[Turning Point] Crimson v. Matt Morgan


Lord And Master
Staff member
Turing Point 2011
Crimson v. Matt Morgan
Grudge Match






The irresistible force meets the immovable object as the undefeated Crimson set's to clash against the DNA of TNA Matt Morgan. After a few months of having a loose affiliation, they decide to face each other to prove who's better. Can Morgan end this streak? Or will Crimson pick up his biggest win yet?

I can't pick one here. On one side, Morgan should be winning a lot. He just has that build. But at the same time, Crimson's streak is building a bit. Killing it might kill him. I can't pick.
Samoa Joe interference? Double count-out?

It's hard to pick a winner in this as Morgan does need to pick up some momentum but I can't see Crimson's streak ending yet. Ordinarily I would think Crimson going over Morgan would be a good move, but Morgan hasn't had many matches recently so there's a bit of a difference between going over a dominant Morgan rather than a returning one.

Probably Crimson.
Crimson, because he seems to have something for him right now, and Morgan don't.
If Morgan wins, what happens? Nothing really. Crimson may end up being buried, and Morgan will continue to fight in a Mid-card with no true title.

So my pick is Crimson.
Crimson still hasn't lost a match in TNA/IW. I also do not see him losing anything for a while, which pisses me off. He's not even that interesting. Morgan is huge and obviously has the confidence to challenge Crimson to this match, so he must believe he can win it. Does Crimson's streak still matter? Yes, sort of, it has gone on for-fucking-ever and I'm getting tired of it and to be honest, Morgan REALLY needs a kick up the backside lately to get that push back up there, he's been faltering in my eyes.

So, I'd love to see Morgan win this one, for a change, to put Crimson into the real world & end that streak.
i think both of them is pretty good.the only problem i have is that morgan claiming to be the best big man/7footer in any organization!now i know that all the big men /7footers in wwe, are older, but come on! who did he beat in big match situations?did he beat big show,no, did he beat kane,no,hell, he didnt even beat nash when he was in tna/iw he didnt beat jeff hardy, angle,sting,or old ass hogan.and dont get me started.HE HASNT EVEN BET TAKER!so before you call yourself the best,you have to beat the best in big time matches,and matt morgan hasnt. so with that being said, i pick crimson
I love this match up, I love both guys and I think it's kind of cool to just see them face each other to prove who the better man is, no hate over some stupid reason, just proving who the better man is in battle. Morgan could really use the win here but I simply cannot see Crimson losing right now. I'm actually kind of hoping that Samoa Joe interferes just so neither of them really have to lose, and it is very possible after we saw Joe talking to Sting last night backstage, I just have a feeling about it. If he doesn't though, again I cannot see Crimson losing right now so I say Crimson takes it. It's gonna be a hell of a match though and I can't wait to see these two clash.
Don't think Morgan will gain as much as Crimson should he win so I expect/hope TNA go with the most logical choice here.
I'd rather not see either of these guys lose. Morgan is a guy who should be winning more matches than he's been winning lately but if he beats Crimson, then he ends the streak and I don't think it's time for that yet. I see it playing out with Samoa Joe interfering so that neither of these guys lose. Whether that's double countout or Joe attacking Crimson causing him to win by DQ, I just don't see a clean win for either of these guys here. But should a clean win happen with no interference from Joe, then my pick is Crimson.
Hopefully this is going to be the start of an extended program between Crimson and Morgan. I'm interested in seeing what kind of a rivalry these two could have. This could also be the start of a new direction for Crimson (character wise) and I thought the way he acted towards Morgan during their promo the other week came off really well. This guy should not back down from anyone and should be getting in the face of anyone he likes.

I think Crimson will/should get the win in this one. I'd personally like to see Morgan make it his mission to end the streak, coming up short for a few months, and then finally ending it. If TNA do go with Crimson/Morgan for a while, that could work it's way up to the semi main event spot IMO. Extended programs don't seem to happen that often in wrestling these days though so I'm not holding my breathe. Crimson will probably win and move on. Anyway Crimson for the win.
This might be good. Crimson still has his streak so it is unlikely for Morgan to pick up the win but I would not mind seeing this feud continue. I can see Morgan coming close to winning several times but ultimately coming up short and Crimson will walk out with his streak intact because he needs to keep winning and become a bigger deal using his streak. Morgan's frustration in not ending the streak can then be used as a reason for him to demand a rematch. Or both guys move on to random filler feuds. Should be an ok match regardless.

Crimson will defeat Matt Morgan
This is another match I care absolutely nothing about. Like a lot of people, I've never really rallied behind Crimson and his undefeated streak. He just comes across to me as someone TNA has shoved down everyone's throats whether they're interested in what he's doing or not. He's pretty decent inside the ring, I'm not at all impressed with him on the mic and his undefeated streak just simply doesn't come off as all that impressive. A lot of people have compared what TNA has tried to do with Crimson to what WCW did with Goldberg. Goldberg's streak in and of itself if highly overrated because the vast majority of his opponents that built up his streak were jobbers he slaughtered in 2 minutes or less. But, Goldberg had the look, the presence, the entrance music, the intensity and the streak wasn't necessarily something that was planned. With Crimson, it was obvious that TNA set out to try and make this guy a huge deal with every step planned from the start.

When it comes to Matt Morgan, he seems to be in a continuous pattern in TNA. The pattern goes like this: TNA steadily builds him up over a good period of time, heavily pushes him as a possible main eventer & contender for the TNA WHC, sometimes even give him a few shots at the title, then start all back over with him when the cycle ends. A week after his program with Jeff Hardy ended last year, Morgan was right back in the low undercard starting all back over again.

They could have a solid big man match and I'm going with Morgan for the win. I think TNA has milked all they're going to be able to get out of Crimson's undefeated streak. He's just not getting over with it to nearly the degree TNA wants and it's just getting dull.
Either Morgan or Crimson to turn heel in this victory over the DNA of TNA which will lead to a series with Morgan determined to be the guy to be the first guy to defeat him. Crimson isn't over as a face, so he might be the more likely to go heel on paper. However, a strong series against an increasingly heelish Morgan could possibly be the way to get Crimson over as a face.
I don't know on this one, my gut tells me that since Samoa Joe don't have anything going on for this ppv that he will get involved in this match some how causing a dq or no contest, if not that then a time limit draw cause I can't see either one of them losing this match cleanly. Having Joe interfere keeps him involved in some sort of fued.

I think the time limit draw would be the better way to go and would make future matches with these two more interesting with neither getting the upper hand over the other causing them to gain a major amount of respect for eachother that they form a friendship and tagteam then go on to dominate what little tag division TNA has left.
This is certain to disappoint me. Crimson's push to nowhere has yet to resonate with me while Morgan is a real favourite of mine. Unfortunately, the priorities of decision makers in this match will be the reverse of what interests me. Crimson will win while Morgan goes back to limbo because... well, that's just what happens.

Crimson better start blowing up soon. Justifying his push is going to become harder if as time goes on, he seems as static as he does now. TNA really needs to find a way to add some urgency to the streak and make it seem like he's in real jeopardy. Putting him against Morgan doesn't do that because as good as Morgan is, nobody believes in TNA's ability to follow through with him. TNA needs to go all-in with Crimson against Hardy, Sting, Angle, or anyone else who happens to have some real juice. That's what's going to show us if there's really anything here or if Crimson is just a product of TNA's desperation for a Bill Goldberg type.
the streak will live on crimson will defeat matt morgan and add another name to the people hes beaten and then maybe after the match morgan turns heel when crimson trys to shake his hand? idk something tells me morgan loses and turns heel so these 2 can fued for awhile

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