TV Title - Adding some prestige!


Hear me out, we all know AJ and Williams will put on a fantastic match, there is no denying that. Also at stake is AJ's position in Fourtune and Immortal which for me, makes it the most interesting bout of the PPV. The only possible thing left for this match would be making the TV Title look like it means something. TNA I think has been doing a great job of getting this title back in the picture (despite the X-Division Title going down the pisser) and I'd absolutely love to see it.

There is no World Title on the line this month and the Morgan/Anderson match should not be main eventing a PPV so i really see no reason why this cant take place. Everyone loves to bitch and moan about the title always changing names, the champion isn't being pushed enough (i.e Rob Terry's run) and its not making the most of TNA's mid to upper card talent. I think this could remove all the doubts and poor history of this Title.

What are your thoughts?

Can a TV Title be main eventing a PPV? And if so, is this the perfect time to carry it out?

Most of all, would something like this add prestige to the only mid card title in TNA?
ok on the Tv title doug williams one of the best british wrestlers you'll see on tv today. A.J styles one of TNA'S to guys if there if not there top guy there is know one better see i think this is a rivalry that would have been good for the X-division title know doubt its gonna be a killer match. One thing i do think is A.J will win the tv title making him a 3 time champ and i mention that coz they seem to give hime some sort of record for every title in TNA.

And as for Morgan and Anderson main event. Jeff hardy has had as everyone knows legal troubles which may lead to him/tna management vacating the title and either morgan or anderson winning the title at genesis
Actually not a bad idea in theory, I don't see it happening though. There are a few things that ensure it probably won't be the case. Firstly the match hasn't been pushed any where near hard enough for it to be the main event, not when compared to Morgan vs Anderson at least. There is no real storyline for this match other than he took my title and I want it back, the real story here is between AJ and Immortal not AJ and Williams.

Second the match has already been given away on free TV, in a gimmick match none the less. Why would someone pay to see a match main event a PPV when they can just go back and see it on free TV, even of the match will in all likelihood. Morgan vs Anderson on the other hand is for the first time ever to the best of my knowledge and it is for a shot at the World Title, the most important thing in the company.

Thirdly Doug Williams is no where near main event level. No one is going to buy a PPV to see Doug Williams, even if he is facing a main eventer in AJ Stlyes.

Fourth this isn't part of the "main storyline" merely an extension of it, we have seen this with TNA all year in that there is a main storyline and that gets all the attention and if you don't like it there is little else for you, in this case it is Immortal and Anderson's concussion that is what has been given 80% of the TV time and that is what will main event the PPV. It has been that way all year with Deception and They and Abbysamania, this will be no different.

Finally, you said it your self, the TV title has no prestige, no one gives a shit about it. So why would a match for a title that no one cares about main event a PPV? Seems pretty damn stupid to me.
Hi, new to this website but, i read a lot of the fourms thats everyone post.

So yeah anyway, i do believe that this match will be amazing. For the epic matches that we seen on impact the last couple of week makes me think this will blow the roof off the building. None the less this hole Stealing Finisher's thing going on, specailly last night was an is making this so much more interesting.
It's making the t.v title (which name it should stay as) actually have PRESTIGUE AN VALUE!!! If i was in tna i'd want the t.v title after seeing these two men put on such damn good matches. These matches are like the mcmg vs beer money best of 5 epic!!!
Add in the stipulation's for AJ an even more insane!!! I may not order the ppv do to work issues but, man this should be a main eventer!! So ill be waiting till thursday to find out the results! WISH i could watch this one.
I don't think the TNA Television Title should make it to the main event. Now do I think they should add more prestige to the title? Yes I do. I don't know if TNA considers the X Division a mid card title or not but the TV title is basically the only mid card title in TNA and it isn't much of a mid card title for that. Now I am not going to set here and bash TNA but I will list a few suggestions....

Defend it every single week on Television
If they start defending it every week on TV then it will get more exposure and that is what's needed. Now they don't have to keep doing this but at least do it for a month or so.

Let some main eventers have a run or two
A lot of TNA's past main eventers aren't doing as much anymore. I'll list Samoa Joe as one of the main ones. He used to be one of TNA's top guys untill Bischoff and Hogan came along. So a run with the title could give him a chance to get back in the spotlight.

Give it more time for matches
TNA did a good job with this the other night on IMpact when they gave it a 20 minute match. We need more of this. Longer matches for the belt will make it feel more prestigous.
TNA won't let it happen. We all know Morgan/Anderson will be main eventing but here's the thing: The IC title was higher on the card than the WWF title at Summerslam 1992. I know it was in Bulldog's home country, but at the time, you were the guy if you were the WWF Champion, but if you were the IC Champion, you were the guy after the WWF Champion.

Here you're the guy if you have the TNA Belt, but the same can't be said for the TV title.
What are your thoughts?
My thoughts are simple. This wouldn't really work. Allow me to explain with my next answer.

Can a TV Title be main eventing a PPV? And if so, is this the perfect time to carry it out?
No. A TV Title, in my opinion, should not even be defended on PPV. It should be a TV only belt, but should be defended -every- week. Perhaps even main-event every impact with a TV title match. The title will gain a lot of prestige from that, because hey, who doesn't want guaranteed air-time every week?

Most of all, would something like this add prestige to the only mid card title in TNA?
It might, but it's not the right way to do it.
Besides, isn't the X division title a mid card belt?
Actually not a bad idea in theory, I don't see it happening though. There are a few things that ensure it probably won't be the case. Firstly the match hasn't been pushed any where near hard enough for it to be the main event, not when compared to Morgan vs Anderson at least. There is no real storyline for this match other than he took my title and I want it back, the real story here is between AJ and Immortal not AJ and Williams.

Second the match has already been given away on free TV, in a gimmick match none the less. Why would someone pay to see a match main event a PPV when they can just go back and see it on free TV, even of the match will in all likelihood. Morgan vs Anderson on the other hand is for the first time ever to the best of my knowledge and it is for a shot at the World Title, the most important thing in the company.

Thirdly Doug Williams is no where near main event level. No one is going to buy a PPV to see Doug Williams, even if he is facing a main eventer in AJ Stlyes.

Fourth this isn't part of the "main storyline" merely an extension of it, we have seen this with TNA all year in that there is a main storyline and that gets all the attention and if you don't like it there is little else for you, in this case it is Immortal and Anderson's concussion that is what has been given 80% of the TV time and that is what will main event the PPV. It has been that way all year with Deception and They and Abbysamania, this will be no different.

Finally, you said it your self, the TV title has no prestige, no one gives a shit about it. So why would a match for a title that no one cares about main event a PPV? Seems pretty damn stupid to me.

The way i feel is I actually didn't say it has NO prestige. I said they should be adding some to it as it is in the title of this thread. It has a small amount of value the way it sits at the moment but if not now, when? When will this title ever be worth it for a wrestler putting their body on the line week after week?

If the answer is never then i don't even think it should exist. As it is, it does exist and TNA probably want it to be alot like the WWE's IC title. I do agree with you though that TNA under the Bischoff and Hogan regime has wanted to center their attention on main storylines and it's doubtful they would even think about this suggestion.

I think it was turning point 2004 where Elix and Daniels vs AMW was headlining a PPV and look how that turned out. It had the world talking about TNA. Times have changed, yes. But this kind of stuff can work.

Also, your saying no one would pay for an AJ and Williams main event. I actually dont understand this as people buy the PPV's just for the main event? Either way these two matches are guaranteed to be on the card and i dont think the ordering of the matches would deter somebody from buying the PPV.

Presuming AJ loses the match, how good would it look having Immortal pounding down on him and Fourtune sticking with him as they go off the air. Thats something that would make people tune in the next week. I think everyone is getting the point with what im saying, I'd just rather TNA take a chance like this compared to one like the Shore.

It can't hurt anything in the long run.
You can't expect some mid-card title that has no history be given the main event spot.
Will AJ/Williams be fantastic? Hell yes! These two can work a great match, but you need something at the middle of the show to keep the juices flowin' as well. The ME has all the hype but this match could be the show-stealer.

AJ has been phenomenal the past year.He has added in a lot of aggression in his move-set and for me is working great was a heel. Fortune is an unbelievably good stable with some fantastic potential, and I like the fact that it isn't just Ric Flair and company. Everybody has some sort of coherent storyline and AJ and Doug have the most interesting one.

I would like to see this be ME, don't get me wrong, but I think TNA wants all the buzz for Morgan/Anderson, and its understandable.
Not a chance. While I like the added stipulation of Styles getting kicked out of Fourtune, I don't think they'd be that stupid so it makes the outcome pretty predictable. Though, it would turn him face and TNA needs more face guys with Joe and Angle out and Pope seemingly turning heel. But to remove him from Fourtune would be downright idiotic since it's still pretty new.

Plus it's obvious the main focus in TNA right now is Immortal/Hardy and the TNA Championship belt. Though Hardy isn't defending his belt at Genesis, I fully expect the show to go out with him standing over both Morgan and Anderson laid out in the ring.
I find this idea intriguing. This whole ppv, for that matter. Just watched TNA for the first time in months (maybe a year) this past Thursday, and was shocked to see no Main title defense at the ppv.

Now, I like the idea of having the TV Title match main event. It would certainly give it more prestige. A good, long match between two great wrestlers with main event ppv status. Plus, since TNA looks like they're trying to go more MMA in their overall show style, (to me, anyway) then the TV title defense could have main event status.

If TNA actually did this, I think it would be awesome. They'd be showing that not just the Heavyweight title matters, and that you don't need your main title defended at every ppv to make it worth watching. And it gives you more time to develop good, strong feuds. Take note WWE. This, to me, is the future
I think that it's time for some company to innovate the "Main Event" concept. It has always been reserved for the World Championship match or the poster boy, and often times [especially in the last decade] the Main Event never delivers and is overshadowed by another match.

To me, the Main Event shouldn't be about the World Championship and the Championship only. The Main Event should belong to the potential best match of the night, which in my opinion could be AJ vs Doug, but The Guns and Beer Money might do it again, you never know, that's what I love about TNA.

You want to send your audience home happy and a lot of times awful Pay-Per-Views have been "saved" by a kick-ass Main Event. The Main Event is the last taste, I've noticed that even if a PPV sucks and I go "fuck that shit I'll never watch it again", if the Main Event is exciting I just go "That wasn't bad". It matters more than people think.

The Main Event should belong to the best storyline or match on the card, period. The World Title won't lose prestige if it's not in the Main Event. Main Events don't make a title, the person holding it does with his mic work, the matches he/she has and the storylines that go with it.

The Anderson/Morgan storyline is brilliant and I've enjoyed every second of it. TNA took a real issue, spun it around and made something exciting out of it and brought back something pro wrestling has lacked - storylines that could happen for real. They brought in a valid issue which allowed the characters on both side to advance their personalities, the conflict between the two parties is crystal clear and so is the solution, the promos have been intense, the build up was great and I am looking forward to it, but it's NOT the only reason why I'm buying the Pay-Per-View. I want to see what will happen, sure, but I'm buying the PPV because I want to see AJ vs Doug and The Guns vs Beer Money.

Anderson and Morgan is an interesting match due to the tons of questions that pop up, but I don't think it's the Main Event, I think it's AJ vs Doug. Morgan/Anderson has a good storyline but the match will be average, if not below that. AJ/Doug has a good storyline and the match will rule.
I can't help but think this should have been for the X-Division title and it should be adding prestige to a belt that has history... But anyways this wont main event simply because it is of no relevance to the main storyline and it wont be able to draw as much as Anderson/Morgan.

The Anderson/Morgan match might not be as technically great but it will be more entertaining and the "story telling" will be many times better than the AJ-Williams match *seeing as it has no story... ¬.¬*.
The title is still very young and I think it should just be built up with good matches. Make it the mid card title that MATTERS like back in the day for the IC and US titles in NWA and WWF.

But after all, the IC title was only defended in the main event of a PPV once.
Just not realistically feesible at this time. What's going on with the TV title right now between Williams & Styles is the best thing in the entire history of the title. Let's face it, the Legends/Global/TV title has always been seen as a joke in TNA. It's nice to see it featured in a good feud with two great wrestlers but making a main event match at a ppv for a title that's meant nothing and has no relevant history isn't going to happen, and rightly so. Besides, it's going to take more than that to add any real prestige to the title. Douglas Williams has done a good job as champ but there's no promise at all that sunnier days are ahead for the title after this bit with Styles. After all, Williams was also the best X Division Champion in well over 2 years but the title still means shit at the moment so who can say that the exact same thing won't happen to the TV title?

If you're going to have a TV title, then how about actually defending it on tv on a regular basis? When Styles was champ and the strap was renamed the Television Championshnip, that was pretty much the promise made by Styles during his promo but it hasn't happened. The title is rarely defended, even on ppv and most of its defenses have been on ppv if I'm not mistaken. Defending a TV title on television regularly can only help things as it actually makes sense, so that would help. Another thing that would help is actually trying to make people believe that the title actually means something. Maybe hype and build up a title match the week or maybe two weeks prior and actually give the match some time. A lot of title matches that air on iMPACT! generally last in the 3-5 minute rage and that's just simply not going to cut it, not by a long shot.

You can't just stick this title in a main event match and try to call it prestigious because it's bullshit. Actually build prestige and credibility over a long period of time, make it matter and then talk about maybe possibly having it main event a big show sometime because I don't think you can do it backwards.
I think that a TV title match COULD headline a PPV, its been done before in ECW when RVD had the belt, and also the X-Division title ended up headling TNA shows with the rivalry between AJ, Joe and Daniels.

However, the TV title is not yet ready for a slot of this calibre on a PPV card. It needs to be developed on impact before being listed at the top of the card.

With guys like AJ and Williams, you are guaranteed a good match and I think with a good long term rivalry between these two, maybe with the title switching hands 1 more time, I think it could end up building a degree of prestige for the TV title. I would think there is much more chance of the title becoming something special with these 2 in possesion of the belt, rather than someone like Eric Young, Rob Terry etc

I think in time the TV title could main event a PPV, but not now
i think that if aj loses this match and william wins, i do believe that it would add more prestige to it, just for the fact that they both r gunna put on an amazing match and i thing that alot of the wrestlers in tna will want to work with them both but also if william regains the title aj loses his spot in fortune and can become a heel again which i think he should be
Now im not good with my TNA history but did the X-Division title not get alot of prestige when they put it in the main event and did it not turn out to be one of the greatest match's in TNA history and one the people in that match was A.J Styles for all we know this is just what that title needs.

By far one of the greatest Wrestlers in the world today A.J Styles against one of the best of the UK's top talents Douglas Williams.
Don't take the name at face value. Foreigners have held the U.S. Title and Americans the European title. Why does the TV title only need to be on TV?
Now im not good with my TNA history but did the X-Division title not get alot of prestige when they put it in the main event and did it not turn out to be one of the greatest match's in TNA history and one the people in that match was A.J Styles for all we know this is just what that title needs.

By far one of the greatest Wrestlers in the world today A.J Styles against one of the best of the UK's top talents Douglas Williams.

As much as I'd agree with The Main-eventing of the T.V TITLE. I don't think its main-event worthy. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea but, i'd rather it either be a Non title match main-event or, a World title spot. Ajs good and Dougs good but, Aj has more agility then doug and he did get alot of prestige in that main-event but, i just don't agree this match should be the main-event but, it could be the match before the main-Event.
I agree when you say A.J has more agility but Chorley thats not the point thats like saying that the big show's big and the the great khali is big but the great khali is bigger. there stlyes are different but not that different its like a.j is more high flying and is a technical wrestler but doug is a brawler and a grappler so really i guess we will have to see how could the match is before we judge if it is worth being in the main event

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