay per view. An extremely graphic, very energenic match, with Undertaker taking to the sky a few times, and the Cell was actually put to good use, with both men climbing on it from time to time."

That's easily the best HIAC match there's been. I don't think it's that overlooked though (maybe by casual fans). It gets about as much praise as it should.

No way, any HIAC without Foley sucked, except the very first one IMO. Without leaving the cell, it's just a glorified cage match. That Cell match showed Taker having his hand getting stomped for most of the match. Oooooooo! Others after that point have basically been street fights with the cage obscuring the live crowd's view. Best HIAC (and yes it's the obvious choice) is Foley/Taker. For the fact that everyone in that arena, and everyone watching on tv thought Mick Foley had just been killed.... TWICE! Especially me, because that was the first wrestling match i'd ever seen (and is why Taker and Foley are my fave wrestlers)

Y2J v Christian at WM20 gets my vote. As said b4, it proved Christian had the potential to hang with the main event guys like Y2J.

I'd also have to say Rikishi v Angle at KOTR 2000, Ok, we cud all see Kurt winning a mile off, but was still a great match, seeing the wounded super heavyweight get Olympic slammed and then belly-to-belly suplexed off the top rope was just awesome and also kinda confirmed that Angle wud b a main event player by the end of the year, which low and behold, he was!
No way, any HIAC without Foley sucked, except the very first one IMO. Without leaving the cell, it's just a glorified cage match. That Cell match showed Taker having his hand getting stomped for most of the match. Oooooooo! Others after that point have basically been street fights with the cage obscuring the live crowd's view. Best HIAC (and yes it's the obvious choice) is Foley/Taker. For the fact that everyone in that arena, and everyone watching on tv thought Mick Foley had just been killed.... TWICE! Especially me, because that was the first wrestling match i'd ever seen (and is why Taker and Foley are my fave wrestlers)

I was about to take you to the woodshed on this, until I read your last post, stating that the Taker vs Foley match was the first one you've ever seen. I think we all have a tendency to mark out for our first pro wrestling experience, which is why I still say Wrestlemania 8 is one of the best of all time.

But I also read your post and see someone who hates matches that don't have crazy high spots. The things that made the Taker vs Foley match so insanely good were 1) you never saw it before and really never saw it again, and 2) there were no permanent injuries. If every HIAC had a spot like that, it would become flat.

As far as your point about "glorified cage matches" and "obscuring the live crowd's view," let's recap. The match was at the Kiel Center in St. Louis, MO. Attendance was 21,151. Assume for a moment the average ticket price for that event in 1997 was $55 (an average since many tickets in the upper level were $25-$45 and lower level was $80-$150, and there are more cheap seats than expensive ones). NOW, assume the PPV buyrate was 100,000 people (a VERY low number) at the THEN In Your House price of $19.95.

Live Gate: 21,151 x 55 = $1.16 million
Pay Per View: 100,000 x 19.95 = $1.995 million

Then, add onto the PPV number the totals of the DVD sales and rights to show the PPV in "Blast Areas." Maybe some merch gets moved at the live show, but the PPV revenue probably more than doubles the live gate. View obstructed? Deal with it - the people watching at home are the dollar signs.

I had no idea I was going in this direction with the post, but here is my point: Mick Foley killing himself wasn't needed for a good HIAC match, and in fact, his crazy stunts could be blamed for "setting the bar too high" for HIAC. And of course, HIAC is a lot more than a "glorified cage match," especially for the people watching at home.
also that post is fairly silly, considering exactly what it is we are talking about...a HIAC isnt good if they DONT go out of the cell?? Think of what you are talking about right now...Its a CELL!!! what is the point of a CELL?? to keep its occupants INSIDE no?? so its actually pretty stupid that people always go out of it, considering the entire purpose of the cell, is to keep people inside of it, and outside interfereance, on the outside. Its meant to force a final, inescapable one on one showdown, epic battle. You want people jumping off of things, go find yourself a ladder match.

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