Trying to Grow a Beard for the First Time

Turd Ferguson

Its not panning out. I can't grow facial hair in places where it should be connecting.

My beard is weird :(

Use this thread for Beard Talk.
The 5 o'clock shadow always looks pretty solid. Like you don't give a fuck, but you really secretly spend hours making sure it looks perfect.
Where's Theo when you need him

You rang?

My beard is odd I guess. Can't grow a solid stache, but the one I have now is the best its been and it must be working as people noticed it (though it ain't nothing to brag about). Best bet is to shave often and it'll grow back at a quicker rate and should come in more full than before after doing the process for a good amount of time. That's how I handled my mustache and it came back quicker and a bit more full each time around.

And Nate, your beard does fucking rock bro.
Bald patches and lack of connective regions is something that happens to some men, and is usually genetic. I know this because I am also currently growing a beard, and have a bald spot under my chin, a mustache that refuses to grow, and no possibility of a goatee because the connective region between the mustache and chin is nonexistent.

I've heard that lack of testosterone could cause these problems (the 20 odds of today have less testosterone than their fathers, mostly because of red meat having estrogen based hormone in it), so potentially talk to a doctor about that possibility, if you care enough.

The basic strategy to growing a beard is to let it go, without interference, for six weeks-two months. Take stock of it there. Trim it to what you want, or let it keep going if you want something big. I'm going to see if mine will get any longer, and attempt a braid if I can. Right now it's a bushy chin curtain, which I also like.
Yeah, my job prohibits the beard, and the goatee, but allows for soul-patches. Guess who looks like a douche most of the time?
I don't mean to grow a beard most of the time, I just genuinely forget that I haven't shaved recently until I wake up one morning and it's like 'GOOD MORNING OSAMA'.

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