Tyler Reks...Can he make it?

I tend to agree with the thought that it's just too early to tell if Reks can succeed. Sure, he's definitely looking like he's going to get a push, but you never know. I haven't seen enough of him in the ring, or on the mic. Either way, as long as he keeps attempting to improve he'll be decent enough. I don't think he'll ever be a huge star, just doesn't look like it to me, but like I said earlier, you never know.
I still would have preferred for Kaval to be on Smackdown instead of Tyler Reks because the last time I saw Reks, he had a very uninteresting persona and mediocre mic skills.
Hopefully his time away from TV and his new look make him someone worth watching because he took Kaval's first chance at a major PPV match. Only time will tell if he survives long enough to make it.
When he came out, I couldn't believe it was the same guy as before. With the crappy surfer gimmick, I had him pegged to be released with the rest of the uninteresting "talent." But with this redoubt, I certainly think his chances of staying have gone up drastically. I think he could be the new Mike Knox for Smackdown. I see him as a scary powerhouse type that could be used in situations where Kane or the Big Show may not be available (if they leave WWE or are involved in another storyline).

I think he'll be a good micarder, maybe IC Champion material if they need someone to hold it as a stopgap.
They really need to give the guy a chance to talk: he has the cm punk look, at least in terms of the hair/deranged look. He has a nasty looking finisher that he used on Kaval.

I really like his new look. He looks bigger then in his time as the fun loving surfer on ECW, and thought he made the most of his short promo time that got. I wouldn't mind seeing him built up a bit, getting wins over some of the jobbers on Smackdown, such as your Chavo's(who can make anyone look good in the ring), and your JTG's(whose just the opposite of Chavo.)

But heck, even if he's the first guy eliminated, the fact that theyre giving him a chance to possibly shine in a PPV match is nothing but a good thing, right? Here's hoping he makes the most of it, and maybe moves into a feud with someone like Kaval, whose not doing much of anything right now. Im gonna take a wait and see approach to see what he does, and how long he lasts at the PPV to really make a call on him.
Definitely too early to tell. His look isn't the best and probably won't appeal to the majority of the WWE Universe, his mic skills seem a bit mediocre but it's a little early to judge and his ring skills seem okay but nothing special. It's definitely too early to tell, I'm interested to see what will happen with him, especially at Bragging Rights.
To Early to tell really, but i think he can make it i like his gimmick he could be the next mike Knox. i would like to see him have some Mic time, so we can see what he is like, i do like his finisher though that is pretty wicked.

i am interested to see what happens at Bragging right if, they will have him get pinned first or make it to the last two. But it is still to early to really know what will happen to, Tyler rex.
When I 1st read the spoilers that Tyler Reks had taken Kaval's spot I was like 'aw hell no! not that lame surfer bloke' But when I finally got to watch what had happened I was quite impressed.

The new look and theme helps, but it's the new demeanour and that quality finisher that set him apart. He looks like he means business. I personally like his mike skills from what little I heard. He is different sounding, far better on the mike than say Ziggler or Swagger who are far more established. My new favourite rising heel :)
They must see a lot of potential in him or they wouldn't have kept his name on the roster all this time while he was actually being re-packaged in FCW. Will be interesting to watch.
^^ Right, I mean he hasnt been on television since what? WWECW? and that was a short stint aswell.And now all of the sudden hes in PPV tag bout that is important since u win Bragging Rights and the trophy.

I think he has like a perfect look only thing that i think will set him back, is his mic skills which sounded a bit too "not intense" or w/e but i guess i can't make up my mind from a 1-2 minute promo.
We will have to watch and see this unfold cause im eyes and ears when it comes to new comers with potential
I like Rek's new look, and that is a KILLER finisher. I guess only time will tell if he makes it to the top level of WWE. While we're talking about how he beat Kaval for his spot on team SmackDown!, I got to thinking. Wasn't Kaval supposed to get a contract & TITLE SHOT AT A PPV for winning NXT? What happened to that stipulation? Sorry if that doesn't belong in this section (probably gonna get a personal message from the moderator telling me what an idiot I am again), I was just ondering if anyone knew....?
Wasn't Kaval supposed to get a contract & TITLE SHOT AT A PPV for winning NXT? What happened to that stipulation?

I think that stipulation got changed to only a contract and no title shot.

I think Reks can make it in the main event some day. He has a good look to him and his size makes him look more believable than others. I have not seen him on the mic so I don't know if he is a charismatic fella, but he sounded kind of generic in the only promo I seen him do. The one with Kaval. His finisher is bad ass and sometimes that helps get a wrestler over. I think that's one of the reasons people like Jeff Hardy got over was because of his finisher.

Bottom line is I think he can, but it still is too early to judge.
Tyler Reks has really turned alot of heads since his return(Which Matt Striker is calling his debut). His time in ECW showed that he could make the fans care for him really easily.

He is still new to the crowd and is getting over quite nicely right now. Book him in more matches against the likes of Trent Barretta and Chris Masters so he will get over and yes he could be something big in the future.

The one thing that may hold him down is his age. He is 32 years and could easily lose backing from creative as he gets older(See: R-Truth, MVP and Matt Hardy) so hopefully he can make something of himself fast.
Motherfucking right he can. Outside of Sheamus, this guy probably has the most unique and intriguining look in the WWE right now. Also, becuase of the way the look is orientated, he doesnt even need a lot of mic time or character development, becuase he looks like an absolute crazy fuck. All he needs to do is destroy people, and the character will get over just fine.
He's a straight up badass. That can usually help a lot in getting a wrestler over. Not to mention his finisher is the burning hammer which kicks all sorts of ass. I could see him feuding with a guy like Dolph Ziggler to help put him over, or if you want to go the heel route put him up against Mysterio. These are safe bets for good matches and decent feuds.
I don't see him getting a push, even in the midcard. They tried bringing him back but the fans just do not care about him because he sucks. He was awful as the surfer face and he's boring as a generic heel with a weird hair style. He's about as interesting as the INTENSE Archer. No matter how they use him he's not going to get a push due him not being interestin enough to get over. Watch him get fed to some midcard face then get future endeavoured and fade into obscurity, just wait and see. It will happen.
Motherfucking right he can. Outside of Sheamus, this guy probably has the most unique and intriguining look in the WWE right now. Also, becuase of the way the look is orientated, he doesnt even need a lot of mic time or character development, becuase he looks like an absolute crazy fuck. All he needs to do is destroy people, and the character will get over just fine.

NorCal said it perfectly here. Recks can get over big as he looks totally unique and has a fucking sick ass finisher.

Give him a winning streak, let him absolutely destroy some of the low level jobbers and after a while give him a mic and let him demand a title shot, any title shot as he wants some gold...and he doesnt get one...so he beats the shit out of a few more wrestlers for a week or 2...and still doesnt get one...so he beats down the champion (IC/US/WHC/WWE whatever, probably best to go for mid-card level first), and then the Face champ is pissed off and is willing to put the belt on the line to get a piece of Recks.

At the PPV, have Tyler win the title and look dominant. You have yourself a star, and if he isnt the best on the mic, get him a fucking manager. Father James Mitchell would be perfect for a guy like Recks
This man can sure as shit make it.

He looks beastly, the hair really does it. He's got an awesome finisher & he's bigger than I thought. I see him holding titles in the future. It's looking good for him I think.
Well once again I'm dissapointed in WWE. Here's why. Tyler reks came in made an impact and got himself part of team smackdown at bragging rights at the expense of kaval. He looked good and the only problem with him is his high-tone voice but that isn't huge, as long as he could still be good people would overlook that.

So riddle me this. Why is kaval, who will be around for a long time in WWE doing all sorts of good things, getting a title shot before the guy who beat him a few weeks ago after no hype whatsoever. Tyler reks should be the man getting that shot not because h deserves it but because he was next in line. You don't jump the queue inexplicably.

But anyway, not sure how much I can say about reks this early on. He looks great sounds like a teenager and has a devastating finisher (which is NOT burning hammer, I refuse to accept that... it is however its own manoevre but anyway). You cant make a call on how long he'll be here right now. If you cant call whether drew mcintyre is going to be staying around any longer, how can you call if a guy whos been around for a month will fare any better.

P.S. your question is far to open. Can he make it??..............Is there any reason why evan bourne doesnt headline wrestlemania, he'd be good enough to watch. But if you asking on the likelihood, chances are a little bit better than impossible. You really ought to change your title to WILL he make it, which then nobody would be able to answer seen as nobody has seen enough of him yet. So you can basically tell from what I'm saying is, it's far far too early to say how well he's gonna do in the future, or if he even has a future.
I think he defo CAN make it (anybody with a burning hammer finisher is fine by me) but whether or not he will is open to debate. He had a good debut- gatecrashing the Smackdown BR team and eliminating someone, but seems to have hit the skids since. I'd like to see him dominating some jobbers in some show case matches to lead up to a feud with somebody decent, possibly Ziggler for the IC title.
Yes he can. He has the look for a monster heel, has the move set that can take most most of the WWE Superstars, and although I haven't seen much of his mic work(due mainly to being deployed to Iraq I can't sit down and watch like I can back home) even if he is bad, it can be worked on. Look at The Miz, when he first came out he had no mic skills, but now is compared to some of the greats.

Let me run through the lower mid-cards and demand a title shot. Demand, not ask. I think that will go along way in making him a bigger heel. If it wasn't for his age, I would say that he is a future WWE/WHC champ, but then again they very well may give it to him somewhere down the line.

I will def be keeping an eye on him(hopefully more when I get back home) in hopes that he will become a mid-card champion.
I was watching WWE Superstars today and Tyler Reks faced off against JTG. I wasn't to into the match because I hate to see JTG wrestle, but what I was paying attention to was the commentary. At one point in the match, the newest addition to WWE commentary Jack Korpela who did an excellent job for his first night said that he spoke with Tyler Reks and that Reks called himself a future main-eventer. That got me thinking, could I see Reks with the WWE Championship? Sure the kid has room to grow, but who doesn't? I wan't to see Tyler Reks in about two years time and see if he's made it to the main event. Reks has got the talent. He's powerful, fast and not to shab on the mic.

First, I want to show his squash match against Kaval, but in all fairness Kaval did last 5 minutes with El Gigante before losing to Reks. Before this match, Reks displays his mic skill. What I like about this is that he doesn't talk like he's reading his script, but his voice could be a little more tenor.


Pretty Impressive. Now onto his match with the Masterpiece on Smackdown. Reks takes a bit of a beating but what I want to point out here is extremely important. Tyler Reks works well with his opponent. He's able to get his and his opponents moves over which is important in a main-eventer.


I think he can make it, he's got talent so why shouldn't he make it?


Tyler Reks is the only wrestler i know of at the moment that legitamately scares the shit out of me. It's hard to believe he was that really bland surfer on ECW who got his ass handed to him by Zack Ryder on a weekly basis. He went from his finisher being a springboard dropkick to a safer version of the burning hammer.

Reks completely repackaged himself from by just growing a beard and now i can completely believe him as an Intercontinental champion and maybe even a future world champion. From his time in ECW he showed us how the crowd can get behind or against him very easily. He has good in-ring skills(Watch his trent barretta match) and can talk on the mic.

The only thing i would suggest for him to do is to get new tribal-ish entrance music.
Hell yeah he can and hopefully he will! I actually like Tyler Reks. He has a fantastic look and is creepy as shit. It's amazing how a few simple changes, turned him from some cunt with a surfer gimmick to this scary mother fucker who I see actually having a future in the WWE.

He has all the tools to be a future World Champion; A great look, solid on the mic from the few times I've heard him, pretty good in the ring and an awesome finisher.

What's awesome about the gimmick is that he doesn't need to speak much as all his talking is done in the ring. All he needs to do is beat his opponent down and hit that sick finisher and he should hopefully get over fine.

I'm looking forward to seeing what's in store for him.
Maybe I was the only one who thought that the surfer gimmick was ok, on account that im from California and I surf. But his gimmick now is so good. Scary as all hell, and I think thats what he needs. I'd like him to get a push at the Intercontinental title, but it still could be a little too early. The Burning Hammer is extremely risky and I never thought I would see it in a WWE Ring, but I am glad that an up and comer like Tyler Reks is using it. Can he make it, YES. But will he make on a show that promotes young up and coming talent like Smackdown..... IDK.

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