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UCW week 17

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Week 17 of UCW


Kurt Angle, Edge, Kane, Big Show, RVD, John Cena, HHH, Shawn Micheals, Undertaker, JBL, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Booker T, Chris Masters, Randy Orton, Carlito, Tajiri, Rey Mysterio, Batista, Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro, Bobby Lashley, Danny Basham, Doug Basham, Paul London, Christian, Mark Henry, Hardcore Holly, Balls Mahoney, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Rhino, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Sting, Buff Bagwell, Billy Kidman, Diamond Dallas Page, Pitbull, Umaga, Raven, Samoa Joe, Monty Brown, Senshi, Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner, Abyss, A.J. Styles, The Rock, Stone Cold

Members of Team ECW- Balls Mahoney, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Rhino, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley

Members of Team WCW- Goldberg, Sting, Buff Bagwell, Billy Kidman, Diamond Dallas Page, Booker T, Big Show, Chris Beniot, Chris Jericho, Raven

Members of Team TNA- Samoa Joe, Monty Brown, Senshi, Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner, A.J. Styles, Abyss


Melina, Lita, Armando Alejandro Estrada

A promo starts showing wrestlers walking to the ring.

"Many of the wrestlers dream about their chance at glory. There are 5 Titles you can earn and only one can be called World Champion. To be the best, some put there bodies and careers on the line. When they finally get their chance, it's do or die. This is Ultimate Championship Wrestling , and this is there life!"

*Fireworks shoot off into the air while Bodies by Drowning Pool plays.*

J.R.- Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to UCW week 17! We are here live in front of a sold out crowd in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Last weeks Danger Zone PPV was insane! UCW proved it was the dominate brand in wrestling and Kurt Angle became the new World Champion! It was an honor to witness that event. I wonder what's in store for tonight?

*Vince's music hit and he came out to the ring with a microphone and a big smile on his face.*

Vince- Last night, UCW showed that they are the greatest business in wrestling history!

*The fans cheer.*

Vince- Tonight, I have invited all the ECW, WCW, and TNA superstars back so I could have a little fun. I have decided that alot of those wrestlers have good talent and shouldn't go to waste. So what I'm going to do is bring them all out here right now and choose which ones I want to keep here on UCW and which ones I can get rid of. So without further adoo, I'm asking if ECW can come down here first.

J.R.- Wow! What an idea by Mr. McMahon! This should be interesting.

ECW comes down to the ring with Paul Heyman.

Vince- Now could you all get in a single file line and step forward and get in the ring so I can make my decison. Also, anybody who I keep, remain in the ring after I judge you.

They get in a single file line on the ramp and Balls Mahoney gets in the ring.

Vince- HA HA HA HA HA! Are you kidding me!? Your definatly fired! Get out of my ring! HA HA!

Balls gets out of the ring with a pissed off look and walks up the ramp.

Fans- Na na na na, Na na na na, Hey hey hey, GOODBYE!!!!! Na na na na, Na na na na, Hey hey hey, GOODBYE!!!!!

Vince- Next!

The Sandman slides in the ring.

Vince- I bet you want your Hardcore Title back!

Sandman nods his head.

Vince- Well............that ain't gonna happen! Your FIRED!!!!!

Sandman leaves the ring and walks up the ramp.

Fans- Na na na na, Na na na na, Hey hey hey, GOODBYE!!!!! Na na na na, Na na na na, Hey hey hey, GOODBYE!!!!!

Tommy Dreamer was about to get in the ring until Vince interupted him.

Vince- Your fired! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Sabu gets in the ring.

Vince- You could be a good addition to the Hardcore division, your hired.

Sabu then smiles and stands on the side of the ring.

Rhino was about to get in the ring until...

Vince- Your fired!

Rhino got pissed and left.

Fans- Na na na na, Na na na na, Hey hey hey, GOODBYE!!!!! Na na na na, Na na na na, Hey hey hey, GOODBYE!!!!!

The Dudleys were about to get in the ring until...

Vince- You guys are hired. You will be a great addition to the Tag Team Division.

The Dudleys get in the ring and stand next to Sabu.

Vince- Now can WCW make there way out here.

WCW comes down and stands in a single file line on the ramp.

Vince- I have already made my decision. All of the UCW originals can stay but the other WCW wrestlers, YOUR FIRED!!!!!

Goldberg, Sting, Buff Bagwell, Billy Kidman, DDP, and Raven were freaking out and pissed off while they walked up the ramp.

Fans- Na na na na, Na na na na, Hey hey hey, GOODBYE!!!!! Na na na na, Na na na na, Hey hey hey, GOODBYE!!!!!

Vince- Wait!

The WCW wrestlers stopped and looked back at Vince.

Vince- Goldberg and Kidman......you guys can stay.

They got in the ring and the rest of the WCW wrestlers left.

Vince- I chose you guys because Kidman, you can really give alot to the small Crusierweight division and Goldberg, you are a big name and have alot of power and charisma. I like that.

They both stood next to the rest of the wrestlers that Vince kept.

Vince- Last but not least, can TNA make there way down here.

Everyone from TNA came down to the ring. They were walking down the ramp until.......

Vince- YOUR ALL FIRED!!!!!!!!!

TNA flips out as the fans cheer and sing.

Fans- Na na na na, Na na na na, Hey hey hey, GOODBYE!!!!! Na na na na, Na na na na, Hey hey hey, GOODBYE!!!!!

Vince turns and looks at the wrestlers he kept.

Vince- Now, I choose you all because i thought you guys could give alot to the company. The guys from UCW that defected, I kept you all because I can forgive you guys for siding with your original company over UCW. I understand. But for tonight, you nine guys will be in a special nine man, over the top rope, battle royal. The winner of the battle royal will be the #1 Contender for the title of your choice except the World Title.

*The fans cheer.*

Vince- Oh by the way, that match starts right now!

Nine Man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal​

Sabu v.s. Bubba Ray v.s. D-Von v.s. Goldberg v.s. Kidman v.s. Booker T v.s. Big Show v.s. Chris Beniot v.s. Chris Jericho​

The bell rings and they all stare at each other. Then Big Show comes up from behind Kidman, grabs him by the back off the head, and throws him over the top rope!
Eliminated: Billy Kidman
J.R.- Oh my! Big Show just eliminated his former WCW partner, Billy Kidman!
Everybody then starts to brawl in the ring. The Dudleys started to double team on Goldberg in the corner. Goldberg powers his way out and hits some punches to Bubba Ray's face. D-Von attacked Goldberg from behind and The Dudleys attempted to get Goldberg over the top rope. Sabu and Booker T helped and ended up getting Goldberg over but he was still hanging on to the top rope. They tried to break his fingers free so his feet would hit the floor, but he wasn't letting go. Sabu left the ring through the bottom rope and grabbed a chair! He got back in the ring and smacked Goldberg's fingers on the top rope and he let go, getting eliminated.
Eliminated: Goldberg
Sabu then started to level everyone with the chair! When Sabu hit the Big Show with the chair, Big Show didn't feel the affects. Sabu swung the chair at his head again and Big Show smacked it out of his hands and hit him with a big Headbutt. Beniot got thrown over the top rope by Booker T but he hung onto the rope and was laying on the apron. Jericho then attacked Booker T from behind and whipped him into the ropes. Booker T came back and Jericho went for a Clothesline but Booker T ducked and went to bounce off of the opposite set of ropes, but Beniot pulled down on the top ropes and Booker T fell back over the ropes and to the outside of the ring.
Eliminated: Booker T
The Dudleys attempted to double team on Big Show but he grabbed them both by the throat and pushed them back into the ropes. He then charged at them and hit a double Clothesline on both of them and sent them to the outside of the ring.
Eliminated: Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley
Sabu, Beniot, and Jericho came at the Big Show one at a time but Big Show kept leveling them with punches to hold them off. Sabu grabbed the chair and smashed it over Big Show's head. Sabu hit him with shots over the head, one after the other. Then Sabu had Big Show up against the ropes and hit him over the head again with the chair. Sabu then backed up and went to hit Big Show over the ropes with a Clothesline but Big Show never budged. Sabu backed up and went for another Clothesline but Big Show picked him up in a Military Press Slam and was about to toss him over the top rope but Chris Beniot came up from behind him and kicked the back of his knee, causing him to fall back and Sabu landed right on his chest. Sabu the hit punches in Big Show's face while he was down. Big Show powered Sabu off of him and got to his feet. Beniot charged at Big Show with the chair and went to hit him over the head but the Big Show punched the chair out of his hands. Beniot stood there in shock and Big Show grabbed him by the neck with both hands and tossed him over the top rope and to the outside of the ring.
Eliminated: Chris Beniot
Jericho was battling with Sabu in the corner and Big Show charged at them and squashed both of them in the corner. Big Show picked up Sabu and went to toss him over the top rope from a Bearhug position but Sabu countered it into a DDT! Jericho was up against the ropes and Sabu ran to Clothesline him over the ropes but Jericho ducked and flipped Sabu over the top rope and he landed on the apron. Then he locked him in a Suplex and hit a Vertical Suplex on Jericho and he landed on his back on the outside!
Eliminated: Chris Jericho
Big Show got up and Sabu came at him with punches when he got back in the ring. Big Show then got to his feet and hit a Headbutt. Sabu backed up and picked up the chair. He went to swing it at Big Show but Big Show smacked the chair out of his hands and grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up for the Chokeslam! Big Show walked over to the ropes and went to Chokeslam him over the top rope but Sabu quickly wrapped his legs around Big Show's head and hit a Hurricanrana over the top rope and Big Show fell over the rope and landed on the outside with Sabu hanging onto the top rope!
Eliminated: Big Show

Winner: Sabu

J.R.- What a match! Sabu came out on top and earns a shot at any title he wants except the World Title. Sabu's desicion ought to be interesting.

Big Show got up on the outside and stared in the ring with a very angry look on his face.


Vince is in his ofice and MNM walks in with there Tag Team Title over there shoulders.

Vince- Ah, thank you for coming MNM.

Nitro- No problem. What it this about?

Vince- Well last night, I saw you guys retain your Tag Titles after defeating both the Brothers of Destruction and D-Generation-X.

Mercury- Yeah, that was awesome wasn't it!

Vince- Well, no actually because I seen you guys cheat and I have looked over the tapes off all your UCW Tag Matches and you guys are undefeated as a tag team.

Melina- You bet they are! They are the greatest Tag Team Champions in wrestling history.

Vince- Well actually, there's a reason for that. It's because every single tag match, you have cheated in.

Nitro- Oh really!? Which one's then?

*Vince looks down at his paper.*

Vince- In week 2, you guys beat Carlito and Charlie Haas because Melina distracted the ref and you, Mercury, hit Haas over the head with a chair and then finished him off with the Snapshot. Next, in week 3, you qualified for the Rage in the Cage Match by winning the Tag Team Battle Royal after you, Nitro, gave a Low Blow to Undertaker and then Clotheslined him over the ropes. Next at Extreme Suffering, Goldberg cost Sabu and Rey Mysterio the Title match so you basically cheated there. Do I need to continue?

Nitro- Look Vince, we do what we have to do to win.

Vince- Well whatever your excuse is, it doesn't matter because tonight, you are putting your Tag Team Titles on the line in a match where you can't cheat and know one can get involved. That match is..........a Steel Cage Match!

Mercury- WHAT! Are you kidding!?

*MNM complains to Vince.*

Vince- Oh anda since you guys screwed them at Danger Zone, you guys are facing D-Generation-X!

*The fans cheer.*

Vince then walks out of his office with MNM flipping out.

Back in the arena, Mark Henry's music hit and he came down to the ring with his lead pipe.

Howard Finkel- Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the former UCW World Heavyweight Champion, Mark Henry!

After Henry heard Howard Finkel say that, he walked over to the timekeepers table and slapped Howard Finkel right across the face, cuasing him to fall out of his chair and holding his face while he was on the ground.

J.R.- Oh what the hell! Come on Mark! That was uncalled for!

Henry grabbed a microphone and got in the ring.

Henry- Last night at Danger Zone, I was about to finish off Kurt Angle and retain my World Title. But then I got robbed! All thanks.....to John Cena!

*The fans cheer as they hear him say Cena's name.*

Henry- I knew John Cena would never be a fair enforcer so I "disposed" of him. I ran his ass down in a car! It was the best feeling in the world because I knew that I would win the match. But then Cena somehow gets out of the hospital and attacks me with a chair!

*The fans cheer.*

Henry- Then I recieved an Angle Slam and got pinned by Kurt Angle and lost my World Heavyweight Championship! DO YOU KNOW HOW PISSED I AM!? Cena, it's all because of you! Get your ass out here, NOW!!!

Henry stares at the entrance but nothing happens after a few moments.

Henry- Come on, Cena! I don't have all night!

Then John Cena's music hit and he came out to the stage with the fans going nuts!

J.R.- There he is! The man that cost Henry the World Title last week at Danger Zone!

Cena stood on the stage with a microphone and looking at the fans with a smile.

Cena- Look everybody, it's Mark Henry, the man that I beat the hell out of last week at Danger Zone!

*The fans cheer and laugh.*

Cena- In case you haven't noticed, my limp is gone and I'm just about at 100%. Which means that I can come down there and kick your ass! But before I do anything, I want to ask you something. Did you run me down in the car because you thought I would screw you over?

Henry- Your damn right! There's no way I had a chance with you enforcing the match!

Cena- No Henry, you got it all wrong. You didn't have a chance to cheat! That's why you took me out because your a coward and need a little insurance policy in all your matches, the damn lead pipe!

Henry- I do what I need to do to win! With this lead pipe, I'm unstoppable!

Cena- Really? Just like you were unstoppable at Danger Zone? Oh wait! Neverwind, because that's when I BEAT THE HELL OUT OF YOU!

Henry- Oh yeah! Then come down here and try to do it again! Come on, Cena! I'm ready for you!

Cena- You really think I'm that stupid? I'm not about to come down to that ring and get my head bashed in with that lead pipe. So I thought that I would......even up the odds.

Cena then walks backstage and after a few seconds, he comes out with a steel chair!

Cena runs down to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope. Henry swings the pipe at Cena's head but he ducks and turns around and smacks Henry over the head with the chair! Cena hits him repeatadly over the head with the chair and gets in five shots. Cena turns around while Henry was groggy against the ropes and taunted to the fans. Cena turned back and Henry nailed him over the head with the lead pipe! Henry then looked down at Cena with a pissed off face and smacked the lead pipe across his ribs! Henry hit the pipe over his ribs a second time and was about to hit him over the ribs a third time but the fans started cheering because Kurt Angle was running down to the ring with his World Title! Angle slid in the ring and Henry went to hit Angle with the pipe but Angle ducked and when they both turned back towards each other, Angle nailed Henry in the face with the World title and Henry fell through the ropes and to the outside of the ring! Angle checked on Cena as Henry backed up the ramp with an angry look.


Umaga's music hits and he comes down to the ring with Armando Alejandro Estrada and Estrada has a microphone and starts to talk as he comes down to the ring.

Estrada- Espededa.......espededa.......espededa! Everybody listen..............TO ME! In case you still don't know, my name is Armando.................Alejandro............... Estrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrada!

*The fans boo.*

Estrada- And this is the Samoan Bulldozer, UMAGA! Tonight, Umaga takes on the man they call, Shelton Benjamin. Umaga will destroy Shelton Benjamin and continue destroying everybody in his path! Umaga thinks he is ready to hold a Championship and will show you all tonight how deserving he is!

Estrada gets out of the ring and Umaga awaits his opponent.

Shelton Benjamin's music hits and he comes down to the ring with loud cheers. he gets into the ring and stares across the ring at Umaga.

Shelton Benjamin v.s. Umaga w/ Armando Alejandro Estrada​

The bell rings and Umaga charges at Shelton but Shelton dives out of the way and Umaga crashes into the empty turnbuckle. Shelton backs up and Umaga turns towards him and charges for another splash but Shelton dives out of the way again. Umaga turns and stares at Shelton who remains quick on his feet. Umaga walks into the corner and traps Shelton from going anywhere. Umaga is a few feet away and Shelton tries to run to another corner but Umaga moves in his direction and blocks his way. Shelton then reaches a last resort and starts nailing punches into Umaga's face! Umaga backs up as Shelton hits punch after punch to Umaga's face. Umaga then blocks one of his punches and comes back with a huge uppercut. Shelton backs up and Umaga runs at him and hits him with a big Clothesline. Umaga then picks up Shelton and slammed him down in a Scoop Slam. Umaga drags Shelton over to the corner and backs up into the opposite corner and screamed. Umaga charged at Shelton to hit the Running Bump but Shelton rolled out of the ring quickly and Umaga's back smashed against the turnbuckle! Umaga stumbled forward and Shelton slid in the ring. Shelton attacked Umaga from behind with a bunch of clubs to the back of the head. Shelton wrapped his arms around Umaga's waist and hit a German Suplex!
J.R.- Oh My GOD!!! Shelton just hit Umaga with a huge German Suplex!
Umaga was on the mat in pain and Shelton stood up, ready to strike again. Umaga stood up, turned around and Shelton hit a Superkick! Umaga fell back against the ropes and bounced forward where Shelton went to hit another Superkick but Umaga grabbed his foot, spun him around and Shelton hit and Spinning Back Kick in Umaga's face and he fell back through the ropes and landed outside the ring!
J.R.- Oh my! Shelton can win this match! He is beating Umaga!
Umaga backed up the ramp with Estrada and Umaga stared down Shelton as he stood in the ring with the fans going nuts! Umaga screamed and ran into the ring. Shelton hit a few punches in Umaga's face until Umaga quickly wrapped his arms around Shelton and hit a BIG Belly-to-Belly Suplex! Shelton stood up in pain and was backed up against the corner. Umaga ran at Shelton and hit a Splash in the corner! Shelton fell and was sitting up in the bottom turnbuckle. Umaga backed up again and ran at him, hitting the Running Bump! Umaga picked up Shelton and hit the Samoan Spike! Umaga covers Shelton to end the hectic match, 1.....................2.....................3!

Winner: Umaga

J.R.- Damn! I thought Shelton was going to come out victorious but he came up just a little short!

Umaga stood up and Estrada got in the ring with a microphone.

Estrada- I told you! I told all of you that Umaga would reign supreme over Shelton Benjamin! Now Umaga is tired of showing all of you his power and wants to take it a step further! Umaga wants a shot at a UCW Title! But not just any title, he wants the World Heavyweight Title!!!

J.R.- Oh my God! Who would be able to stop Umaga if he was World Champion?

Umaga drops the microphone and Umaga and Estrada leave the ring and walk up the ramp.

Later Tonight:

Steel Cage match for the UCW Tag Team Championships
MNM v.s. D-Generation-X


Rematch for the World Heavyweight Championship
Mark Henry v.s. Kurt Angle

Special Referee: John Cena


Vince is in his office when Umaga walks in with Armando Alejandro Estrada.

Vince- Ah, hello Mr. Estrada.

Estrada- Hello, Mr. McMahon.

Vince- Is there something I can help you with?

Estrada- Actually, there is something you can help me with. Did you see Umaga destroy Shelton Benjamin a few minutes ago?

Vince- Actually I did. That was pretty impressive.

Estrada- I knew you would enjoy that! Now, I think it's time to talk about Umaga's World Title shot.

Vince- Oh yeah, about that, I can't give Umaga a World Title shot.

Estrada- What!? Why not?

Vince- Well I'm not really sure about the current state of the World Title's #1 Contender.

Estrada- Well, Umaga is your problem solver. Just make Umaga the #1 Contender for the World Championship at Apocalypse.

Vince- I don't think I can do that right now. Umaga isn't really World Title material.


Umaga then steps toward Vince and Vince backs up against his desk in fright.

Vince- Hey! Calm him down!!!

Estrada then gets in front of Umaga and seperates him from Mr. McMahon

Estrada- You see Mr. McMahon, you have made Umaga very upset and he wants this title match more then anything. So what do you say?

Vince- Well, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. At Apocalypse, it's going to be Umaga going one on one against Carlito for the United States Championship.

Estrada- But he wants a World Title match, not a United States Title match!

Vince- Well thats the best I can do right now. I'm sorry.

Estrada- Oh, ok. Thank you Mr. McMahon.

Umaga and Estrada leave Vince's office.

The Rock's music hit and the fans cheer loudly as he comes down to the ring with a microphone.

J.R.- Well there's The Rock. Him and Stone Cold won the match for UCW in the multi-brand elimination match. But after the match, Austin gave the Rock a Stunner!

The Rock- ..........................Finally!

The fans go nuts.

The Rock- ............Finally The Rock has come back to Pittsburgh!

The fans cheer very loud.

The Rock- This past Sunday, I was on UCW's team to help defeat WCW, ECW, and TNA to show the world that UCW is the most dominate brand in wrestling!

The fans cheer.

The Rock- But after the match, I drank a few beers with none other then the legendary, Stone Cold Steve Austin.

The fans cheer as Austin's name is said.

The Rock- I was having fun with Austin until he gave me an unexpected Stone Cold Stunner.

Mixed reactions are given by the fans.

The Rock- Once I woke up from that Stunner, I lost all of my respect for Austin. He wanted to steal the show and make him the star of the match. Ok I admit, he eliminated TNA by pinning Abyss and he also eliminated WCW by making Sting tap out to his own Sharpshooter. But it's not like I was never involed in the match at all. Batista got hurt and if it wasn't for our teamwork, UCW wouldn't be here right now. We beat the odds together and he had to piss me off by hitting a Stunner. I was furious at him, and I......

Austin's music hit and he came out to the stag with a microphone and the fans cheering out of there seats!

Austin- Is there a point to your little story, Rock?

Rock- Actually there is. Why don't you come down to the ring so we can talk man to man.

Austin- What do you think I am, stupid? I'm gonna get into that ring and your going to attack me as soon as I touch the mat.

Rock- Do you really think that the millions..............

Fans- .....And Millions!

Rock- ...of Rock's fans would appreciate me blindsiding you with an attack?

Austin- I don't know what the hell all the Rock's fans think but I know that all of Austin's fans don't want to see that go down.

The fans cheer.

Rock- No wonder Debra divorced you Austin, because you don't have any balls!


J.R.- Wow! That was a low blow!

Austin- ....................................Ok...........you wanted a fight........you just got yourself a fight.

Austin then throws down the microphone and walks down to the ring with the fans cheering.

Austin gets into the ring and walks up to The Rock. They are staring at each other only inches away. The fans continue to cheer as The Rock puts his microphone to his mouth.

Rock- Well Austin?...............................................Whatcha gonna do?

The fans cheer as Austin puts a smile on his face and pushes The Rock with one finger in his shoulder.

The Rock then smiles and pushes Austin with his whole hand.

Austin is looking down at his shoulder and looks back up at The Rock and shoves him hard with both of his hands. The Rock shoves Austin right back and Austin smacks The Rock across his face and The Rock's body is turned halfway and is looking down at the mat. The Rock then turns back at Austin and Austin kicks him in the gut and hits a Stunner!

J.R- Oh my! Austin hits another Stunner on the Rock!

Austin gets out of the ring and walks up the ramp without even looking back at The Rock's body and the fans cheering.



*The fans go nuts!*

"BOW TO THE MASTERS......................BREAK IT DOWN!"

Shawn Micheals and HHH emerge from the curtain and taunt on the stage with the fans cheering loudly.

J.R- There they are! DX is going to try and take the Tag Team Titles away from MNM inside a steel cage!

They make there way down to the ring and HHH grabs a microphone.

HHH- ..................Are you ready?

The fans cheer.

HHH- I can't hear you Pittsburgh, I said, ARE YOU READY!!!???

*The fans went insane!*

HHH- Then, for the thousands in attendance.......for the millions watching at home.........and for MNM's girl Melina.

The fans laugh.


The fans cheered as HHH handed the microphone to HBK.

HBK- The following beatdown of MNM and the capture of the Tag Team Championships is a Public Service Announcment from your friends here at, D-Genration-X. Reminding each and every one of you that if your not down with that, then we've got two words for ya, SUCK IT!!!!!!!!!!

MNM's music hits and they come down to the ring with there papirazzi entrannce and Melina by there sides. Then MNM goes over to the timekeepers table and they each grab a steel chair! MNM then gets into the cage and stand across form DX with the chair, ready to swing.

Howard Finkel is standing next to the timekeepers table and explains the match rules.

Howard Finkel- Ladies and gentleman, the following contest is the Steel Cage Match for the Tag Team Championships! In this contest, the only way to win is for both members of a team to escape the cage and both feet hit the floor. They may only climb out of the cage since the door will be wrapped with a steel chain.

The fans cheer.

Steel Cage match for the UCW Tag Team Championships​

MNM v.s. D-Generation-X​

The bell rings and MNM runs at DX with the steel chairs. HHH hits a big Spinebuster on Johnny Nitro and HBK hits a Manhattan Drop on Joey Mercury! They both drop the chairs and Nitro is down while Mercury stmubles back while holding his groin after the Manhattan Drop. HBK then backs up and hits the Sweet Chin Music! HHH then picks up Nitro and whips him into the ropes and when he came back, HHH lifted him in a Military Press Slam and threw him into the cage wall! The fans were cheering as Mercury was starting to move. HBK climbed the turnbuckle and jumped off to hit the Elbow Drop on Mercury's chest but he moved at the last second. HHH went to attack him but Mercury hit a Low Blow on HHH. HHH fell down and everyone was down on the mat until Mercury made it up to his feet. Mercury started to climb the cage wall and HBK got up and grabbed a steel chair. Mercury was halfway up the cage when HBK smacked the chair across Mercury's back and he fell back down to the mat. HBK put the chair down and started to climb out of the cage. HBK was at the top when Nitro started to climb the cage. Nitro gabbed HBK's foot and wouldn't let him climb down the other side. HHH then got up and pulled on Nitro to try and get him to release HBK. Nitro kicked HHH in the face and he stumbled back. Nitro then climbed up the cage even higher and grabbed onto HBK. HBK was punching Nitro and tried to get him to fall but Nitro was holding on tight. HHH went to climb up and stop Nitro again but Mercury attacked HHH from behind and kept him distracted. Nitro then climbed up and had one leg hanging on both sides of the cage. HBK got in the same position and they started exchanging punches back and forth. HBK grabbed Nitro's head and slammed it down on the top of the cage. Nitro leaned back and was dazed. HBK lifted his leg up and kicked it across Nitro's face. Nitro then tipped over and fell 15 feet down to the ring mat!
J.R.- Oh my God! Nitro fell from the top of that cage!
HBK was hanging from the top of the cage and puled himself up, ready to climb down. HBK then stood up and looked down at Nitro's body with the fans going insane!
J.R.- Oh my! No....don't do it Michaels! Don't risk your entire career! You can climb out! Don't do it!
HBK then smiled at the fans.
Fans- Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump!
The fans coninued to yell "jump" as Michaels did the Sign of the Cross and took a HUGE 15 foot drop from the top of the cage and hit the Elbow Drop!

HBK was down in the ring as well as Johnny Nitro and HHH was still fighting with Mercury. Mercury Eye Raked HHH and picked up one of the steel chairs that were in the ring. Mercury then started to hit HHH in the leg and head with the chair. HHH was on one knee and was trying to block the chair shot with his arm but he still felt the impact and fell down on the mat. Mercury put the chair on HHH's chest and climbed the turnbuckle. Mercury was at the top and jumped off but HHH pushed the chair up at Mercury and it hit him in the face! HHH got up on a small limp and started to help HBK up. HBK stood up and reached into his wrestling trunks. HBK pulled out handcuffs and the fans started cheering very loudly. HBK handed the handcuffs to HHH and he picked up Mercury and cuffed him to the top rope! HHH picked up the chair and started to beat Mercury with it. Then, a tall buff man started to walk down the ramp.
J.R.- What the hell! Is that.....that's Nathan Jones! What the hell is he doing here!?
Nathan Jones then walked up the ring steps and ripped the door open, breaking the steel chain!
J.R.- Oh my God! He just ripped the cage door open! What power!
Nathan Jones got in the ring and walked towards DX and HHH smacked him over the head with the chair. Jones stumbled back and came back at him but HHH smacked him over the head with the chair again! Jones stumbled back again and still kept coming at HHH. HHH then went to swing the chair again at his head but Jones grabbed HHH by the neck and threw him into the side of the steel cage! Jones turned around and HBK went for the Sweet Chin Music but Jones grabbed HBK's foot and flipped his foot up in the air, causing HBK to do a backflip and land on his chest! Jones then pulled a handcuff key out of his boot and unlocked Joey Mercury. Nitro was conscience again and helped him towards the cage door. MNM then crawled out of the cage door and won the match.

Winners and still UCW Tag Team Champions: MNM

The ref grabbed there belts and ran them over to MNM and Nitro yelled to Nathan Jones.
Nitro- Get in there and finish them!
Jones shook his head and got back in the ring. Jones picked up HHH and started grinding his head across the cage! HHH was bleeding all over his face and Jones threw him down to the mat. HBK was getting up and Jones back up into the corner. HBK turned around and Jones charged at him and nearly knocked his head off with a Bicycle Kick! Jones got out of the ring and walked up the ramp with MNM.

Vince is standing in his office when The Rock barges through his door.

Vince- What are doing? You can't just barge in my...

(The Rock interupts him)

The Rock- Shut up! Listen.

Vince- How dare you tell me to shut up! You don't hae the right to...

(The Rock interupts him again.)

The Rock- I said shut up! Listen, Vince. You saw what Austin did to me at Danger Zone and what he was did to me out in the ring earlier tonight.

Vince- Yes I did.

The Rock- I want a match, one on one with Stone Cold Steve Austin at Apocalypse.

The fans cheer extremely loudly.

Vince- Hmmm.........I don't know.

The Rock- Vince, I know you very well and I know you want ratings right?

Vince- Yeah......

The Rock- Well, at Danger Zone, me and Austin teamed up in the Multi-brand Elimination Match and that got the best ratings of any other UCW show.

Vince- Yeah....

The Rock- Then imagine the ratings if instead of us teaming up........we fought each other.

The fans cheer.

Vince- Hmmm.....well you got a point there.

The Rock then puts his hand on Vince's shoulder and they both look up in the air.

The Rock- Imagine it. Austin v.s. The Rock at Apocalypse. Seven years in the making. Austin beat me at Wrestlemania 15, Wrestlemania 17........thanks to you.

Vince shrugs his shoulders and agrees by nodding his head.

The Rock- But I finally defeated him at Wrestlmania 19. I destroyed him by hitting three Rock Bottoms. Come on, give me this match. So I can tie up our rivalry 2 to 2.

Vince- .................You make a good point...........you got it!

The fans cheer very loudly.

The Rock- Thank you. Now before I leave I just want to let you know that....I'm going to beat the HOLY HELL OUT OF AUSTIN!

The Rock then storms out of the office with Vince still standing there.

Rematch for the World Heavyweight Championship
Mark Henry v.s. Kurt Angle​

Special Referee: John Cena

Mark Henry's music hits and he comes down to the ring with his steel pipe. The fans boo as he put his lead pipe under the turnbuckle and waited for Angle.

His music hits and his hometown goes nuts!

J.R.- There he is! The UCW World Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle!

He stands across the ring from Mark Henry and stares him down.

Cena's music hits and the fans cheer very loudly. He comes down to the ring with his standard gear on.

J.R.- Well it seems Cena isn't going to wear a referee shirt for the match.

Cena hands the belt to the timekeeper and Cena tells them to ring the bell.

The match begins and both men come slowly out of their corners. Kurt and Henry are inches away from ech others face and have a staredown with the fans getting hyped up. Henry then spits in Kurt's face and he backed up while whipping his face.
J.R.- Oh what the hell! That was uncalled for!
Cena then stepped in front of Henry and yelled at him for doing that.Henry then apologized and backed up. Cena turned around to check on Kurt but then Henry attacked Cena from behind!
J.R.- Oh come on! Henry's trying to take Cena out of the match again!
Henry then picked up his lead pipe from under the turnbuckle and came up from behind Cena to strike him with it and smacked him across the ribs while he was down. Kurt was on the outside of the ring and Henry smacked Cena with his pipe again. Henry looked at the booing fans at smacked him over the head while he was down and knocked him out cold! Kurt slid in the ring behind Henry and had the World Title! Henry turned around and Kurt hit him over the head with the belt!
J.R.- Oh what a shot with the World Title! I hope that's the closest Mark Henry ever gets to that World Title for the rest of his career!
Kurt dropped the belt and got out of the ring. Kurt grabbed Henry and smashed his head on the announce table. Kurt then used all of his power to wip Henry face first into the steel post! Kurt then grabbed a chair from the timekeepers table and smacked it on the back of Henry's head, sandwiching it with the steel ring post! Henry fell to his knees and Angle got in front of him with the chair and level his skull! Henry then fell back and was flat on his back. Angle threw down the chair and screamed to the fans. Henry was barely moving when Angle picked up his lead pipe. Angle stared at the lead pipe and smiled. Henry was pulling himself up and got hit in the kidneys with the pipe! Henry was screaming in pain as Angle dropped the pipe.
J.R.- Oh my God! Angle has lost it! Angle picked up Henry and rolled him into the ring. Angle got in the ring and looked down at Henry's body.

Angle pulled up Henry and ran against the ropes but when he came back, Henry lifted him in a Military Press Slam and trew him over the ropes! Henry had the most sadistic look on his face and when he got out of the ring as well. Henry picked up a television monitor from the announcer's table and smashed it over Angle's head. Henry then went under the ring and grabbed a toolbox full of tools and lifted it in the air. Angle got up and Henry toosed the toolbox right at Angle's head but Angle ducked and the toolbox smashed on the ground and spilled the tools everywhere. Angle then charged at Henry and tackled him to the ground!
J.R.- What a takedown by Angle right in front of my announce table! Angle stood up and rolled into the ring. Cena was starting to move when Angle was recovering in the ring. Henry got up and rolled into the ring and both men started exchanging punches back and forth. Henry got the advantage and backed Angle into the corner and hit him with punches to the face. Cena got up and stared across the ring at Henry's back with the fans cheering. Henry turned around and Cena tackled him to the mat and they rolled around the ring while beating the living crap out of each other! They rolled out of the ring in front of the announcer's table and kept fighting. Angle was leaning over the ropes and watched them fight. Henry raked Cena's eyes and climbed over the audience barricade to make a quick getaway! Cena hopped the barricade and fought him through the crowd.

Winner: No Contest

Angle turned around and Umaga ran at him and hit the Samoan Spike!
J.R.- What the hell! Why is Umaga down here!? He has no business here!
Estrada got in the ring as well and he had a microphone in his hand.

Estrada- Mr. McMahon! We asked for a World Title shot and you didn't comply! You didn't give Umaga what he wanted! Now Umaga will show you how deserving he is by decimating the World Champion, Kurt Angle!

Umaga then picked up Angle and hit another Samona Spike! Umaga then lifted up Angle's head and he was on his knee's when Umaga hit a third Samoan Spike!

Estrada- What's it going to be Mr. McMahon?

Umaga the lifted Angle to his knees and hit another Samoan Spike!

Estrada- If you don't comply, you will no longer have a World Heavyweight Champion!

Umaga lifted Angle to his knee's again and was about to hit another Samaon Spike when Vince came out to the stage with a microphone in a hurry.

Vince- Stop it! Stop it right now!

Umaga drops ANgle and he hits the mat face first.

Estrada- Ah, good for you to show up Mr. McMahon. So what is your desicion?

Vince- I.......I can't do anything right now.

Estrada- Wrong answer!

Umaga then lifted Angle to his knees and was ready to hit the Samoan Spike.

Vince- WAIT!

Estrada and Umaga stare at Vince.

Vince- ............................Ok you got your match.

Umaga and Estrada smile sadisticly.

Vince- At Apocalypse in 4 weeks, it's going to be Umaga versus Kurt Angle for the UCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Estrada- Thank you Mr. McMahon! But right now, Umaga, sent another message to Kurt Angle!

Umaga screams as he hit a final Samoan Spike into the neck of Angle.

Umaga's music hits and him and Estrada leave the ring with madics running down to check on Angle.

J.R.- Oh my God! I can't believe the audacity of Umaga and Estrada! This is competely uncalled for! Angle could have a damaged throat! I don't know what's going to happen next week on UCW but I can asure you that Kurt will be looking for revenge! I'll see you next week for UCW week 18 from Trenton, New Jersey! See you next week!

UCW week 18 Coming Soon!

The UCW Website has been updated as well. Please check it out from the link in my signature.
Liked the show, pretty good, can't believe you brung back nathan jones it was a nice suprise, I like were the Rock/Austin fued is going, but i'm not so sure about the Angle/Umaga and Cena/Henry fueds don't really think they make for entertaining matches but only time will tell, will diffenently read your next show, overall I thought you did a great job.
Well I havent reviewed one of ur shows for a while so I htought that I would give it a go.

The opening sgement was interesting... and the end to an angle that I enjoyed and hoped would be bigger and longer than what it was..... I htink you mde good desicions in who to keep from ECW and WCW... Only thing... Vince hiring Sabu as he will be a good addition to the Hardcore division.. but firing Sandman a former Hardcore champion?? seemed a little odd..

The complete firing on the TNA team didnt sit well with me.... if Vince ws after ratings (which we all know he is) and after the botoom line... why wouldnt a guy like AJ Styles be neeed? Was hoping Vince would say something like "I have one (or 2) roster spots left... but I dont know which one of u is worthy.... so you guys can fight over it right know" ....

The 9 man battle royal was a good match... glad Sabu won and wasnt suprised when he left the ring and grabbed a chair!! But i wasnt sure on the whole give the winner a title shot.... I mean these guys were against Vince and wanted to put him out of business... its one thing for him to keep them employed I htink it would be totally different straight away for them to get a title shot.

The backstage segments with MNM and Vince and Cena and Henry were good.

Didnt mind the Umaga and Benjamin match.. was hoping Shelton would win but knew he wouldnt....

Had a problem with the Promo that The Rock had... ive never heard the Rock say I... he always talks about himself in the third person... so instead of having.. ..But after the match, I drank a few beers with none other then the legendary, Stone Cold Steve Austin. it perhaps should of been But after the match, The Rock drank a few beers with none other then the legendary, Stone Cold Steve Austin. If you know what I mean

I liked the MNM and DX Steel Cage match... had some good action... ill be interested to see what Vince does... puts MNM in a Steel Cage cos they cheat all the time but they still cheat to win.... was hoping that they might win clean for once... to show they have what it takes to be champions in there own right.... was glad to see Nathan Jones htough seeing as im an Aussie....

Another promo with The Rock.. which to me had the same problems that The Rock wasnt in character.... was hoping that perhaps you would leave the Austin Rock matchup for a while and just build it up a bit more and take things in different directions to what we have had between these two... but still looking forward to them getting it on...

Liked the World Title rematch... just wish Cena wasnt the Ref for it though... I liked Umaga coming out and destroying Angle trying to get what he wanted and am interested to see where you take this...

So whilst i thought overall the show was good there was a few parts a little off for me.. would of liked an extra match or 2 as well..... looking foward to seeing more htough
Thanks for the review. I can definalty see where you were coming from in the Rock's Promo's where he talks in third person. I knew I left something out becuase it didn't feel like he would talk like that. I'll be sure to fix that.

I put everything into my shows and am very glad you took the time out to review it. Thanks alot.
pretty cool show you have really good story lines i like the Rock vs austin. Your shows have great length and i like the promos you cut, Overal good job
Overall it was a good show following Danger Zone. Maybe you could've had a couple more matches/less promos.
Gd firing segment.
Bit disappointing wiv da finish to MNM/DX match as its basically the same thing what happened wiv MNM/Batista & Rey/Mark Henry.
Also i liked the Umaga/Angle bit but i thought Vince might've said fatal 4 way btween Angle/Umaga/Hanry/Cena but he didn't.

please review my show and visit the website:
The Boogeyman said:
Overall it was a good show following Danger Zone. Maybe you could've had a couple more matches/less promos.
Gd firing segment.
Bit disappointing wiv da finish to MNM/DX match as its basically the same thing what happened wiv MNM/Batista & Rey/Mark Henry.
Also i liked the Umaga/Angle bit but i thought Vince might've said fatal 4 way btween Angle/Umaga/Hanry/Cena but he didn't.

please review my show and visit the website:

man im tellin u again, u CANT advertise ur show in sum1 else's! This is the 2nd time!

D-Generation-X, I'll have a review 4 u sum time this weekend ;) looks great!
lalakerz said:
man im tellin u again, u CANT advertise ur show in sum1 else's! This is the 2nd time!

D-Generation-X, I'll have a review 4 u sum time this weekend ;) looks great!

actually this is the first time someone has told me that so your wrong!
Please stop using this as a discussion thread and leave it for reviews only.
UCW Week 17 Review:

Opening promo- Very interesting! This was an awkward, yet entertaining and upsetting (seeing some of those stars go, but ya had to... there was over 50 stars on the roster lol)

Battle Royal- Good time to have it, right after the opening promo. It was a little short for a battle royal, but good ending with Sabu winning. Im pretty sure he'll go for the hardcore title.

Vince/MNM Segment- Interesting and the cage match looks really good! Only thing, is don't say "in week 2" "in week 3", etc. Cus' in real life they'd say sumtin like "back in September" (just an example)

Henry in-ring segment- Very well written! I'd love to actually see stuff like this on tv lol... They could've made that Angle/Henry feud in WWE back around the Rumble and Judgment Day... with sumtin so small, such as an enforcer! lol... By far the best part of the show so far, just because I felt like I was really there. The rematch for the WHC should be decent, will prob. end with Cena attacking Henry, which I think will lead to a 2 on 1 handicap match, which will lead to Cena vs Henry, which will lead to a Cena vs Henry match w/ no DQ's at ppv lol

Umaga vs Benjamin- Looks like a good match, but why do this to Benjamin? There's other people on the roster who deserve to be buried under him lol... I'd rather have seen Haas lose, but a good match nonetheless.

Umaga in Vince's office- Umaga shouldn't get a WHC match over all those people on the roster, but I would've liked to see him face Vince next week and if he won he can be the #1 contender at Apocalypse lol. The U.S. title match looks okay...

Rock/Austin Segment- Pretty good. Looks like a feud with a match at the Apocalypse.

Cage Match (DX vs MNM)- Wow, great cage match with a lot of high spots like HBK jumpin from the top, all the chair using and Nathan Jones! I was gonna bring him to Fusion but decided not to lol. Great match, motn so far!

Rock in Vince's office- Okay the match will be good!

Henry vs Angle- Great main event, 2nd MOTN. Umaga was destructive, and made Vince change his mind, huh? I wouldn't have announced Umaga vs Carlito earlier, I would've said maybe a shot at the U.S. Title? I like what you did with the Henry/Angle feud, so I may be wrong, but I dont think that Umaga/Angle will be good. Plus the Cena/Henry feud. (oh yeah i change my mind about the handicap match and everything lol maybe a tag with Umaga)

Great show man! You're always improving. This was a huge show, and your promos are getting better! My only suggestion is to work on the grammar. Besides that, keep it up!

Overall rating: 94/100
great show i love oyur roster, altrhough why did you start off your shows with week 17? i find that odd. Good show none the less. 9/10
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