Two and a Half Men - Recast

Terrible show, worse actor.

Another reason to not watch.

Just out of curiosity, how did you come to the conclusion that Charlie Sheen is a terrible actor? Or rather, worse than terrible? You may believe he doesn’t have the ability to evoke a wide array of emotions, or to play a wide range of roles, but at the end of the day he’s been one of the most talked about celebrities of the last year, he’s incredibly successful financially, and for a long time was the reason that millions tuned in to Two and a Half Man. He’s successful actor – so surely he isn’t a ‘terrible’ one? Unless you have your own subjective way of analysing and measuring the abilities of actors.

In 2010 Sheen was the highest paid actor on American television, and Two and a Half Men was being watched by over 13 million people weekly. Those right there are facts, undisputable facts (I’m sure you will dispute them, however). And it’s because of these facts that I fail to see how there can be any degree of logic behind your statement.

If you respond, could you also please briefly describe why John Cena is the best wrestler today? And why you believe many people fail to see that?

False. First of all, I assure you I'm never wrong. And there are certainly worse actors than Charlie Sheen, and he did give us Major League, so you are basically wrong no matter how you look at it.

Fuck off. Don't ever try to tell me I'm wrong again. It will end badly for you.

It’s always a bad thing when someone in a position of authority is unable to accept criticism or being questioned. I doubt that you are never wrong, especially considering mostly everything is subjective. You’re not a God.

And, just out of curiosity, how can disagreeing with you ‘end badly’ for someone, taking into account this is a forum on the internet? Even with your reputation on these forums, it’s silly for you to be making such ominous threats.

And really, what did the Macios Mauler guy do wrong? His comment was just him trying to expand on what you’d already said – a laughable attempt to gain your approval.

And for the record, I think Charlie Sheen is shit. This post is just an attempt for me to get noticed (an attempt that will most likely backfire, but oh well.)
False. First of all, I assure you I'm never wrong. And there are certainly worse actors than Charlie Sheen, and he did give us Major League, so you are basically wrong no matter how you look at it.

Fuck off. Don't ever try to tell me I'm wrong again. It will end badly for you.

Sheen was pretty secondary in ML1; not to say he wasn't a main character, but the movie was more about Berenger than anything
This is worse than creatively bankrupt, it's creatively... Greek. All the other networks are going to have to band together and create an emergency creativity package for CBS.
[QUOTE="Stone Cold" John Hogan;3230174]Just out of curiosity, how did you come to the conclusion that Charlie Sheen is a terrible actor? Or rather, worse than terrible?[/quote]Question asked...

You may believe he doesn’t have the ability to evoke a wide array of emotions, or to play a wide range of roles,

Question answered. Thanks for saving me time.

If you respond, could you also please briefly describe why John Cena is the best wrestler today? And why you believe many people fail to see that?
You are as subtle as a pile of elephant droppings. I've already explained the difference many times over the years. Given the fact you wished to be coy, I'll just tell you to go back and look up the other numerous times I've pointed out the difference. :thumbsup:

It’s always a bad thing when someone in a position of authority is unable to accept criticism or being questioned. I doubt that you are never wrong, especially considering mostly everything is subjective. You’re not a God.
Says who? I'm quite certain I have many God like qualities. But it's good to see you're one of those "I take everything literally" people.

And, just out of curiosity, how can disagreeing with you ‘end badly’ for someone, taking into account this is a forum on the internet? Even with your reputation on these forums, it’s silly for you to be making such ominous threats.

And really, what did the Macios Mauler guy do wrong? His comment was just him trying to expand on what you’d already said – a laughable attempt to gain your approval.

And for the record, I think Charlie Sheen is shit. This post is just an attempt for me to get noticed (an attempt that will most likely backfire, but oh well.)

Oh no, it'll help you get noticed, just not for the right reasons. Your post was stupid, nearly from beginning to end. You answered your own question, you tried to be subtle and failed miserably, you wanted me to contradict my own opinion of quality when I've already addressed the differences many times, and you've proven you have no concept of taking things in any manner other than literally.

I have a question for you. When Randy Orton tells someone on Smackdown he's going to kill them, do you call the police?
Two and a Half Men is a terrible show. Unbelieveably one-dimensional with no real creativity so once you have seen one episode you have seen them all.

The fact that the show can supposedly carry on without it's central character is a testament to the lack of actual story. I doubt if the addition of Kutcher will make any difference to that.
I watched for April Bowlby (Candy). Once she was gone, it lost my interest.
Now that Charlie is gone? Nothing funny about it. Anyone else remember when Jon Cryer looked like this?
Two and a half men reboot will be a bigger flop than Superman 4


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