Two New Wrestling Deaths - One Imitates Chris Benoit?

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Mad Metal

Getting Noticed By Management
Famous Memphis wrestling heel manager Ronnie P. Gossett passed away yesterday evening. He had been diagnosed with colon cancer in April. A brief tribute can be found on Percy Pringle's website:

Devil Bhudakhan, an independent wrestler from Pittsburgh, committed suicide by hanging himself on 7/12 or 7/13. His body was found on 7/15. His real name was James Fawcett, and according to reports, idolized and patterned his wrestling style after Chris Benoit. Apparently the wrestler, 31, was despondent over his wife leaving him five weeks earlier.

This is awful news. I don't know if the media will pick up the story but I'm sure they will just to make the Chris Benoit situation sound even worse as if his actions influenced others to commit suicide.

What do you think?
People commit suicide every day. I doubt the guy who hung hiimself was thinking of Benoit as he was doing it, so why should other people draw the same conclusion. It's not a coincidence as far as I'm concerned. It's a shame but he wanted to kill himself, and thats just what he did.
I think the "media" will run with it. By "media" I mean the circus act known as tabloid news on 24 hour cable networks. 24 Hour news channels are not the media, just glorified tabloid paparazzi pricks. The Media are the big 3 networks. If it makes NBC, CBS, or ABC Nightly news in the states, then it's big news. If it's on a 24 hour news channel, it's gossip.

Someone will try to make a link between the two of them, and that someone will probably just look like a huge jackass.

I agree with the above. A few stations will pick it up, mentioning that he did it cause his idol did it, and you won't hear about it again until the same station has more news on Benoit, and they;'ll just toss it into their story. Pathetic is what it is.
I am sick and tired of the "media" right now with the Benoit situation. They have NO CLUE what went down. I have seen some people call him by a wrong name and ask, "Was he good?" What kind of question is that? The should do their research but they choose not to because to figure that they know everything about wrestling.

As far as the media putting these two together, of course I see them doing that. I'm not sure if the major stations will but smaller will make that connection. It is the same with all the steriod stories going around. Chris Benoit had steriods in his house so he MUST have been using them and MUST have gone on a rage to kill his family because the steriods were effecting him. When Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Bobby Lashley and Batista go and kill their familys, I might believe in "Roid Rage".
In the whole scheme of things do these guys really matter? I mean of course they matter to there loved ones but they really meant nothing in the wrestling business. They were never in any major promotion and were nothing but independent wrestlers so if this is picked up on a mjor news outlet they will just be wasting there time... but they do that anyway.
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