Matt Morgan: Time To Move?

I dnt even watch tna i just youtube morgans matches he's really the only oerson in tna that i like.. I hope he goes back to wwe and can become bigger and better. Also going off the results i read of tna they will never be anywhere close to wwe vince should just put them out of there misery and buy them out get kurt angle and morgan back to wwe and kick everyone else to the curb
I dnt even watch tna i just youtube morgans matches he's really the only oerson in tna that i like.. I hope he goes back to wwe and can become bigger and better. Also going off the results i read of tna they will never be anywhere close to wwe vince should just put them out of there misery and buy them out get kurt angle and morgan back to wwe and kick everyone else to the curb

Not gonna happen, Vince has said himself that TNA needs to succeed otherwise they would have no competitor.. Competition ensures better quality, the brand that is better will draw the most people in, buying up all the small companies and bringing over the wrestlers would eliminate the competition and the WWE would actually lose ratings, this happened after WCW and ECW got bought out, WWE steadily started to decline in ratings, right after the attitude era..

I work at a grocery store at Safeway and we have to compete with Kroger for the most part, Kroger takes in more customers, has more employees, more stores.. Safeway takes in more profit, we have less employees, less customers and higher prices. We have to compete with Kroger to be the better grocery store and thus we have to try and have the best quality.. If we eliminated our competition then we're going to lose that quality since there is nobody to compete with.. This would cause some disruption and would do more harm than good..

Look at Wal-Mart.. Big ass monopoly, you walk in and its trash, the people are trash, service stinks, the quality is horrible, it is a zoo inside, employees are treated like trash.. Never, ever shop there.
To be honest, there are good arguments for both cases. For the record, Matt wouldn't be put back to his 'stutter' gimmick if he were to return. WWE seems to have moved slightly on from really, REALLY shit gimmicks.

However, we have to consider a couple of things.

1. Would Matt make it? I know that he is a very, VERY good talent. For a big guy, he is superb. But is he better than guys on WWE's roster? Whoere would you honestly think he would fit? Now, if Morgan was now a regular main eventer and former world champion in TNA, I would say that there is a strong chance, should he make the jump, that he would at the very least make it to WWE's upper midcard. But he isn't. He's main-evented a number of times. He's won the tag titles. Maybe there's a reason for that. And think, if TNA doesn't want to give him a world title run, would WWE?

2. Would WWE want him? If he did go back, where would they place him? Re-debut him like they did R-Truth (K-Kwik)? Reference his previous run and keep him the same guy, as with Christian and Jeff Hardy? Either way, he'd be in the midcard to begin with. So he'd be with guys like Ziggler, Ryder, Swagger, Miz, Barrett, Rhodes, Kofi, etc. Morgan's name in there would be a cool addition, but would he then be able to progress further, bearing in mind the amount of WWE-bred talent that is already there before him?

3. Has he missed the boat? I can't remember the thread or the poster that this point was made in, and I'm sure this has been brought up in here, but it's a point that I think is very key to Morgan's future progress. As I mentioned, Morgan has headlined a few PPV's and has beaten world champions, and has had title matches, but has never won it. Why? Does TNA not have faith in him? Or do they have faith until the last minute, and change their minds and go with the 'safer' bet of having either a champion retain or someone more 'established' win.

As much as I am a fan of Morgan, my belief is that if he was going to be both a world champion and a main palyer in TNA, it would have already happened. He may win the world title soon, and maybe it will ctapult Morgan to a new level, but I just get the impression that he could and should have achieved more by now. I won't say he's been wasted; look at his TNA run compared to his WWE run and you'll know that he's been used a million times better over on Impact. But that doesn't mean that he has been used to his full potential. He hasn't in my opinion.

But he's better off there than in WWE. He isn't like Christian or Jeff; a decent sized star when he left transitioned into a bigger star in TNA. He's been made in TNA. And we've yet to see a guy who has been solely established as a main player in TNA get a run in WWE to the top. And I don't think we're about to.

Either way, I think Morgan is too loyal to TNA for proving that he can be a serious player in a wrestling company. So whetehr it's the right thing for him to do or the wrong thing, my money is on that it will not happen.
Matt Morgan is talented and capable enough to make it VERY far in the WWE. He fits exactly what they want. Big guy, marketable, can talk, seems like a nice guy, wants to do movies. I can see Morgan Main Eventing a WWE show. I can also see him Main Eventing a TNA show. He's just that good. A proper storyline and boom - it's World Title time.

Personally, I've never been a fan of big guys. I'm more inclined to root after a small, charismatic HBK-ish guy. So whether Morgan stays or ditches TNA is really irrelevant. I just hope that wherever he goes and whatever he does, he gets a World Title run. He needs a defining moment.

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