TV Shows You Don't Care About Anymore

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
A while ago, Dowds made a "revive a series" thread. This gave me the idea to take things in a different direction, so I thought I'd create a thread about TV shows, that have fallen off of your must-see list. Which TV shows have you lost interest in? And why don't you care about them anymore? Your choices can come from recent or new TV series, that still receive air time, or you can choose any series from the past (Full House, Night Court, Friends, etc.), because the nostalgia effect of the reruns could've worn off. I'll start with a few of my picks:

Family Matters

As a kid, I LOVED this show. Family Matters featured some good humor, the characters had some nice depth, and I was a huge Steve Urkel fan. This show could also feature some good drama, and Family Matters did have its fair share of emotional moments. I was always glued to the TV, when this show was on air, this show was the main reason why I became interested in TGIF, and I never missed an episode.

Family Matters was a huge part of my childhood, but the reruns don't do anything for me now a days. Steve Urkel just annoys me, and the entire show just feels so bland. I've really tried to like this show again, but I've gotten over Family Matters. Growing older has caused me to develop different tastes in everything, and I don't feel any nostalgia from the reruns. This show was a real favorite of mine for so many years, but now I can't stand the sight of it.

Family Guy

I own the first two seasons on DVD, and I couldn't get enough of this show during its early stages. The characters can be unique, everyone does provide plenty of hilarious moments, and Stewie had quickly become one of my favorite characters on any show.

Family Guy had become my favorite animated comedy, but I just can't stand to watch this show anymore. I might take a peek for a few minutes, but for the most part, I've lost all interest in Family Guy over the past few years. Everything just feels so tiresome, and they pretty much stick to the same formula for every show: Meg bashing, some random 80's pop culture references, and lame overly long jokes. It just feels like the same routine over and over again, and I really can't laugh at Family Guy anymore. I loved this show when it first started, but Family Guy has become this redundant and lifeless show, that features lazy writing, and it's not worth my time anymore.
House got boring pretty quickly after he and Cuddy got together. The CSIs have been dull for years. To be honest about the only things on TV worth watching at the minute is Doctor Who, Sherlock and Top Gear...

As much as I hate to say it, I am going with the Simpsons. I am even disappointed in myself because I use to love the show and I want to love it so bad but I just don't find it funny anymore and thus making it unwatchable. I don't even know why I don't find it funny anymore because it's comedy appeals to everyone. I guess I just watched too many re runs. :'(
I was going to say Family Guy too I liked the first too seassons but I haven't really watched a single episode of Family Guy since it came back in 05. Family Guy was probally one of the worst writing staff's ever. Every episode is the same exxact thing the jokes usually have nothing about the story and it's just a bunch of stupid random nonsense that makes no sense. They have been useing the same formula since it first aired
I agree that The Simpsons and Family Guy have been pretty much watered down over the years. It seems like the writers just don't care anymore on Family Guy and will put anything out there. Just random jokes that go on way too long and references that go over much of the audience's head. The Simpsons has turned into a corporation pretty much. Just one long 30 minute commercial with celebrities plugging stuff. You will see pretty much any star on fox on The Simpsons and they will turn it into an American Idol or Glee episode.

I used to love to watch Rescue Me and Entourage too. I still watched every episode until each series was over. Entourage and Rescue me just seemed to go down hill over the past few seasons. Both shows turned into a male soap opera with too much drama. I thought I was watching a lifetime movie.
Scrubs is probably the main one for me. When it first came out, a few of my friends would talk about it and share a bunch of in-jokes which I never got. Eventually I got round to watching it and thought it was an awesome show. The music, characters, humour and melancholy all mixed together very well and for the first few seasons it was a show I thought I'd never get tired of.

Over time, it just didn't make me feel the same way that it used to. The music started to sound more whiny, the characters got more annoying, JD's fantasies started to grate and some of the sadder aspects just flat-out pissed me off. Around the time of the 6th season I was watching it less and less and gave up on the new ones shortly after. Now and then if I catch an earlier episode on tv I'll watch it for a little while, but it's no longer a show I feel I have to catch if it's on.
another one would be Full House I have seriouslly watched every episode of Full House at least 5 times now I just rather watch something I never saw before. I remember I use to like religously watch Raw and Smackdown as a kid now a days I don't really care if I miss a show. The only show on television that never got stale is South Park. They have been around since 1997 and the writing always gets better and it's still is very funny. I grew up to South Park
How I Met Your Mother is my choice.

Yes, yes, I'm basically asking for red rep from some of the die-hards but, truth of the matter is that I just don't find it funny, anymore. Take the last episode I watched, ''Tailgate.'' I laughed once. That's the problem with HIMYM, at the moment, there is too much focus on the on-going love between Barney and Robin and Marshall and Lily's pregnancy, which leads to more serious scenes. This, I'm fine with, but, when the serious scene out-weigh the funny ones and you're watching a comedy, things aren't going well.

It's a shame, really. I used to swear by HIMYM but, this season has taken it all out of me. I used to love the slap countdowns, the playbook and whatnot but, this season just seems lacking in moments like this. I used to use HIMYM as a break in between more dramatic shows but, with Community, Happy Endings and re-runs of Friends and Seinfeld being so much better, HIMYM is so meh now.
SNL I used to watch Saturday Night Live all the time. No matter who the guest was, I knew I was in for some funny stuff. I would even peek the reruns on Comedy Central from time to time. It did not matter what era or cast, I knew I was going to see something that would make me laugh my ass off.
Within the last ten years, my interest in the show has vanished. I don't know when the last time I saw a new episode of the show, and besides The Best of Adam Sandler DVD I have, I have not seen an old episode of the show in about two years.
I'm sure the show still has it's funny moments/cast members, but I just have no interest in the show at this time.

I was one of the few who found the show interesting all the way through the "Huddy" era. I remembered the exact moment I started finding the show uninteresting.

When House drove his car through Cuddy's living room, I didn't find myself as shocked as I should have been. Then the next season started off with House in jail. I kept watching, because I just wanted that sense of consistency, but goddamnit it, I don't care about either of the new doctors, I stopped caring about Chase, I never cared about Taub, and even Foreman is uninteresting to me now.

Remember those episodes everyone used to hate when Cuddy put Foreman in charge of House, for whatever reason? Yeah, every episode is that now.

I've kept watching, but only because I notice when I look at my DVR and see that it automatically recorded a new episode, but I don't think I'll be able to make through to the end of the season unless some serious shit goes down.
There's been quite a few shows I've given up on over the years. The main one I'll go with here is House. I was a huge fan of the show for the first several seasons, never missing an episode. It was a refreshing take on the medical drama. The main characters had great depth, and the writing was phenomenal. It was a refreshing alternative to E.R. which at that time had been well past it's prime.

Then the show started going down hill around season 4 or 5 in my opinion. The writing wasn't as compelling anymore. The cast changes didn't help any either. I started finding myself less interested in watching. I went from never missing an episode to erasing many unwatched episodes off my DVR. Until I eventually removed it off my list of things to record.
I'll agree with all of the choices for Family Guy. The first couple seasons were actual real humor with some great jokes. Then around season 4 or so it seems like they started getting even more edgy than they already were just for the sake of being edgy.

Other than that Heroes would be my pick. The first season was pure gold. Great interweaving story lines, everyone finding their powers and awesome character development. Then season 2 was cut short by the writers strike and season 3 was packed with way to many stories going on at once and the story was just all over the place. It was just too much happening at once. And this is coming from a guy who loved LOST so it's not like their was more than a couple stories going on and I couldn't focus, it's just that the stories were so grotesquely packed that there was no room for anything to flow or make sense. Plus they seemed to be running out of ideas around the end of season 3 forward. Or the ideas they found compelling weren't. Either way I stopped watching along with just about every other early era Heroes fans it would seem.
The Simpsons. As a kid, I watched it religiously. Like, every single day. Even up until a couple years ago I watched the re-runs and even the new episodes on Sunday. But, it's just gotten soooo stale. Everything seems the same. A celebrity guest does something shocking. woo. Most episodes are about Bart and Lisa instead of Homer. It all seems so tiresome to me.
Great thread here. If I had to go with one show, I'd pick NCIS.

NCIS used to be one of my favorite shows, and must watch TV on Tuesday nights. But I can't get involved in the characters anymore, as none of them have evolved in any significant way. I was all about the show during its early years with Sasha Alexander, who played Kate, and was disapointed when she decided to leave the show and was killed off to try her hand in movies.

Cote de Pablo was an adequate replacement, at first. But they've played off the sexual tension between her and DiNozzo for 6 seasons now, and while it's nearing a payoff, I don't care anymore. They simply replaced the tension he had with Kate with Ziva, and it hasn't worked for me. I do appreciate the effort they're making in tying the tension into something more, finally, but why should I care? They've teased it so many times that its payoff, if it happens, is bound to be a letdown.

Ducky, McGee, Abby, and even Gibbs feel stale to me at this point. As people get older, and TV shows mature, so do the characters. But Gibbs is still the grumpy old fatherly figure who goes through one woman after another and slaps people on the back of the head. Ducky still tells outrageously boring stories before getting to the point. McGee is as bland and boring as a character on any TV show Ive seen in some time, and Abby still mainlines caffeine. But what have we learned about them, or their personal lives? The only investments seem to be in Tony and Ziva, and that's gotten old to me.

The show used to be a must-watch for me and my wife on Tuesday nights. My wife still does watch every Tuesday, and I'll watch with her if I'm bored. But I, I just can't get into it, and the individual storyline plots for each episode don't even interest me much anymore. It feels like they've simply tweaked plots from past episodes and rehashed them, and even the plot twists don't seem exciting anymore.

I know it's the number one rated show on TV and all, but I lost interest in it several years ago, and try as I may, I can't get back into it.
Burn Notice
I watched every episode for the first 5 seasons??? (fuck I've lost count of how long its been on) but every season ends with the same type of cliff hanger that never results in a really resolving anything from the previous seasons. The show may be off the air by now, but fuck I couldn't take it anymore.

I still enjoy the show, but they've taken the character of House to every possible limit they could. He's been in jail, he's been in a mental hospital, he's died, he's almost died... so on and so forth. Although I hate to see the series end (knowing that this is the last season) It probably should have ended after the 7th season when he ran off to a beach destination.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I loved this show, absolutely fucking loved every minute of the first 4 seasons of this show. The first 3 were amazing. The 4th was good, the 5th was good but overkill, the 6th and 7th were complete shit. Its sad that Sarah Michelle Gellar said after season 5 she wanted to be done, but they pushed for a 6th and 7th season.

The UK version, not the US version that came out last year.

What a wonderful show it was at first, focusing on working class life in Manchester, with Frank Gallagher becoming one of the biggest cult characters of all time. It was hilarious, cringeworthy and realistic all at the same time, and got better after the 1st series with the addition of the local gangsters, the McGuire family. Some of the episodes are absolutely fantastic.

But, every show has a lifespan, and after about series 6 the episodes became more and more ridiculous, with murders, kidnappings and many of the original cast leaving the show and being replaced by lesser characters. The last series I watched was number 8 I think, and it was pretty poor. I havent even bothered with the current series, which is something I would never have done a few years ago.

I tried Shameless US, and it was AWFUL. A blatant rip off (almost word for word) of the UK series, but worse. I couldn't buy William H Macy as Frank Gallagher, it just didn't work for me at all.

The UK version

I started watching the first season when I was at the hormonal age of 16. So of course any TV show with people around my age group drinking loads, experimenting with drugs and having loads of sex is going to appeal to me and for a while it did (I enjoyed the first and second seasons)

But then I started watching the third series (where they changed characters) and it just seemed more of the same, I was able to actually predict plot points before they even happened (the first two seasons had a gay guy, I guessed there would be a lesbian in series 3 and 4 and I was right) and it was essentially the same storylines tweaked for the new characters and all the drinking sex and drugs was actually boring me. It didn't help that this carried on into the 5th (and 6th series which is on now)

Another thing is all the characters are walking stereotypes and generally just unlikeable (this can be applied to a lesser extent the first two seasons) and it makes me wonder why I liked it in the first place and the only thing I can fathom is how old I was when it first came out.

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