Tyler Reks...Can he make it?


The One And Only
I have been watching Tyler Reks for a while on Superstars and in FCW and I really like the guy. After his unexpected addition to Team Smackdown last night, do you think he is going to get a push..at lease midcard. I think if they portray his as a crazy deranged heel he can really get over...it just depends on who they use him against. so what does everyone think?
well he was FCW champion .. and he has a really good finisher.. i mean like one of the better ones on both SD! teams that argentine torture rack ddt is amazing.. i always was a big fan of torture rack drops .. i just think this is unexpected but he looks in very good shape (very muscular) so i sure hope so
It's really too early to say, but he has a decent look and he appears to have a good mixture of size, power and versatility and quite a "sadistic" look about him. WWE obviously see something in him by adding him to Team Smackdown. I think he'll be a potential dark horse in the match and if he shines, it'll probably lead to a good mid car singles feud.
I was kind of shocked on the way he looked because last time I saw him he was a surfer boy and now he looks like a pissed off tarzan. Well this should work much better than a surfer boy and it's kind of too early to tell but most of the new comers to wwe as of late have made a great impact and Tarzan Tyler may be able to continue the cycle.
Far too early to say at this point. I dig the guy's look and his finisher against Kaval looked awesome. However, I just simply haven't seen enough to say he can make it yet or that he can't. While he did wind up on Team SmackDown!, he didn't exactly beat Kaval for the spot while Kaval was fresh.

So yeah, gonna have to see more of what this guy's made of when he's not wrestling someone that's not already half dead from a previous match.
I like the look, but his in ring ability looked a bit rookie-ish. I think Kaval carried him throughout the match and sold to him very well. Like everyone else is saying its far too early to tell. He was only in the ring for about five to ten minutes and from what I've seen, he's going to be somebody. He has the look of a major heel. All that needs work is his mic skills. But if Batista can get by with horrible mic skills so can he. We'll have to wait and see if he can live up to the hype in the following weeks. My only advice is stay away from WWE Superstars...
I am definitely intrigued to say the least. I think he will make a great heel, because quite honestly most people cant relate to a surfer boy gimmick. at least as a heel he can make you hate him with whatever character he has. I like his look now, his mic skills were pretty generic, but he has loads of potential. I didnt see this kinda potential in him before, I guess its good they took him off the roster like last September or whatever. Maybe Shad will come back and be better. But yea im intrigued..he looks like he belongs in 10,000 BC. lol..they should just call him T-Reks..it sounds better
T-Reks sounds like something Matt Striker will com up for him.

But It's too early too tell how far he's going to go. He has a unique look, he's big, and has a decent arsenal of moves from what little I've seen of him. Again like most others said, his mic skills are a little bit choppy but certainly weren't bad.

In order to be taken as a serious threat, the best thing WWE could do, is have him make an impact at Bragging Rights. He doesn't have to get the last pin or dominate everyone, he just needs to do enough to show he belongs with the big boys.
It is amazing how little things can change someone's look from bad to good. Last time we saw Reks he was a goofy surfer with blue tipped dreads and a trimmed beard. Now we have dark dreads and a bushy beard and he all of a sudden looks like a badass. I was weary of the move, but I'm alright with it going down. I imagine we are going to see a Kaval/Reks mini-feud since Reks took Kaval's spot.

Whether Reks can make it or not, well it is too early to tell. He certainly has the look and his mic skills are good enough to get by (or so they seemed on SD). His voice isn't very threatening, but he can get by on his look. If the E truly sees something in Reks let him do some damage at Bragging Rights and make some sort of impact. Plus make him look strong in the coming weeks on SD or Raw if they do interbrand stuff. Only time will tell, but I like Reks chances in the midcard right now.
I guess Tyler could certainly make it. He actually seemed somewhat interesting last night, and he looked decent squashing Kaval like that with a mean looking finisher.

His new look is most likely gonna come in favor for him. He seems bigger, and he definitely catches ones attention a little quicker with the more wild dreadlocks rather than the dull average looking dreadlocks he had as the ECW gimmick. Hopefully this will mean bright things for the guy in the mid-card or something. The fact that he is already going into his Pay Per View debut is certainly gonna show that there's something promising for this guy in the nearest future. A feud on Smackdown perhaps? Kaval vs Tyler?

So, yeah I definitely believe that Tyler will be able to make it. He has a good amount of things that WWE seems to be looking for. A good build, a not too shabby ability on the microphone, and the wrestling ability is still needing to be shown.
the surfer gimmick was for sure kinda lame...if you go to youtube he has a match with Big E. Langston, and while Big E is not very seasoned Reks looks pretty good...I just think if they make him this mindless neaderthal badass.. i def think he could wina midcard belt...with that gimmick he doesnt have to be great on the mic and he could go through adn squash various jobbers to solidify him...if they make him look strong at Bragging Rights it will def elevate his status.
It's way too early to tell but I can see him getting far. He has the look, he has the size (Vince likes the bigger boys), he has the finisher and he's decent (certainly not the best but decent) on the mic. I would love to see him make a huge surprise and earn the win for SD at Bragging Rights, I know he probably won't and he doesn't even need to all he needs to do is make a pretty big impact but I would love to see him win the match for SD. So anyway I look forward to see what he doesin the coming weeks (hopefully a min-feud with Kaval).
I personally think that Tyler Recks or T Recks or whatever he calls himself is a waste of time. I apologize to those of you who like the guy, but I do not think he has a quarter of what it takes to be a professional wrestler. Not to mention, he has no business in just showing up on his first televised appearance and getting a PPV slot. Call me old fashioned but I miss when guys used to have to work for opportunities like that. Thats how legends are made.. guys like Ric Flair, HBK, Bret Hart busted their ass to become what they were. I saw Recks once live and he was terrible. He botched moves left and right and i dont think there was one bump he took correctly. He should still be honing his skills and working from the bottom up. He is not even good enough to be a mid carder. Im not saying it will never happen i just hate how WWE does that with virtually all of their newbies... its sickening
I'm glad they're using him but...

.. at the expense of Brandon Silvestry? Aw hell naw. Eric Escobar has done nothing to deserve that. There are many more far deserving of that spot.

This reminds me of Eric Pérez win over Hardy a year ago.
It's obvious that Reks is getting the push due to Smackdown's serious setbacks on the roster (Christian getting injured, Matt getting pissed off/released, Rey's constant demands, MVP and Swagger's loss of their main-event credibility, Cody annoying McMahon, Drew being relegated to the tag-teams, Taker's injuries and upcoming retirement, etc.) and they are trying "beef up" the roster like they've been doing recently, but my question is: why Reks? Why pick the dude who was jobbing out dark matches just a month ago over:

JTG, who has yet to get the push he deserves
MVP, who seems to be the one they are unfairly giving the Matt Hardy treatment to now
Curt Hawkins/Vance Archer/any Dudebuster, who have been working their asses off with what little time they are given on Superstars
Kaval, who seems like less of a ninja every week
Percy Watson, who could easily have come into Smackdown and blended into the fold.

They chose Reks because he's bigger than these people, and as we know, Vince loves the big guys, so apparently Reks can pump some iron and inject some needles and he gets a push. I'm not saying he should never get a chance, but someone else should have gotten this chance.
All I have seen of him, is his size, the great look, and the epic finisher. Like someone has stated, if he can put on a good show at Bragging rights, that can make him or break him. If he even just finishes the match without being pinned could really pay off for him.
His finisher was sort of cool, and he did seem ok in the ring from the very limited time we saw him, but did anyone besides me slightly cringe when he started talking on the mic after he first came out, maybe he should hit some of McMahon's promo classes. Sure I'll give him more time, but honestly from what I saw of him I didn't see anything worthy of becoming over, and they say first impression are the most important. but I'll wait, who knows he might impress next week...

Although... I did like the finisher.
Any member of the WWE roster that can stand out when being put in a lineup with the rest is someone that we should keep a close eye on.

We always know Vince as a man that favors "big men", but I think it's a bit more broad than that. "Big Men" are very unique in their own right. Their sheer size helps them stand out and become believable contenders for a title. This all goes along with my opinion of what Vince is currently looking for in new, potential stars.

Vince has a tendency to get a hard-on for men with a unique look. Tyler Reks is a big, muscular wrestler with a decent skillset and a great, unique look. Those dreadlocks and his chiseled physique do wonders for him to make him stand out in the crowd. And after Friday night's promo, he seems to be comfortable on the stick, as well. I have a feeling that if the WWE can back up his great look with a decent gimmick, he'll be sure to stand out and put his stamp on the WWE.
I am very interested to see where WWE goes with this. Recks has appeared out of nowhere, and dominated the winner of NXT2, Kaval. To letting Reks go over against Kaval and giving him a slot of Team Smackdown indicates to me that WWE have major plans for him.

I am impressed with his look and love the new finisher, but WWE do seem to be rushing all their new stars and pushing them to the moon before they have built up a connection with the fans and got over with the live crowd.

With his look and finishing move, Reks looks the part, he just needs to keep working, keep improving and hopefully he can become an important member of the roster and a credible mid-card champion at least
I don’t see why he wouldn’t “make it” on Smackdown. If his push continues to grow like it has been doing, then he could become very competitive in a small portion of time.

I believe he was FCW Champion and that is about as good of a start in the WWE as you could possibly ask for. We have also heard reports that Vince wants to make him into the next big thing on Smackdown and all of that would lead us to believe that the WWE are serious about his push. With all of the evidence piling up, then I simply do not see how he could fail to be a stand-out superstar.

Really, I think the best thing he could possibly do, is look at what Alberto Del Rio has accomplished on Smackdown since his arrival. Del Rio took on Rey Mysterio and pulled him apart. He then went on to continue to look as strong as possible and now everyone is talking about him as being the best heel in the company, or at least close to that level. Reks has every opportunity of making people talk about him too and that is what he should be setting out to accomplish.

He has the look of a Champion but I do not know about him as a complete package. I have seen very little of Smackdown recently but I know that he has been somewhat impressive since debuting on Smackdown. He is on Team Smackdown and is rubbing shoulders with some great talent. This is a good opportunity for Reks to develop as a talent.

It is too soon to say but the early signs indicate that he could be.
I don't think he'll make it. I think he'll be like one of those wrestlers who get the push for like a couple weeks and then there feud ends and there go back. I think he should have a feud with Chavo Guerrero but make this a feud and have a good storyline behind it

It's impossible to tell until he is given two or three proper matches against decent midcarders and he is thrown the mic again. The guy is absolutely enormous which I'm sure has impressed Vince but he looked a bit sluggish in the ring to me.

Not sure he needs to be that amazing in the ring to get over though. His dreads are different but he might be better off going with slicker hair in the long run. We shall see. He's no Alberto del Rio though, thats for sure!
It's way too early to tell.

The guy has a great look, which goes a long way, but we don't know yet if he's any good in the ring, or on the mic. And even if he sucks shit at both, there will still be a ton of time for him to improve. WWE these days seem to be a LOT more patient with their young wrestlers than they were just a couple of years ago, so even if Reks starts to fuck up, the guy has such a good luck that WWE will perhaps continue to work on him and try to make him improve as much as possible.

So, yeah... it won't be for quite a while before we can get a good idea on whether or not the dude is worth anything, or has potential to be. I mean, unless he starts showing people he's great right away with this push coming up, then there's no way to tell how good someone can end up being in the long run.
Making Team SmackDown on his debut implies that Tyler Reks is in line for a decent push. Whether he can make it is too early to tell.

He has an awesome look which blows his surfer gimmick out of the water. Like a cross between Conan the Barbarian, Tarzan and a psychopath. He also has a really attractive finisher. The only problem that he seems to have is his ability on the mic. He doesn't seem particularly convincing as his character when he talks. However, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. It takes more than a two minute debut to see if he can "make it".
It's too early to tell right now. I do like his look, and how he carries himself. I also really dig the hell out of his new finishing maneuver. It seems he has all the right tools to become a big player in the WWE, but then again so did Snitsky, Mike Knox, and many more before him as well. Hopefully he continues to be interesting and not go up shit's creek like so many before him.

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